home · Installation · Diesel heat gun: device, pros and cons, capabilities. Operating principle of heat guns Heat guns types and characteristics

Diesel heat gun: device, pros and cons, capabilities. Operating principle of heat guns Heat guns types and characteristics

From this article you can find out what features a diesel heat gun used for quickly heating rooms has: the structure and types of structures, the scope of their application and the specificity of the operating process, average prices for popular models. The text contains an overview of the advantages and disadvantages inherent in these devices, descriptions of common types of breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

With the arrival of the cold season, the problem of space heating arises. Moreover, this applies not only to living rooms, but also to industrial, warehouse and commercial type. If the building does not have a centralized heating system, the lack of heat is compensated with the help of alternative heating devices. As such a replacement, you can buy an indirectly heated diesel heat gun with suitable characteristics.

Design and principle of operation of a diesel heat gun

A heat gun is a universal device for heating rooms. The principle of operation of such structures is quite simple: diesel burns inside the heater, resulting in the formation of heat, which is supplied to the room by a powerful fan.

Diesel is used as fuel. Some models are capable of running on used and filtered oil or kerosene. Thanks to progressive internal structure these designs have high power and efficiency useful action, which reaches almost 100%. All diesel heat guns are dependent on electricity. Some low-power modifications can operate on 12 V or 24 V, but most models require 220 V for normal operation.

Electricity is used to start the burner. In addition, it is necessary for transporting heat due to the rotational movements of the fan. The burner not only atomizes fuel, but also promotes air supply. This process results in a mixture that is highly flammable. Thanks to this, the flame is stable.

Affordable price diesel guns and opportunity efficient heating premises without central system heating, made these designs so popular. This type equipment is capable of generating large amounts of heat, due to which the scope of its application has expanded.

Important! Guns powered by diesel fuel cannot be used to heat residential premises.

Scope of application of diesel structures:

  • heating of warehouse-type premises;
  • backup heating in poorly insulated facilities in cases where frosts uncharacteristic for the area occur;
  • heating construction sites where heating has not yet been installed;
  • organization of heating in hangars used for storing equipment;
  • installation of suspended ceilings;
  • heating of greenhouse structures used for growing crops.

In addition, you can buy an indirect heating diesel gun to organize heating in the garage.

Why is it profitable to buy a diesel gun: design advantages

Guns that heat rooms by combustion diesel fuel, have many undeniable advantages. They are compact in size and light in weight, while having excellent technical characteristics. These designs are easy to use. The mechanism is started with just one press of a button.
The user has the ability to control the temperature in the room.

Many diesel designs have a built-in system for connecting a rheostat. The operating principle of this mechanism is very simple. Before launching the gun, you just need to set the required parameter. When the room temperature reaches this value, the equipment will automatically turn off. If the temperature drops below the specified level, the structure will start on its own.

Diesel guns are economical, fuel consumption depends on technical indicators device. Equipment with a power of 20 kW and a productivity of 550 m³/h will require about 1.5 liters of diesel fuel to heat this volume. Using such a gun, you can achieve quick results. According to the information stated by the manufacturers, diesel devices instantly warms up the room. The gun can raise the air temperature of +10°C in a room with a volume of 120 m³ to a level of +180°C in 15 minutes. Moreover, this speed is not the limit.

Diesel devices are safe to use. If the room is well ventilated, inhaling burnt-out air does not cause such unpleasant consequences as headaches and dizziness. High-quality designs are able to work for a long time without additional refueling. The guns are equipped with large-volume tanks, thanks to which they are able to operate continuously throughout the day.

Note! The body of the structure is heated to a temperature of +30-35°C maximum. Therefore, accidental touching the gun will not cause burns.

Disadvantages of using diesel heat guns for garages

The customer reviews left about diesel heat guns for garages not only reflect the advantages of these designs. Sometimes they also contain shortcomings that were identified by users during operation of the device.

High noise levels are often mentioned as a serious hearing irritant. Although the presence of sounds is considered normal for heating equipment. Guns are not classified as silent devices. Some manufacturers offer models with reduced operating noise levels. For example, the Master BLP 15M diesel heat gun produces no more than 20 dB. This figure is considered very low.

Many users find the devices dependent on electrical network uncomfortable. The gun really needs power for the fan and pump, and there is no way around these requirements. However, most often such structures are used in facilities where there is electrical wiring.

Among the disadvantages is also mentioned high price diesel heat guns. However, it should be noted that the cost of such devices is fully justified by their reliability and comfortable system operation. Many are concerned about the cost of diesel fuel, the purchase of which is more expensive than the purchase of liquefied gas in cylinders. Although the fuel consumption of these devices is low.

How to choose a heat gun based on technical parameters

One of the most important technical parameters any heat gun is the level of its performance. In the specifications, manufacturers indicate the number of kilowatts that the gun is capable of producing in intensive operation. You can also calculate the performance level yourself.

On average, a power of 1 kW is enough to heat an area of ​​10 m², provided that the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. This figure is conditional, since it depends on the operating conditions of the room that needs heating.

