home · Measurements · Favorable days for a gardener in July. July in the garden: favorable days for planting. Mandatory work in the garden in July

Favorable days for a gardener in July. July in the garden: favorable days for planting. Mandatory work in the garden in July

In early July, treat potato plantings against late blight. To do this, it is recommended to use copper-containing preparations, for example, Bordeaux mixture. The same preventive treatment should also be done on tomatoes. Just do this no later than 20 days before the fruit ripens.

At the beginning of July, carry out final thinning of root crops: carrots, beets, and parsley. It is necessary to leave such a distance between the plants that will allow them to form normal root crops.

Cucumbers are actively ripening in greenhouses and garden beds. They are good fresh and in salads, but in July you need to start preparing salted and pickled cucumbers for the winter.

Cut off the sorrel. It can be frozen or salted to make green cabbage soup in winter.

Zucchini and squash are filled with juices and pumpkins are formed. These plants, as well as cucumbers, are very demanding watering. You need to water abundantly, but only with water heated in the sun - in the evening, after the heat subsides and before sunset. Cabbage also requires plenty of moisture; it begins to produce juicy heads.

In the second half of July, ripened tomatoes in greenhouses are already turning red. When forming a harvest, plants actively absorb nutrients from the soil. Attentively inspect leaves and stems. If you notice signs of a lack of any elements, immediately fertilize– mineral fertilizers or solutions organic fertilizers, for example, manure; You can prepare and apply “green” fertilizer to plants – an infusion of fermented weeds. You can feed the plants with a solution of ash. Swipe foliar feeding on the leaves with solutions of microfertilizers.

In July, you need to monitor the bed with winter garlic. If the leaves and stems on it begin to turn yellow and dry out, and aerial bulbs have formed on the inflorescences left for control, this is a signal to dig up the garlic. If you delay this work, the covering skin of the head of garlic may crack, and the cloves will begin to crumble during harvesting. It will be difficult to store such heads.

IN last decade July, when daylight hours are shortening, spend re-seeding radishes, daikon, radishes and spinach.

Carry out all work by checking with.

July garden work

In July, it's time to collect and process the grown strawberries (strawberries). After all the strawberries have been harvested, you need to weed the plantings, loosen the soil between the rows, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and add humus where the roots are exposed. If the weather is dry, water the plantings. The plants will begin to lay the foundation for next year's harvest. Remove all the mustaches that are unnecessary for strawberry propagation - they take away nutrients from it.

In July, the berries of gooseberries, red and black currants, and cherries ripen. After harvesting, also feed these plants with the same fertilizers and water them.

Towards the end of July, carefully examine the apple, pear and plum trees. On those fruit trees where a large harvest of fruit has begun, it is necessary to install supports under the sagging branches.

In the second half of July, active sap flow on fruit trees begins again. This time should be actively used for summer budding – grafting of new varieties with an eye.

July work in the flower garden

In July, the garden is especially beautiful - annual and perennial plants bloom in succession. So that the garden does not seem sloppy, Regularly remove flowers that have already bloomed and withered.

On roses, you need to carefully cut off the tops of shoots that have already faded to speed up their growth and re-blooming.

In flower beds and flower beds, continue weeding and loosening the soil.

Remove the side shoots from the axils of the dahlia leaves and tie the plants themselves to the supports. You also need to install supports and tie up the stems of gladioli and delphiniums.

In flowerbeds with lilies, treat the buds again against lily mosquito larvae with Aktara. This will ensure beautiful flowering of your plants.

Regularly mow growing grass on your lawn. After this, it needs to be fed and watered in dry weather. This will ensure bright and lush grass on your lawn.

Many of the gardeners will use the Lunar planting calendar for July 2017, and no wonder, because they are well aware of the enormous influence of the Moon on all living things on our earth, including the trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, flowers and other plants they plant in their gardens and summer cottages.

It is for this purpose that the Lunar Planting Calendar for July 2017 has been compiled to help gardeners in their desire to obtain good harvest.

The sowing should already be completed by July, because the month is perfect for harvesting the ripe harvest. If you sow something this month, there is a special risk that the fruits will not have time to ripen by the autumn season. It is allowed to sow only greens and radishes.

In July, the hot weather stabilizes, so the soil needs regular moisture. Watering should be regular and plentiful. It is advisable to moisten the soil in evening time days, since the summer heat, if watered during the day, simply will not allow moisture to reach the roots of the plants.

Moon calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra Favorable time for re-sowing dill, lettuce, chervil, and broccoli. Sowing perennial onions, fodder and leguminous crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetables. Disembarkation at open ground seedlings of annual heat-loving flowers. Sowing lawn grasses, forming flower beds. Dividing and replanting perennial and biennial flowers if they have bloomed. Planting and replanting indoor flowers and medicinal herbs. Planting flowers, berries and ornamental shrubs, green fruit cuttings and ornamental trees. Carrying out vaccinations.

July 3 (20.06 style) - Methodius
“If it rains on Methodius, it will rain intermittently for forty days.”

Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius Spraying vegetables with growth stimulants, as well as drugs against diseases and pests. Root feeding of fruit and berry crops with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Carrying out grafting of fruit and ornamental crops. Spraying flower crops from fungal diseases. Checking the correct installation of supports under the branches of fruit trees. Collection of cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash and other ripe vegetables; The harvest of vegetables and berries should be processed immediately. Processing and planting strawberries, rooting mustaches. Dividing, planting and replanting perennial flowering plants.
Growing tomatoes - video

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn Sowing spinach for autumn consumption. Checking the correct installation of supports for fruit-bearing trees. Planting new strawberry plantations from locally grown strawberries planting material. Fertilizing fruit and berry crops with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and root fertilizing vegetable crops. Dividing and replanting faded perennials. Harvesting and processing of cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and other ripened vegetables, as well as berries. Preparation of planting holes for autumn planting fruit trees and berry bushes. Bookmark compost heaps. Pest and disease control.

FULL MOON It is not recommended to plant, replant, prune, shoot or pinch anything. Not favorable days for pickling. (You should not salt, for example, cucumbers or tomatoes during the full moon.) You can loosen and mulch the soil. Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs of medicinal and spicy plants. Processing and cleaning of vacated land. Application of organic and mineral fertilizers, liming can be carried out.
July 09, 2017 07:06 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (middle of the lunar month, Zodiac signs - until July 10, 2017 08:35 Moon in the sign of Capricorn, then in the sign of Aquarius).

