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Flowers for wealth and love in the apartment. Indoor flowers attract good luck and money. Money well-being and wealth

Hello dear flower growers. You know that many flowers are able to bring luck, good luck, money into the house. Look at the flowers that bring good luck to the house, try to grow them for happiness, luck and wealth.

Flower Pet Magic

Everyone knows that indoor flowers enliven the interior, absorb harmful substances have a positive effect on mood. It turns out the role of indoor plants is much greater.

People have long noticed that some green pets are able to hold the family together, find the other half, and bring prosperity to the house. And others - to create an irreconcilable atmosphere in the family, that is, to bring bad energy into the house.

Look at the photos of happy plants.

11 flowers that can change your destiny

Let's call the first or "Women's happiness." If you are unlucky in love, are not happy with your relationship with your spouse, or suffer from loneliness, then plant this particular plant.

In order for it to really bring you female happiness, you need to take good care of it. A wildly growing flower will gladly respond to your care, give female happiness.

Or a flower of peace, will bring peace, tranquility to the house, stop quarrels between households. In addition, violet is considered a symbol of fidelity, devotion.

If in your life there was a discord with your loved one, start a violet white color, she will take on some of your mental suffering.

In addition, the baby is a symbol of home comfort, warmth, joy.

Chinese rose (hibiscus)

The Chinese rose (hibiscus) is a symbol of peace. Other flower growers consider the Chinese rose a symbol of passion. They say that passion can flare up in every home where there is this unusual home plant.

If you don't have a mate, you will meet one soon. If you are already married or married, then love will flare up with renewed vigor. Do not forget that the "passionate" hibiscus - thermophilic plant, loves watering, good care.

Hoya or wax ivy

In many countries, this plant is given as a Valentine's Day gift. Plant him in the bedroom, because he is the patron saint of lovers, as well as a sign of devotion, tenderness.

During flowering, an exciting aroma comes from the inflorescences, inflaming romantic natures. The house where this amazing specimen will bloom will be happy.

If you want to wish a young family happiness, then give her a fragrant myrtle, so that understanding reigns between spouses, love, happiness, and peace live.

This green pet is capable of bringing peace to any family. Spouses will always trust each other, support in any business. If there is a quarrel, then the husband and wife will definitely find a compromise. Family happiness will live in the house where the myrtle grows. Perhaps the subtle, delicate aroma emanating from the flower calms people down.

If you decide to start this plant, then be prepared for the fact that it will grow up to 1 meter in height. Likes diffused light, frequent spraying, proper watering. The soil should never dry out, but over-watering can harm it. From its foliage, you can prepare a balm and tincture.

Calathea is able to save a family, so give this magical flower to a family where a divorce is brewing. He is unpretentious in care, even if you forget to water him, he will not be "offended." And the one who keeps this miraculous flower in the house can count on a long, happy marriage.

A healthy flower has brightly colored leaves with clear, white lines. With good care, it will grow indefinitely.

Chlorophytum is desirable to have in every home, but not just one plant. It will bring peace, peace, mutual understanding. In an office where many people with different personalities work, also get this copy.

In addition, unsightly in appearance, it will perfectly purify the air in the room. If you decide to buy new furniture, along with it, bring a few fluffy flowers into the apartment, they will quickly absorb all the smell of chemistry.

Oxalis, or oxalis, will help a lonely person meet a soul mate. If you want to give this purple flower as a gift, then choose a four-leaf oxalis, which will give its owner incredible luck. Oxalis is called because of the sour taste of the leaves.

Oxalis leaves can be lilac, purple, green or bicolor. At night or by rain, the leaves fold. Oxalis blooms more than once a year with wonderful delicate bouquets of different shades:

  • pink;
  • white;
  • yellow.

Watering family "happiness" is necessary once a week, expose to a dim light.

Male talisman or "male happiness". They say that this handsome man enhances potency, single guys bring success with girls, and married men - a happy family life.

If an unmarried girl starts a plant for beauty, then in the future she will have family happiness.

Dracaena or "bamboo of happiness" is considered a tree of success, fast lung luck, achieving stability in business. It is worth noting that dracaena is a very jealous plant.

If he does not like one of your partners, then he will expel his business. To attract good luck and money, a businessman must hang a red or golden ribbon on the first shoot that appears.

