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Euonymus planting and care indoors. Euonymus (Euonymus) – care, photos, types. Rooting indoor plants with cuttings - video

Euonymus is an evergreen plant whose leaves fall. Most of species of this representative of the flora are grown in open ground on the street. IN room conditions Of the 120 representatives of the euonymus genus, only two species are grown: Japanese euonymus and rooting euonymus.

Euonymus and its characteristics

Euonymus can grow either in the form of a low, erect tree or as a climbing tree. Its leaves can be either green or variegated with yellow or milky spots. The flowers of this plant are inconspicuous, small, white, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. They ripen in autumn period and are distinguished by the presence of a fleshy appendage, which can be red, orange or pink-brown. But at home, such flowering is extremely rare.

Japanese euonymus is distinguished by the presence of dark green leathery leaves that have a narrow elliptical shape and finely toothed edges. Their length is from 3 cm to 8 cm. Flowers are 1 cm in size, in each inflorescence from 10 to 30 pieces. Color – yellow-green. The fruits are orange or Pink colour.

Rooting euonymus (Fortuna) is a spreading shrub that reaches a height of 30 cm to 60 cm. The branches can reach 3 meters in length. Branches can take root at nodes. The leaves of this species are leathery and dark green. They are small, pointed, and egg-shaped. Their size ranges from 2 cm to 6 cm.

Conditions for growing euonymus

  • Plant location.

The indoor euonymus feels great if you provide it with a well-lit place; you can even put it on a windowsill under direct Sun rays. Japanese euonymus feels quite comfortable in partial shade.

During the summer months, the plant will feel better if it is taken outside. open air, balcony, loggia or outside into the garden. In winter, if the euonymus begins to leaf out, move it to a cooler room.

  • Temperature.

TO temperature conditions Euonymus is not too whimsical; it can grow at +5-10 degrees. But very warm rooms may begin to shed its leaves during the winter months. In summer, it tolerates heat up to +25 degrees.

  • Watering.

The plant requires moderate watering, and since it overwinters in relatively cool conditions, it should be watered at this time in such a way as to prevent the earthen clod from completely drying out. In summer it can be made more plentiful. Spraying with water is very favorable for growing euonymus.

  • The soil.

The best option would be a mixture of turf, humus and leaf soil in a ratio of 2:1:1. For planting, also add river sand. A mixture of turf soil (3 parts) and peat (0.5 parts) is also suitable. Sand is also added.

  • Transfer.

Young euonymus plants are replanted annually, and older plants - once every 3-4 years in the spring.

  • Fertilizer.

In the period from spring to autumn, it needs once a month organic and mineral fertilizers. During the winter season, the plant does not need feeding.

  • Trimming.

Euonymus needs regular pruning in order for its crown to have beautiful shape. Also, weak shoots must be removed in time. This pruning will stimulate the formation of new shoots from previously dormant buds. For more intensive branching, shoots are pinched.

This plant has the necessary properties to form a bonsai tree. It also allows you to create a variety of plant crown shapes, for example, a ball, an ellipse or a cone.

  • Fighting diseases.

Among the diseases, gray rot is typical for euonymus, which appears on the leaves of plants with a grayish coating and brown spots. The reason for this may be excessive air humidity. When scale insects or spider mites appear, actellik solution (0.15%) is used.

Reproduction of indoor euonymus

Indoor euonymus can be propagated by seeds, which are formed in fruit boxes after flowering. To do this, the seeds are stratified for 3 months at a temperature of about +3 degrees. During this period, the seed coat of most seeds should burst. Afterwards, the seeds must be cleared of their arils and neutralized in a solution of potassium permanganate (0.5%).

The seeds are sown in shallow grooves (about 2 cm). After 2 or 3 weeks, shoots should appear. Euonymus is also propagated by dividing the bush and by layering.

But it is much easier to propagate euonymus. When cut (about 5 cm long), they take root very well in leafy soil with the addition of sand. This is best done in June or July. After 1.5 months the plant will take root.

So, indoor euonymus is not an overly demanding plant, but still needs some attention. With a little effort, you can find beautiful and original decoration for your home.

One of the most preferred these days indoor plants is the Japanese euonymus, since many varieties, ease of care and excellent survival rate are far from full list advantages of this confident and popular flower-shrub.

Decorative leafy indoor euonymus will help create even more comfort and will qualitatively decorate any interior in an apartment, house, office or outdoors.

A useful and pleasant-looking indoor flower will give home comfort and make dreams of the most amazing indoor landscaping come true. The article talks about growing a plant at home and proper care for it.