Factors that affect heating efficiency:

  • wall thickness;
  • availability and quality of insulation;
  • state ventilation system;
  • heat leakage (frequency of opening gates or doors);
  • number of windows and doorways, their size;
  • outside air temperature;
  • condition of the floors;
  • wind force, etc.

The price of a diesel indirect heating heat gun is not an indicator of quality. When choosing a device, it is advisable to pay attention to powerful modifications. The higher this indicator, the better. If there is a lot of heat, you can always reduce the intensity of work. And if there is a lack of heating, you will have to buy another device, which will significantly affect the budget. The efficiency of a diesel heater is also influenced by its installation location.

Helpful advice! In large rooms it is advisable to use several heaters. Arranging appliances diagonally will be more effective than placing them along the wall.

Cold air is always heavier than warm air, so it always accumulates in the lower part of the room. Based on this, it becomes clear that installing the gun on a hill or turning its working edge upward does not increase the heating efficiency. The most optimal position of the equipment is horizontal.

The performance of heating and ventilation equipment is another parameter that you should pay attention to. For the Ballu BHDN-20 indirect heating diesel gun, this figure is 500 m³/h. This means that the device is able to effectively heat the specified volume of air within 1 hour.

Not least important are the dimensions and weight of the structures. The mass of heat guns can vary between 3-30 kg. Most of them have a mobile design, so they are easy to use. The smaller the device, the easier it is to move.

Features of direct heating diesel heat guns

Direct heating guns are the simplest devices that can serve as heat sources. Such designs have open camera combustion. A pump equipped with a nozzle is installed inside, which ensures a torch effect. A fan is located behind these elements. All the heat that is generated during fuel processing is supplied to the room along with the products of its combustion.

  1. Diesel fuel from the tank is fed into the heating filter.
  2. The compressor transports fuel to the injector.
  3. Diesel fuel is ignited by a glow plug.
  4. A fan installed behind the burner draws cool air from the room into the combustion chamber, where it is heated.
  5. The protective mesh located in the front part of the device traps the flame, preventing it from penetrating beyond the combustion chamber body.
  6. After heating, the air is supplied back into the room.

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The operating principle of a direct heating gun is quite simple. It is efficient and clear. However, such guns have one significant drawback. All combustion products enter the room, so it is not recommended to use the devices in living rooms. Direct heating guns are suitable for open areas and spaces with a good ventilation system.

Average prices of diesel guns for space heating (direct heating designs):

BrandModelPower level, kWprice, rub.
ResantaTDP-2000020 11890
TDP-3000030 13090
BalluBHDP-1010 13590
BHDP-2020 14430
BHDP-3030 17759
MasterB 35 CEL DIY10 21590
B 35 CED10 21790
B 70 CED20 31260

Note! Using fuel with impurities will lead to contamination of the injectors and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is very important to use high-quality raw materials to avoid expensive repairs and the purchase of spare parts for a diesel gun.

Consumer opinion about diesel heat guns: reviews of direct heating designs

Users of heating equipment often share their own opinions on forums. Some reviews can be found below:

“I have long heard about the advantages of Master diesel heat guns, so when the need arose to purchase a heater, I did not think twice and relied on this manufacturer. The gun works great and is completely worth the money spent on its purchase. With its help, I not only heat the garage, but also take this device with me to the dacha for the workshop.

Of course, it’s a pity that you can’t work in a room where the gun is on, but I don’t really need that. It takes no more than 20 minutes to warm up the room. Otherwise, I am completely satisfied with my purchase."

Sergey Kostyuk, Ekaterinburg

“I bought myself a BALLU BHDP-20 diesel heat gun. A wonderful unit. For a month of operation, there were no failures in the automation, as was the case with my previous gun. I like that the design allows you to adjust the pressure on the compressor that supplies the diesel. There is only one drawback - with a full tank the device is slightly heavy.”

Igor Samoilov, Moscow

“To heat the garage, a neighbor advised us to buy a heat gun. I spent a long time looking through manufacturers and models. In the end, I settled on the Master B 35 CED diesel gun. Excellent device, very simple. It is economical and completely easy to maintain. I've been using it for more than a year now. One refill is enough to keep the gun working all day. A 5x8 m garage warms up in 15 minutes.”

Georgy Miroshnichenko, St. Petersburg

Features of diesel indirect heating heat guns for the garage, prices and reviews

This type of gun functions in much the same way as direct fired designs. The only difference is that the combustion products that are formed during the process of fuel exhaustion are removed outside the room. A chimney is used for this. Thanks to this, indirect heating guns can be used in almost any room with a sufficient level of ventilation.

A nozzle is installed in the design of the closed combustion chamber. In addition, the gun has a system designed to remove combustion products. The air pumped by the fan does not come into contact with the torch. Its heating is provided by blowing into the combustion chamber.

