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Living room wall design. Choosing modern slide walls for the living room, photos of options. Color and design

For some designer styles structures such as slides are simply necessary. Manufacturers have taken care to create a large number of slide options, so fitting this furniture into the interior will not be difficult. The term “slide” appeared due to the fact that all parts are arranged in ascending or descending order.

Modern slides are considered an important piece of furniture. They consist of several elements arranged in a certain order.

The main differences among slide walls are:

  • In shape and also in size;
  • By color and texture features pieces of furniture;
  • According to the method of wall installation;
  • By decorative features, as well as on pricing policy.

Choosing a suitable wall for a modern living room should not pose any problems. After all, thanks to the many varieties of such furniture, you can choose a slide for your living room to suit any style. Modern walls are sold in finished form or they are made to order. Important feature similar furniture is considered its different functional purpose. Some models may have dimensions wardrobes, while in others they are, on the contrary, absent.

Living room walls are usually divided according to price. You can find a good one without any problems a budget option or choose a slide that belongs to the elite class.

The pricing policy depends on the quality of the material, as well as the reputation of the manufacturer. The highest quality furniture is considered to be those made from expensive species. natural wood. They are best suited for creating a classic style.

The main advantages of slide walls

Thanks to many positive characteristics The wall slide has been popular among consumers for many years.

The advantages of such furniture are:

  1. If necessary, you can use separate parts of the structure. However, the stability of such wall elements should be consulted in advance.
  2. Each part of the slide is made in the same style. Therefore, there is no need to specially select furniture that is similar in color and structure.
  3. Absent on slide walls a large number of dust.
  4. Many models have a special niche designed to accommodate a TV. In addition, the slide provides plenty of storage space.
  5. The slide does not take up much space. That is, the hall will not look overloaded, but rather remain spacious and stylish.
  6. Another advantage is the ease of transporting the slide. Due to the fact that the furniture is considered modular, it is easy to assemble and arrange in the desired order.

External features of modern wall slides

IN modern interior A slide wall often consists of a variety of elements. An important condition for such furniture is consistency, as well as correct location all parts. When choosing a set of such furniture, it is recommended to take into account the size of the room, as well as the features of the style theme. No less an important condition When choosing a slide, the lighting in the room is considered. Therefore, you should take care in advance making the right choice the most suitable design.

A modern wall-slide consists of several elements, and they may differ in different models:

  1. The highest part of the structure is the cabinet. Moreover, it can be sliding or made in classic style. Sometimes there is a hidden cabinet for things or it is a kind of display cabinet. This wall element is considered the most capacious and also bulky part. When producing this part of the slide, manufacturers strive to make it more compact.
  2. If the room has a small area, instead classic wardrobe There is a pencil case in the wall-slide. This piece of furniture is considered spacious and very compact, because its width is much smaller classic model closet
  3. Each subsequent level of the wall consists of book shelves, counters, special chests of drawers, as well as bedside tables. The main condition for installing these parts is compliance with the order of arrangement. That is, all segments of furniture should be organically combined.

Types of modern slides

Due to the fact that consumer needs differ depending on the characteristics of the room and design, such furniture often has different shapes, as well as dimensions.

There are several groups into which slide walls are usually classified.

Mini slide modular

Today this option is most in demand among consumers. The design is usually used for decoration small halls. Each element in it has good mobility, so there will be no problems when rearranging furniture. In addition, you don’t have to worry about a damaged interior, because a modern mini-slide will not overload the room.

Classic wall

This design belongs to the classic straight slide, but made in a new interpretation (Lapis lazuli). The composition is best placed along the wall in living rooms of medium or big size. But when choosing this option, you should not only take into account its functional purpose, it is important to ensure that the wall matches the interior of the room. It is important to avoid cluttering the space; for this you need to determine in advance optimal size walls.

Corner slide

This type of furniture is considered very compact, because corner walls take up less usable space. The slide is placed in the corner of the room, but this does not affect its capacity. However, designers do not recommend using such a design in small rooms to avoid the bulky effect. The best place For corner slide there will be medium or spacious living rooms.

Mini wall slides in the living room: modern design in the interior

The main difference between miniature slides is their size, as well as the specific location of all parts of the structure. Often such a slide consists of the most important details, where something superfluous is missing.