You can also look at the indoor Japanese euonymus in the photo, showing the variety of growing forms:

Variety of species, ease of growing and caring for euonymus

Euonymus is a representative of the flora that feels quite comfortable at home. However, if in nature some of its varieties can reach a height of 5-7 m, then domestic inhabitants grow much lower.

Their varieties can be either deciduous or evergreen - and there are many more such species. The variety of species allows you to create compositions from plants.

The convenience of growing euonymus at home allows you to have this crop in almost every apartment. The subtleties of caring for it can be found further on this page.

If you believe botanical description crops, the leaves have a smooth, opposite structure. Among the diversity of representatives are trees, shrubs, and herbaceous maturations.

Creeping (creeping) varieties - Koopmann and dwarf varieties - are in special demand. And the most best option for home use - Japanese euonymus.

Home friend and decoration - Japanese euonymus

Home cultivation involves different types bright, exotic representatives of the plant world, differing not only in names, but also in different proportions combining certain characteristics, growth opportunities, and conditions for caring for them.

Quite convenient and unpretentious in all respects, the Japanese euonymus is a bright decorative representative of its family. This is real home friend and an amazing decoration for any interior.

The plant and the basic conditions for caring for it can be characterized by the following parameters:

The types of this variety differ in color and leaf size. Their leaves are usually leathery and smooth, oval-oblong, with original serrated edges.

A silver or golden euonymus will look successful against the background of any interior, although ordinary green leaves also look presentable and dignified.

The original colors and shapes of the leaves allow the plant to be used as an aesthetically sound decoration for any home or office space.

The possibilities of pruning and shaping a plant can be discussed separately and at length, since with the help of correct, timely pruning, any plant shape can be created.

In addition, more significant benefits have been proven - this representative of the plant world is able to reduce the content of microbes in the air by 50%.

Look at the Japanese euonymus in the photo - isn’t it, this is a unique indoor plant:

A special variety is the domestic dwarf euonymus.

Small evergreen shrub is a domestic dwarf euonymus, the vertical shoots of which can reach a height of up to 1 meter. The leathery, narrow-lanceolate leaves with small teeth along the edges are 4 centimeters long.

The tops of the leaves are pointed and the edges are slightly curved. From August to September, yellow-green pale capsules, the fruits of an ornamental greenhouse plant, ripen. This is a special variety used in bonsai culture.

Under natural conditions, dwarf euonymus grows in valleys and on river slopes in the mountainous areas of the Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine, Northwestern China, and Romania. This type was listed in the Red Book of the USSR.

Proper care of euonymus begins with planting

This natural air freshener is absolutely unpretentious in terms of lighting - the plant can be successfully kept both in the most illuminated places of the house or yard, and in shaded ones. The more variegated the color of the leaves, the more light the plant usually needs.

In all other cases, caring for euonymus is also simple and unobtrusive. The representative of the flora is watered abundantly in summer and moderately in winter, and to remove dust, you can give the flower a kind of shower. Proper care of euonymus begins with choosing a location and planting the plant at home.

From the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn, it is useful to fertilize flowers with complex fertilizers with minerals, feeding the greens approximately once a month. During the growing season, it is necessary to prune weak and thickening shoots, and pinching and pruning shoots to fluff up the crown should be done every spring.

Young plants are transplanted into larger pots or better soil every year, adult representatives - once every 2-3 years. The most acceptable version of the soil mixture consists of the following components:

  • one part of humus;
  • one part sand;
  • one part of leafy soil;
  • two parts of turf soil.

A drainage layer at the bottom of the pot is mandatory. Among the pests, the most dangerous are spider mites, red flat mites, and scale insects. To combat them, you can use different types of insecticides, used in accordance with the instructions for the drugs.

There may be other reasons for the deterioration of the condition of an ornamental houseplant. When the light is too bright, the euonymus leaf begins to fade, the edges curl, and the tips begin to dry out quickly.

IN winter time low air humidity and high room temperature may cause leaves to drop. When the soil becomes waterlogged, the plant may stop growing and drop its lower leaves.

Application of decorative green decoration in life

Various tinctures and decoctions of the fruits and leaves of these flowers have been used for quite a long time. IN folk medicine There are a large number of recipes that should help with all types of skin, nervous, and internal diseases.

At the same time, given the high toxicity of the poisonous internal staff plant, pharmacologists treat drugs based on it with extreme caution.

The use of decorative green decoration as dosage forms is not recommended; in life there are more simple ways using euonymus as amazing landscaping for apartments and offices.

In the industrial sphere, raw materials of this type (wood of shrubs and trees) are used for the manufacture small size crafts and souvenirs. In the chemical direction, one type of gutta-percha was obtained from the warty and European varieties.

