home · Installation · When to plant flowers for seedlings. Spring sowing - when to plant what and how to plant it When to plant what in the garden

When to plant flowers for seedlings. Spring sowing - when to plant what and how to plant it When to plant what in the garden

For an avid gardener, growing seedlings is an amazing and exciting process.

Solving the most important questions: what type of crop to plant, what soil to choose as the basis for the planting mixture, at what time to cut off grown sprouts and many other issues give the gardener great pleasure.

What plants should be sown in seedlings?

As we know, seeds can be planted in open ground or sow seedlings with further transfer of seedlings to open ground.

Strong seedlings.

Seeds planted in open ground have a significantly lower germination rate than seeds sown for seedlings. More dangers await them. This includes the unpredictability of the weather, insects eating seeds, weeds and many other dangers.

Garden crops grown through seedlings allow harvesting at an earlier date. In regions with harsh climates horticultural crops with a longer period of development and growth can be grown exclusively by sowing seedlings. These include tomatoes, various varieties peppers, demanding eggplants, and other crops.

In addition, through seedlings you can reproduce the variety of crop you desire, which is difficult to find in specialized stores.

Favorable days

Even ancient gardeners found a relationship between the lunar phases and the speed of plant development. Modern science confirmed the dependence of plant growth on lunar phases and the ability of plants to attract or repel water molecules while in certain phases of the moon.

The period of the Moon's revolution around our planet is divided into four phases. The gravitational force of the Moon on Earth during the new and full moon periods is the same. It is on these days that the lunar attraction promotes intensive plant growth.

There is a heavy influx nutrients to the tops of plants. But let us note that During the full moon, plants receive more light. Therefore, the process of photosynthesis does not stop, promoting the development of the above-ground parts of plants.

Boarding process peat tablets.

The basic rule is that after the new moon period we plant garden crops with ground fruits, and after full moon we plant crops with underground fruits.

For gardeners who draw up a sowing plan taking into account the lunar phases, there is a basic rule: do not plant anything on the full moon itself and the two days closest to it. Also, on the new moon and the next couple of days it is not advisable to plant root crops.

Dependence of landing time on region

Vegetable crops for the most part come from countries with mild climates, where the frost-free period lasts all year round. In such a climate, plants in open ground go through their entire development cycle.

The time for planting seeds for seedlings depends on the duration of the frost-free period in the region, because the plant should preferably complete its development in open ground.

In the Ural and Siberian zones The frost-free period is only 65 days. The frost-free period begins at the beginning of June. Frosts begin in October.

As for more southern regions , for example, Belarus, then here the number of frost-free days reaches 180. The frost-free period begins at the beginning of April. In this region, it is possible to transplant seedlings into open ground much earlier than in areas located in the northern and central parts.

What and when should I start planting at home?

The date of planting the seeds is directly related to the period of development of a particular plant. The moment the seeds are planted in the soil is the beginning of the growing season. In our latitudes, the number of warm days necessary for the full development cycle of many plants is limited. Therefore, for most cultures vegetation cycle begins on the windowsill of our houses.

Before planting in open ground.

The duration of the development period is different not only for different types of crops, but also different for different varieties of the same crop. Now breeders for gardeners northern latitudes Many early ripening varieties with a shortened development period have been bred. The period of crop development is usually indicated in the accompanying annotation to the planting rules.

Vegetable sowing dates: schedule

For greater clarity, we present a table indicating the timing of planting seedlings of the most common vegetables. The periods are indicated for planting vegetable seeds in central Russia. To determine the exact time of planting seeds in other parts of Russia, the table must be adjusted to suit the climate corresponding to them.

Time for sowing vegetable seedlings:

Sowing table for annual and perennial flowers

Seeds of flower plants must be sown for seedlings in their own time periods, which differ from the periods of planting vegetables. The sowing dates for some flower plants are given in the table below.

Picked seedlings.

Timing for planting seedlings flower crops:

Name Seed planting period Appearance of first shoots (days)
Begonia everblooming December - January 20
Verbena garden March, April 10-12
Carnation January February 5-10
Heliotrope January February 15-21
Summer dahlia March 10-12
Sweet pea February 5-115
Calendula April May 5-15
Space is twice cirrus March, April 10-12
Mathiolla February March 3-6
Lobelia Erinus February March 5-7
Mimulus January February 10-12
Nasturtium April May 10-14
Forget-me-not Chinese March, April 12-14
Petunia March 7-10
Rodochiton March, April 20-30
Rudbeckia March, April 12-14
Sweet tobacco March 15-20
Marigold March 7-10
Zinnia April 8-10

It is necessary to understand that the germination of sprouts is directly related to many factors. This includes temperature, grouping of seed planting, size of the selected container for planting and many other factors.

How to grow peppers?

We start sowing seeds for seedlings around March 10-20. Before planting, seeds are disinfected in weak solution potassium permanganate. Seeds must sprout before they begin to bury them in the soil. To do this, the seeds are left in a well-moistened cloth for 7-14 days in a warm and dark place.

Plants planted in a garden bed.

The planting container must be disinfected. The soil can be used either purchased or made independently. The sprouted seeds should be carefully laid out with tweezers at a distance of 2 centimeters from each other.

After cutting through the sprouts, we transfer the container to the windowsill; the pepper loves light and warmth. Before transplanting peppers to open space it is docked without deepening twice. Feed pepper seedlings twice, one and a half to two weeks after picking.

Tomato seeds

It should be planted on the twentieth of March. It is advisable to soak the seeds in water before planting. To do this, you can take an ordinary saucer. Pour water into it, lay out the seeds, cover with a clean cloth. Seeds must be soaked for 10-12 hours, but no more than 24 hours.

Then we fill the disinfected container with the previously prepared special mixture for tomatoes. The mixture should be sufficiently moistened. Seeds are planted at a distance of two centimeters from each other. The planting depth is no more than one and a half centimeters. Cupping is done when the plant has two leaves. They are docked without deepening.