There are two groups into which small walls are divided:

  1. This is a lot miniature elements, and the entire structure is compact and small in size.
  2. Or mini wall-slides consist of standard modules with standard sizes, but here there are no more than 5 of them. This gives the impression that the structure is small.

Miniature slides fit well into any interior, because they do not clutter up the space and have good capacity. When choosing such furniture for decorating a modern living room, you should take into account the features of the interior.

It is important to have an idea of ​​the classification of this furniture according to its design.

Modular mini slide

Here, each wall module is considered a self-sufficient element. Therefore, when choosing this option, the overall composition will not be disrupted, even if it is necessary to change the location of some modules.

Mini corner wall

Similar to a conventional design, there is a dimensional central element (corner cupboard), and the remaining parts are miniature.

Canopy slide

By attaching the modules to the wall, you can save money usable area. Besides this option considered more modern and aesthetic.

Mixed mini design

This option is most in demand among consumers today. After all, the furniture combines all the best from the main types of wall-slides.

How to choose the right color for a modern slide

When purchasing a wall slide, you need to take care of choosing the right color for the structure. Thanks to good combination furniture with the surrounding design manages to achieve harmony and comfort.

Below are tips from experienced designers to consider when choosing a wall color:

  1. Slide white fits almost any style. However, this option, in addition to its excellent combination with the interior, is considered to be not practical, because the slightest defects will be noticeable on the white structure. Owners who decide to stick to this tone should make sure that the walls or ceiling in the room have a different color. Otherwise, the atmosphere in the living room will be uncomfortable or even “sterile”.
  2. Classic colors have been considered the most popular for many years (beech or oak). Such slides are used to decorate living rooms, because they look organically in the rooms. However, furniture of this color is well suited for rooms with light walls, as well as ceilings. In this case, it is better that the floor is dark.
  3. The color combination is original solution for a slide wall, because you can use several colors. But it should be noted that when working with different tones of wall modules, it is important to ensure that all tones combine well with each other. If you lack the necessary skill, it is recommended to use the help of professional designers. With their help, it is possible to make the room bright and unusual.

How to choose a slide for a living room in a modern style (video)

Slide walls are considered common, but necessary item furniture, which is why they are very popular among modern consumers. Their affordable price, as well as good organic nature, helped these designs become indispensable in the interior. There are many varieties of slides, which means it won’t be difficult to choose an option that can fit perfectly into the interior of any home.

Minimalism is in fashion today. Many people strive to decorate the living room in the apartment so that unnecessary things do not interfere with a pleasant pastime. A slide into the hall solves this issue easily and simply. Multifunctional storage systems allow you to hide unnecessary things and focus on the necessary interior items. This type of living room furniture has gained wide popularity due to its practicality and stylish appearance. Today there are many companies on the market that offer the latest models of slides.

Typically, standard furniture slides have a large compartment, which is intended for installing a TV. Usually the TV is placed in the central part, and on the sides there are additional equipment and accessories.

Many TV slides have standard view, especially when it comes to inexpensive options. However, you can decorate the wall with your own hands.

You can decorate the slide different ways. When decorating a wall, it is important not to overuse decorative elements. They should be stylish and concise.

Materials for additional decor:

  • Mirror;
  • Glass;
  • Backlight;
  • Vinyl stickers.

The color of the wall-slide should match or contrast with the overall interior. The main rule for choosing a wall is to harmonize with the decoration and furniture. If the interior is rich in dark shades, you can choose a bright wall. For bright rooms, you can choose furniture that is a darker tone. The white slide looks original.

Wall cabinets in the hall: photos and types of compartments

When choosing wall cabinets for the living room, the first thing you need to decide is the quantity and quality of things intended to be stored in it. Each section of the wall can be reserved for storing things of a certain type. Thus, the layout of the slide assembly must be thought out in advance.

Each niche and shelf that makes up the wall has its own purpose. Of course, the owners can determine the purpose of its use on their own. But there are recommendations that can help with the choice and correct arrangement accents.

It is important to note that small shelves are not designed to store large items. This type of storage can lead to clutter and make your living room feel uncomfortable.

Purpose of the departments:

  • Big niche. Designed for TV or music center.
  • Small niches. Located next to the central one. You can store remote controls and accessories for equipment in them.
  • Open side shelves. You can store books, watches, and decorative items in them.
  • Glazed shelves. Usually they store tea sets, dishes, and ceramics.
  • Closing departments. Designed for storing clothes, equipment, books, documents.