As a decorative growing species, the plant can be used for urban landscaping - tall varieties; as original hedges - individuals of shrub forms. Relevant and in demand for landscape designers and amateur gardeners, evergreen creeping plants of this species.

They look aesthetically pleasing and quite bright in interior designs and landscape compositions, depending on the specific type, they can be of different colors and calibers.

In indoor conditions, amateurs often grow miniature trees, giving them a bizarre shape. Suitable for these purposes are myrtle, Benjamin ficus with multi-colored leaves, carissa, pomegranate, Eugenia myrtifolia and euonymus. These crops are easy to trim; their crown can be shaped into a ball or cone. Indoor euonymus grows slowly, so the crop is suitable for growing in bonsai style. If the picturesque euonymus bushes are not pruned, a dense bush may grow over time. beautiful bush– a genuine decoration of the interior of a living space. This article is all about growing euonymus indoors.

Compact plants serve as excellent interior decoration.

Carl Linnaeus, giving the name Eonymus to this plant, used two greek words“good” and “name”, literally the name eonymus is translated as “glorious plant”.

Euonymus is a tree-like evergreen plant, classified in the Euonymus family. The habitat of eonymus is temperate and subtropical regions of the globe.

The genus includes trees and shrubs of short stature that can shed their leaves in the winter or remain evergreen. The stems are ribbed and tetrahedral. The leaves are opposite, leathery, with a shiny surface, varnished. There are varieties with solid green leaves and with various types variegation. The flowers are inconspicuous and do not add decorative value to lush bushes. After flowering, a dry seed capsule is formed.

In urban landscape gardening, euonymus is often used to create dense hedges, which are cut into specific shapes.

The following are usually grown indoors:

  • Rooting euonymus (Fortune) is a low shrub, not exceeding 60 cm in height. The crown is dense, the branches at the nodes have aerial roots, thanks to which the plant takes root easily. Small varnished leaves (up to 6 cm) are dark green, the shape of the leaf blade is ovoid.
  • Japanese euonymus - the species has dark green leathery leaves with private teeth along the edges. The shape of the leaves is an elongated ellipse; they usually do not exceed 8 cm in length. Small yellow-green flowers are collected in inflorescences; after flowering, leathery boxes of an orange-pink hue ripen on the plants.

Breeders have developed many varieties with variegated leaves. The bright color of the leaves makes the euonymus very elegant, but when growing the crop at home, it is worth remembering that all parts of the plant are poisonous.

Euonymus on the windowsill: growing secrets

Green-leaved varieties of euonymus tolerate shade better.

Charming euonymus bushes grow well in the room, you just need to take into account the simple requirements for agricultural technology for growing the crop.


The culture is very undemanding in terms of lighting, especially for varieties with green leaves. It is best to choose eastern or western window sills for growing crops. In summer, excessive lighting can lead to burns on the leaves. In winter, plants need to be provided with a bright location, otherwise the shoots will stretch out from insufficient lighting.

Euonymus varieties with green leaves are less dependent on day length. Variegated varieties lose their contrasting color in insufficient light; leaves with a yellow or cream pattern become a uniform green color. This can serve as a signal for the grower to change the conditions of the plant.


Maintaining the required temperature is very important aspect when growing eonimus. In summer, euonymus grows well at temperatures up to +25°C; in extreme heat, the growth of euonymus stops, and leaves may fall off. Dry air at high temperature air can lead to infection of the plant with spider mites, so in the summer it is better to take the bushes to the balcony and spray the crown frequently.

In winter, plants are provided temperature regime from +8 to +10°C. Perfect solution– keep home euonymus on closed balcony with moderate temperature. If he overwinters in a room, you need to place the pot with euonymus closer to window glass, where the temperature is slightly lower than indoors.

The soil

Euonymus does not like to grow in peat-based soils, so it is best to prepare the substrate for planting yourself:

  • Leaf soil - 1 tsp.
  • Turf soil – 2 hours.
  • Sand – 1 hour.

The soil mixture should have a pH level of 6 (neutral acidity).

IN as a last resort to plant a plant, you can take natural loam, diluting it with sand, but this is not the best option substrate for growing eonimus.

Top dressing

To feed the plant, you can use organic and mineral fertilizers. Ordinary manure, which is infused in water in a ratio of 1:10, is suitable. An overdose of organic fertilizers can lead to a change in the color of variegated forms - bright variegated leaves will turn into green.

It is best to use balanced complex fertilizers, which are applied during the growth period of the plant 1-2 times a month.

In winter, fertilizing is not carried out.

Watering and humidity

Bright foliage is preserved when kept in a bright place.

Euonymus is very responsive to watering, but the water should be carefully defended or filtered. Excess salts dissolved in irrigation water have a negative effect on the plant.