Remember, tomatoes love light and warmth, but do not like excess moisture.


belong to a very demanding culture. Seeds for seedlings are planted on the twentieth of March. The soil should be neutral, loose and fertile. The container is filled with soil mixture approximately 20-24 hours before planting. The soil mixture is well moistened.

Before planting, the seeds are disinfected. Then wrap it in two layers of moistened wipes. For seven days at night we store in a cold place, such as a refrigerator, during the day at room temperature.

Additional illumination of seedlings on the window.

After seven days, soak for twenty minutes in melt water with the addition of a growth stimulator. Dry until crumbly and plant in the soil to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. We crop at the stage of development of two leaves. We water the seedlings every 5-6 days.

Growing cabbage

White cabbage seedlings should be planted in early April. Before planting, be sure to neutralize the seeds. Sown seeds must be well moistened before germination. After the seedlings appear, they are thinned out. The distance between the sprouts should be at least two centimeters.

Two weeks after harvesting, the seedlings are planted deeper. After another two weeks they are transplanted again. The distance between the sprouts should be at least five centimeters. Daylight not enough cabbage. Seedlings need additional lighting.

Optimal temperature for growing cabbage seedlings within 18-20°C.

Cucumbers for the garden

Cucumber seedlings are planted between May 5-10. Before planting in the ground, crop seeds require pre-treatment. First, soak them in a solution of three percent table salt. You can plant those that remain at the bottom of the container.


The period during which the main planting work occurs is considered to be spring. However, it is still worthwhile to prepare for this season. At this time, the pre-sowing treatment of asters and the placement of coniferous seeds for stratification begins. Place the aster seeds in a container with soil mixture and cover it under the snow until March. If you are going to grow spruce or pine from seeds, place them in damp sand and put the container in a room with a temperature no higher than three degrees until April.

The second half of March is suitable for sowing tomatoes and sweet Bulgarian, if you are going to grow these crops seedling method followed by planting in open ground. Before placing the seeds in a container with soil mixture, soak them for ten to fifteen minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The seedlings sown at this time will appear before the daylight hours become long enough for normal plant development. To avoid this, use a fluorescent lamp for illumination.

If you grow cucumbers in seedlings, at the beginning of April, soak the seeds for fifteen minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, rinse with running water and germinate by placing them in a damp cloth. After the first roots appear, plant the seeds in a container with soil mixture and place in a well-lit place. If you are growing aster seedlings without prior stratification, sow them in a container with soil mixture in April.

In April, plums, cherries, apple trees, pears and other seedlings purchased from a nursery in early spring or dug in in the fall can be planted in thawed ground. Place plants in prepared autumn planting pits, straighten the roots and sprinkle them with fertile soil. The same time is suitable for disembarkation ornamental shrubs.

At the end of April, loosen the bed prepared in the fall for spring garlic and plant the cloves in the ground.

At the end of April or closer to the beginning of May, when the soil thaws and dries, plant potato tubers in the soil prepared in the fall. After the threat of frost has passed, seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers can be transplanted into open ground. When starting work, make sure that the soil has had time to warm up to fifteen degrees.

At the beginning of August or the very end of July, arrange a bed for garden strawberries, the harvest from which you plan to obtain next year. As planting material You can take advantage of well-developed rosettes formed on mature bushes.

Closer to autumn, when the soil temperature is no higher than ten degrees, plant tulip bulbs in the ground. In September and early October, the time comes to plant winter garlic. The same period can be used for planting winter-hardy fruit trees and shrubs.


The dates are given for central Russia.

Helpful advice

If you want to grow tomato or pepper seedlings and then plant them in a greenhouse, move the timing of sowing the seeds 2 weeks earlier.

Related article

Tip 2: Why do you need a lunar calendar when working in the garden?

A lunar calendar is a calendar compiled taking into account changes in lunar phases or rhythms (the synodic month of the Moon). It contains tables with favorable and unfavorable days for carrying out various types of agricultural work.

Growing seedlings of vegetable and flower crops, caring for fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as work related to preparing the soil for seasonal cultivation, all this can be found in this calendar.

In the lunar calendar, days are marked according to the passage of the Moon through the signs of the Zodiac that are fruitfully suitable for work and vice versa.

What every vegetable gardener needs to know

To reap a good harvest, it is important to know:
- favorable days for sowing seedlings and transplanting them
- time to control plant pests
- the most effective time to feed plants
- schedule of agrotechnical activities

The influence of the Moon on the processes occurring on Earth is quite obvious. These are the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, periodic fluctuations in sea level, changes magnetic field Earth. And since in nature all processes are interconnected, certain cyclic processes also occur in living organisms under the influence of the Earth’s satellite.

The movement of juices within plants depends in part on atmospheric pressure. Moon month lasts 29.5 days, which is shorter than the calendar; during this period the Moon goes through 4 phases: new moon; Waxing Crescent; full moon; waning moon. The waxing Moon has a beneficial effect on active growth The above-ground parts of plants are leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. The waning moon has an influence on the underground parts - roots, bulbs and tubers.

During the periods of new moon and full moon, living organisms are especially vulnerable.

The influence of lunar phases on plants.

During the waxing moon, the life processes of plant roots slow down. This is a beneficial time for cultivating the soil, loosening it, as well as for... Trimming and grafting at this time is not recommended, so as not to injure aboveground part trees, shrubs, climbing plants. During this period you need greens, leafy vegetables And fruit plants, sow lawn grass.

During the period of the waning moon, vital processes are activated in the underground part of plants and roots, and intensive root formation occurs. Active watering with the use of biogrowth stimulants is necessary for plants during this period. Now is the time for pruning, grafting, and plants.

Planting root crops, potatoes, onions, thinning dense seedlings and weed control are the main work during this period. Can be planted berry bushes, because strong is healthy root system determines a good harvest.

Full and new moon days are considered unfavorable for any kind of work with plants.

On the day of the full moon and in the first 2 days after it, it is recommended to pick berries and fruits. 1 day before the new moon and 1 day after it they destroy garden pests, removal of wild growth and diseased plants.


  • Moon calendar

In order for the garden to please you with a good harvest, it is important to follow the agricultural techniques for growing vegetables and herbs. Crop cultivation activities begin with the selection of seeds, their preparation and compliance with planting dates.