If you think about filling the wall in advance, you can place things so that they will be stored unnoticed. It is important to maintain order and remember to put each item in its place after use. This way the living room will be bright, clean and cozy.

Furniture for the hall: wall slides and their varieties

A hall is a room in which you can relax, spend time with relatives, friends and acquaintances. Every owner cares about the comfort and cleanliness of his living space. Therefore, decorating a living room cannot do without comfortable and practical furniture.

A wall cabinet is considered a good option for decorating a living room of any size. This is a type of cabinet that is characterized by a variety of sizes and shapes.

In most cases, a wall-slide is chosen based on the size of the room area. It is important to install the cabinet successfully, as poor placement can visually reduce the space. You need to think about the number of shelves and niches in advance, make sure that the shelves will not be empty or, conversely, will not be overcrowded.

Types of slides:

  • Corner;
  • Straight;
  • U-shaped;
  • Narrow;
  • Modular.

The main feature of the slides is practicality and minimalism. Due to its compactness, it does not take up much space and provides maximum free space in the room. However, it is worth taking into account that mini slides will not be able to fit a lot of things. They can only store a small number of books and decorative items.

Beautiful slide for the hall: classic

Classic slides are a special type of furniture, which is characterized by clarity, rigor and conciseness. The elements in this type of slide are arranged in strict sequence: from the highest to the lowest. This arrangement makes classic slides easily recognizable and different from other types of furniture.

A classic slide is always made from materials from the High Quality. This is one of its distinctive features.

Slide walls can be recognized by many outstanding features. Before purchasing such a wall, it is important to know exactly what it will fit into. general interior. It should also be made in a strict classical style.

Distinctive features of classic slides:

  • Open façade;
  • Simple and concise configuration;
  • Classic polishing and varnishing;
  • The presence of inlaid elements;
  • Artificial aging.

Beautiful classic wall slides are made from expensive and quality materials. Usually these are solid wood that looks heavy, but at the same time elegant. Common materials used to make this type furniture - oak, birch, rosewood, maple, pine.

Original design of slides for the hall

Different today furniture factories from Russia and Ukraine offer options for modern walls, which are characterized by versatility and stylish design. The design should be chosen based on the overall design of the living room. You should not look at contrasting options - this will disrupt the harmony of the space.

The design of the slides can be ordered according to an individual sketch. You can do it yourself or seek help from a professional designer.

When choosing a specific slide model, it is important to familiarize yourself with the wall installation options. It can be floor-standing. Or individual modules can be screwed to the wall. It is also important to pay attention to the style of the slide.

Style directions

  • Modern;
  • High tech;
  • Provence;
  • East style;
  • Classic.

Each style has its own characteristics and characteristics. For example, Art Nouveau is characterized by smooth lines and design, high-tech is compact and roomy, Provence is characterized by natural materials, East style- decor, classic - severity and massiveness.

Types of slides in the hall according to materials

The type of slides depends not only on the size and method of arrangement. An important stage The choice of walls is the choice of material from which the furniture is made. The durability and practicality of the wall depends on the choice of material.

When choosing a material, it is important to pay attention to its practical features. In order for the slide to last a long time, the material must be carefully and properly cared for.

Each material has its own characteristics and features. Before buying a wall, you need to study each material and choose the most suitable one for yourself. Of course, due to its environmental friendliness, wood remains the most popular among materials.

Types of materials:

  • Plastic;
  • Tree;
  • Glass.

When choosing wooden slides, it is important to pay attention to the type of wood. For example, pine slides are distinguished by their soft structure. But cherry, oak and walnut are distinguished by their strength and stability.

What are fashionable now and slides for the hall

Today, modular systems are considered the most fashionable type of slides. They are a storage system that is characterized by ergonomics and high functionality. Modular systems consist of separate modules that each customer can choose, taking into account the specific features of the overall interior of their living room.

Modular systems are a fairly economical type of furniture, since it is possible to buy only a few necessary elements.

A modular cabinet has an advantage over other types of cabinets. It allows you to rearrange furniture at any time and in any order. Modular cabinets can be installed independently.