Bougainvillea attracts wealth and luck. This is the strongest money plant. The powerful energy of bougainvillea helps hardworking, striving for achievement in a career or business people. The plant will help successfully, profitably, invest money, increase the flow of customers, speed up the solution of financial issues.

Hers is metal. Make a sword out of bronze coins, hang next to a flower, this will help to remove competitors. In Asia, this species can be seen in every office and bank. money talisman sure to bring money and good luck to its owner.

Lucky flowers include mint, everything citrus plants.

Dear friends, you have learned a lot about the meaning of indoor flowers, I am sure that a real talisman will appear on your table soon. Do not forget that every plant is a living organism that requires proper, careful care.

But at that time, it was mainly about those home-made herbs that have a good effect on human health and the microclimate in the apartment.

Today we will talk about those flowers for the home that bring love, money, good.

Crassula is also called a fat woman, a money tree. This is perhaps the most famous plant in our country among all the flowers that bring good luck and money to the house.

Crassula has fleshy leaves oval shape that look like coins. Hence the name "fat girl" and the attribution of the force of attraction of money.

How powerful the magical energy of a plant is is indicated by its growth rate and appearance. So, the flowering of the fat woman - sure sign getting rich soon, such as winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance. But the drying up of the money tree - Bad sign promising bankruptcy.

The representatives of the ancient Slavic tribes attributed magical properties to the fern. They believed that finding a flower of this plant could attract good luck, protect against evil spirits and indicate the location of treasures hidden underground.

Unfortunately, the fern does not bloom, but still brings material well-being to the house and contributes to a quick career growth its owner.

, – unusual plant from Africa. Refers to flowers that bring good luck and money, protect against diseases.

It is believed that dollar tree has a very sensitive energy field, therefore favors only those owners who truly love him. T

There is an opinion that magical properties zamiokulkas are enhanced in cases where the flower serves as a birthday present, New Year or other holiday.


home distinguishing feature any cactus - thorns. In money magic, it is commonly thought that the plant uses them to open and expand "money channels".

So, for enrichment, it is worth having several cacti at once. Preferably, they should be related to different types. After all, the more various spines - money antennas, the better.

The only drawback of these plants is the dual energy. No wonder. For example, they are believed to destroy love vibes. Therefore, to attract money and good luck, you will have to pay with loneliness.

Bougainvillea brings prosperity to the homes of those people who aspire to it. This plant will be an excellent choice for workaholics and those whose professional activities involve high risks, such as investors and traders.

Bougainvillea seems to be following the owner and, if he sees that he is interested in improving his financial situation, helps him.

The positive energy of the plant can be enhanced by hanging a sword next to it, decorated with bronze coins.


Geranium is not the most effective flower for attracting money into the house. Its magical properties in this respect are not strongly expressed. Therefore, with the help of this plant, it is unlikely that you will get rich quick. But to save and slightly increase the accumulated will come out without difficulty.

Geranium changes the owner's attitude towards money. And he begins to plan expenses in more detail, show frugality, and avoid unnecessary spending.

Geranium easily "gets along" with other indoor flowers. A good neighbor is an azalea. Being next to her, geranium will enhance monetary properties.


A pot of mint in the kitchen is the key to attracting wealth. The leaves of the plant distribute a special aroma, which is included in the number. This fragrance plays the role of a lure on which coins flock.

The rich minty smell of grass speaks of its powerful energy, which contributes to the disclosure of "money channels". But if the smell is weak, the plant does not work.

It is important to remember that a mint bush grown from seeds is much better than a purchased plant. Its magical properties are more pronounced.


Aucuba - evergreen having large leaves with small inclusions. The Japanese believe in its ability to attract financial well-being and good luck, which is why they call it the golden tree.

The energy of the aukuba directly depends on the relationship with the owner. Given this, it is better to refuse to purchase an adult plant and grow it yourself.

If the height of the shrub reaches a maximum of 2 meters, then, most likely, the money will flow into the house like a river.

Scindapsus is a small vine with large heart-shaped leaves. Directly this plant does not attract money to the house. But it changes the energy prevailing in the house from heavy to lighter - creative.

Once in such an environment, a person once again feels the taste for life, finds inspiration and is happy to do even the usual things for himself, which contributes to the rapid movement up the career ladder and an increase in income.