Average prices of indirectly heated diesel heat guns:

BrandModelPower level, kWprice, rub.
ProfteploDK-21N21 29930
DK-21R21 32250
DK-21N-R21 44920
KrollMAK 1515 34350
MAK 2526 41180
MAK 4038,5 44500
AuroraTK-55 ID17,5 37400
TK-80K ID25 43400
TK-240K ID70 70200

Helpful advice! Define thermal power space heating device can be used using this formula: Q (in kcal/h) = K × V × ΔT, where Q is the required level of thermal power, K is a coefficient reflecting the degree of heat dissipation, V is the total volume of the room, and ΔT is difference between outside temperature and that which is required to create a comfortable indoor microclimate.

To provide targeted heating, heat guns are most often used. Their feature is high power in supplying air masses certain temperature. This is due to the widespread use of this equipment V construction industry and industry. A properly selected diesel fuel heat gun can heat concrete and maintain optimal microclimate in the production room, as well as protect plants in the greenhouse from hypothermia in winter.

Operating principle of heat guns

The organization of the working process in any heat gun provides the possibility of activating a fan, which provides air supply. In this case, this task is achieved using the energy generated in the diesel fuel combustion chamber. The design of the unit includes a tank for filling diesel fuel or kerosene. Through a special filter, the mixture enters the sump, and then the pump pumps it into the nozzle for further use. Typically, a fan is located at the rear of the equipment, which supplies cold air masses into the combustion chamber, distributing diesel from the nozzle into it. Ultimately, fuel combustion occurs, and the already hot masses are directed to the target object. According to this scheme it is built general principle operation of a heat gun on diesel fuel, but there are some differences in the process depending on the design features of a particular model. At the very least, there are fundamental differences in the operation of the two types of such installations - with direct and indirect heating. It is worth familiarizing yourself with these types of heat guns in more detail.

Types of heat guns

Models with direct heating are distinguished by the fact that during operation they emit a combustion product directly into the operating area - this can be, for example, production room or construction site. Modifications with indirect heating provide for the removal of combustion products outside the boundary of the working object. Obviously, direct heating has serious limitations in terms of use. In particular, such equipment cannot be used in residential premises. In exchange for this inconvenience, the user receives better performance.

In turn, an indirectly heated diesel fuel heat gun can also be used in rooms where people are located. Its design includes a mechanism for removing combustion products, which is connected to the chimney channel through a special pipe. That is, during operation, heat flows get rid of the fumes, spreading throughout the room or workshop in a relatively pure form. True, the operation of such models also requires the organization of a ventilation system in the room, since the unit will process oxygen.

Main characteristics of the equipment

Among the main technical and operational parameters of heat guns, it is worth noting power, volume of delivered air and fuel consumption. As for power, this figure is in the average range from 10 to 80 kW. For residential premises, installations with a power potential of 15-25 kW are usually purchased. In industry, more efficient units with a power of about 200 kW are used. In order to ensure future savings, one should also take into account the volume of the combustible mixture, due to which the thermal fuel will operate. Fuel consumption varies on average from 1 to 6 l/h. The higher the power, the more voracious the heat generator. Depending on the area of ​​the room, the volume of warm masses that the installation will distribute is selected. This figure can be 200 or 3000 m 3 / h. For a living room, an installation with an initial volume value will be sufficient, while production facilities, warehouses and construction sites are served by high-performance heat guns.

Reviews of the BV 290E model from Master

This is one of the most popular units that provide the possibility of removing combustion products. Therefore, the bulk of users of this model are private owners who serve residential premises with a heat gun. Owners note quality work fuel filter, due to which the service life of the equipment was increased. At the same time, the heat generator has a considerable power potential of 81 kW, which makes it universal. In addition to residential premises, this has found application in agriculture and in construction. As users of the installation note, it effectively copes with the heating of building materials, while requiring low costs. Based on the combination of operating parameters and financial investments This is a worthy option in terms of multi-purpose use.

Reviews of the Gryp 28 model from Sial

This model can also be considered universal in use, but it also has many successful design features that are highly appreciated by users. For example, many note the reliability of the stainless steel body and the stable function of the pneumatic atomization burner. In addition, the unit is equipped with an integrated control board, which allows the installation to be used in automatic mode. This addition is especially significant if the diesel heat gun is designed for use in a private home. The environmental friendliness of powder coating also speaks in favor of this model as a solution for household use. Many owners also point to the ease of physical handling of the equipment. The unit can be equipped with an ergonomic trolley, making it easier to transport.

Reviews of the Mistral 85 H model from Fubag

The manufacturer Fubag is one of the recognized leaders in the segment of equipment designed for utilities. The Mistral 85 H model in its line of heat guns is positioned as an effective solution specifically for household needs. The owners of this unit note the benefits of its use in construction activities, in the maintenance of greenhouse facilities, storage facilities and sheds. The combination of the performance of this model and the presence of an exhaust gas removal system stands out especially. In other words, this is a diesel fuel heat gun, which has absorbed the advantages of household and industrial units of this type.