Advantages of modular cabinets:

  • Variability;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Practicality;
  • Decorative;
  • Reliability.

Modular slides – convenient option, which can be installed in the living room with any size. For the little one the living room is suitable minimum set modules. A large area can accommodate additional modules for storing things.

Modern slide in the hall (video)

It’s hard to imagine decorating a modern living room without a wall-mounted slide. This is a multifunctional and practical type of furniture. Wherein modern designers offer many variations that are distinguished by grace, originality, conciseness and stylish appearance. It is necessary to choose wall slides, taking into account the characteristics of the size of the room and its design.

Wall slides are a time-tested type of furniture for the hall that reflects modern trends. They gained popularity in Russia in the 70s and since then it is almost impossible to imagine a single modern living room or apartment without them. The most significant advantages of choosing a photo wall-slide for the hall are the practicality of making a decision; it is easy to find a slide that combines functionality and an attractive design.

When choosing, take into account the design style of the room. The wall corresponds to the concept of the interior, and does not stand as an inappropriate piece of furniture in the room.

Slides by style are divided into the following groups

Classic. Furniture of this type is for lovers natural shades and strict forms. Each element of the wall-slide in the classic style is bulky and angular. The massiveness of the shelves allows you to place large quantity favorite things.

High tech. For connoisseurs modern trends design will certainly appeal to the walls of this style. They play with space to their advantage and boldly combine contrasts in colors and materials. Bold design is specified by a combination of opposing colors and materials, for example, the combination of matte and varnished surfaces in the photo.

East style. Furniture thought out to the smallest detail, with original decorative elements, curves, with patterns on the surface and often adding golden elements. The model in the photo appreciates luxury in details.

Modern. Laconic furniture design combined with practicality. A way to solve the problem of storing things in the hall without overloading the living room space. The furniture in the photo in the Art Nouveau style is distinguished by streamlined contours.

Provence. Provence style furniture is distinguished by its antique design, graceful curves and patterns, as in the photo. Made from natural wood or a substitute material that imitates a wooden surface.

Having decided on the style, you need to consider what functions the wall-slide should perform in your apartment. Some models are aesthetically pleasing and cleverly designed to suit style without meeting needs.

Components of the wall useful for the hall:

  • Book shelving;
  • Place for equipment (TV or stereo);
  • Bottom niche for DVD player;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Drawers;
  • Display shelves for dishes;
  • Racks;
  • Mirror.

Based on the layout of the house, they think about what functions the selected furniture should combine. For example, wardrobes are not provided in every wall.

Material composition

Modular wall elements are made from wooden materials various processing, it can be MDF, chipboard or fiberboard with veneer of materials such as cherry, oak, walnut or use natural massif tree.

MDF structure

MDF is a board made from vacuum-pressed wood dust. This composition is used to make furniture for the home or office. The composition does not include elements harmful and dangerous to humans; manufactured cabinet furniture is distinguished by increased strength. Explanation of MDF – finely dispersed fractions. MDF boards for furniture are gaining popularity, despite the high price of the material compared to chipboard.

Features of chipboard

Chipboard (chipboard) is a widely known and most commonly used material for economy-class cabinet furniture. Wood shavings are held together with formaldehyde resins, this is the biggest disadvantage of this type of material. The problem is that the composition releases formaldehyde into the air, a substance harmful to human health. This chipboard differs unfavorably from MDF boards.

However, chipboard can be chosen more safe type, pay attention to the country of origin and chipboard class. German and Austrian chipboard manufacturers are famous for the greatest ecological cleanliness material. As for the chipboard class, there are two of them, the quality of class E1 is higher, E2 is prohibited in the manufacture of children's furniture.

There are laminated chipboard panels covered with a special textured layer. Decorative layer can be attached not only by lamination, but also by laminating.

Note! When purchasing furniture made from chipboard, check what technology was used in manufacturing. The fact is that the final cost is practically the same, but the quality can be completely different. The laminated panel looks almost the same, but the film on it begins to peel off from the corners and along the edges quite quickly.

Features of fiberboard

Fiberboard is the familiar “underside” side of our furniture. The backs and inner drawers of the cabinets are made from this material. Fiberboard is sheets made by wet pressing, particles of wood (wood dust), held together by steaming. The sheets are rough to the touch; during production they are covered with a film, and the surface becomes laminated or laminated. Due to the specifics of manufacturing, fiberboard can only be made into thin sheets. The strength of the sheets has already been tested in practice by most. For an expensive series of furniture, fiberboard is replaced with plywood; there is almost no practical difference in use and strength.