According to Feng Shui, Dracaena Sander - amazing plant which can give a person good luck, wealth, strong family, true friends and good health. For this, the Chinese called him "bamboo happiness."

The magical properties of dracaena depend on two important points.

  • The first one is the number of stems. If you dream of financial well-being, then there should be 5 of them.
  • The second point is the location. It is desirable that the plant "look" to the south, east or southeast.


About magical properties lemon tree known from ancient times. Our ancestors believed that it could attract good luck and become a guarantee of financial stability.

In the case of lemon, there are several important nuances.

  • First, after planting a plant and the first unexpected receipt of money, part of the latter should be given to the poor. This will expand the "money channel".
  • Secondly, to enhance the energy of the plant, its leaves must be wiped regularly.


Pachira is exotic plant belonging to the baobab family. The Chinese have long believed in its unusual properties. They are convinced that pahira is the only true Money Tree.

This opinion is confirmed by the legend. According to which, a poor peasant, who happened to be passing under a pakhira, noticed that instead of ordinary fruits, money grows on it. He collected them and became rich.


To grow indoor bamboo, one small shoot will be enough. He will grow up quickly and attract prosperity to the house.

It is noteworthy that bamboo has a very strong energy, therefore it has a positive effect on the affairs of all the inhabitants of the house, and not just the person who takes care of it.

If the plant sprouts, then this is a sure ghost of an early receipt of a large amount of money.

Basic rules for keeping money plants

The main thing in all colors that bring love, money and goodness is magical properties. They can be strengthened in several ways, among which should be highlighted:

  • planting a flower in a wide pot of red or green;
  • the location of the plant in the southern, eastern or southeastern part of the house;
  • receiving a cutting in an unusual way (it is better to quietly steal than to buy, and even better to receive a gift from a very wealthy person);
  • planting a plant with a growing moon;
  • failure to install money flower in the bedroom;
  • laying on the bottom of the pot several coins of different denominations;
  • holding next to a flower magical rituals, For example,

Not many people know that individual indoor plants are able to attract good luck, money to their owner, and even help build a reliable family. Since ancient times, healing properties and talismans have been attributed to some plants. Previously, people considered them to be living creatures that have a soul, a certain character and the ability to saturate the owner and his dwelling with the fertile energy.

It is believed that aichrizon, myrtle, violet, hibiscus and some other plants can attract success, happiness and love to the family.

Plants that support love and peace in the family

indoor flowers can become real helpers in preserving and maintaining warm feelings between lovers.

Spathiphyllum - flowers that symbolize marital chastity. This flower of love brings wisdom and trust to each other into the house. By placing it in the bedroom, you can create a unique protective screen from infidelity in marriage. This flower promotes harmony family relations and attract happiness to the house. A couple who is married, spathiphyllum will allow you to establish mutual respect for each other and become happy parents. The lonely owner of this plant will find his soul mate.

The owner of the flower needs to competently monitor the spathiphyllum. It is necessary to provide him with warmth and attention. Only then will the plant reveal its own "magical" characteristics. You should not transfer the flower to other hands, otherwise you can give away a particle of your own female happiness.

Myrtle is popular as a wedding present for a young couple. It is believed that family harmony will not leave a dwelling in which there is myrtle, and the couple will live in love, peace and harmony. If the bride grew this flower herself and gave each guest a sprig of the plant at the wedding, then her marriage will be successful and long.

In order for the myrtle to begin to protect the family happiness of the couple, it must be in a beautiful pot. The plant loves to "listen" to its address words of gratitude for family comfort, well-being and financial success. In response, the flower will help its owners even more.

Aichrizon is an attractive and interesting plant from the Crassulaceae category, reaching 0.3 m in height. An adult flower resembles a small tree. Among the people, he is known as a talisman of the hearth. This plant is called the "tree of happiness", "tree of love". Aichrizon is often used as a housewarming gift: it is believed that it attracts comfort, peace and prosperity to the apartment.

The plant has rather non-standard leaves - small, fleshy, with a thick fluff. Yellowish flowers in the form of stars resemble small suns, and the plant itself is associated with a spring meadow, which is dotted with many dandelions. The “tree of happiness” should be placed on window sills or at the entrance so that it absorbs negative energy that can enter housing from the street.