Reviews of the Jumbo 200 M model from Ballu

If you need a high-performance gun, then you should contact the Jumbo 200 M unit from the Italian manufacturer of climate control equipment Ballu. This heat generator is aimed at servicing premises large area. According to the owners, the installation performs drying of warehouses, production workshops, basements, etc. in short periods of time. Of course, if necessary, the equipment can also be used as a heating system. It is important to note the reliability of the model. The fact is that the most common malfunctions of a diesel heat gun are related to the burner and fan. The designers have increased the strength characteristics of these parts, so there is practically no criticism regarding the reliability of the Jumbo 200 M installation. In addition to this, many emphasize the benefits of safety and limit thermostats, which increase the safety of equipment operation.

How to choose the best option?

It's not just character that needs to be taken into account intended purpose, but also dimensions and availability requirements additional functions. You can build on your strength potential and performance indicators. This will help determine the principle of operation of the gun - with or without the removal of waste combustion products. In accordance with the size of the room, the dimensions that a diesel heat gun can have are determined. With your own hands this unit installation is not difficult, but in the case of models that provide gas removal, additional equipment of the structure with pipes and adapters for the chimney may be required. It would also be a good idea to calculate in advance the need to have electronic systems control with heat gun control.

Most heat generators operate in intensive mode, which increases the importance of technical measures for their maintenance. The user must primarily take care of regular cleaning and replacing filters. In particular, the air filtration element, which filters out fibers and fluff, should be renewed every 500 hours of operation. As a rule, it changes at the end of each season. To avoid the need to run on diesel fuel as part of the power filling, you should regularly maintain the fan. In a dirty state, it complicates the work process, which increases the load on the generator. Therefore, the fan should be cleaned at least once a season.


In most cases, heat guns are massive structures that also have impressive weight. Despite this, such equipment is quite practical to use and performs its tasks without any problems. However, depending on the design, diesel heat guns may impose special requirements on the place of use. This mainly applies to models with indirect heating, the operation of which is possible only in rooms with organized ventilation. But we should also not forget about the specifics of using units that directly emit combustion products into the environment. It is advisable to use such models outdoors or in production workshops, where the presence harmful substances will not pose a danger.


The widest range of heating equipment available on modern market, allows you to choose the most efficient device that is fully suitable for specific operating conditions. We will not dwell on all these devices, but will only talk about electric heat guns. What are they and what design do they have? And is it possible to make such a heat gun at home? You will learn about this, as well as much more, after reading this article.

electric heat guns

We should start with what exactly is meant by heat guns today. First of all, they are heating devices, representing a group of heat fans. At the same time, they differ from the same fans in their high thermal performance and power. Consequently, here all units whose power is more than 2 kilowatts are classified as electric heat guns.

TOP-3. Rating of the most popular manufacturers

No. 1. Ballu electric heat gun

The world's largest company engaged in the production of climate control equipment. If we consider the assortment of this manufacturer, then special attention should be paid to the “Foreman” model, which has several modifications.

Among design features can be distinguished:

  • double body, which is made of stainless steel;
  • power, which ranges from 1.5-9 kilowatts;
  • possibility of adjusting the angle of inclination of the device.

Note! The “Foreman” gun will cost from 2,700 to 6,000 rubles. A more specific figure depends on what kind of power we are talking about.

No. 2. "Tropic"

A worthy representative of Russian manufacturers of climate control equipment is the Tropic enterprise, which specializes in the production of budget options for heat guns. Some of the best devices from this manufacturer are models from the TK line.

Of course, the main advantage of all Tropica products is their cost. At the same time, the company properly monitors the quality of the product, as well as ensuring that its technical characteristics fully comply with international standards.

No. 3. Frico

This Scandinavian manufacturer offers high-quality electric heat guns, but in Russia its products are known mainly for small-sized fan heaters from the Tiger series. But in order to efficiently and quickly heat large premises, it is advisable to give preference to the company’s new product – the stationary heat gun SWH02 Fan Heater.

This model is distinguished, first of all, by its ease of installation and operation, as well as automatic adaptation to the microclimate of the room in accordance with the established operating mode.

Note! approximate cost unit SWH02 Fan Heater costs from 43,000 rubles.

Design and principle of an electric heat gun

So, what is the device described in the article? To find out, you must understand one thing important point: A heat gun is an unusual device that can warm up almost any room in a short period of time. In other words, this is a device designed for quick heating and effective drying during various types of technological operations.

You will probably ask yourself another question - why is this device even called a heat gun? The thing is that outwardly this unique heating unit is very similar to the design of a traditional army cannon, but at the same time it can heat rooms with high quality.

For the most part, heat guns include the following structural elements:

  • actually, a heating element;
  • air filter (present on some models);
  • high power fan;
  • thermostat (it is necessary so that the device can function in autonomous mode, that is, it is preset temperature regime in the room from which the gun operates);
  • metal body, characterized by increased strength characteristics;
  • thermostat (necessary to prevent overheating of the device).

What is the principle of action itself? And it consists of a series of actions that are performed in a certain sequence.