Waning Moon in the sign of Aquarius No sowing, planting or replanting is carried out. Effective weed and pest control. Thinning, pinching and pinching vegetable crops. Removing yellowed foliage from tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkins. Removing standard shoots and pinching green shoots from fruit trees. Mowing grass. Installation of supports for fruit tree branches loaded with harvest.

Adding compost or humus to the vacated beds. A good period for collecting herbs, vegetables and fruits that need to be dried.
July 10 (27.06 style) - Samson the Host
"It rains on Samson for seven weeks."

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces A favorable time for re-sowing radishes. Watering and fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage. Feeding fruit trees (apple trees, pears, plums, cherries). Dividing and replanting faded perennial flowers. Collection of berries, vegetables and apples. Harvesting onions as soon as the feathers begin to turn yellow and fall off; harvesting winter garlic. Convenient time for drying and freezing; preparation of juices and wines. A good period for pickling (favorable days for pickling cucumbers according to the zodiac position of the Moon). Weed control.
July 12 (29.06 Art style) - Peter and Pavel (Petrov Day)
"From Peter's Day - red summer, green mowing"

Waning Moon in the sign of Aries Pruning old leaves on cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes, weak and non-fruiting shoots on peppers, yellowed leaves to the first cluster on eggplants. Fertilizing vegetable, fruit and berry plants. Spraying cabbage against caterpillars, cucumbers against spider mite, fruit trees and shrubs from aphids. Weed control. Mowing grass. Removing root and standard growth as it appears. Checking the correct installation of supports for abundantly fruiting trees. Vegetables harvested at this time can be stored well. Pinching raspberries to form side shoots. Removing whiskers from strawberries.

Waning Moon in the sign of Taurus Sowing radishes for winter storage, daikon, turnips, sowing radishes. Raking soil from onion bulbs, hilling leeks. Fertilizing root crops and potatoes, treating them with growth stimulants. Weed control, strawberry mustache removal. Harvesting hay for autumn filling of greenhouses and greenhouses, adding to compost and for mulching. Removing root and standard growth as it appears. Checking the correct installation of supports for abundantly fruiting trees. Rooting of tree and bush seedlings goes well. Dividing irises, daffodils and planting them. Cuttings and rooting of perennial flower crops.

Waning Moon in the sign of Gemini Favorable time according to the lunar calendar for planting tomatoes, forming pepper, eggplant and cucumber plants. Pinching vines from pumpkins, watermelons and melons, and the top of the stem from Brussels sprouts. Trimming old leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, weak and non-fruiting shoots on peppers and yellowed leaves to the first cluster on eggplants. Transplanting strawberry tendrils, forming new beds. Top dressing remontant strawberries dry complex fertilizer and ash. Applying dry complex mineral fertilizers to flowers. Loosening and thinning. Weed control, spraying against pests and diseases of trees and shrubs. Removal of root and standard shoots. Collection of berries and vegetables and their processing. Digging up tulip, hyacinth and small-bulb bulbs.

Possible time to re-sow radishes. Processing of fruit-bearing strawberries. Processing of cucumbers and tomatoes aimed at preventing fungal and bacterial diseases. Cleaning early vegetables, placing the tops in compost in the absence of diseases. Collection and processing of vegetables and berries (favorable days for pickling cucumbers according to the zodiac position of the Moon); preparation of juices and wine (raspberry wine comes not only in color...).

July 23, 2017 12:45 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month. Zodiac signs: - until July 23, 2017 11:33 Moon in the sign of Cancer, then in the sign of Leo.

Waxing Moon in Leo Ne favorable time for watering, liquid root feeding and other work with vegetable plants. Spraying is useful against diseases and pests. Favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers, climbing flowers and ornamental crops. Collected medicinal herbs will have greatest strength, especially herbs that treat heart disease. Harvest must be processed immediately.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Virgo Shallow loosening and mulching of the soil, killing weeds, preparing compost. Disease-resistant flowers planted or transplanted on these days will suffer less. It is favorable to lay mixborders, ridges, flower beds, alpine coaster; plant and replant medicinal herbs, sow lawns, lawns. Sowing biennial flowers and planting ornamental plants. The harvested crop must be processed immediately. Planting green cuttings of perennial flowers.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra Sowing spinach for autumn consumption. It is possible to apply fertilizers in dry form, loosening, composting, and mulching. Can be cut and dried spices. Rooting strawberry rosettes. Installation of tree supports. Dividing and replanting perennial flowers (if they have bloomed). You can plant and replant medicinal herbs and indoor flowers. Planting ornamental shrubs, green cuttings of fruit and ornamental shrubs for rooting. Carrying out summer budding of roses. (from July 28 to July 30 - in Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days of the month for pickling cucumbers)
July 28 (15.07 old style) - Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko (Day of Vladimir, Kirik and Ulita)
“The sun shines redder on Vladimir the Red Sun” - mid-summer according to the Old Style (Julian calendar).

Growing Moon in the sign of Scorpio Watering and root fertilizing of vegetable crops; root and foliar feeding of fruit trees, berry bushes, flowers (application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers). Convenient time for watering, loosening, mulching the soil and composting. Sowing spinach for autumn consumption, sowing perennial onions: chives, batun, slime and fragrant. Rooting strawberry rosettes. Tilt and garter of annual apple tree growths in the process of crown formation. Maybe vegetative propagation and planting perennial flowers. Replanting indoor flowers. Collection of berries and vegetables and their processing. Mowing lawns and lawns.

The gardener's lunar calendar for July 2017 advises you to carefully study the dates when the effect of working on the site will be maximum. This sunny month makes us happy fragrant berries, fresh vegetables and, of course, fruit. It is necessary to fertilize plants with potassium and phosphorus so that they do not die from pests and diseases, and also bring a good harvest.

Midsummer is July, when the sun shines generously, so it’s really hot. There is a lot of work in the areas, which is more related to watering, weeding and fertilizing plants. The gardener's lunar calendar for July 2017 advises propagating roses from cuttings and planting strawberries. This month should be planted different varieties onions and root vegetables that will be stored in winter - radishes, carrots, turnips and beets. Special attention in July, it is given to cauliflower, which should be protected from excess ultraviolet radiation and tied above the inflorescence. Otherwise, the heads will lose their whiteness and freshness. At the end of the month, pepper will require care, especially if the weather is rainy. Rot may form on the stalk of the pepper, and on the stems - white coating. It is urgent to wipe the damaged area with a dry cloth, cover it with a mixture of potassium permanganate and chalk and sprinkle it with ash.