Watering is carried out only when the top layer of the substrate dries. It is strictly forbidden to leave water in the tray under the pot - excessive soil moisture causes problems with the root system of the plant.

In summer, the plant is watered more often and more abundantly than in winter, especially when wintering euonymus at low temperatures.


Eonimus can shed its leaves at high ambient temperatures. In summer, dry air can cause leaf blades to dry out along the edges, which significantly reduces decorative qualities plants. Euonymus leaves should be moistened in extreme heat; the dusty plant tolerates bathing well in the shower.


Eonimus grows slowly, but the plant still has to be replanted. The signal for replanting can be the appearance of roots from the drainage hole of the flower pot.

You can use pots made of ceramic or plastic, but you must place them in any containers. drainage layer from expanded clay.

You can't plant it right away small plant into a large pot, it is better to transfer the euonymus annually into slightly larger containers.

When transshipment, the roots of the plant are slightly straightened, but the old earthen ball is not destroyed. The root collar of the plant should not be covered with soil.

A haircut

Growing euonymus in bonsai form.

Euonymus tolerates formative pruning very well, thanks to which interesting shapes are cut from the plant: a ball on a leg, three balls of different diameters on the central stem, pyramidal and cuboid crowns. The plant is often grown in bonsai style, although euonymus is characterized by slow growth, in a few years a high decorative effect can be achieved.


Indoor euonymus is very rarely propagated by seeds; it is easier and faster to obtain new plants by cuttings. Can be rooted apical cuttings obtained after trimming.

For rooting, you should choose cuttings no more than 10 cm long; the lower cut is made under the leaves with a bevel of 45 degrees. Rooting is carried out in a mixture of peat and sand, placing pots with cuttings in greenhouse conditions.

Rooting can take a long time, but after 3 months almost all seedlings acquire roots. To speed up the formation of roots, cuttings are treated with phytohormones when planting.

Sometimes euonymus is propagated by dividing the bush; shoots appear annually next to the main trunk, which are easy to separate for growing new specimens.

Diseases and pests

Very often, euonymus is attacked by spider mites or scale insects. In order to track the appearance of pests in time, you need to carry out regular inspections of the plant. The mite most often inhabits the lower surface of the leaf blade. The strong leaves of euonymus can remain on a diseased plant for a long time; they fall off when the mite population reaches a critical size.

At the first sign of pests, the plant should be treated with insecticides. Before processing, use a cotton swab moistened in a soap solution to wipe the leaves, violating the integrity of the scale insect’s shell, then treat the crown of the eonymus with special preparations.

Overwatering a plant can cause stress, leaf fall and death of the root system, so compliance with agricultural practices when growing euonymus is mandatory.

Bush Euonymus (lat. Euonymus) represents a genus of low evergreen and deciduous woody plants family Euonymus, which includes more than two hundred species. In nature, euonymus is distributed in Europe, Asia, Australia and America - throughout the Northern Hemisphere, preferring valleys, floodplains and undergrowth of mixed forests. The Latin name euonymus translates roughly as “tree with good name"or "glorious tree." Among the Slavs, euonymus has many names: night blindness, lady's eyes, bruslina, burusklen, mersklet, kislyanka, dereskled, lingonberry, heather, privet, wolf's bast, wolf's earrings, saklak and blind-cured. Many species of euonymus are cultivated as ornamental plants, in particular euonymus in landscape design used for decoration outbuildings or fences. Looks picturesque in the garden hedge from euonymus, and it attracts the eye both in summer and autumn. The species Warty Euonymus and European Euonymus are of practical importance, since it was in their bark and stems that gutta-percha was discovered.

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Planting and caring for euonymus (in brief)

  • Landing: in early spring or during leaf fall.
  • Lighting: variegated species need bright light, and plants with plain leaves prefer partial shade.
  • The soil: light, drained, fertile, neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.
  • Watering: as needed: in a season with normal rainfall, the plant is not watered at all.
  • Feeding: complex mineral fertilizer in early spring and autumn.
  • Trimming: in early spring or after fruiting, for sanitary purposes, as well as to give the crown an ellipsoidal or conical shape.
  • Reproduction: seeds and vegetatively: dividing the bush, cuttings and layering.
  • Pests: caterpillars, spider mites, aphids and mealybugs.
  • Diseases: trunk rot and powdery mildew.

Read more about growing euonymus below.