You will need

  • - vegetable seeds;
  • - prepared soil;
  • - pots for seedlings;
  • - gardening Tools.


They are grown in the central part and in the north of Russia through seedlings, since they have a very long growth period from planting to fruit appearance. The time for sowing eggplant seedlings for subsequent planting in a greenhouse is the end of February. Eggplants do not grow in open ground before the middle March and then under film.

The culture is cold-resistant, so lettuce seeds can be planted in early spring and winter sowing. When sowing in early spring, a film cover is necessary, this will speed up the production of the first harvest. The growth period of cabbage varieties is from 50 to 80 days. Grown through seedlings, all types of lettuce produce a higher quality harvest at an earlier date.

It is better to sow dill little by little, but every two weeks. Then fresh herbs will always be on the table. The timing of sowing dill seeds depends on temperature conditions. For the harvest, you can carry out the first sowing in early April, under film. Usually, dill is sown in open ground, directly on the garden bed, in the third ten days of April.

Seeds can germinate at low temperatures, and the plant can withstand even short-term frosts. Usually sowing is done in early spring, but winter sowing also gives good results.

Usually grown in open ground, since the crop is unpretentious and not very sensitive to temperature. With the seedling method, the harvest appears 1-2 weeks earlier than usual. Sowing of zucchini seeds for seedlings begins in the second ten days of April. Sow into the ground in May.

As a fairly cold-resistant plant, carrots can withstand low temperatures. Therefore, sowing carrot seeds can be done both before winter and in spring, starting in March.

Cucumbers can be sown in open ground or grown as seedlings. For ground sowing, it is necessary to wait until the soil begins to warm up to +18...20°C during the day. This happens at the very end of May.

Preparing tomato seeds for sowing as seedlings should begin quite early - in early February. Sow tomato seeds in pots in early March. Tomatoes are sown with seeds in the ground at the end of April.

Helpful advice

Additionally, in June, you can carry out a second planting cycle of parsley in order to get another harvest of greenery before autumn.

The use of lunar calendars in the country gives rise to controversy around their appropriateness: some summer residents claim that the position of the Moon at the time of sowing serves as the main measure of good yield, others are skeptical about this.

You will need

  • - moon calendar;
  • - online service.


The fact that the Moon influences most of the processes occurring in nature on Earth has long been proven: the gravitational force of the Moon affects sea ​​tides and low tides, scientists have determined the influence of this Earth satellite on changes in the electromagnetic field of our planet. Based on this, the influence of the Moon on all living organisms inhabiting the Earth does not seem like a fantasy.

It is believed that depending on the phase of the moon, its influence on flora and fauna changes. In addition, the Moon passes through all the signs of the Zodiac in the sky, in each of them acquiring special qualities inherent to them. The waxing Moon affects the rapid growth of the above-ground parts of plants, and the waning Moon affects the root system, tubers and bulbs. During the new and full moon periods, plants experience a certain amount of stress, they are more vulnerable to disease and are less susceptible to injury. During this period, gardening work is not recommended.

On the waxing Moon, work with the root system and soil is encouraged: during this period, the root system is less susceptible to damage, and therefore tolerates replanting more easily. During this period, you should not prune or graft plants - life processes in leaves and stems are accelerated, and damage to them can negatively affect the condition of the plants. During this period, you need to plant plants with greenery, flowers, and herbs. When the Moon is waning, you cannot do anything that causes injury to the roots, but you can carry out pruning, weeding and thinning of seedlings. At this time, you can plant potatoes and other root crops.

The zodiac is divided into four elements: the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). When the Moon passes through water signs, you should not harvest crops - they will not be stored for long, planting during this period will give a rich harvest, but these should not be root crops, but green crops, spices, cabbage.

With the Earth's Moon opposite, harvested will be stored for a long time. This time is favorable for planting, picking, and hilling root crops. The Fire Moon is favorable for fertilizing and treating plants against diseases and pests. Damage caused to plants during this period does not heal well. It is not recommended to plant plants during this period - this barren signs, good harvest won't be able to get it. The air Moon is neutral - during this period all work on planting, processing and harvesting can be carried out.

As you can see, the Lunar Calendar has a right to exist, which is why many gardeners consult the Moon. Knowing the basic principles of constructing the Lunar Calendar, it is advisable to compile it yourself, since in magazines data about the Moon is often printed with offset dates and times. Such calendars are more intended for entertainment; you should not trust them recklessly.

It is better to use serious sources about the phases of the moon, if they are at hand. You can also find many services on the Internet where you can find out the phase of the Moon and its sign up to the minute. If this method is also not available, you can use a tear-off calendar, where all the data related to the Moon is indicated in detail.

The question of when to plant certain crops for seedlings is most often asked by beginning gardeners. After all, due to ignorance, you can be late with planting and ultimately lose part of the harvest. In general, the timing of sowing seeds should be calculated according to two indicators:

  • the period from the beginning of sowing to planting seedlings in the ground;
  • the period from the beginning of sowing to the beginning of fruiting.

For example, you can start harvesting mid-season tomato varieties 4 months after planting (120 days), and if you need to get a harvest from this crop in mid-summer, you should make simple calculations and sow on the required dates. So, to harvest vegetables on July 15-20, you need to count back 120 days (this is for mid-ripening varieties; to calculate early and late-ripening varieties, 100 and 140 days are taken as a basis, respectively), and also subtract about 10 more days (for germination and survival after transplants into the ground). In total, we find that seed planting should begin on March 8-13.

When planting seeds for seedlings, you should not lose sight of whether the crop will be grown in a greenhouse or in open ground in the future. For example, tomatoes from the moment of sowing until planting permanent place it takes about 60 days, middle lane In Russia, tomatoes can be planted in a greenhouse in mid-May, and in open ground - in early-mid June, from this we can conclude that planting of this particular crop can be started in mid-March - greenhouse varieties, in early-mid April - varieties for open ground.