Solid wood furniture

Natural wood requires careful processing; to obtain high quality material, the drying and storage conditions of the wood, as well as the conditions in which the tree grew, are important. This complicates manufacturing and increases final cost products. Furniture made from solid natural wood is considered elite and not everyone can afford it. An aesthetic appearance of the model identical to natural wood is achieved in an economical way, using MDF and chipboard materials and covering with the desired veneer. Therefore, furniture made of natural wood is not so popular when choosing slides for the living room.

Types of slides – which one to choose?

Classic straight slide

The straight slide is a modern interpretation of the familiar wall in its classic form. The slides are not inferior to the positions they have gained and remain necessary furniture for every apartment. The parameters of the slide and its size must correspond to the space of the room. This slide is best suited for large and medium-sized living rooms. In the room, the furniture body should take up enough space so as not to get lost against the backdrop of a huge room, and at the same time not to overload the space with its bulkiness and heaviness.

Corner slide

Furniture wall using free space corner - solutions for practical storage of things. When planning the interior, the corners of the room are not used in any way, with this slide you can correct this and rationally use the corner. This idea is great for small apartments where problems with placing things regularly arise. Although great care is taken when choosing such slides, despite their practicality, they may not be compact place for things, but with a huge closet that steals the spotlight if the room is small. As paradoxical as it may sound, this type of slide looks better in a medium-sized living room.

Modular mini slide

The slide practically fits into the space of an average living room. The wall modules differ; you should choose a suitable slide, taking into account functional purpose. Lightweight design and detailed design will complement the chosen interior, the main thing is to choose the style and color of the furniture. The elements of the slide move and change places, and this will not spoil the appearance of the hall, but rather transform and update it. The main advantage of this type of furniture is that it is difficult for them to “overload” the living room, unless you take into account a very small room.

Color selection

When choosing a slide for the hall, take into account the colors that are appropriate to use. The living room is a place for each family member to relax and receive guests; the design of the room should match and it should be comfortable alone on a quiet evening with a book, or in the company of friends and family.

To ensure that the room remains a favorite place to relax, every detail of the design is thought through and the impression of the room is created by cabinet and upholstered furniture.

Classic colors

Basic classic furniture colors: oak; cherry; wenge; beech. Using the listed colors, you will create a cozy environment for leisure and relaxation.

Stylish modern solution There will be a combination of several colors when choosing furniture. We offer a wide range of walls with a combination of natural colors, setting smooth contrasts to the room. Such slides create a memorable visual effect against a light background of walls and ceilings, photo. The main thing is not to forget to take into account the necessary colors in the composition of the room.

White color for lightness

White color is a classic solution for creating a cozy and weightless space. The color is basic, so it can easily be combined with others. The only disadvantage of choosing a white slide is that the furniture gets dirty and requires careful care. Although, the contrasting black color requires close attention, since dark furniture streaks and reappearing dust are visible. The only thing. What you should avoid when choosing a white wall is placing furniture on a white background of walls and ceiling. In this case, the interior merges and a feeling of hospital sterility appears; for some people, such associations are far from the idea of ​​comfort.

Pastel shades

Suitable for creative people pastel shades furniture for decorating the hall - they do not take much attention and fit harmoniously into the interior. Warm and light gray shades have a positive effect on brain processes.

Bright colors

For active and extraordinary individuals who show character in the design of their apartment, rich, fresh colors are suitable. When selecting the rest of the furniture, the compatibility of colors is taken into account vigilantly and carefully. The main thing is that subsequently the bright design of the chosen furniture style does not suppress the mood with its aggressiveness.

Tip: To revive the composition of the furniture in the room, use lighting built into the glass of cabinets or along the contours of the shelves, as in the photo.

For some reason, many are sure that slides are outdated furniture in the interior of the room.

However, this is a misconception. It looks pretty good in design and has long proven itself, as it is very practical to use.

But, before buying such furniture, you need to understand what style it is best suited for. And in what room should it be placed?