Uzambara violet (saintpaulia) has long been considered a talisman for lovers. Saintpaulia creates a festive atmosphere in housing, brings a sense of comfort to its owners. Violet energy attracts health, abundance and success - critical factors for supporting family well-being. It is believed that saintpaulia blooms only in families with a favorable atmosphere. In dwellings where they often quarrel and conflict, these flowers wither.

Plants with pink and red petals help maintain health. blue flowers contribute to inspiration. Snow-white saintpaulias bring peace, purity to the apartment, free from depressing experiences. If there are disagreements between spouses, white violets successfully fight them. They are also recommended to be placed in children's rooms.

Anthurium is a male amulet. It is called "male happiness" because it has a positive effect on the potency of men. The flower symbolizes hot love feelings, is considered the personification of masculinity and strength. Anthurium increases attraction, increases mutual attraction between a man and a woman. The plant helps its owner to achieve recognition from the opposite sex, and in relations with his beloved, the flower brings vivid emotions and complete harmony.

This flower is also called "male fidelity". If he began to fade, you should take a closer look at the behavior of your spouse, as this is a signal that a man may have a passion on the side. Anthurium is undesirable to place in direct sunlight.

Hoya in many countries symbolizes the recognition of love feelings and is used as a kind of valentine for the holiday of February 14th. The best area in the apartment for him is the bedroom. This plant should be purchased by couples who dream of a happy family.

This Indian flower emits a delicate aroma with notes of tulip smell, and outwardly attracts attention with inflorescences created as if from wax. In this case, the plant does not require special care.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is national symbol Malaysia. For the Chinese, the plant represents art. This flower symbolizes peace, mutual respect and passionate feelings. If passion between spouses began to fade, the joint cultivation of hibiscus will help return strong emotions to each other.

If the flower is in the house unmarried girl, then it is believed that she will become more attractive in the eyes of men and gain many fans.

The plant creates around itself the energy of movement. It absorbs laziness and apathy and awakens the ability to be creative. If the owner of the hibiscus has some complexes or is not confident in himself, then the plant will give him strength and vigor.

There is a sign that if a hibiscus abruptly begins to drop foliage or unopened buds, then this bad sign. You should not be upset, as this phenomenon may be due to the fact that the owners do not properly care for the hibiscus. Particular attention should be paid to the timely watering of the Chinese rose.

Chrysanthemum, according to folk beliefs, allows you to save tenderness in relationships. married couple. It contributes to the preservation of love feelings and mutual understanding on long years. The owner of the plant, who has not yet married, will certainly meet her other half.

This plant is useful to keep at home for those people who often experience mental hesitation and self-doubt. indoor chrysanthemum able to protect a person from the adverse consequences of his own actions. The plant causes a desire to put things in order not only in the house, but also in your soul, gives its owner peace and confidence.

Flowers to attract money, well-being, good luck

Many houseplants help not only maintain a tender relationship with your other half, but also strengthen the financial situation of the family.

Oxalis, or oxalis, evokes associations with good luck, luck and fortune. There is a custom to give a plant to loved ones or good friends for a housewarming or other special occasion. Kislitsa protects the family from quarrels, helps to find mutual language.

Crassula is the most popular plant for attracting financial gain and good luck. Its other name is "money tree". In order for the plant to fully manifest its "magic" properties, it is necessary to follow its correct fit.

It is recommended to use only red or green containers. Interspersed with drainage at the bottom of the pot, you need to put a coin. You should not break off the leaves of the tree, they should naturally fall to the ground. If a flower appeared on a fat woman, this is good sign, which promises a solid profit.

Geranium is able to cheer up a person, give confidence in own forces to overcome stress or depression. If the geranium is in the house, then there will never be big scandals or a showdown between family members. In such a dwelling, comfort and tranquility always reign. The plant contributes to a stable profit.

It is important to consider that the flower has a strong, pungent aroma that can cause headaches. Therefore, geraniums should not be placed in the bedroom by the bed, in those rooms where family members spend most time. Suitable for this plant balcony, hallway, corridor. Geranium can be placed at front door or in the southeast of the apartment.

The cactus will help to provide its owner with a constant financial income and material well-being, protect it from bankruptcy and financial losses.

It is important to consider that watering the plant should be moderate. Otherwise, the possibility of rotting of the cactus root system is not excluded.