Using the method described above, you can calculate when to plant seedlings, for example, peppers or eggplants. Both crops can be planted in a greenhouse in mid-May, and in open ground in early-mid June, however, about 90 days should pass from the moment of sowing until the moment of transplanting peppers, and 70 days for eggplants. From this we can conclude that that greenhouse peppers and eggplants should be planted in mid-February and early March, respectively, and varieties for open ground should be planted no earlier than early to mid-March and early April.

First, I will give a general algorithm for calculating when to sow seedlings not only in 2018, but also in any other year. To do this, open the calendar and count back from the planting date the optimal age of the seedlings plus another 3 to 10 days for germination. We check the resulting date with the lunar calendar. We choose a suitable day for sowing seedlings of vegetable crops and flowers, always on the waxing moon. If the sowing day falls on the waning moon, then it is better to postpone sowing for several days.

Now let’s calculate when to sow seedlings in 2018 using tomatoes as an example. Age ready seedlings by May 25, the moment of disembarkation - 40 days. Let's add 5 days for germination. Then the date for sowing seedlings - March 11 - falls on the third quarter of the lunar cycle. On the waning Moon it is good to sow root crops, so if you decide to grow celery seedlings, then March 11 is a favorable day for sowing. And we wait for the growing moon and sow tomatoes on March 20, 22 or 23, on the most favorable days of the lunar month.

Planting dates for other vegetable crops:

  • Eggplants and peppers - 55-60 days from germination plus 10 days from sowing to germination. In 2018, we sow from February 18 to March 1 or simultaneously with tomatoes.
  • Cucumbers, melons, watermelons, zucchini and pumpkins are planted at the age of 20-25 days, seedlings appear after 3 - 5 days. In 2018, we sow from March 24 to March 30 on window sills and from April 18 - in the ground in a greenhouse.
  • I don’t recommend sowing all types of cabbage on the windowsill at all. She is very sensitive to lack of light and excess heat. You won't get good seedlings at home.

Do not forget that seedlings of heat-loving plants are sensitive not only to heat and soil, but also to lack of lighting. When sowing in February and March, it is worth considering the possibility of additional lighting. Or shift the sowing time of some crops to April, when daylight hours become long enough and the sun becomes bright. Planted in open ground, later seedlings will take root more easily and will quickly catch up with those sown in March.

Flowers are a real decoration of the yard, which is why flower beds of various colors and shapes can be seen in almost any summer cottage. Growing these crops is no more difficult, and sometimes even easier, than cultivating fruit-bearing plants. But flowers provide an opportunity to get aesthetic pleasure from being in a summer cottage. How to grow them, what are the secrets of rich, lush flower beds? When to plant flowers and seedlings and how to make them grow strong and healthy?

Before you go to the store for seeds to start growing flower seedlings (after all, you really want to see beautiful flower beds), it is necessary to familiarize yourself with those varieties and species that require seedling cultivation. Indeed, in fact, many of the flower plants have time to grow and bloom during the summer simply from seeds sown in the ground.

So, both perennials and annual plants with a long growing season. They can also be planted as seedlings if the owner homestead farming dreams of blooming garden already at the beginning or middle of summer. In general, you can grow absolutely any flowers using seedlings if you want your dacha to look like a flower bed throughout the entire gardening season.

But there are plants that are sown to produce seedlings more often than other crops; in particular these are:

  • lobelia;
  • gerbera;
  • ageratum;
  • nasturtium;
  • marigold;
  • phlox;
  • begonia;
  • zinnia;
  • Snapdragon.

There are also other species and varieties that need to be grown in seedlings. In any case, for this you will need seeds, which can be collected with your own hands at the end of the last season or purchased at gardening stores. And here, too, you should not lose your vigilance: cunning sellers may try to slip you, as an inexperienced summer resident, low-quality material that may not grow at all. To prevent this from happening, carefully examine the seed packages and carefully read the expiration dates.

Snapdragon - seeds

On a note! It is best to buy flower seeds as fresh as possible - this way there is a greater chance that they will have good germination. Unfortunately, over time they lose this quality. Ideally, if the period for selling seeds ends no later than the end current year or the next one.

It is also advisable to make a choice in favor of those seed producers that you know at least something about. It is undesirable to purchase seedling material that is packaged in strange and damaged bags, even if they are offered at a deep discount.

It is also important to evaluate the growing conditions that the flowers you choose need. Familiarize yourself with these conditions and choose the crops that you can provide required quantity sun, shade, moisture, and also make them exactly the flowerbed in which they will be comfortable.

On a note! Lobelias and impatiens take root well in shaded areas. And nasturtiums, marigolds, and phlox are not afraid of short-term drought. A long-blooming flower is petunia, which can delight you every day and for a long time, and therefore is considered the queen of country flower beds.

General sowing rules

Any plant has its own requirements for growing conditions, but there are some general rules, which combine procedures for sowing seeds of any color. Majority experienced gardeners, of course, are familiar with these nuances, but a beginner will be interested to learn about them.

First, you should take care of the equipment that may be needed for a successful procedure. These are all kinds of containers for sowing seeds and planting seedlings. In order not to spend extra money, which, as we know, does not happen, you can take care of the containers in advance and have time to collect a lot of jars of food and drinks. These containers may well make good containers for flowers.

To water the soil with sown seeds, it is better to purchase a spray bottle - it will not wash out the soil or disturb the flower seeds, which are usually very small. Grown seedlings can also be watered with a watering can with a thin spout.

Watering can for flowers “Pumpkin”, 1 l

On a note! Before you sow your seeds, make sure you have labels with the names of the varieties you will be growing.

Preparing seeds, containers and soil for sowing

Before you start sowing seeds, you need to tidy up the container for the soil, the soil itself and prepare the seeds themselves. To begin with, all selected ones need to be holed, that is, a drainage system must be made - several holes must be pierced at the bottom of the containers through which excess moisture will flow out. If you are too lazy to do this, then you can buy ready-made pots for seedlings, of which a huge number are sold in stores. Then all jars and boxes should be thoroughly washed with soap and water, and then with soda solution.

On a note! It would be good if a layer of expanded clay was placed at the bottom of each jar or box as a drainage material.