The gardener's lunar calendar for July 2017 recommends ensuring that the branches of the bushes do not sag or break under the weight of the harvest. To do this, you need to make supports and tie large branches to the trunk. In July, the first berries ripen and garden flowers bloom.

Moon phases: July 2017

Waxing Moon - from July 1 to July 8
Full Moon - July 9
Waning Moon - from July 10 to July 22
New Moon - July 23
Waxing Moon - from July 24 to July 31
Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for July 2017 by day

The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for July 2017 advises not to do too much work on the site, so as not to harm the plants and reap a good harvest. You can plant potatoes, sow spinach, parsley, celery, leaf mustard and late spinach. A favorable period for watering, fertilizing vegetables and pinching plants. In the flower garden you can root cuttings, fertilize, loosen, moderate watering, plant climbing flowers and transplant roses. It is advisable to sow medicinal herbs, replant plants and prune trees. An excellent day for rooting strawberry tendrils and harvesting medicinal plants. Crops cannot be sprayed or grafted.

A good period for any work on the site, fertilizing and planting. You can plant tomato seedlings, potatoes and sow daikon, parsley, black radish, dill, sorrel and celery. Pest control, soil loosening, spraying and weeding will be effective. In the flower garden you can plant perennial and annual flowers, climbing plants, fertilize with minerals and water. It is not advisable to harvest vegetables and onions, germinate seeds, trim dry branches, dig up potatoes and plant seeds. An excellent day for collecting and drying herbs for treatment, as well as cutting the lawn grass, grafting, laying compost, moderate watering, trimming strawberry tendrils, and fertilizing.

All work and planting on the site these days will not bring a rich harvest, but is not prohibited. You can dig up onions for the winter, collect seeds of vegetables and root vegetables, as well as hill up, loosen and weed the soil. It is not advisable to pinch, pincher, water or replant plants. The gardener's lunar calendar for July 2017 advises sowing flowers by seeds, planting climbing plants and propagating crops by cuttings. Only all these procedures must be performed as carefully as possible so as not to damage the roots of the plants. Strawberry tendrils are cut out, rodents and insects are controlled, shoots are removed, dry branches are pruned and the harvest is harvested for the winter.

Good days for planting work on the site. If you sow or plant plants during this period, they will grow slowly, but will become strong from the root and hardy. You can thin out seedlings, plant potatoes, sow herbs and replant crops. Fertilizing with phosphorus, loosening, sowing green manure and weeding will be effective. The fight against diseases and insects continues. To keep the grass on your lawn growing slowly, you can mow it at this time. Planting in the flower garden perennial plants, and at home - transplantation. Pinching, pruning, pinching and collecting seeds are not recommended.

You can prepare medicinal herbs for the winter, sauerkraut and pickle vegetables.

During the Full Moon, no work or planting is done in the garden or vegetable garden - this leads to a poor harvest.

A bad day for planting and sowing, as indicated by moon calendar gardener and gardener for July 2017. You can collect garlic, root vegetables, potatoes and tomatoes and cucumbers. Hilling, thinning, loosening and weeding of the soil will work well. It is necessary to collect seeds for harvest, and also spray plants against diseases. It is not recommended to germinate seeds on this day, but you can prepare medicinal herbs for the winter. Canning of berries, fruits and vegetables, pruning of dry branches, removal of weeds and pruning of trees are carried out. You can mow the grass on your lawn to help it grow slowly.

A favorable period for any work in the garden. You can replant, plant and sow plants, as well as dig potatoes, root crops and protect crops from harmful insects. Potatoes are replanted, the soil is loosened, harvested, fertilized with minerals and watered. You can sow perennial flowers and root cuttings, trim strawberry tendrils, add compost and trim dry branches. Collecting medicinal herbs, canning vegetables, pickling and fruit compotes will work well.

The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for July 2017 advises doing only those works on the site that are not aimed at harvesting. For example, you can collect vegetables for the winter, loosen the soil, hill up, fight pests, pull out weeds and plant tomatoes. It is not advisable to water, germinate seeds, replant, plant or pick seedlings during this period. You can remove shoots and create shape for shrubs. Trees are fertilized with organic components. On winter period medicinal herbs are prepared.

A favorable period for working on the site and in the garden. You can harvest garlic, root vegetables, onions, and also plant cauliflower, celery, watercress, spinach and parsley. All plants and shrubs need to be fertilized with organic additives. If you cut flowers these days, they will stand for a long time. The flowerbed is loosened, weeded and watered, and flowers (perennials) are planted. Plants should not be replanted, otherwise the roots may be damaged. It is advisable to trim the shoots of bushes, remove dry branches and protect plants from pests. Vegetables and fruits are prepared for the winter, as well as salting and canning.

Negative days for working and planting vegetables on the site. The gardener's lunar calendar for July 2017 advises digging up root vegetables and potatoes, as well as planting tomatoes, processing cucumbers, watering, loosening and hilling. Mulching, weeding, thinning seedlings and harvesting garlic will be beneficial. You can dry and prepare vegetables, herbs, medicinal herbs and fruits for the winter. They are engaged in distilling juice and making homemade wine. Spraying is used to control pests. You can plant hanging, creeping and climbing flowers, as well as root cuttings. Dry and excess branches on trees are removed, lawn grass is mowed, and supports are placed for fruit trees.

An excellent period for planting, harvesting and working on personal plot. You can sow and plant any plants, vegetables and flowers. Effective control of pests and rodents, as well as pinching tomatoes and cucumbers. It is advisable to fertilize the plants with organic components and water them abundantly. It is not advisable these days to collect medicinal herbs, harvest vegetables and fruits for winter storage, or dig up root vegetables and potatoes. You can cut dry branches, plant different varieties of flowers, weed and root strawberry tendrils. An excellent time for making homemade wine, drying berries and canning vegetables.

The new moon is not suitable for planting, harvesting and sowing crops, or other manipulations with plants. It is advisable to take a break from work on the site on this day.

The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for July 2017 advises carrying out work on the site as desired and necessary. There are no special contraindications for sowing and planting crops. You can plant and dig up potatoes, plant tomatoes, hill up cucumbers, loosen, mulch and weed the soil. The fight against insects and rodents, as well as feeding with mineral supplements, will be excellent. Landing ornamental plants, annual and perennial flowers and the plants are transplanted to a new location. It is advisable to remove the growth and mow the lawn grass, as well as propagate the flowers by dividing them. It is better to postpone canning vegetables and preparing compotes until more favorable days.

