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Clinker tiles for interior decoration under brick. Clinker bricks for interior wall decoration. What is this tile?

The concept of “clinker brick” appeared in the everyday life of Russians relatively recently, but the building material is used more than 200 years. Refractory brick appeared in Europe - Holland is considered to be the birthplace of clinker.

Material made from special clay, not inferior in strength natural stone, became popular first in European countries, then in the USA, and over the last two decades in Russia. The scope of application of clinker is extensive: from paving garden paths before interior decoration walls

Clinker - what is it?

Clinker brick differs from analogues in production technology. Refractory clay is used as the main component, from which blocks are formed rectangular shape. Bricks made by extrusion are used in the construction load-bearing walls. For interior decoration, you can also use pressed material.

At a temperature 1 100-1 450 o C the clay is compacted and sintered into a monolithic bar, which is free of cavities and foreign particles. It is this feature that makes clinker a universal building material used for various jobs:

    façade cladding;

    interior decoration;

    decorative design window and door openings.

    erection of columns;

    reconstruction of old buildings;

    V landscape design– paving clinker.

To create original architectural compositions, they are glazed: covered with a double layer of paint and re-fired. As a result, colors, constantly exposed to aggressive environments, do not lose their original brightness within 5 years.

The ultra-dense monolithic structure gives ordinary clinker bricks increased performance characteristics (see table).

Original appearance and a wide color palette make it possible to create entire architectural compositions from clinker, emphasizing the uniqueness of the building.

The manufacturing technology completely eliminates the addition of chemically active and toxic components to the composition.

Types of refractory bricks

The modern building materials market offers three types of clinker bricks. Products are classified according to their intended use. It looks like this:

    Building. Designed for construction supporting structures and load-bearing walls. This single brick, resistant to any loads and external factors.

    Facing. Applicable for internal or exterior finishing, available in various color scheme. The glazed surface makes the brick resistant to various atmospheric conditions and ultraviolet rays. Models in this group can be produced in a traditional rectangular design or a shaped version.

    Sidewalk. This brick has an increased wear resistance of the surface, so it does not lose its appearance even with long-term use. Used for landscaping personal plots, design of park alleys and pedestrian paths.

In any case, the products comply with the standards GOST, which determine the main technical indicators.

Size range of building materials

Regardless of the manufacturer, all products adhere to certain standards, which greatly simplifies the process of purchasing material. Three standard sizes are used as a basis, as indicated by the brick markings:

    1 SF. This is a single brick, with sides measuring 250*120*65 mm.

    1.4 SF. Classification one and a half brick with dimensions 250*120*88 mm.

    2.1 SF. Double brick with characteristic dimensions 250*120*140 mm.

In addition, there is Eurobrick on the market, which is labeled NF 0.7 And SF 1.3 with dimensions 250*85*65 And 288*138*65 respectively. This group also produces half-size products, which are named after the fractional part of the whole brick: half, quarter, three-quarters.

According to requirements GOST, clinker brick must have the shape of a regular parallelepiped, permissible deviation in length separate block does not exceed 4 mm.

Interesting design solutions using clinker bricks indoors

Due to the appearance of clinker, it is possible to create original compositions for interior decoration. The most popular are four architectural styles.

"Loft" - imitation of an old building

In the first half XX century There was a shortage of housing space. Representatives of the creative elite are beginning to rent abandoned factories and attics for studios. This is how the “loft” style arises - an imitation of the interior of empty and old buildings.

Clinker brick can be used for interior decoration, but it will not be possible to reliably imitate old brickwork for a number of reasons:

    equal thickness of seams;

    repeated surface irregularities;

    no masonry defects.

Conclusion: the material can be used with restrictions, in the form of “additives” to wood and natural brick.

"Country" - return to roots

Country style implies an interior in the style rural house. In the 21st century A new direction, “ethno-country,” has come into fashion, that is, recreating the interior of homes of different peoples or even different eras.

Clinker bricks can be used for the following purposes:

    fireplace lining;

    creating an apron in the kitchen;

    room zoning.

Country style is characterized by straight lines, brown and burgundy colors, so the described material looks appropriate and harmonious.

"High-Tech" - in the world of high technology

Avant-garde style designed to combine the incongruous. The interior is characterized by minimalism, straight lines, simplicity and convenience. The main finishing materials are concrete (brick), glass, metal.

The dominant color of high-tech rooms is white, which is why clinker bricks are used in the same color.

If you have the desire and artistic taste, you can choose amazing combinations of glass and stone, brick and plastic. The main thing is not to overdo it and carefully study what limitations this style has.