Dracaena gives its owner success in financial affairs, well-being and prosperity.

The plant does not require special care conditions, except for regular abundant watering.

Bougainvillea is able to bring money to its owner's house - on the condition that a person will make a lot of efforts in order to become rich. The purposefulness and diligence of the owner of the flower will be rewarded at its true worth. In order to enhance the effect of the plant, you need to hang a sword next to it, consisting of bronze coins.

Fuchsia, according to signs, helps a person develop the ability to be creative, take a creative look at things, accept quick and right decisions in difficult situations.

The owner of the flower can count on good luck in matters relating to money.

The Japanese yakuba helps to reveal the inner potential of a person, to achieve success in all matters.

The orchid will fill its owner with inspiration and energy, help to earn a large amount. The best place for the plant will be an office or living room.

Calathea symbolizes home comfort, family well-being, peace and harmony between family members. It is believed that if this plant is in the house, then it will be filled with a warm atmosphere, harmony and mutual understanding.

Ficus is a symbol of harmony and peace in family life. It will not only decorate the house, but also create a friendly atmosphere of tenderness and peace. Helps to achieve financial stability and material independence. To activate this property of the plant, it must be placed in the kitchen. If you put a ficus in the bedroom, then it will contribute to the birth of the baby.

The tree will be able to cheer up the owners, relieve signs of stress and depression.

Akalifa helps the strong half of humanity to strengthen courage and fortitude. If the plant is in the house of a woman, then she will become softer, more feminine and attractive.

Chlorophytum helps to restore an atmosphere of complete understanding and trust in the house. You can place it in office space where the boss needs to be able to get along with many people. If you put a plant in an apartment where repairs have recently been made, it will be able to clean the air from the smell of household chemicals.

In order to enhance the effect that the above flowers have, it is necessary to place pots in suitable parts of the apartment.

  • To achieve material well-being, flowers are located in the southeast of the dwelling.
  • If a person wants to meet his other half, then a flowerpot with a plant should be placed in the southwestern part of the apartment.
  • To achieve family well-being, pots must be placed in the east.
  • To attract good luck, it is recommended to place plants in the west.

Many representatives flora firmly chosen by our apartments. They are able not only to please the eye and cheer up the owners, but also to attract good luck, health and prosperity to the house. It is believed that life can change for the better if certain types of flowers are planted on your balcony or windowsill. What exactly? It is worth looking into it in detail.


Violet brings peace to the abode and endows the people living there with the ability to be wise, devoted and balanced. Quarrels and conflicts in the houses where the violet settles become very rare. It is desirable to hide the flower from prying eyes behind the curtains. The presence of a plant in the house also contributes to the health of babies. Excessive cultivation of violets is not recommended, since it is believed that in large quantities they exhibit a male-banishing effect, i.e. come from a male family.

wax ivy

Wax ivy has given rise to conflicting omens. There is an opinion that it affects the intimate sphere of life of the owners of the apartment. An ancient Greek tradition testifies to the positive influence: an ivy branch was placed on the young bride’s chest so that the girl’s beauty would not fade and attract men. At the same time, there is a statement that overgrown ivy drives out representatives of the strong half from the house.

Crassula arborescens

Crassula tree, or fat woman, is better known under the name "money tree". Having settled in the house, she attracts material well-being to the family. The size and shape of the tree crown directly affect the amount of income. It is desirable to plant a fat woman in pots of red shades, placing a few coins on the bottom.


Bamboo contributes to success in career matters, career advancement. It should be kept in working area. The material success attracted by bamboo is long lasting. Numerous beliefs and signs are associated with bamboo. In China, it symbolizes longevity, in India it is a symbol of friendship. In the Philippines, farmers believe that bamboo attracts happiness. Since bamboo has a very straight growth and fresh green color shoots and foliage, then in Japan it is considered a symbol of purity. Together with pine branches and cherry blossoms, bamboo is a symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. Bundles appear on every front door in Japan at the end of the year pine branches and bamboo shoots (kadomatsu), which, according to the Japanese, bring happiness to the house in the coming year. In some cultures of Asia, it is believed that all of humanity came from the internodes of bamboo shoots. And in Japan and Malaysia, there are beliefs about a young (and very tiny) girl who lives in a bamboo trunk and appears when you cut the shoot. According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, bamboo is a symbol of health, longevity, great vitality, resistance to adversity. And the Chinese character, consisting of two sticks of bamboo, symbolizes longevity.