Neutral days for working on the site and planting crops. You can sow root parsley, radishes, radishes, turnips, herbs and celery in your garden. It is advisable to water the plants, weed and plant potatoes, and plant roses, tuberous flowers and root cuttings in the flower garden. Effectively fertilize plants with mineral supplements. Do not spray crops! You can prepare new beds for strawberries, root them and water them moderately.

July is the hottest period of summer. The main work in the garden and vegetable garden at this time is timely watering, weeding, fertilizing vegetables and flowers, and, of course, harvesting summer berries: currants, gooseberries, plums and raspberries. Much attention In July, you need to pay attention to caring for plants in greenhouses and greenhouses: water them in the morning or evening, do not forget to open the greenhouses and greenhouses during the day, harvest vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Favorable days for working in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden in July 2017 according to Lunar time sowing calendar will be - July 1, 6, 7, 12-13, 15, 17, 18, 25-26, 29-30.

Work in the garden in July according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

In July in the garden full swing The harvest is underway. Place under productive branches of apple, pear and plum trees strong supports. Collect carrion regularly. To stimulate the formation of new fruit buds, apply foliar fertilizing with a urea solution (50 g per 10 liters of water). July is usually the hottest month of the year: do not forget to water and sprinkle the crowns fruit trees:, pears and plums in the evening or morning hours. Watering can be done any day except 1, 10-11, 29-30 July.

In July, the second period of sap flow begins and fruit crops can be grafted by budding. Young plants will tolerate grafting better if it is carried out on favorable days according to the Lunar calendar - July 1st.

Deadlines in July for gardening according to the 2017 gardener’s lunar calendar:

planting trees and shrubs - 1, 17-18, 25-26, 29-30;
application of complex fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium - 20-21;
applying dry fertilizers to fruit trees and shrubs - 2-5;
- 4-5, 10-11, 20-21, 27-28;
sanitary pruning of ornamental trees and shrubs: removal of diseased, dried branches, removal of shoots - 14-15, 24;
hedge trimming - 24;
graft - 1;
harvest- 6-7, 22, 24.

Is it possible to spray apple, pear and other trees? fruit crops during harvest ripening?

In July they spend time in the garden additional processing against caterpillars of codling moths, leaf rollers, and scab. Treatments against pests and diseases should be stopped at least a week before the start of harvest. The most favorable days in July for treating diseases and pests with drugs according to the 2017 gardener’s lunar calendar will be July 4-5, 10-11, 20-21, 27-28.

Work in the garden according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

In July, most of the time in the garden is spent on weeding, loosening and watering. But the time has come for something pleasant: harvesting early varieties of cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, zucchini, early ripening vegetables and salads. Don’t delay harvesting early ripening varieties white cabbage, heads of early varieties crack easily if left standing. Harvest cucumbers about every other day to prevent them from overgrowing and early aging of the vines. In cloudy weather, cucumbers can be picked less often. Water cucumbers after each harvest, but reduce watering of onions to a minimum.

Deadlines for work in the garden in July 2017 according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and florist

pinching, pinching tops, standardizing bushes tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and the formation of lashes - 14-15;
watering the garden in July- any day except 1, 10-11, 29-30;
weeding and mulching - 1, 9, 23;
- 2-5;
fertilizing with dry fertilizers - 20-21;
- 4-5, 10-11, 20-21, 27-28;
- 4, 8, 10, 22-23, 31.

When is the best time to harvest according to the 2017 Lunar calendar?

harvest- 6-7, 12-15
Unfavorable day - 13, 21, 25 and 28-29 (root vegetables) , the crop will not be stored;
harvesting greens for the winter- 14-15;
preparation of juices and wines, compotes, jams - 12-15, 22.

When is the best time to collect medicinal plants according to the 2017 Lunar calendar?

To collect medicinal plants: mint, thyme, plantain, rosehip, linden, chamomile, fireweed, St. John's wort, the best days according to the Lunar calendar are 1 and 11. On the Waxing Moon in Leo, you need to collect medicinal herbs that help lower blood pressure and for the treatment of heart disease. For a walk in the forest to pick berries, it is best to choose days when the Waning Moon falls under the sign of Cancer.

Work in July in the flower garden according to the Lunar sowing calendar in 2017

In the middle of summer, there is enough work in the flower garden: you need to collect and preserve seeds and bulbs of faded plants, provide the flowers with sufficient watering and fertilizing, and tie up tall varieties of gladioli and dahlias. At the beginning and in the middle of the month, it is advisable to feed clematis, honeysuckle honeysuckle and others blooming vines mullein infusion with the addition of complex mineral fertilizer. Feed dahlias and annual flowers with a long flowering period with a complex fertilizer: ageratums, asters, petunia, sage, carnations and verbena. After flowering has finished, feed the peonies with full mineral fertilizer with high potassium content and water generously.

Throughout the month, roses and phlox can be propagated by cuttings. On July 11-13, you can plant climbing crops (lianas) - grapes, virgin grapes or parthenocissus and climbing roses, purchased with a closed root system. Plant plants in the ground only if the daytime temperature is not higher than +25°C, and always in the evening.

For abundant flowering throughout the summer, do not forget to remove faded flowers from petunias, verbena, bluebells, roses and others. You can pinch the flower stalks of phloxes for more abundant and longer flowering.

Deadlines for work in July 2017 according to the florist’s Lunar calendar

pinching, pinching the tops- 14-15;
watering- any day except 1, 10-11, 29-30;
weeding and mulching- 1, 9, 23;
application of complex fertilizing - 2-5;
fertilizing with dry fertilizers- 20-21;
treatments against pests and diseases - 4-5, 10-11, 20-21, 27-28;
planting biennials - 25-26, 29-30;
digging up bulbs - 17-18;
rose cuttings - 1;
cannot be planted, sowed or replanted - 4, 8, 10, 22-23, 31.

When is it time to dig up tulip and daffodil bulbs?

After the above-ground parts die, dig up the bulbs of daffodils, hyacinths and tulips (if they haven’t been dug up yet, they are removed in June). Dry the bulbs on fresh air and put it away for storage. For lilies after flowering, cut off a third of the peduncle.

Lawn care

In mid-summer, a properly fertilized lawn grows up to 7-10 cm within 10-14 days after the next mowing. If the grass grows slower, apply any complete lawn fertilizer (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and microelements).