Soil for seedlings must undergo a disinfection procedure. It can be steamed, calcined or spilled with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. After this, it is important to dry the soil well.

Flower seeds should be prepared for planting - disinfected. They are soaked for 12 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect the seed from various diseases. You can also carry out a stratification procedure - it will help speed up the process of the appearance of the first shoots. To do this, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours in clean water, and then the container with them should be put in the refrigerator for the same time. After this they are returned to warm room, and then back into the refrigerator. The procedure is carried out until the seeds begin to germinate.

On a note! This procedure will improve the plants' resistance to low air temperatures.

Because different types flowers may have different periods of growing season and the beginning of flowering, then it follows different time. You can find out when to sow seeds using the instructions, which are printed on each package of seedling material. But the table below will help you roughly navigate the timing.

Table. Time to plant flowers for seedlings.

MonthWhat we do

This month we sow the seeds of those flowers that take the longest to germinate and grow the slowest. For example, tuberous begonia blooms only six months after sowing, Shabot carnation produces its first flowers no earlier than 5-6 months. Also in January, those plants are sown whose seeds are subject to stratification without fail - these are clematis, aquilegia, gentians, princelings, irises, prolomnik, jeffersonia, perennial violet, lumbago, lavender, and most bulbous flowers. By the way, if begonia is sown in December or January, its tubers will be better formed and stored than those grown later, in March. Slow-germinating seeds with thick skins are also sown in January. This month you can plant sage and salvia, perennial daisy and other species.

Throughout February, flower seeds are sown, which germinate and grow for a long time. You can also plant those recommended for starting cultivation in January. They also sow fuchsia, pelargonium, balsam, and plants for loggias and baskets. February is the time to plant petunia, lobelia, salvia, lavender, heliotrope. Pay attention to the light requirements of seedlings - some of these crops require long daylight hours, which means that additional lighting will have to be arranged.

March flowers are verbena, echinacea, cleome, lobularia, iberis, bells, annual phlox, gillyflower, and iberisolia brachycoma. You can still have time to sow plants that are usually planted in February. At the beginning of the month, pelargoniums and coleus are sown, and at the end - penstemona, annual aster, ageratum, alyssum, helichrysum. Also, do not forget about marigolds and snapdragons - unpretentious, but beautiful flowers. And they bloom until the coldest weather.

In April it is too late to start sowing all the above flowers, but you can plant delphiniums, dahlias, scabiosa, helipterum, calendula, aquilegia, and amaranth. Sometimes you can still have time to plant March flowers - marigolds, ageratum, and annual aster.

It often comes to the aid of gardeners when determining when to sow seeds. It indicates favorable days for carrying out certain gardening work in accordance with lunar cycles. As you know, the Moon has a significant influence on all living organisms living on earth, including plants. For example, it is recommended to plant all bulbous plants during the waxing moon, but seed plants are planted during the full moon. However, if you plant the seeds on another day, no big disaster will happen. Perhaps the germination rate of the sprouts will be slightly lower, or maybe you won’t even notice that the seedlings feel a little worse. So special attention You don’t have to pay attention to the lunar calendar.

Planting seeds

Now let's get acquainted with step by step instructions for sowing flower seeds. There is nothing complicated here.

Step 1. Let's start with primrose seeds as one of the most commonly grown flower plant. Filling containers prepared for seedlings drainage material and treated soil, lightly tamp. After this, moisten it a little with a spray bottle.

Step 2. Open the bag of seeds and carefully take them on your finger (be careful - they are very small) and carefully, as if salting food, sprinkle them on the soil.

Step 3. We once again moisten the soil together with the seeds a little with water from a spray bottle.

Step 4. Cover the container with a lid or polyethylene. Don’t forget to write the name of the variety or type of flower on the container. Place the container in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for stratification for 3 weeks.

Date of publication: 02/10/2014

February is on the threshold of spring. And with a significant increase in days, gardeners begin to prepare for spring. It’s time to start growing seedlings, preparing seed potatoes for planting and, of course, replenishing the missing varieties of vegetable crops, repairing and renewing gardening equipment. It is necessary to repair the greenhouse frames in time, put together or correct the seed boxes. Buy gardening tools and materials for covering greenhouses and greenhouses from spring frosts- Shouldn’t we get them now?

In addition to big things, there are also small ones. One of the small tasks: warm up and dry the cucumber seeds. Hang bags of cucumber seeds near a radiator or near the stove. As the old masters believed, heated seeds germinate better.

The end of winter is the time to worry about the seeds. Every gardener usually has some old seeds left over. There is no need to throw them away: the seeds of many vegetable crops can remain viable for 4-8 years. For example, in tomato, cucumber, melon, watermelon, pumpkin, zucchini, squash. Seeds of cucumber, cabbage, and radish do not lose their germination for three to four years; a year older - beets, watermelon and pumpkins. Pea and corn seeds remain viable for 5 - 7 years. Many gardeners take cucumber and pumpkin seeds for sowing not in the first year. Better than the second or third, it is believed that they are more productive because they have more female flowers (for the ovary). This does not apply to hybrid varieties. In the third or fourth year, the sowing quality of cabbage, beets, radishes, eggplant, spinach, carrots, peppers, sorrel, peas and beans may decrease. After a year or two, the seeds of dill, parsley, spinach, parsnips, lettuce and onions may become ungerminating. They require careful testing for germination. But still, 50 - 70% seed germination is considered normal. In addition, seed germination depends not only on shelf life, but also on storage conditions.

In fact, for sowing, they stock up on varietal seeds in specialized stores. What usually confuses you when buying seeds? After all, there are many varieties of cucumbers or tomatoes. Don't get lost! Decide when and where you will sow: in a greenhouse or in the ground. Usually, the growing season and growing conditions are written on bags of seeds. Decide which variety you want - early ripening, mid ripening or late ripening. For example, tomatoes can be different lengths stem, may vary in shape and color of the fruit. Read the labels, don’t take everything, consult the seller. It is better to choose varieties that are local or more suitable for your area.