Fern protects against the effects of dark forces. Ferns, without any problems, are gaining growth outside the city, in open sandy or peaty soil. At home, they may lose their decorative effect if the atmosphere is polluted. A drooping bush serves as an indicator of pollution with gas, smoke, and toxic fumes. If the flower dies, it is argued that he removed the damage from one of the family members.


Spathiphyllum, or "female happiness", relieves women of loneliness and contributes to finding a full-fledged family, conceiving and giving birth to children. The plant possesses these features only at the time of flowering, therefore, reverent care is necessary for it, since the spathiphyllum blooms only under certain conditions. There is a legend that tells that those women who had this plant in their house found their happiness very quickly. If the girl was lonely, then she quickly found herself a life partner. If a woman purchased a flower at a time when she was already in a relationship, then her significant other made her an offer. If a couple wanted to have a child, then they succeeded in a short period.

Myrtle and calathea

Myrtle and calathea can become mediators in repairing upset relationships and help save the family. In particular, myrtle is often given to newlyweds as a symbol of a long-term unshakable relationship. The myrtle tree is a tree of friendship and harmony. if you want the dispute not to turn into a quarrel, then conduct all serious conversations in the room in which the myrtle tree stands. Myrtle tree of health. Myrtle in the house gives its inhabitants health and joy.


Aichrizon and chlorophytum are popularly called "trees of family happiness." They symbolize harmony, fidelity and love in the premises where they grow. It is believed that the splendor and beauty of the aichrizon crown is directly related to the warmth of the relationship between the inhabitants of the dwelling. Chlorophytum also, as the name suggests, acts as an air purifier. Many argue that blooming aichrizon in the house will bring mutual strong feelings to the inhabitants. This belief is especially relevant in cases where the flower suddenly bloomed and fluffed up with lush greenery: it is believed that the owners of the flower will definitely find love and happiness in the near future, and the flower is a sign of approaching love. Another popular belief says that blooming aichrizon symbolizes the presence of love in the house, the flower begins to grow and bloom magnificently in those houses where love and mutual understanding reign.


Anthurium - a talisman male power, which has a beneficial effect on potency. It is known that the red anthurium is covered with a legend - supposedly a girl turned into a flower. Anthurium care at home is not easy: he loves warmth and high humidity, and at home it is not always possible to create the same conditions as in tropical forests. The name of the flower in Latin comes from the words "tail" and "flower", which very accurately reflects the appearance of the inflorescence of a tropical plant. But among the people, the plant is called "flamingo flower", "red tongue", but also called anthurium and male happiness.


Hibiscus attracts passionate love. It appears like lightning, and just as suddenly passes, leaving behind a fiery trail. Most often in our apartments you can find Chinese hibiscus or Chinese rose. One of positive qualities The Chinese rose is that the flower around itself charges the atmosphere with the energy of movement. After all, initially hibiscus is a plant of the sign of Leo. Refers to this sign because of love for bright lighting and the possession of beautiful flowers. The flower has a strong male character. According to the teachings of astrology, fire bears the masculine principle. Fire is an expression of activity. The Chinese rose absorbs the destructive energy of laziness and transforms it into creative energy. It is good to grow a Chinese rose at home for those people who have heart disease or low blood pressure. It is recommended to keep the plant in a passive and sluggish host, the plant will actively feed. Hibiscus energy spirals from bottom to top. Movement from the roots of the Chinese rose to the stem and further in a spiral to the tips of the petals and leaves. It is customary to believe that this plant restores the fading flame of love between spouses who have lived together for a long time.
We should not forget that flowers are living creatures and always respond to kindness and affection. To get positive energy from them, it is worth loving them and conscientiously caring for them. Then it is quite possible to get a kind of home amulet in return.

Hello. What do you know about flowers that bring good luck to the house? Do you know that with their invisible help it will be possible to improve relations in the family, build your own business, open internal energy reserves. See this incomplete list of room wizards with photos that will help you comfortably furnish your home.


Are you often nervous, feel lonely and useless? The husband refuses to help, and the children are constantly naughty? Need a boost of positive energy? If you answered yes to at least one question, my advice to you: urgently run to the flower shop for.

small indoor plant very sensitive to mood swings in the household. His goal is to stop strife, reduce the degree of negative emotions and restore harmony.