Many gardeners water their lawns too frequently, which increases the grass's need for fertilizer as water leaches nutrients from the topsoil. If the grass, despite feeding, grows very slowly and bushes poorly, try switching to abundant but infrequent watering - once every 1-2 weeks.

Work in July with indoor plants according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

In summer, indoor plants need attentive owners, even more than in winter. Indoor flowers you need to frequently water, feed, spray with water to increase humidity, and spray against diseases and pests. Wipe decorative leaf crops with smooth leaves with a damp soft cloth (ficus, oleander, aspidistra, hibiscus, aglaonema, stromanthus, dieffenbachia and others); flowers with fluffy leaves are best washed under a warm shower (gloxinia, pelargonium, saintpaulia), however, this will not harm any one plant. Take care only of the soil in the pot, cover it with a plastic bag in advance.

On hot days, move indoor plants outside if possible. Move plants from southern windows deeper into the room or shade them in any other way from the hot midday rays.

In summer, pelargonium, hibiscus, oleander, and pelargonium can be propagated by cuttings.

Master classes on reproduction indoor plants:

Deadlines for working with indoor plants in July 2017 according to the florist’s Lunar calendar

watering- any day except 1, 10-11, 29-30;
reproduction - 25-26, 29-30;
application of complex root and foliar fertilizers- 2-5, 24; fertilizing with dry fertilizers - 20-21;
treatment against diseases and pests - 4-5, 10-11, 20-21, 27-28;
replanting, transshipment and replacement of the top layer soils of dracaenas, ficuses and other large trees - 1;
pruning indoor flowers - 14-15, 24;
pruning is not recommended - 2, 8-9, 11, 22, 31 .

More materials on work in July:

Photo in the article: Shutterstock/TASS

Useful tips

July is the time of active harvesting and homemade preparations. This is usually hottest month years when work in the garden or vegetable garden can become quite difficult. But caring for plants at this time is also very important for future harvests, so you will have to work hard, but also enjoy the delicious fruits of your labor!

This month The moon will rise from 1 to 8 and from 23 to 31 July 2017 . These days are more suitable for planting, as well as for summer grafting of fruit trees (choose only successful days!). But during the period waning moonfrom 9 to 22 July 2017- it is best to do fertilization, weed removal, sanitary pruning, cleaning, harvesting for storage and production of canned food for the winter. As you can see, the bulk of the work will occur in the middle of the month.

Indoor plants require special care during the hot season: watering should now be increased, since the earthen ball dries out very quickly. Some plants that especially love moisture should be watered every day, others - a little less often. Cacti can be watered once a week.

Gardener's lunar calendar 2017 planting days in July:

Planting of some continues in July garden crops and flowers. The most successful days for planting different plants are listed below. Here are the days when you should not plant anything due to unfavorable aspects of the Moon: July 1, 6, 8, 16, 20, 23, 26 and 30, 2017.

Salad vegetables (sowing seeds): arugula, watercress, lettuce, dill, spinach – July 3, 4, 25, 31, 31, 2017;

Root vegetables (sowing seeds): turnips, beets, daikon, carrots, radishes, radishes - July 15-18, 21, 22, 2017;

Cabbage: white cabbage, broccoli, oriental varieties (summer seedlings, sowing seeds): July 7, 21, 22, 2017.

The most beautiful flowers IU LMe for the dacha:


♎ 1 JULY, Saturday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:01.SCALES

First quarter, second phase of the Moon from 03:49

This day is not the best for landings due to the unfavorable aspects of the Moon, but today is a good day to do picking flowers medicinal plants. It is best to collect plants during the daytime on a sunny day: then the flowers are well open. Can be collected linden flowers, calendula officinalis, tansy inflorescences and others.

Houseplants: It is better not to plant today, and also, if possible, refrain from watering (except for those plants that require watering daily!). If the weather is cloudy and rainy, especially do not water.

2 JULY, Sunday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:11.SCALES , SCORPION from 19:59

Moon without course from 16:16 to 19:58

Still good time for collecting flowers of medicinal plants. You can also start in the morning planting flowers in a flower garden: being planted now Turkish carnation, pansy, daisies, bluebells, night violets, forget-me-nots, mullein, foxglove and other annuals and perennials. It is better not to water during the day without extreme necessity, It is best to water the plants after 20:00.

Houseplants: Watering plants is allowed after 20:00. It is also good to give the plants a shower in the evening; some can be sprayed, since in the summer the air is quite dry.

♏ JULY 3, Monday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:19.SCORPION

Watering day. Also on this day, you can harvest and send medicinal herbs or leaves of medicinal plants for drying. For example, this season is good to collect leaves raspberries and wild strawberries, oregano, St. John's wort etc. You can also collect pine needles Siberian fir and forest pine and them kidneys.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. It is worth watering plants with water room temperature. Don’t think that in summer plants need to cool down with cold watering. If the temperature of water and air has a difference more than 8 degrees, the plants will experience a real shock and may suffer greatly!

♏ 4 JULY, Tuesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:25.SCORPION

Watering day. This is also a good time to plant greenery. In principle, greens can be planted all summer and even in early autumn, so if you have some free space after harvest. You can plant greens: lettuce, parsley, dill, spinach etc. If they bother you snails, on this day it is good to fight them.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. The abundance and frequency of watering depend on plant species: you need to consider in which parts of the world this plant grows in nature. For example, cacti grow in very dry places, so they do not require frequent watering. Orchids should be watered when their roots turn white. It is best to keep the orchid in a transparent plastic pot, then you can immediately see when the roots turn from green to light, almost white. This usually happens through 5-8 days after the next watering.

JULY 5, Wednesday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:30.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 08:08

Moon without course from 04:34 to 08:07

After 09:00 you can spend summer vaccination fruit trees: for example, plums, pears, cherries. Grafting is perhaps one of the most difficult jobs in the garden and not everyone succeeds perfectly. Experienced gardeners they know that in this way fruit yields can be significantly improved. In summer it is worth grafting rootstocks (cut cuttings) literally immediately after cutting. For example, branches that are cut 2-3 hours before the procedure will take root well.

Houseplants: Watering plants is allowed in the early morning. Usually, when the Moon is in a fire sign, the sun burns quite strongly, so it is worth taking care of shading for indoor plants. Do not leave the plant in very strong sunlight as it may get burned. Also, do not spray plants when they are very hot from the sun.