When growing vegetables, vegetable growers try to beat time - that is, beat the deadlines in order to get the harvest early. Therefore, there are those who are engaged in “sowing” even before the snow melts. How it's done? Glue the seeds onto paper strips. By rolling out paper rolls on prepared soil in the spring, you thereby free yourself from the labor-intensive work of sowing seeds - this operation was performed in winter in room conditions. Here is one of many examples of “sowing” cucumbers, carrots, turnips, and radishes. First, the seeds are checked for germination: one teaspoon of salt is dissolved in 1 glass of water. This solution is used to check. For some seeds (carrots, dill, lettuce, turnips), you need to help them get wet. They are placed in gauze, held under running water (room temperature) and then placed in saline solution. After 15 minutes, the floated, lightweight ones are thrown away, and the settled seeds are washed from salt in clean water and placed in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 minutes for disinfection. Then they dry it and after a day, glue the seeds onto paper with starch paste.

Starch paste is prepared as follows: half a glass cold water take one teaspoon of starch and mix well; then, stirring, heat until the mass becomes creamy, and do not bring to a boil. The paste cools, it is taken with a match with cotton wool wound around the tip and touched to the paper. One seed is placed on a speck of paste. The distances are usually maintained as follows: cucumber seeds are sown in a checkerboard pattern according to a pattern of 10 x 10 cm; carrots - in 3 rows with a distance in the row of 2 cm and between rows of 6 - 7 cm; turnip seeds are also in 3 rows with a gap of 5 cm in the row and 5 - 6 cm between the rows; radishes in 4 rows, and in a row there are also 4 cm and between rows 4 - 5 cm. In the spring, all that remains is to prepare the soil, water it abundantly, roll out paper strips, sprinkle with sand in the form of mulch and cover with earth on top. Here you have the first sowing in the ground at the end of April - beginning of May (and as for the sowing time, it is better to be guided by your local conditions). By “sowing” the vegetable grower gains time.

But if this method does not suit you or is not correct, let’s leave it, well, at least for grandmothers, and read on.

It is known that in relation to temperature conditions Vegetable crops are divided into cold-resistant and heat-demanding. The first group includes onions and garlic, sorrel, rhubarb, dill, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, root vegetables, and peas. Their seeds are able to germinate at a temperature of 1 - 3 degrees Celsius. And their seedlings are resistant to frost: they can withstand -3, even -6 degrees below zero (Celsius).

Heat-demanding crops: cucumber, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, tomato, pepper, eggplant, beans, beans. For seed germination, they need a fairly high temperature, no lower than 12 - 14 degrees Celsius. Their seedlings can barely withstand only about 0 degrees. More severe frosts kill both seedlings and real leaves and productive organs.

It turns out that we cannot plant and sow all these vegetables at the same time.

In addition, our country is large, it has a huge extent from west to east, and there is a big difference in weather conditions from north to south. Therefore, sowing times are different for different areas and there is no clear answer to the question of when to plant this or that vegetable. We can only roughly recommend, but more precisely, vegetable growers are guided by local weather conditions.

When the month of March arrives, it is not yet close to sowing in open ground. By March popular expression“It’s winter both behind and in front.” Therefore, many vegetable growers, in order to speed up the cultivation of especially heat-demanding crops, begin growing seedlings. The season for growing seedlings begins at the end of February and lasts in March and April, depending on the place of residence of gardeners. This is how tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins and cabbage are grown in seedlings.

In large farms, stationary greenhouses are used for growing seedlings, where plants can be grown regardless of weather conditions, using heating, fluorescent lamps for lighting, irrigation with heated water up to desired temperature. There, technology is used to maintain lighting conditions, apply fertilizers and various methods pest control. Many people simply go to a specialty store and buy seedlings.

But if someone wants to grow seedlings themselves, they start growing them either simply indoors or using greenhouses or greenhouses. In this case, it is important to determine the time of sowing seedlings. This time may vary. Firstly, it depends on the geographical location of your residence. Somewhere seedlings begin to be sown at the end of February, somewhere in March and even in April. Secondly, what type of plant - tomatoes, or peppers, or eggplant, or cucumber - do you want to have. And thirdly, what variety. In the second and third cases, you will have to estimate how long your seedlings will be when you start planting them in the ground, or maybe just leave them to grow in the greenhouse. After all, if you sow too early, the seedlings may outgrow, that is, by the time of planting they will bloom and then you will definitely lose the first color when transplanting; or the seedlings are so big that you planted them, but then there was frost and all the seedlings died. Or you sowed an early variety, then estimate when it blooms so that you have time to plant it before flowering.

To grow seedlings, gardeners use wooden boxes with collapsible partitions or with homemade cups from scrap materials. Or they buy plastic boxes and cups. Boxes with crops are displayed as usual on sunny windowsill. Or they move a bookcase or table in the window. Someone takes out the inner frame, places it on the table, fixes the frame on the table at a distance of 70-80 cm from the outer frame, both frames must have windows for ventilation.

The interframe space is covered with plastic film and boxes with seedlings are placed there. You can even make it in two tiers. During the day the temperature there rises to 20-25 degrees, at night 10-12 degrees. Over time, when it gets warmer outside and the greenhouse is prepared, in April the boxes with seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse or placed in a greenhouse for a day.

In March (or maybe in April, it all depends on where you live), it’s time to start preparing potatoes for planting: tubers sprouted in the light and warmed up allow you to harvest earlier. Germination is carried out in different ways. Someone first washes the tubers in warm water, removing pathogens and larvae from the surface Colorado potato beetle. Well-washed potatoes germinate better and do not emit foreign odors in the room. At the beginning of germination, the useful temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, but after a few days it is reduced to 12-14 degrees. heat. The temperature should not be greatly reduced so as not to weaken the germination of tubers. Potatoes are placed in glass 3-liter jars of 2 kg each or in translucent ones plastic bags with holes for gas exchange. Germination takes 30-40 days at a temperature of 12-14 degrees at natural or artificial lighting. Many gardeners place green potatoes to warm up. It is better stored, is not touched by rodents and suffers less from spring frosts.