Benefits of the slide

Today there are many manufacturers who offer various options for this furniture. First, let's determine what advantages it has:

  • All elements are made with the aim of practicality in use.
  • With its help you can create the perfection of any style.
  • Even in high-tech style there is a use for it.
  • Since there are a lot of options for slides, individuality can be achieved in the interior.

Features of such furniture

The classic style slide is still very popular. Therefore, there are much more of them produced than in other style solutions.

It is believed that the façade material must convey a natural texture.

All elements of the wall's appearance should be smooth and should not have irregular lines. Basically, most manufacturers coat the material with varnish or special polishing so that the item lasts for a long time.

It is important that classic walls must have carvings. As a rule, it is done manually.

Also in some versions there are special inserts; they are mainly made for classics to emphasize luxury and wealth. Since they insert gems in the decoration of external facades.

In their work, designers like to deliberately age furniture, as the slide becomes antique. And this speaks of the wealth of the owners of the house.

Slide characteristics

Designers do not recommend installing slides for storing dishes in apartments with small rooms. Euro style is used instead. There are several types of dish slides.

Showcase - facades are made entirely of glass. A mirror is installed inside. Thanks to this wall appearance the decoration becomes truly rich and luxurious.

Sideboard. This type of furniture usually consists of two parts. It is equipped with three-sided glazing. Therefore, it can accommodate a large number of dishes. IN bottom part, as a rule, is made closed. You can place cutlery in it.

The classic type of slide is the sideboard. It consists of three tiers. Top part made of glass. The middle part provides drawers, and the lower one is completely closed.

Consider everything before purchasing possible options, since the slide should fit harmoniously into styling hall

Functionality and design methods of the slide

All types of slides have two high cabinets, which are connected to each other by additional elements. Since there are many options on the market, you can easily choose a wall that will fit into your general style registration

The main thing is not to forget that with its help you create a unique image in the living room, and its main function is to store decorative dishes.

It becomes the heart of the room, so it is important to place it correctly in the interior. You should not hide it from the eyes of guests; when entering the hall, they should immediately notice it.

For those whose living room area is very small, it is better not to use this type of furniture. But in the premises large area they will look great.

Try to arrange furniture so that there are no voids in the overall concept of the room.

A correctly selected slide will become the highlight of the entire designer interior.

Photo of a modern slide in the living room interior

Currently, it is the most popular and comfortable furniture. It is compact, with original design and at the same time quite functional. Such slides have completely replaced old-fashioned sideboards, cabinets, cabinets and walls. Basically, this rapid growth in popularity is due to certain characteristics:

The main components of the slide

The slides are equipped with modules that form a specific composition. Most often they consist of the following elements:

Choice of colors

The choice of color palette is primarily influenced by the overall interior, room lighting and personal preferences. The main thing is to comply harmonious combination and balance, avoid tonal conflicts and follow the advice of experienced designers. Let's list some of them:

Variety of shapes

Currently, bulky pieces of furniture are increasingly fading into the background and are being replaced compact models. For this reason, furniture manufacturers have had to develop many various options, which would be suitable for both spacious country houses, and for small standard apartments. Modern slides for the living room (photos of their design are widely presented in the article) can be different sizes and forms, according to these criteria they are given certain names:

Budget option for living room furniture

All economy class slides are modular and consist of several cabinets and shelves. The structure can be completely closed or partially, with a swing system or sliding. In the role decorative elements stands made of chrome or stainless metal. Their silvery shine gives nobility not only to furniture, but to the entire interior. Modern mini slides for the living room have low price, it is mainly due to small in size And simple design. This, of course, will affect its capacity, but with the help of some tricks this problem can be solved. For example, you can use a perpendicular retractable hanger rod.

Corner slides for living rooms

The peculiarity of this model is the following criteria:

  • original design;
  • a sufficient number of different modules;
  • Possibility of installation in the corner of the room;
  • good capacity;

However, there are some nuances; in particular, it will be quite difficult to place such a structure, since it will occupy two walls at the same time.

Harmonious combinations of stylistic directions

A modern slide for the living room should fully comply with the overall style. This rule is considered the basis of any design, violation of which will certainly lead to disharmony and bad taste.

A few words about the manufacturers

Currently, purchase high-quality and reliable wall slides for the living room ( modern options) is not difficult. An abundance of different models and color range allows you to choose the most harmonious option specifically for your interior.