♐ 6 JULY, Thursday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:31.SAGITTARIUS

Today it is still possible to graft fruit trees. There are plenty of vaccination methods, but which one to choose? will tell you your conditions, age of the tree, thickness of branches, etc. It is better to vaccinate on cloudy days (but so that there is no rain), preferably early in the morning or in the evening, so that there is no extreme heat. After the procedure, it is better to cover the cuttings that are grafted with cellophane and not allow direct sunlight to fall on them.

Houseplants: if your plants are on open balconies, they should also be protected from direct sunlight. Also, for some plants that do not particularly like moisture, for example, succulents and cacti, it is important to provide shelters from sudden rains, which happen quite often in the summer.

7 JULY, Friday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:27.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 20:44

Moon without course from 17:12 to 20:43

On this day it is good to sow and plant vegetable crops, for example different types of cabbage. Early varieties already produce harvests in 50-55 days. You can also sow oriental types of cabbage: Beijing, Chinese, semi-pumped. Early varieties produce a harvest within 50-60 days. It is best to start landing before the Moon becomes “idle”, that is until 17:00.

Houseplants: Today you can plant fruit bushes that will grow from the seed. For example, you can plant a seed avocado or home lemon.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

♑ 8 JULY, Saturday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:17.CAPRICORN

Lucky day for weed removal. They grow quite quickly in the summer, so they should be destroyed regularly. But if you take care of weeds today or tomorrow, the result will be especially good: new weeds will grow much more slowly. It is also good today to practice the prevention of plant diseases. It is good to treat them with solutions against diseases.

Houseplants: You can loosen the soil in pots. It is better not to engage in planting and transplanting for now. This day is also suitable for cleaning and sanitary pruning of dry and diseased stems and leaves.


♑ 9 JULY, Sunday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 21:00.CAPRICORN

FULL MOON at 07:07

Your garden may need sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs, as well as cleaning. Today is the most successful day for this work. If trees have diseased or dry branches, you should get rid of them. It is worth pruning branches if the plant is infected serious illnesses, and there is no other way to get rid of them. July is the most favorable conditions for the spread of diseases that the tree could have become infected with in the spring. However, remember that it is worth treating plants for pests during the week before or after harvest.

Houseplants: Today is a good time to start preventative work against pests. It is better not to engage in planting and transplanting. A more favorable time for this work will be at the end of July.

♑♒ 10 JULY, Monday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:36.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 08:35

Moon without course from 05:12 to 08:34

In the morning you can start watering if necessary. It's a good time for fertilizers for your flower garden. It is better not to overwork too much on this day. You can loosen the ground for future weeding or hill up the potatoes. But it’s better not to graft or pinch plants.

Houseplants: not a bad day to buy indoor plants, especially flowering ones. You can also purchase today some special, rare or unusual plants. You can apply fertilizer to plants blooming at this time. Water the flowers until 09:00.

♒ 11 JULY, Tuesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:07.AQUARIUS

It is better to refrain from watering today, as the plants will have difficulty obtaining nutrients from the water. You can continue the work you started yesterday.

Houseplants: watering is prohibited. Carefully inspect the plants for pests. Some of them may hide under the leaves.

♒♓ 12 JULY, Wednesday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:32.AQUARIUS , FISH from 18:52

Moon without course from 15:40 to 18:51

It is better not to water the plants during the day. When the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, you can start watering - after 19:00. In addition, evening watering is much healthier. Since during the day moisture evaporates faster in the heat. In the evening, along with watering, it is good to apply fertilizers for trees and shrubs.

Houseplants: You can start watering after 19:00.

♓ 13 JULY, Thursday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:55.FISH

Today is a good day to trim the hedges. This will allow you to form beautiful shape plants, will decorate your site. Today it is good to fertilize trees and shrubs in the form of a urea solution at the rate of 50 gramsfor 10 liters of water. This will allow the trees to set buds well for next year.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. If you have moisture-loving plants. They should arrange shower, and also do not forget about spraying in the evening or early morning. Do not spray flowers in bright sun rays, as plants may get burned.

♓ 14 JULY, Friday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:16.FISH

Moon without course from 20:00

Watering day. Watering plants is a very important part of caring for your garden in the summer. It is important to follow watering rules, given different conditions: depth groundwater, soil moisture, weather conditions. At insufficient watering may be observed in different plants different problems. Many flowers and fruits become smaller; the quality of the fruit leaves much to be desired.

Today is good fertilize lawns. You can also mow lawns to slow down grass growth.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. It is good to fertilize flowers with beautiful leaves.

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners

♓♈ 15 JULY, Saturday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 23:37.FISH , ARIES from 02:52

Moon without course until 02:51

Nice day for harvest, which can be sent for storage or consumed immediately. Early vegetable crops are already ripening, including cucumbers, radish, cauliflower, garlic and various greens. The areas after harvest can then be used for planting greenery or seedlings strawberries but it's better to do it on the waxing moon.

Cucumbers grow quickly, so they should be collected constantly now, but today and in the next three days you have a good opportunity make canned food out of them.

This is also a good day to plant roots. It is worth observing the conditions for planting different crops. For example, now you can sow radish For winter storage. It is better to sprinkle the crops with ash to protect them from pests.

This day is also suitable for preparing cuttings for propagation coniferous shrubs and hedges. Worth choosing correct cuttings so that the plants do not grow crooked and ugly. It is better to choose cuttings of young plants that have an even and symmetrical crown.

Houseplants: take care to protect your plants from the bright sun, since during the days of the Moon in a fire sign it is especially strong. Today it is good to prepare cuttings for future propagation of plants (on the waxing Moon).

♈ 16 JULY, Sunday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 23:58,ARIES

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 22:24

Bad day for landing due to shift lunar phase. It's better to reschedule the landings at least until tomorrow. It's still a good time to harvest. Now you can collect peas, beans, onions and everything that has already matured. A good day to continue work on canning vegetables, fruits, and berries. Also at this time they may already ripen early varieties potatoes.

Today you can collect fruits medicinal plants: rosehip, blueberry, viburnum, common raspberry, black currant, caraway and others and send them for drying and storage.

Houseplants: put off any difficult work with plants.

♈♉ 17 JULY, Monday, 23rd lunar day from 00:00.ARIES , CALF from 08:05

Moon without course from 05:19 to 08:04

Today you can work on the soils in the tree trunk circles, between the rows. Loosen the soil well to remove weeds. Also, regular loosening will enrich the soil with oxygen. Plants will more easily receive moisture and nutrients. Today you can also do cleaning, checking the catch belts on the trees and supports for fruit-bearing branches so that they do not break off under the weight of the fruit a little later. Fine hill up potatoes.