Greenhouses and greenhouses

At the end of March - beginning of April, gardeners set up greenhouses and greenhouses. For a greenhouse, choose a sunny area protected from the wind, mainly on a southern slope. The bed sits under the film for two weeks until the soil warms up. Covering with film prevents frost from killing the plants. The greenhouse also helps to avoid excess moisture for areas with excessive moisture. There they make a sand cushion under the base. Where plants don't require too much high temperature, which forms in a greenhouse under a film on a sunny day, and to prevent the seedlings from being cooked, vegetable growers began to use spunbond covering material. It protects against frost down to -5 degrees and protects against overheating.

When the soil in the greenhouse or hothouse warms up enough, vegetable growers transfer all work with the plants there. There you can harden seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, and pumpkins by fencing off a place for them with film. You can get good cabbage seedlings there. Grow radishes, kohlrabi cabbage, onions, salads, dill, and grow celery seedlings even earlier. After all, celery seeds germinate very slowly.

Celery seeds begin to germinate after 3-4 weeks, during which time they germinate in the box. Then they are scattered on a bed in a greenhouse and in mid-May the celery seedlings can be transplanted into the ground. Part of the greenhouse can be used for planting early tomatoes and cucumbers or for vernalization of potatoes.

Vegetable growers know that the seeds of most vegetables begin to sprout faster if they are prepared. To do this, disinfect the seeds, keep them moist in a dark place (in a cloth, in a matting), for some at room temperature, for others in a cool (cellar) place until they hatch, that is, until the seeds sprout - roots and you can start sowing. Then the growing period is reduced and you will get the harvest faster. This applies to crops in a greenhouse and in the same way to crops in the ground.

Sprouts of cucumbers, radishes, turnips, radishes should appear on the 7th day after the start of germination; in most other crops on the 10th - 14th day; and for asparagus at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius - only on the 21st day. Germination of seeds of pumpkin, cucumber, peas, tomatoes, beets, sunflowers, corn, beans, garlic cloves and their subsequent disinfection is commonplace. Then they need to be sown and planted.
Spring is noticeable when the melt water runs around. The flood will subside and the earth will begin to dry out. The days of the gardener are coming. Don't miss out!

With the arrival of warmth, emphasis is placed on open ground. In April and May, even at the beginning of summer, people keep planting and sowing something. So let's see when else you need to plant vegetables. Where to start? Since the echoes of winter have not yet gone away, let's start with the most frost-resistant ones.

Radishes are sown in the ground first. Now this is perhaps the most common and most beloved spring vegetable, ready for the table in less than a month. Cold-resistant, but moisture-loving. Its time is when the soil is just ripe for cultivation. In many areas, its sowing period is the end of April - May. But we have places in the country where snow will fall at the beginning of May, by May 15th the heat will be 30 degrees, and at the beginning of June it will be only 8 - 10 degrees Celsius. Here, gardeners can choose for themselves when and what to plant.

Northern turnip is not afraid of cold weather. Its seeds germinate at a temperature of 1-2 degrees Celsius. And the seedlings tolerate frosts. During the warm period, turnips can be sown twice, at the end of April - beginning of May and at the end of June - beginning of July.

You can also sow dill twice. And when you start rolling up jars in the fall, the second harvest of dill will come in handy.

Rhubarb, although not very common, is unpretentious, frost-resistant, and loves sunny places. It grows in one place for 10 - 15 years, and reproduces mainly by dividing the bush.

Let's take first garlic. With garlic, you need to keep in mind that there is spring garlic and winter garlic. Spring garlic is annual and is planted in places where the winter is harsh and there is little snow. There winter garlic can't stand it and freezes. Spring garlic is planted early in the spring, as it is the most early period it needs lower temperatures. Don’t forget that planting times largely depend on your place of residence. Plant the outer cloves of spring garlic after soaking them in water for 2-3 hours and germinating them in a cool, dark and humid place.

Another thing is winter garlic, which is also divided into non-shooting winter garlic and bolting winter garlic. In non-shooting varieties, the outer cloves are used for planting. Shooting varieties have cloves and bulbs for planting. Please note that planting of all winter varieties of garlic is done not in the spring, but in September-October, so that the cloves and bulbs can take root before the cold snaps. And for your information, the embedment depth for non-shooters is -6 cm, for shooters - 8 cm. Between plants 10cm, row spacing 25-30cm.

Now the bow. Not everything is simple with onions either.

Onion It is characterized by high winter hardiness and early regrowth immediately after the snow melts. Seeds are sown in the second half of July; if by dividing the bush, then it is better to do it a month later.

Multi-tiered onion grows in one place for 5-7 years. The most precocious. It is propagated by root and aerial bulbs. They are planted in August - September so that they can take root before the cold weather.
Leek - 2-year-old, cold-resistant, light-loving. Seeds are stored for 3 years. It is good to sow its seeds between the rows of carrots for compaction.

Bulb onions, its varieties are well known to everyone. It is undemanding to heat; seedlings tolerate frosts down to 1-5 degrees below zero. In the first year it can be grown from seeds. But they are usually grown from sets. The seedlings need to be well prepared: for this they are heated for 2 weeks, then disinfected, at least in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, and planted at the end of April - in May.

It's time to sow carrots. Not many gardeners do it in late autumn. Carrots are usually sown early. The seeds are sorted in water, as already mentioned above, then placed for a day or two between damp rags, disinfected, again at least with a solution of potassium permanganate, allowed to dry and mixed with 5 parts of sand to ensure uniform sowing. If you make wide row spacings of 20 cm, then watercress or leeks are sown for compaction.

Sowing follows parsley, spinach, coriander (cilantro), parsnips, peas. Peas germinate at 1-2 degrees Celsius and can withstand frost. Parsley is the most demanding of soil. Its seeds must be germinated before sowing. Sowing is similar to sowing carrots. Parsnip seeds germinate at a temperature of 5-6 degrees Celsius, but better warmth plus 16--18 degrees. Shoots appear in the 3rd week after sowing.