  1. Stage one. The heating element produces thermal energy.
  2. Stage two. Through a special hole located on the body, cold air enters the device.
  3. Stage three. The air is warming up. Powerful fan pumps up hot air, moving it to the required location in the room.

What types of heat guns can be used?

You need to know this to understand the differences between electric models and others. The classification in this case is based on the method of converting various types of energy carriers into thermal energy. Simply put, all heat guns are classified depending on what kind of energy carrier is used to produce heated air.

Note! If we talk specifically about electric heat guns, they, in turn, are also divided into several types, so we will briefly consider them.

Types and characteristics of electrical appliances

According to the characteristics of their operation, electric heat guns are divided into two categories.

Pros of using electric heat guns

The advantages of the equipment described in the article include:

  • light weight;
  • affordable cost (the 220-volt device is the cheapest of all those presented above);
  • ease of use (the device is activated by pressing just one button).


However, there are disadvantages - for example, the described heat guns:

  • directly depend on the electrical network (it is worth noting that, if possible, devices can be connected to diesel generators);
  • consume electricity, which is expensive.

Criteria for choosing electric heat guns

People choose electric heat guns for certain purposes, so they must pay attention to the criteria below.

Equipment power calculation

The simplest way to calculate the power of a heat gun is as follows: to heat 10 square meters of space you need a power of 1 to 1.3 kilowatts. For example, if the area of ​​the room to be heated is 80 square meters, then a gun of approximately 80-100 kilowatts should be selected for it.

Note! Also, the special table that we have given below should help you with your calculations.

Video - Choosing the right heat gun

Is it possible to make an electric heat gun with your own hands?

To create such homemade units Various elements and devices can be used, sold in all construction stores in the country. So, for the body you can use a pipe (it is important that the material is not a conductor of electric current), for example, asbestos. Or, as an option, you can even build a plywood box. Go ahead. A nichrome spiral (such as is used in irons and other household appliances) can serve as a heating element. To increase the heating capacity of the spiral, it can be folded in half.

Important information! This spiral must be connected to a thermostat - it will regulate the degree of heat.

In this case, the spiral should be located inside the box or pipe (approximately in the center of the structure), and the thermostat itself should be located outside. At the end of the housing there should be a fan heater, perhaps not very powerful. In principle, this is approximately how a low-power electric heat gun works.

Note! The coil and fan must be connected to the mains alternating current, and necessarily separately.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

As an example, let's take a look at one of the simplest designs. First you need to prepare:

  1. duct type fan;
  2. regulator (it must regulate the rotation of the fan rotor);
  3. heating element (we recommend using RVES, whose power is 2.2 kilowatts);
  4. thermostat;
  5. plywood (its thickness should be 1.6 centimeters);
  6. various types of fasteners.

So, when everything you need is already at hand, you can proceed directly to production. The procedure itself consists of several stages; we will consider the features of each of them in more detail.

Step one. First prepare the base of the unit. It is on this basis that all structural elements will be located. For this purpose, take a sheet of plywood, then cut out a rectangle with dimensions of 67x47 centimeters. Finally, carefully sand the cut piece.

Step two. Due to the fact that the heating element you are using, as well as the duct-type fan, is already a ready-made device in itself, simply connect them to each other using a mounting clamp. Place the resulting double device on the previously prepared plywood stand. To do this, use a plastic clamp designed for sewer pipes, and bracket. Attach the latter to the plywood sheet using self-tapping screws, and to it, accordingly, using self-tapping screws, attach the outlet pipe of the heating element itself.

Note! The back of the fan will rest on the stand.

Step three. Having installed and attached all the elements of the heat gun, you can begin assembling the electrical part of the unit. Take a heater with a fan and connect them (but, as mentioned earlier, only separately from each other). Therefore, for this reason, a thermostat must be connected to the PVES. In addition, you can also install a temperature sensor, which is necessary to control the temperature.

Step four. Connect a rotation regulator to the fan, thanks to which the intensity of air movement on the heating element will change, which, in turn, will help regulate the heat in the room.

Step five. To move the heater as conveniently as possible, you can attach four wheels to the bottom of the plywood sheet. That's it, the manufacturing process can be considered complete!

So, now you know everything about electric heat guns, you have become familiar with the technical characteristics, prices and popular models. That's all, good luck and warm winters!

Be sure to watch the feature video below.

Video - Making a heat gun at home

The need to quickly heat a large or small room does not arise very rarely. Sometimes you need to heat the garage and dry cement wall, warm up the cellar, barn, garden house, dacha, etc. In this case, a do-it-yourself heat gun may be the best solution. Making such a device is not so difficult, and you can choose the appropriate type of fuel: electricity, diesel fuel, liquefied gas in cylinders, etc.

It is difficult to name a more convenient and simpler device for heating rooms than a heat gun. It is a powerful heating element and fan enclosed in one housing. Such a device heats the air and quickly distributes it throughout the room. To warm up small room It will take just a few minutes, and heating a large room will not take too much time.