After currant harvest, it is worth feeding the bushes, since after this the formation of young buds occurs, and fertilizers will allow them to form well. You can also treat bushes from which the berries have been harvested, 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Houseplants: The day is suitable for loosening the soil, cleaning and controlling pests of indoor flowers.

♉ 18 JULY, Tuesday, 24th lunar day from 00:20.CALF

Pest control will be successful if you take action from 18 to 22 July. For example, if plants are affected aphids, With bottom side spray their leaves well solutions of ash, garlic or tobacco with soap. Aphids don't like these smells. Also fight with black ants Can different ways, including the use of fish bones, boiling water, garlic infusion or ready-made preparations.

Good time to dig roots of medicinal plants. For example, you can dig up the root Angelica officinalis, burdock, peony and horseradish. The best way to do this is to dig up the roots. late evening or at night.

Houseplants: You can apply fertilizers to develop the root system of plants. If you have large plants in pots at your dacha, you can bury the pot in the ground during the summer season. This will protect the soil from overheating.

♉♊ 19 JULY, Wednesday, 25th lunar day from 00:51.CALF , TWINS from 10:32

Moon without course from 09:11 to 10:31

It's still good to control pests, but you can't start complex work during the Moon without a course! To scare away butterflies cabbage whites from cabbage, you can spray the plants with wormwood infusion. If you find larvae or adults of insect pests on cabbage or potatoes, collect them immediately and burn them.

Houseplants: Watering the plants can be done early in the morning.

♊ 20 JULY, Thursday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 01:26.TWINS

Preventive work against diseases - scabs, powdery mildew or spots, can be done today. On this day it is difficult to say what the weather will be like, but if possible do not water the plants, it's better to use it.

Houseplants: Watering plants is not allowed.

Lunar planting calendar for gardener and gardener

♊♋ 21 JULY, Friday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 02:11.TWINS , CANCER from 11:10

Moon without course from 08:41 to 11:09

Do not start any new work during the Moon period without a course. If you would like the grass clippings on your lawn to grow more slowly but juicy and bright, you can cut her hair today. The fight against any pests that live on the surface of the earth will be especially effective today.

Houseplants: Watering plants is allowed in the evening.

♋ 22 JULY, Saturday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:08.CANCER

It is still good to water the plants. Today it is better not to harvest vegetables and fruits if you plan to make home canned food. On the days of Cancer, it is bad to make preparations for the winter, since vegetables and fruits can be too watery, and mold can easily grow in jars.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. If you are leaving for several weeks, but even for a week, the plants will remain without watering, so if you do not have the opportunity to invite someone to water them, you can do drip irrigation. The easiest way is bandages and a bucket of water. There are also special automatic watering devices for home flowers.


♋♌ 23 JULY, Sunday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:16 to 12:43, CANCER , A LION from 11:33

1st lunar day from 12:46

Moon without course from 09:05 to 11:32

NEW MOON at 12:46

On the day of the new moon you cannot start new ones. important matters. Today is a good time for planning. Planting plants is highly undesirable. It's better not to study on this day complex work. Plan things on next month, draw up schedules for planting, harvesting and other work that you will carry out.

Houseplants: Watering plants is allowed, especially in the morning. It's better not to deal with plants today. After 12:30 it’s good to plan work for the next month.

♌ 24 JULY, Monday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:33.A LION

A good day to plant lawn grass if you are just starting a lawn. It promises to rise quickly, be juicy, bright and very thick. It is best to start planting after 18:00, if possible.

Houseplants: The best time to work with plants is after 18:00. Before this, if possible, you should not engage in planting. In the evening, you can plant homemade fruit bushes from seeds.

♌♍ 25 JULY, Tuesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:52.A LION , VIRGO from 13:33

Moon without course from 12:22 to 13:32

You can start before 12:30 planting work. On this day you can plant vegetables if you did not have time to do so earlier and if landing dates allow. Can be propagated garden strawberries mustache In the afternoon (after 13:30) you can also do planting, as well as loosen and weed the soil.

Houseplants: in the afternoon (after 13:30) you can start replanting or planting new indoor plants. This is the most good time for these works this month.

♍ 26 JULY, Wednesday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:12.VIRGO

The day is favorable for working with soils; it is better not to carry out planting work, but to wait for a more successful time. You can also do seed sorting in your storage. It is good to prepare places for future plantings. For example, if you are just planning to plant strawberries, you can loosen and prepare the area.

Houseplants: This day is not very suitable for landings and transfers, as the negative aspects of the Moon are approaching. It is better to postpone complex work.

♍♎ 27 JULY, Thursday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:29.VIRGO , SCALES from 18:37

Moon without course from 09:31 to 18:36

The Moon will be at idle for most of the day. You can still start planting until 09:30. But don’t start anything important under the Moon without a course! On this day you can do anything small jobs, which are necessary, but to water the plants better in the morning, not in the evening. It is highly undesirable to make homemade canned fruits and vegetables.

Houseplants: You can start planting plants before 09:30, but it’s better to avoid shopping.

♎ 28 JULY, Friday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 10:43.SCALES

Today and tomorrow are good times to collect flowers of medicinal plants. For example, you can collect baskets of common calendula, corollas of mullein flowers, inflorescences of cordate linden and common tansy. You can plant herbs or medicinal plants, as well as any flowers in your flower garden. You can go shopping for the necessary equipment for planting and other work, you can also buy flowers for planting on your site.

Houseplants: Watering plants is not allowed.

♎ 29 JULY, Saturday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:55.SCALES

The day is suitable for collecting flowers of medicinal plants if there is good weather on this day. sunny weather. Flowers should be picked during the day when they are well open. If possible, you should not water your garden today. You can also plant flowers and go shopping.

Houseplants: Watering plants is not allowed.

30 JULY, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:05.SCALES , SCORPION from 03:23

Moon without course from 00:30 to 03:23

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 18:23

Watering day. From this period, young trees should be watered less frequently. This will allow the wood to become strong enough for winter. Can be collected leaves and needles medicinal plants. For example, they are now collecting leaves of mint, plantain, nettle and wormwood, as well as such medicinal herbs as pepper knotweed, oregano, angustifolia fireweed and others.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. It is better not to do complex work with plants.