Now cabbage. Kohlrabi, we have already mentioned it, is unpretentious, takes up little space, ripens early, and is suitable as a spring or early summer vegetable for salad.

Cauliflower cold-resistant, temperatures of 2-3 degrees Celsius are tolerated normally and can be planted in early May.

Brussels sprouts are resistant to low temperatures, growing at 5-8 degrees Celsius, and more favorable temperatures for them are 8-12-15 degrees Celsius.

And our main cabbage is white cabbage. Its seedlings are sold early, and it begins to grow at 5-6 degrees Celsius, and considers 15-16 degrees favorable.

When should I sow beets? So let's do the math. Beetroot has balls for planting. Each glomerulus then produces 2-3 plants, which is why thickened seedlings are obtained. Well, this doesn’t bother us, then we can thin them out and the plants will go into cabbage soup, or we can try planting them in damp weather. But the balls for planting are soaked for about a day, disinfected and slightly dried and immediately sown in a sunny area. At a soil temperature of 5 degrees Celsius, seedlings will appear in 3 weeks. If the soil warms up to 15 degrees Celsius, then the plants will appear on the 5th - 6th day. The calculation is that the warmer the soil, the faster the seedlings will appear. It turns out that beets need to be sown later than carrots.

Potatoes behave in much the same way. If you want to grow early potatoes, do not think that they are called early because they need to be planted as early as possible. It is early because the earliest ripening potato varieties can grow tubers in 50 - 60 days, and the latest ripening varieties in 100 - 120 days. You can’t plant potatoes too early, but you also shouldn’t delay it, because the yield will be reduced. We choose a time when there is no longer frost, so that the seedlings do not freeze and the temperature is such that the plants quickly grow. It is believed that the norm for potatoes is when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 6-8 degrees. But it depends on what soil you grow potatoes in. You don’t have to bury it so deeply, especially early potatoes. Higher up the soil is better warmed up and then you can plant at + 3 - +5 degrees.

The month of May is May. When temperatures go to +13 - +14 and there are definitely no frosts and in order not to lose moisture, we will continue planting heat-demanding crops without delay. Someone wants to have corn, sunflowers, beans and beans in their garden. For these sun lovers, it is better to germinate the seeds. The sunflower could have been sown earlier. It is drought-resistant and does not do well in damp and cold climates. Corn also loves the sun, but this plant short day, so in the conditions of our long days it is not always possible. Beans and broad beans do not tolerate frost.

The most light-loving and heat-loving ones remain and are very beloved by us. We plant cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, and zucchini with sprouted seeds. Cucumbers and pumpkins bear fruit better when planted with seeds 2-3 years old. Those who have greenhouses can transplant cucumber and pumpkin seedlings into the ground or leave the cucumbers in the greenhouse. For cucumbers, the temperature should be at least 15 degrees Celsius. Pumpkin tolerates it better cold weather than cucumbers (cold - not frozen). The last to be planted are tomato, pepper and eggplant seedlings. Tomatoes, that is, tomatoes, like drier air, and cucumbers like moister air.

Heat- and light-demanding crops are fastidious plants, and we know well that growing them can be very difficult or even impossible in our place, even with all our desire. There are places where onions grow well, in others cabbage grows well, in some places pumpkin grows well, in others tomatoes and peppers grow well. Plant what grows well in your garden and you will know when to plant vegetables and will be satisfied.

Have a rich harvest!

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Folk signs for planting a vegetable garden suggested what to plant and when. We have been using them for many years and they have never let us down.

Folk signs have always helped gardeners in planting seeds and seedlings. IN lately The weather has become unpredictable, so it is better to check the sowing dates according to nature. So today, we invite you to familiarize yourself with these signs in order to get a rich harvest.

Folk signs of planting a vegetable garden - what and when

You cannot plant potatoes - on Palm Week, on Wednesday and Saturday - they will be spoiled. And when the elderberry or bird cherry blossoms, they plant it. Inquire.

As soon as the coltsfoot begins to bloom, this is the beginning of spring for the gardener. It is from this day in the old days that you need to count 11 days and whitewash the trees, rake leaves, loosen the soil, plant tree seedlings. On day 14, they plowed the ground and marked out the beds. And on the 23rd day you can already plant early vegetables:

  • turnips and beets;
  • radishes and radishes;
  • carrots and peas;
  • parsley and onion.

In early spring, onions and cabbage are sown in the fourth and fifth weeks of Lent. In late spring - last days Holy Week, best on Saturday.

Planting vegetable crops according to folk signs

When sunflowers are planted, they are silent and do not bite the seeds. This must be done on Saturday before the sun rises. Better after sunset.

You cannot sow beets during Palm Week.

Peas are sown at dawn. It is possible both on Holy Thursday and on Saturday. Best time– late April or early May, when the oak develops.

Soak carrots early in the morning. Sow seeds without outsiders.

The pumpkin is planted on Tuesday or market day.

You need to sow bread when the birch catkins burst.

For radishes, red cabbage, early radishes, lettuce, kohlrabi, the time is when the daffodils begin to bloom or fluffy “lambs” appear on the willow.

Corn, dill - for cherry blossoms.

When to plant seeds and seedlings according to folk signs

Nature gives every seed the opportunity to express itself in the harvest.

  1. Onion seedlings are sown when the frogs begin to croak.
  2. Carrots and parsley - when violets and hazels are blooming.
  3. The head lettuce is sown as soon as the lilac begins to bloom and the meadow bathing suit turns yellow.
  4. It is better to sow oats as soon as the frogs start croaking. Late deadline- at the blossom of apple trees.
  5. Barley - when oak trees have leaves the size of a penny.
  6. Cucumbers and tomatoes - in the color of rowan or viburnum. At the same time, squash and pumpkin are planted.

The hazel is covered with inflorescences - time for planting in open ground:

  • spinach;
  • radish;
  • poppy;
  • calendula.

Folk signs of planting a vegetable garden will help seeds, seedlings and seedlings take root.

When not to plant and sow. Video

If you don’t know when and what to plant in your garden, turn to the folk wisdom of gardeners. From Pro100garden in the “All about seedlings” section.