The body of the heat gun must be covered on both sides with grilles that will allow air to pass freely. This required element all industrial models

The design of a heat gun is very simple, so a properly manufactured device almost never breaks. Various fuels can be used to operate the device:

  • electricity;
  • liquefied gas;
  • diesel fuel;
  • kerosene;
  • gasoline, etc.

The efficiency of a heat gun depends on the power of the device. For domestic use, a device with a power of 2-10 kW is quite suitable. For large premises you will need a heat gun with a power of 200-300 kW.

Unit #1 - electric heat gun

An electric heat gun is perhaps the simplest and safest heater option. If there is access to electricity on the site, you should make just such a unit. It will come in handy during construction work, and later, for various household needs both in the house and on the site.

Materials and tools

To make an electric heat gun you will need:

  • the frame on which the structure will rest;
  • metal case;
  • heating element (heating element);
  • fan with electric motor;
  • switch or control panel;
  • cable for connecting the device to the mains.

The body of the heat gun can be made from a suitable piece of pipe or from a sheet of galvanized iron. To work, you will need a metal tool and, possibly, welding machine. This device received the name “cannon” due to the similarity of its cylindrical body to an ancient weapon. However, the heater body may also have a square or rectangular cross-section if it is easier to manufacture.

Please note that the body of the product can become quite hot during operation. You should choose a heat-resistant or sufficiently thick metal. In addition, it makes sense to apply a thermal insulation coating to its metal parts.

When choosing a suitable heating element and fan, you should remember that the heating temperature depends on the power and number of heating elements. The fan rotation speed does not affect the amount of heat, but the higher it is, the more evenly the resulting heat will spread throughout the room. Thus, the heating element is responsible for the heating temperature, and the fan rotation speed is responsible for the quality.

To reduce costs, the heating element can be removed from an old iron or other household appliance. Sometimes it makes sense to shorten the heating element to increase the heating temperature. A suitable electric motor with an impeller can be found in older models of vacuum cleaners.

Build process

To assemble an electric heat gun correctly, it is recommended to first draw up a diagram electrical circuit devices. You can use a ready-made scheme, one of the options is presented below:

For proper installation of an electric heat gun, before starting work, it is recommended to draw up electrical diagram, reflecting on it the connection of all elements to the electrical network

The electric heat gun should be assembled in the following order:

  1. Prepare the body and support.
  2. Install a heating element (or several heating elements) in the center of the body.
  3. Connect the power cable to the heating elements.
  4. Install the fan and connect power to it
  5. Connect the power wire, wiring from the heating elements and the fan to the control panel.
  6. Place a protective grille on the front and back of the housing.

During the assembly process, it is necessary to carefully insulate everything electrical connections. After assembly is completed, a test run of the device is performed. If it works without failures, you can use the gun for its intended purpose.

Unit #2 - diesel fuel heat gun

Where access to electricity is limited or impossible, diesel fuel heaters are often used. Making such a heat gun yourself is somewhat more difficult than electric model. You will need to make two buildings and work with a welding machine.

How does this design work?

The bottom part of a diesel heat gun is the fuel tank. The device itself is placed on top, in which the combustion chamber and fan are connected. Fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber, and a fan blows hot air into the room. To transport and ignite fuel, you will need a connecting tube, a fuel pump, a filter and an injector. An electric motor is attached to the fan.

The combustion chamber is mounted in the center of the upper body of the heat gun. It is a metal cylinder, the diameter of which should be approximately two times smaller than the diameter of the body. Diesel fuel combustion products are removed from the chamber through a vertical pipe. To warm up a room of about 600 square meters. m may require up to 10 liters of fuel.

Build process

The lower housing must be at least 15 cm from the upper part. To prevent the fuel tank from overheating, it should be made of a material with low thermal conductivity. You can also use a regular metal tank, which will have to be covered with a layer of heat-insulating material.

The diagram clearly shows the design of a heat gun running on diesel fuel. The device should be mounted on a strong, stable frame

The upper body must be made of thick metal, this can be a suitable piece of wide steel pipe. The following must be secured in the housing:

  • combustion chamber with vertical outlet;
  • fuel pump with nozzle;
  • fan with electric motor.

Then the fuel pump is installed and removed from the tank metal pipe, through which fuel is supplied first to the fuel filter and then to the injector in the combustion chamber. The ends of the upper body are covered with protective nets. The power supply for the fan will have to be taken care of separately. If there is no access to the electrical network, a battery should be used.

When using a diesel heat gun, it is important to adhere to safety regulations. Even at a distance of a meter from the body, the directed flow of hot air can reach 300 degrees. It is not recommended to use this device in indoors, since the combustion products of diesel fuel can pose a danger to human health.

In addition to the unit running on diesel fuel, other types of liquid combustible materials are also used for heat guns, for example, waste engine oil. An interesting version of such a device during “testing” is presented in the following video:

Unit #3 - gas heat gun

The design of a gas heat gun is in many ways similar to the device diesel unit. There is also a combustion chamber built into the housing. Instead of a tank with liquid fuel, a liquefied gas cylinder is used.