English style - a combination of aristocracy, sophistication and restraint

English style designed to recreate the atmosphere of respectable England late XIX century. Widely used wooden panels, ceramic tile, luxury wallpaper. Clinker would also be appropriate.

    beautifully decorate the fireplace area in a country house;

    make a small partition in the hallway with a deliberately uneven part of the masonry;

    design kitchen apron or lay out a column to which the tabletop will be attached;

    lay out one of the walls of the bedroom or living room so that the antique masonry is in harmony with modern ceiling or flooring.

In general, brick cladding gives almost limitless possibilities, so everything will depend on individual preferences or the designer's imagination.

Masonry in this case is not technologically complex process, but has a number of features. The process boils down to following these steps:

    All preparatory work is completed, drawings are made, and markings are carried out.

    The first row of bricks is laid out. This is done without mortar and is necessary to determine the geometry of vertical joints.

    Installation is carried out sequentially, in rows with a constant masonry height ratio.

    It is better to leave the seams thick enough ( up to 10 mm).

    Walls with ventilation voids are erected according to the following scheme: through every 4 rows an empty seam is left, which is covered with thermal insulation material.

After raising several rows, you need to wait for the solution to dry. At this time, the seams are usually prepared for grouting by removing the mortar with clinker to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

Grouting or jointing is performed after 5-7 days after the walls are built. For this, two types of solution are used:

    Grey. Preparation proportion: to one part of cement 4 parts quartz sand With maximum fraction 2 mm.

    White. The ratio of components is similar to the previous option, but here only a special brand of white Portland cement is used.

Grouting is necessary to protect joints from moisture, improve the appearance of the masonry and increase heat and sound insulation.

Joining of clinker bricks is assumed in cases where it is not planned finishing walls

There are five grouting options:

    Flush– the solution fills the voids, is leveled over the surface of the brick, and the excess is removed.

    Concave– grouting is carried out according to the previous scheme, but then the seam is passed with a jointing trowel.

    Convex– is performed using an arc spatula, which is applied to the seam and the voids are filled with mortar.

    Rectangular– for interior finishing, vertical and horizontal seams are filled with a composition that differs in color.

    Beveled– the seams are filled with mortar, which is then trimmed with a trowel at a slight angle.

Each option has its own characteristics, but all grouting methods look very original.

TOP 3 trusted manufacturers

When choosing a material, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a manufacturer: this is the key to quality products. In the case of clinker bricks, we advise you to pay attention to the collections of the following brands.

    "Kerameya". Ukrainian company, famous since 2006. The first batch of clinker bricks was produced in 2008, in the same year the enterprise reached its planned production capacity: 30 million units annually.

    Currently, the company produces more than 100 names of products is largest producer clinker in Ukraine ( over 70%).

    FELDHAUS KLINKER. German company with 160 years old history. The company was founded by the Feldhaus family and has been producing clinker bricks for five generations. old recipes, but using modern technologies.

    Unlike most European companies, the Feldhaus group adheres to a reasonable pricing policy, which makes it the world's leading supplier of clinker.

    "MosKeram" Russian company operating in Moscow and the region. The manufacturer adheres to high quality standards, constantly expands its range and the lineup clinker bricks.

Besides, positive reviews builders deserve Russian companies "LSR Group" And "Alta profile", products of a Polish company ROBEN.

Currently, there is a wide variety of finishing materials, which are presented in a wide range and made from various materials.

Clinker bricks for interior decoration are in high consumer demand due to large number benefits and durability.

This decoration looks original not only in city apartments, but also in private ones. country houses.

The facing material presented in a wide range and has big choice shades and textures.

Thanks to different structure surfaces provide the opportunity to create an original and unique design of the premises.

Clay is used for making different varieties, therefore this material is environmentally friendly and safe for human health.

To obtain shades, only natural dyes without adding harmful chemicals.

A special production technology guarantees not only a long service life, but also preservation of the characteristics and color of the coating.

The coating can be smooth or rough, with small irregularities and protrusions.


The most popular type of finishing is clinker brick, the main component of which is clay.

It should be noted that high price determined by the complexity of the technological process.

Firing the clay ultimately gives high strength and density to the coating, while the surface of the brick faces is smooth and the color of the brick is uneven.

Basically, clinker bricks are used to cover walls that are subject to sudden changes. temperature regime, as well as stoves and fireplaces.

English style. All walls are covered only in cases where finishing is carried out in spacious and large rooms decorated with ceramics, wood or metal.

Installation rules and features

At the initial stage you need to go on the floor and pick up best location depending on its shape and size.