Euonymus plant - description

The euonymus flower has shoots of a tetrahedral or round cross-section, on which cork growths sometimes form. In nature, some types of euonymus reach a height of 4 meters. Euonymus leaves are simple, opposite, shiny, toothed, dark green, but some varieties are distinguished by cream, white or silver spots in the center or along the edges of the leaf blade. Euonymus blooms with inconspicuous yellow-greenish, cream or burgundy flowers that emit an unpleasant odor and are collected in 4-5 pieces in brushes or corymbs. The fruit of the euonymus is a dry, leathery, four- to five-locular capsule with seeds, spiny or winged, which, depending on the type, acquires a pink, scarlet, crimson, burgundy, yellow or dark purple color when ripe. The stems of the euonymus are also painted in bright colors. Euonymus fruits, like all other parts of the plant, are poisonous.

Planting euonymus

When to plant euonymus

The best time for planting euonymus is the beginning of spring, although it is also possible autumn planting Euonymus. It is good if the site for the euonymus is in light partial shade, although the variegated euonymus prefers bright sunlight. The soil for euonymus should be light, fertile, permeable and, preferably, slightly alkaline or neutral. Acidic soil Before planting, plants need to be limed. In addition, euonymus does not like high lying groundwater. When choosing a site for euonymus, keep in mind that it grows greatly in width, and some species grow in height, so do not plant the plant too close to trees and maintain sufficient distance between bushes and buildings. Dwarf species It is better to plant euonymus in large boxes or pots, keep them in the garden in the summer, and bring them into a cool room for the winter. Thus, the same plant can be considered both as a garden euonymus and as an indoor euonymus.

How to plant euonymus

The planting hole for euonymus, dug at least two weeks before planting, should be one and a half times larger in volume than root system seedling. Mix the top layer of soil removed from the hole with compost. At the bottom of the hole, as drainage, add a layer of sand or broken brick, then a little soil with compost, and if the soil in the area is acidic, then in each landing hole you need to add 200 g of slaked lime, mixing it with compost and soil. Lower the euonymus seedling into the hole, carefully straighten its roots and fill the hole with the same mixture - soil with compost, compacting it as the space is filled so that air pockets do not form. The root collar of the seedling should be flush with the surface of the site. If you decide to plant euonymus seedlings for a hedge, it is better to dig a trench for this. Immediately after planting, water the euonymus and do this daily for a week.

Euonymus care

Watering the euonymus is carried out as needed. To make caring for euonymus in the garden easier, mulch trunk circle dry soil immediately after watering. Subsequently, loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle a day or two after watering at least three times a season. But if it rains regularly, do not water the euonymus at all - in large quantities he doesn't need water, but excess moisture in the roots only to his detriment. Caring for euonymus involves feeding the plant twice a day during the spring-summer season with mineral fertilizers: the first time in the spring, the second time in the fall.

Pruning euonymus

The euonymus loves a haircut, it reacts to it with active branching, so there is no need to be afraid to trim the euonymus. Due to the fact that most euonymus fruits are decorations, formative trimming of the euonymus is carried out either in early spring or after fruiting; during the growing season, only partial sanitary thinning, removal of weak shoots and pinching of the tops can be used. Using pruning, the crown of the euonymus is formed - conical or ellipsoidal. Many people prefer to form a standard tree from euonymus.

Pests and diseases of euonymus

The main pests of euonymus are aphids, mealybugs, spider mites and caterpillars. Spider mites and aphids feed on euonymus sap, leaving light, silvery puncture points on the leaves, causing the leaves and young shoots to become deformed. The fight against these pests is carried out using three times weekly treatment of euonymus with Actellik solution at the rate of 1-2 ml of the drug per liter of water. Mealybugs, which form cotton wool-like deposits and honeydew on euonymus leaves, are destroyed by two-stage treatment of the plant with Aktara, Confidor, Fitoverm with a break of a week or ten days.

As for caterpillars, if you notice their nests on the euonymus, it is better to remove them manually. By the way, pay attention: if caterpillars were found on the euonymus, then on the neighboring apple trees and other fruit trees purely! It seems that the euonymus lures pests to itself in order to save your harvest.

Among the diseases, euonymus can be affected by powdery mildew and trunk rot. Trunk rot - serious fungal disease, which is difficult to treat, it is easier to play it safe and spend the spring and autumn preventive treatment Euonymus with one percent Bordeaux mixture or preparations that replace it. Affected areas of the plant must be removed and burned, and if the damage is too severe, the entire plant will have to be burned. A fungal disease is also such a common disease as powdery mildew, and it is combated with fungicides Fundazol, Topaz, Skor or Previkur, and there should be 3-4 treatment sessions at intervals of a week.

Euonymus propagation

How to propagate euonymus

Euonymus propagates by seeds, layering, dividing the bush and cuttings. Varieties with variegated, red and yellow leaves reproduce exclusively vegetatively.