As with diesel fuel, great importance has a removal of combustion products, since in homemade devices it is impossible to ensure complete combustion of gas. The air that enters the room heats up upon contact with the combustion chamber. Exhaust gases leave the device through an outlet led to the street. This indirect heating system is safer than open flame heating.

Indirect heating heat guns are equipped with closed camera combustion, which prevents contact between open fire and air - this design is more complex, but safer than direct heating models

To increase heat transfer, longitudinal plates can be welded to the combustion chamber body; usually 4-8 of them are made. In this case, the dimensions of the combustion chamber with additional plates must be smaller than the diameter of the housing so that the chamber does not touch its walls and does not overheat the body of the heat gun.

The body of a gas heat gun becomes very hot during operation, so it must be covered with a layer of thermal insulation to avoid possible burns or fire.

To create a gas heat gun you will need the following elements:

  • liquefied gas cylinder;
  • burner;
  • gearbox;
  • metal case;
  • fan;
  • device for remote ignition;
  • frame for mounting the housing.

The gas cylinder is connected to a reducer, which ensures a uniform supply of fuel to the burner. The air around the combustion chamber heats up and the fan blows it into the room. The procedure is almost the same as in the manufacture of a diesel heat gun. The structure of a gas heater is clearly shown in the diagram:

This diagram clearly demonstrates the design of a heat gun operating on liquefied gas. domestic gas. The fan must be powered

With a gas heat gun, only cylinders that are filled with gas should be used. professional equipment. Cylinders filled with homemade methods may leak

During the manufacture and operation of a gas heat gun, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Gas supply pipes at connections must be carefully sealed.
  2. It is imperative to install a remote ignition device, since manual ignition can lead to an explosion.
  3. Make sure that the gas cylinder is always at a sufficient distance from the heater, otherwise the cylinder will overheat and the gas will explode.
  4. Never use homemade cylinders with a gas gun.
  5. Do not leave the operating device unattended for a long time.

Another important point is the ratio of the power of the gas gun and the size of the heated room. You should not use a device that is too powerful in a small room, as this can easily cause a fire.

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)


To ensure high-quality heating of large rooms, garages, basements, you will definitely need mobile heaters - electric heat guns. These powerful units can quickly dry, warm the air and maintain the effect for a long time; their service life is very long, and the cost is quite affordable. How to choose the right electric heat guns, we will consider further.

What is a heat gun

An electric heat gun is a mobile air heater that is used for domestic and industrial purposes to heat large premises: warehouses, garages, construction sites. The electric gun is mains powered, suitable for two-phase and three-phase circuits. This is the newest, environmental and safe look devices that do not emit toxins and exhaust gases, so you can use air guns to heat rooms in houses and spacious apartments.

Operating principle

The operating principle of a heat gun is simple: it is a ventilation device with additional heating. There are infrared thermal guns that operate on mains power using infrared rays and heat transfer. Electric heat guns are more suitable for quickly heating small areas. What do standard electric fan heaters consist of and how do they work:

  • Heating element: heats up to a high temperature, can be spiral or tubular (heating element). Lately TEN is increasingly being used because it burns little external oxygen and lasts longer than a classic coil.
  • Fan: Creates a flow of air that is forced through the heater.
  • Thermostat: regulates the temperature, prevents overheating - turns off the power supply when the air heats up to the desired level.

Heat guns for the garage

For large hangars, warehouses, auto repair shops best choice there will be a 22 kW Master electric gun. This world-famous Italian manufacturer is a leader in the ratings of heating and ventilation equipment. A heat gun for a garage must meet the necessary power parameters and others:

  • Name: Master B 22 EPB electric gun.
  • Price: 18,000-20,000 rub.
  • Characteristics: economical, adjustable power (11-22 kW), built-in air supply regulator. Ergonomic design.
  • Pros: made of durable stainless steel, works quietly, odorless, does not burn oxygen, has a thermostat.
  • Cons: short power cord.

For garages, a simpler and more compact 5000 W electric gun from Timberk is suitable. The optimal heating area for such a device is 50 m2, and it has convenient parameters: low weight and size, ergonomic shape. Timberk products are distinguished by high quality indicators, affordable prices and good consumer reviews. Model characteristics:

  • Name: Timberk TIN R2S 5K.
  • Price: 4000-5000 rub.
  • Characteristics: economical, inexpensive, power 5000 W, built-in air supply regulator (3 modes), durable, wear-resistant housing coating. Ergonomic design.
  • Cons: not suitable for large rooms. Heater – electric spiral, may require replacement over time.