  • whites help stabilize the emotional state of people who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. They reduce anxiety, relieve unnecessary worries, improve mood. And, if you broke up with your loved one, snow-white violets will “take away” some of the pain and emotional experiences;
  • red and pink flowers mystically protect against many diseases and help overcome bad habits. I tell you a secret that flowers help to lose weight. excess weight;
  • blue violets stimulate mental activity, reveal creativity and develop innovative thinking;
  • purple flowers are needed for people who are only interested in material aspects and carnal pleasures in life. They awaken spirituality and allow you to find inner harmony.

main feature violet is that it cleanses the house of negative energy, fills the soul with warmth, improves family relationships and stimulates the achievement of new heights.


The exceptionally positive effect of geranium is aimed not only at attracting family happiness, but also at improving material well-being.

Experts in the field of feng shui, astrology and magic unanimously claim that a home plant protects against evil eye, resists love spells and extinguishes negative energy. So you can safely invite your “beloved” friends to the house. Let them envy. To health.

In order to get rich and attract money, you do not need special rituals and dancing with tambourines. It is enough just to properly care for geraniums. Her fragrance is like a magnet for financial flows.

If every day, at least 15 minutes to be near, it will fill you with energy, help you climb the career ladder and find an additional source of income.

I studied a lot of literature, and it turned out that the plant has a huge amount healing properties:

  • strengthens nervous system helps to get rid of depression, fights irritability;
  • purifies the air and kills harmful microbes;
  • regulates hormonal metabolism;
  • reduces the risk of the formation of malignant tumors (according to healers).

Geranium is considered a symbol of love and passion. Therefore, the plant is simply irreplaceable on the windowsill of the matrimonial bedroom. Her positive energy harmonizes relationships in a couple and ignites former passion. There is an opinion that it even helps to get pregnant.

By the way, when this amazing plant grows in the house, the second half is unlikely to decide on treason. Ask your loved one to smell the flower. If he likes the smell, then he knows how to be faithful.

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Bougainvillea is a real financial genius who helps in business. For many nations, it is considered a money symbol, which is directly related to financial flows and all material wealth.

The plant develops intuition and, if you like, opens the third eye. It helps to see the chances, profitably use good moments for investing money, helps to expand the clientele and attracts investments.


Bougainvillea will help eliminate any negativity from partners or competitors and level the consequences of unsuccessful transactions. Contributes to the revival of business and its rapid development.

However, I do not recommend coordinating hands and waiting for a wonderful solution to all problems. The plant loves exceptionally hardworking, purposeful, active and strong personalities. You will have to work hard, but the results will exceed even the wildest expectations.

Then it will be possible to relax, enjoy honestly earned wealth and drink cocktails under the bright southern sun, carefully moistening the leaves of your favorite bougainvillea.

indoor bamboo

Bamboo is not an easy symbol of longevity and material well-being. It is able to activate energy flows in the house and cleanse from negative energy. Chinese Wise Men noted that the plant increases endurance and physical activity, stimulates creativity.

Indoor bamboo is able to fill its owner with inner happiness, increases self-esteem and self-respect. He bestows inner strength helps to resist stressful situations, reduces the percentage of anxiety and protects against depressive conditions.

Being a symbol of progress, it helps all people who want to start their own business. By placing the plant in the southeastern part of the house, it will turn out to attract success, money and prosperity.

It has indoor bamboo and quite earthy properties. It purifies the air of toxic compounds, absorbs unpleasant odors and resists mold growth.


Four-leaf oxalis will definitely bring good luck to its owner. It will help you break out of the vicious circle of unresolved problems and turn the wheel of Fortune in your direction. Rumor has it that frank losers become real minions of fate when sour appears in their house.

It gives people inner strength, helps to gain self-confidence, makes them more resilient and persistent. Their endurance and equanimity can only be envied, and mental abilities increase several times.

Kislitsa helps to complete the most complex projects and gain credibility with the management, increases efficiency, opens up non-standard and creative ways solving the assigned tasks.

Oxalis has a beneficial effect on children. It improves the relationship of parents with difficult teenagers, helps to find a common language, smooth out sharp corners and avoid conflicts.