Reproduction of euonymus by layering

In spring, low-growing shoots of the mother plant are bent to the ground, placed in a groove previously made in the soil, secured in it and sprinkled with soil, leaving only the tip of the shoot on the surface. Such cuttings easily form their own roots, and after rooting they can be transplanted to permanent place.

Propagation of euonymus by cuttings

Euonymus cuttings are cut from the tops of semi-lignified shoots in June or July from plants no younger than five years old. The length of the cutting is about 7 cm, it should have one internode. The cut of the cutting is treated with a root former, planted in a mixture of peat and sand and kept under a film in a cool, bright place. After one and a half to two months, the rooted cuttings are planted in open ground on a training bed and grown.

Reproduction of euonymus by root suckers

Strong root suckers no more than 40-50 cm high, separated from the mother plant in early spring, as soon as the soil warms up. The thickness of the root of the scion should be at least one and a half centimeters, and the length 25-30 cm. Without shaking off the soil from the roots, the scion should be immediately transplanted to a permanent place or grown to the desired size.

Reproduction of euonymus by dividing the bush

This method is convenient for propagation dwarf varieties, since their root system is shallow and produces fresh root shoots every year. Carefully cut off the root shoots along with part of the rhizome from the mother plant with a shovel, cut the shoots by 2/3 and plant them in a permanent place. The euonymus tolerates this procedure easily and painlessly.

Reproduction of euonymus by seeds

It is better to sow freshly collected euonymus seeds directly into the soil in the fall, then mulch the planting for the winter with leaves or straw. If you decide to sow euonymus in the spring, stratify the seeds for six months in the refrigerator, but before that, soak them in water for a couple of days.

Euonymus in winter

Euonymus in autumn

We hope that planting and caring for euonymus during the growing season did not seem tedious to you. It is easy to care for the plant even before the onset of winter. When the seed pods begin to crack, it is time to collect the seeds. Immediately after collection, euonymus seeds are planted in moistened soil, having first removed the seed plants and treated the seed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Crops are covered with straw or dry fallen leaves for the winter.

Wintering of euonymus

Young plants that are under three years old must be covered with spruce branches or dry leaves for the winter, otherwise they may die. Adult bushes overwinter without shelter, but to prevent the roots from freezing in a snowless winter, it would be wise to mulch the tree trunk with sawdust or leaves.

Types and varieties of euonymus

There are many types of euonymus in nature, and there are many of them in culture. We offer you an introduction to cultivated species of euonymus, as well as their varieties. Let's start with the types that have already been mentioned in this article.

Euonymus verrucosa (Euonymus verrucosa)

distributed in nature in the European part of Russia, in the mountains of Southern, South-Eastern and Central Europe. It is a shrub up to two meters high or a tree five to six meters high with bright green shoots and branches strewn with black warts. The leaves are light green, the flowers are brownish, the fruits are pink with red-brown seedheads. In autumn, this species is especially attractive: the leaves turn pink on the bright green shoots. Euonymus warty grows slowly, it is shade-tolerant and unpretentious, and is often used in ornamental gardening.

European Euonymus (Euonymus europaea)

grows in Europe and Asia Minor on any soil in deciduous forests and high on slopes. It is a small tree up to six meters high, most often growing as a bush. Young shoots of this species are green, sometimes with longitudinal corky growths, and old branches are almost black. The ovate or obovate leathery leaf of the European euonymus, up to 11 cm long, has a dark green color, and in the fall it acquires a red tint. The fruits are pink or dark red when ripe, the seed is covered with an orange apex. This species is drought-resistant, winter-hardy, and tolerates urban gas pollution well. The European euonymus in the garden stands out against the background of the usual yellow-golden color of other plants in autumn. More than 20 decorative forms of this species are known, characterized by less winter hardiness: weeping, dwarf, aucubifolia, intermediate, purple, silver-spotted and others.

Winged euonymus (Euonymus alata)

grows in groups or singly on rocks, in river valleys and along mountain streams, as well as in shady deciduous forests of China, Japan, Korea and Southern Sakhalin. It is a highly branched shrub up to 2.5 meters high or a tree up to 4 m high with tetrahedral branches with light gray bark, shiny obovate or rhombic leathery leaves of dark green color and small greenish flowers collected in threes in an inflorescence. Ripe boxes are bright red. The species has about 20 forms and varieties. The most famous of them:

  • Compactus- a small shrub, not exceeding two meters in width and height, with a compact dome-shaped crown and inconspicuous flowers. The leaves are oval, light green, changing color to bright red in autumn, the fruits are red, the pericarps are orange. Winter-hardy, but sensitive to drought and overheating.