Heat guns for home

Electric guns are increasingly being used to heat residential buildings and apartments, since centralized heating does not always cope with the task. Compact, inexpensive devices with a power of about 2000-5000 W, requiring a normal network voltage of 220 volts, are suitable for this: Resanta and Kraton companies are in good demand. Resanta is a certified Russian manufacturer, offering models TEP-2000 and TEP-2000K. The price varies from 1500 to 4000 rubles, depending on the power. Pros and cons of Resanta fan heaters:

  • Name: TEP-2000.
  • Price: 3500-4000 rub.
  • Characteristics: economical, inexpensive, power 2000-5000 W, built-in air supply regulator (3 modes), durable, wear-resistant housing coating.
  • Pros: special technology Aerodynamic control ( unique shape heater, fan, housing).
  • Cons: not suitable for large rooms. After some time they begin to make a characteristic sound.

Another Russian manufacturer– Kraton sells electric fan heaters “Zhar-pushka” with a power of 3 kW, air flow – 400 cubic meters per hour. A simple, high-quality mechanism copes well with moderate needs, thanks to the thermostat it controls overheating and the amount of current consumed.

  • Name: Kraton ERN-2000V.
  • Price: 3000-4000 rub.
  • Characteristics: economical, inexpensive, power 2000 W, built-in air supply regulator (3 modes), durable, wear-resistant housing coating, easy control, protective grille.
  • Pros: compact size, high-quality, long-lasting heating element, convenient, safe design, rated current consumption - 2000 W.
  • Cons: Weight is above average in this category - 7.5 kg.


An electric gun for heating rooms with a ceramic heater does not dry the air and does not burn oxygen, which is why it is actively used in residential and work areas where air quality is very important. Such electric heaters operate softly, quietly, and cover areas of 40-50 m2 well. Ceramic devices on the market are represented by Ballu and Elitech. What makes Ballu different:

  • Name: Ballu BHP-P2-5.
  • Price: 4000-5000 rub.
  • Characteristics: economical, inexpensive, power 2000-5000 W.
  • Pros: user-friendly design, durable heat-resistant material, high-quality ceramic element.
  • Cons: no obvious disadvantages, shows good performance and endurance.

But what can be said about ceramic devices Elitech: they are reliable, durable and affordable. For example, one of the best:

  • Name: Elitech TP2EM electric gun.
  • Price: 1500-3000 rub.
  • Characteristics: maximum power flow – 140 cubic meters/hour.
  • Pros: a good device for home and office, ergonomic, easy to transport, easy to use.
  • Cons: slight heating of the case during prolonged operation.

Heat guns for summer cottages

Warmth in a dacha is an important component of comfort, so a heating device is useful for work and relaxation in the cold season. Among heat guns for dachas, Russian Tropic brand guns are in demand:

  • Title: Tropic TPC-2.
  • Price: 2500-4000 rubles, if bought in online stores.
  • Characteristics: heating power – 2 kW, which eliminates system overload.
  • Pros: high air flow power, heats quickly, 2 year warranty.
  • Cons: a new budget series, there are not enough reviews yet to judge the wear resistance and possible problems with the device.

A more powerful option is the Italian gun QUATTRO ELEMENTI QE-6000 ETN 649-271. The entire series is distinguished by its endurance, good quality materials and convenient shape, the package includes the gun itself and a long network cable. Characteristics of QUATTRO ELEMENTI heat guns:

  • Name: QE-6000 ETN 649.
  • Price: 4500-5000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: heating power – 6000 W.
  • Pros: ventilates and dries humid air well, capacity – 800 cubic meters. per hour, stainless steel tubular heater, mobile, compact dimensions.
  • Cons: new budget series, few reviews.

Electric industrial heat gun

Not all brands produce such devices; Master industrial heat guns with a power of 30-40 kW are known. An electric industrial heat gun is the most powerful and largest type of heater, which is used for large premises, such as warehouses, exhibition centers, hangars, and large garages.

  • Name: industrial heat gun Master RS ​​30.
  • Price: 50,000-78,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: heating power – 15-30 kW.
  • Pros: instant heating, soft air, high efficiency indoors, work safety; durable materials from the USA.
  • Cons: heavy weight (50-60 kg), power of at least 380 volts, expensive.

Another reliable option is Timberk TIH R3 24M.

  • Name: Timberk TIH R3 24M.
  • Price: 11000-12000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: heating power – 24 kW.
  • Pros: high-quality assembly, stable power, durable body, convenient thermostat.
  • Cons: large model, requires a 380-volt outlet.

How to choose an electric heat gun

It is better to choose electric guns for heating rooms in specialized stores, where you can try the product, plug it into the network, and evaluate the dimensions. Online catalogs will help you make a preliminary choice: many sites have detailed video reviews describing all the details and characteristics, and the basic conditions are described.

How to do right choice heat gun:

  • browse as many sites as possible: prices may vary significantly, pay attention to discounts, promotions, sales;
  • When connecting the heat gun for the first time, there may be a slight odor - this is normal;
  • do not buy high-power guns for your home - they will create too much air flow and noise;
  • Quiet ceramic electric heat guns are well suited for cottages and apartments;
  • pay attention to the power of the sockets and the type of plug;
  • For your home, choose guns with high legs that do not lie flat to the floor.