♏ JULY 31, Monday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:05.SCORPION

Moon without course from 14:10

Watering day. The end of July - beginning of August is usually a fairly dry and very hot period, so be careful irrigation modes it's very important now. Trees should be watered quite abundantly (50-60 liters of water per 1 square meter trunk circle), after which it is worth loosening the ground under the tree.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. Today you can plant greens on the windowsill. It will be beneficial plant shower, which will refresh them and help wash away dust from the leaves and stems.

Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners table for July 2017

Watering: especially recommended days: 2-4, 12-14, 21-23, 30, 31
Watering: days not recommended: 1, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29
External pest control: 4, 17-22
Underground pest control: 9, 17-19
Fertilizers for the leaf system: 12-14, 21, 22
Fertilizers for fetal development: 15, 16
Fertilizers for the development of the root system: 9, 17-19
Fertilizers for flowers: 10-12, 19-21
Landing leafy vegetables: 3, 4, 25, 31
Planting vegetables: 5, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25, 21, 22
Planting greenery on the windowsill: 3, 4, 25, 31
Planting flowers in a flower garden: 2, 25, 27-29
Planting, transplanting, transferring indoor flowers: 25, 27
Propagation of indoor flowers by cuttings and leaves: 15, 16
Lawn mowing: 3, 4, 13, 14, 30, 31
Lawn planting: 24, 25
Harvesting for canning and storage: 15, 16
Harvesting for quick consumption: 5-7, 15, 16, 23-25
Collection of medicinal flowers: 1, 2, 28, 29
Collection of leaves, buds, needles of medicinal plants, herbs: 3, 4, 30, 31
Collection of fruits, seeds and buds of medicinal plants: 15, 16
Collection of roots of medicinal plants: 8, 9, 17, 18
Prohibited days for harvesting and spinning: 13, 14, 21, 22, 26, 27
Twists: 15, 16
Loosening, mulching, hilling: 7-10, 17, 18, 25-27
Vegetable garden cleaning: 7-9, 17, 18, 25
Compost compaction: 6, 7
Summer tree grafting: 5, 7, 24, 25
Pinching. stepson: 15, 16
Weed removal: 7-9, 17, 18
Purchase of plants, seeds, equipment: 7, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29
Unfavorable days for plantings, transplants, vaccinations: 1, 6, 8, 16, 20, 23, 26, 30

July is the hottest month of summer. During this period, according to the lunar sowing calendar, the main work in the garden and garden is watering and fertilizing plants. In this case, you should collect berries: plums, currants and gooseberries. It is also important to remember about crops in greenhouses: water them in a timely manner, harvest them and monitor the health of the plants.

At the beginning of July, emphasis should be placed on collecting fruits and installing supports for fruit-bearing plants. Collect carrion in a timely manner. You should also apply fertilizer from a urea solution under the trees. Pay attention to watering plums, apple trees, and pears. It should be done in the morning.

At the beginning of July, emphasis should be placed on harvesting fruits

Works in the middle of the month

The 2018 calendar recommends grafting fruit trees in the middle of the month. Treating plants against pests and diseases will also have a good effect. Important! You should stop processing 7 days before you start harvesting vegetables and fruits.

Basic work in July at the dacha (video)

What to do in the garden at the end of July 2019

At the end of the month, gardeners should pay attention to loosening the beds and watering the crops. The time has come to collect zucchini, cabbage, lettuce, and squash.

Important! The cabbage should be harvested first before it splits. Every other day you need to collect cucumbers in the greenhouse. However, after each harvest they need to be watered. Onion On the contrary, it is worth watering rarely.

The cabbage should be harvested first before it splits.

What to do in the flower garden

The month is perfect for working in the flower garden. Faded plants should be removed, fertilized, watered, and tall flowers should be tied up. In mid-July you can deposit mineral supplements and mullein under gladioli and clematis. Sage, ageratum and petunia need to be fed with complex fertilizer. Peonies should be fed with potash.

In June, you can continue to plant phlox and roses, virgin grapes and parthenocius. But work should only be carried out in the evening, when the air temperature is not so high.

In June you can continue planting phlox

Collection of medicinal plants

The sowing calendar recommends collecting medicinal herbs in June. These can be: mint, plantain, rose hips, St. John's wort. Optimal time for collection – from 1st to 11th. On the waxing Moon, you should collect herbs that help reduce blood pressure.

The sowing calendar recommends collecting medicinal herbs in June

It's time for lawn care

For gardeners, June is the time to mow the lawn. It should be done every 2 weeks. During this time, the grass grows up to 10 cm. If the grass develops slowly, it is worth adding special fertilizers.

Important! You shouldn't water your lawn too often, otherwise you'll just wash everything out. nutritional elements out of him. As a result, you will have to feed it very often. The best option– watering once every 2 weeks.

How to water plants (video)

Sowing lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for July 2019

The planting calendar will tell you what should be planted and when.

Moon in the Zodiac

Favorable works

Unfavorable works

Sowing radishes, onions, turnips, planting herbs

Watering plants

Watering tomatoes, fertilizing trees, picking berries, mowing lawns

Felling trees, trimming branches of plants

Spraying crops against pests, picking cucumbers, zucchini, berries, planting strawberries

Planting lettuce, hilling weeds

Harvesting vegetables, fertilizing trees, replanting perennials, filling a compost pit

Planting seedlings, pruning dry branches


Loosening tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots

Sowing vegetables

Spraying trees against pests, collecting herbs for drying, cutting down trees

Planting vegetables

Watering plants, sowing daikon, radish, Chinese cabbage, picking berries

Removal of plant growth, forest cutting

Trimming old leaves on crops, spraying cabbage from caterpillars,

pinching raspberries

Collection of medicinal plants, pruning bushes

Sowing radishes, making hay, removing strawberry stalks, hilling leeks

Watering plants


Treating trees against pests, pruning old branches on bushes, sowing green manure, collecting vegetables

Watering plants

Application of potash fertilizers, collection of ground pests, picking berries

Pruning dry branches, planting trees

Site cleaning

Any work with plants

Picking berries and vegetables, dividing perennials, preparing holes for planting trees

Planting lettuce

Sowing spinach, sorrel, treating strawberries from insects, hilling dahlias

Collection of root vegetables

The planting calendar for July suggests that a lot of work awaits you in the month presented. You will have to collect ripe fruits, plant new plants, and apply fertilizing. If you do everything right, the harvest will be rich.

Attention, TODAY only!