Fortune's euonymus (Euonymus fortunei)

Found naturally in China, it has earned extraordinary popularity among gardeners and is now grown even in fairly cool areas. This species is not at all the same as those already described by us; planting and caring for Fortune's euonymus differs from the agrotechnical conditions of most euonymuses. The fact is that Fortune's euonymus is not an upright growing one, but a creeping shrub, which is one of the few evergreen plants that can grow in middle lane: In winter it is completely covered with snow, and this provides it with shelter from frost. The leaves of representatives of this species are leathery, elliptical and shiny, up to 4 cm long, with uneven, slightly curved edges. Numerous decorative forms This species differs in leaf color. Fortune's euonymus forms reproduce only vegetatively. Here are some of the varieties:

  • Gracilis- a ground cover plant with shoots reaching a length of one and a half meters, and yellowish leaves, which over time turn white at the edges and turn red in the middle;
  • Vegetus- a plant with thick shoots and large round leaves and light yellow shiny fruits;
  • Emerald Gold- an evergreen, slowly growing shrub up to half a meter high, and capable of growing up to one and a half meters wide. The leaves are variegated, yellowish, up to 5 cm long, the edges are covered with random yellow spots and streaks, and in the fall they become red.

Caring for Fortune's euonymus, like caring for any type of euonymus, involves loosening and mulching the soil, cutting, but in addition to weak and diseased shoots, it is necessary to remove shoots that are too green, those that differ from the shoots characteristic of this species and variety.

Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonica), or pseudolaurel

- the only species grown both indoors and as garden plant. Under natural conditions, Japanese euonymus, which is a close relative of Fortune's euonymus, grows up to seven meters in height. Its branches extend from the trunk at a slight angle, as if it is all striving upward. The leaves of the Japanese euonymus are large, dense, pointed and leathery, uneven at the edges, dark green with a light border. The peculiarity of this species is that it needs certain conditions to grow, and if they are not created, then, having started to grow in early spring, it will then simply freeze. If the conditions are suitable for the euonymus, then in a year it adds 15-20 cm in height. The most famous forms of Japanese euonymus:

  • Mediopictus– a variety with golden leaves and green edges;
  • Latifolius Albomarginatus– a variety with green leaves with a wide white rim;
  • Macrophylla– a variety with large leaves up to 7 cm long;
  • Aureo-marginata– leaves with a golden border;
  • Pyramidata– a pyramidal bush with wide elliptical leaves;
  • Microphyllus– a variegated form up to half a meter high, no more than 15 cm in diameter, with yellow-green raised leaves and white flowers.

Caring for Japanese euonymus is not much different from caring for indoor plants in winter and beyond. gardening in spring and in summer. This plant is one of those that is best grown in large boxes or pots, and in winter brought into a cool room in which the Japanese euonymus will wait for spring, since it is not able to tolerate temperatures below 5 ºC.

In addition to the described species, large-winged, dwarf, red-fruited, Koopman, Maak, Maksimovich, Sakhalin, sacred, broad-leaved and others are also grown in culture.

Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonicus) is a plant of the Euonymus family. Under natural conditions it grows in deciduous and mixed forests, in the subtropics or in temperate areas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Japanese euonymus is not found in the Far North and the tropics. It is grown in the garden or park, as well as at home as an indoor or greenhouse flower.

General information

Japanese euonymus is a deciduous, evergreen plant with beautiful bicolor leaves and small flowers that appear in midsummer. Euonymus flowers are unremarkable, but the fruits look like small, pink lanterns. Fruits with seeds ripen closer to autumn.

Japanese euonymus.

The leaves of the plant look more decorative than the flowers; they are dense, shiny, with teeth along the edges, and have an original variegated color - yellow-green, gray-green, dark or light and bright. Gardeners have developed several new varieties of euonymus, with different colors and leaf shapes.

Under natural conditions, euonymus can grow up to 7 meters in height, in garden culture- up to 2-3 meters, well, indoor euonymus does not exceed 60-70 cm in height.

Agricultural technology

Japanese euonymus does not require care, but if it does not like the growing conditions in your garden, it will grow only in early spring. The rest of the time there will be no growth of shoots.

As a rule, growth occurs over two periods in a season, and with good care in the garden, the Japanese euonymus grows by 15-20 cm over the course of a year. At the end of the euonymus growth period, cones with scales appear on the tops of the shoots - these are buds, from which at the beginning of the next period growth, new leaves will appear.

These features of the development of euonymus must be taken into account for proper care behind him, at the beginning of the period active growth they feed him nitrogen fertilizers, then complex, and during the formation of new buds - potassium-phosphorus.

During the dormant period, feeding is stopped, and watering is carried out only to prevent the soil from drying out. After an active growing season, the plant goes dormant and stops growing. This applies to both indoor euonymus and park varieties.

Caring for euonymus in the garden begins with its planting. To do this, prepare a soil mixture of leaf soil, turf, peat and sand, in which there should be two parts of turf, and one part of the remaining components. However, Japanese euonymus is not picky about soil; ordinary soil is suitable for growing it. garden soil with the addition of sand. If the soil is too acidic, lime is added to it.

In hot weather, watering the euonymus is combined with spraying with water from a hose, but this must be done before or after sunset to prevent sunburn on the leaves.


Japanese euonymus grown in the garden is propagated by dividing the bush, seeds and cuttings.

The division of the bush is carried out in early spring before the beginning of the first period of active growth. 1-2 shoots are separated from the parent bush along with the roots and planted in a previously prepared place. When planting, the stems are cut to a height of 20-30 cm to reduce the load on the roots. New shoots will grow from this stem or from the roots.

To propagate euonymus by cuttings, they are cut from young shoots in June-July. The cuttings should be 6-7 cm long, with at least one internode; before planting, they are treated with a means for developing the root system.

The cuttings are rooted in a mixture of leaf and turf soil, humus and sand. The cutting takes root in 1.5-2 months, after which it is planted in a permanent place, while the new plant is created the necessary conditions and provide attentive care.

Euonymus propagation by seeds collected last year occurs in the summer. Before planting, they are stratified at a temperature of 2-3 degrees for 4 months. As a result of stratification, their skin should burst, this will indicate that they can be sown. The seeds are finally peeled and soaked for 1-2 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Then they are sown in containers with moistened soil mixture and covered with a transparent cover. After the emergence of seedlings, the cover is discarded, hardening the plants at normal temperature and lighting. Young plants are planted in open ground only on next year, and before that they are given the desired temperature at home. Before planting in a permanent place in the garden, the plants are hardened off for 2-3 days, leaving them in the open air.

Euonymus at your home

There are several varieties Japanese euonymus that can be grown at home as an indoor flower:

  • Japanese euonymus, or pseudolaurel - very heat-loving plant, capable of dying at temperatures below +5 degrees, so it can only be grown at home or in offices. Its leaves can be variegated or single-colored, the flowers are white, blooming in late spring.
  • Euonymus microphyllus - this variety has variegated, yellow-green, raised leaves. The flowers are small, white, and appear in late spring. This variety is suitable for planting in the garden and for growing at home.
  • Dwarf euonymus has oblong bicolor leaves and red-brown flowers collected in umbels. This is a creeping type of euonymus that can be grown in hanging flowerpots as an hanging plant.

It is best to grow Japanese euonymus at home in a well-lit place in a room on the south side - it will feel equally good in direct sunlight and in diffused light.

With the onset of summer, the flower pot can be taken out to the balcony, veranda or yard. We must not forget that this is a houseplant, you cannot immediately place it under strong rays of the sun, getting used to them must occur gradually. Caring for euonymus at this time should consist of watering and spraying in the morning or evening.

As for the temperature, it should be no lower than +5-10 degrees in winter, and no higher than +25-30 degrees in summer. In winter, the euonymus enters a dormant period, and if you keep it in a warm, heated room, it will begin to shed its leaves.

Caring for indoor euonymus consists of watering and fertilizing, which the plant especially needs during the period of active growth. The buds, from which inconspicuous flowers will eventually develop, can be removed immediately so that the plant does not waste nutrients on them.

To plant euonymus at home, use a mixture of humus, turf and leaf soil, with the addition of river sand. Another option for soil mixture is turf soil with peat and sand.

Favorable conditions and good care contribute to the good development of indoor euonymus, so it needs to be replanted every year at a young age, and every 3-4 years at an “old” age.

Japanese euonymus, growing at home, is fed every 20-30 days in spring and summer with minerals and organic fertilizers. In winter, during the dormant period, fertilizing and frequent watering are not needed.

Japanese euonymus needs to be pruned regularly to form a beautiful crown. During pruning, weak, small shoots are removed, as well as shoots growing inside the crown. For intensive tillering, young shoots are pinched.

This plant is ideally suited for the formation of bonsai; its lush branches can be easily given any shape, cut into a cone, a ball, or an animal figure.

Caring for indoor euonymus includes measures to protect against diseases and pests. At home, the plant becomes sick with gray rot, in which a gray coating appears on the leaves and brown spots. As for insect pests, scale insects and spider mites most often harm the plant. Both problems can be solved by spraying with chemicals that can be purchased at a flower shop.

Indoor euonymus is propagated in the same way as a garden plant - by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.