The material can be attached directly to the walls using cement mortar or a special adhesive.

If installation is carried out on wooden walls, then you should prepare them first, namely install the frame and provide moisture insulation.

The work begins with corner elements, and last but not least they begin laying horizontal rows.

There may be slight color variations in different batches, so this factor should be taken into account when purchasing finishing material.

Useful video

Among the advantages of this type of cladding are:

  • extending the service life of the facade;
  • increase in thermal insulation performance;
  • ease of masonry;
  • the ability to replace damaged tiles without dismantling neighboring ones;
  • original look.

Decorative brick can be used for interior and exterior decoration. Indoors, it is often used to decorate openings, both arched and window. Looks original brick finishing fireplace.

Selection of decorative bricks

Our catalog contains a fairly wide range of decorative bricks, including about 70 varieties. These are tiles with smooth, rough and rustic surfaces, available in a wide range of colors.

An impressive size range is no less important. Each type of tile differs from others in length and width. In addition, the thickness may vary within 10-27 mm. It’s quite easy to buy decorative bricks from us. You can purchase the cladding you like in 2 ways: through the online store, as well as in our specialized stores. All these addresses can be found on our website on the “Stores” page.

Decorative brick for facade cladding is a clinker series of decorative facing stone, which completely imitates the texture of German clinker. The catalog contains invoices facade tiles With various surfaces: antique brick, Viennese clinker, Roman brick and more than 50 options for decorative bricks in various color solutions. The textures of facade tiles fully convey the appearance of hand-molded bricks, while the price of decorative facing brick much lower than for German clinker.

Choosing material for finishing an apartment or country house, you should pay attention to decorative tiles imitating stone or brick. It can be used for uniform wall cladding or combined with wallpaper. Despite its apparent simplicity, brick-like tiles for interior decoration have a number of installation features that must be taken into account when planning to work with them.

Naked brick walls give the room a gloomy and uninhabited look. However, today many people choose this design because it is laconic, non-standard and makes it easy to select accessories.

To create the effect of bare walls you can use:

  • wallpaper with a brick pattern;
  • special panels;
  • imitation of brickwork on wet plaster;
  • brick tiles;

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of each finishing material separately.

The most inexpensive and simple material in the installation are wallpaper. Using them to create the effect of bare brick walls will require a minimum amount of time. This wallpaper is perfect for any style of room.

If we talk about the advantages of this material, they are obvious:

  • gluing them does not require special experience in construction work;
  • During finishing, a minimum amount of debris and dirt remains;
  • calculation required quantity material can be made directly in the store;

  • term finishing works extremely small;
  • there is no need to use special tools;
  • a large selection allows you to choose best option at an affordable price.

Note! Textured non-woven wallpaper allows you to get the effect of real brickwork. However, a significant disadvantage of this material is the ability to accumulate dust and low water resistance.

Presented on the Internet a large number of photo of brick wallpaper in combination with other materials.

Decorative panels for walls

Brick panels for interior wall decoration are wear-resistant and highly resistant to moisture. They are actively used for external and internal finishing works.

Among the advantages are:

  • durability;
  • light weight;
  • long-lasting excellent appearance;
  • high sound insulation characteristics.

To make the panels, plastic is used, which is easily attached to the wall using screws or self-tapping screws. Due to the fact that each panel is mounted separately, in case of damage, you can easily replace a separate fragment.

Brick-like tiles for interior decoration

Indoors facing tiles under brick began to be used relatively recently. Before that, it was a material for exterior finishing work. At first, the cost of tiles was quite high, and they did not have much variety design options. Gradually, the color range was expanded and various texture solutions were proposed.

Among the advantages of brick tiles it is worth highlighting:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • possibility to use with various materials(wood, plywood, metal, concrete, etc.);
  • durability;
  • good sound insulation;
  • high resistance to moisture.

Despite the large number of advantages, we should not forget about a number of significant disadvantages. Among them is the need to attract specialists and mandatory use special materials. Not the least negative aspect of laying tiles is dirt, the need to preparatory work and a large amount of construction waste.

However, the design solutions obtained through its use will delight the eyes of the owners long time and give the room personality.

Types and materials of tiles

The building material used for interior finishing work is not subject to intense exposure sun rays, temperature changes, high humidity etc. However, this does not mean that you should approach its choice inattentively and frivolously. This is due not only to the quality of the tiles, but also to the features of their laying, which differ significantly from the laying of ordinary tiles.

Before choosing a specific type, it is necessary to answer the question of what is planned to be obtained as a result: a complete imitation or a fairly distant similarity? The answer to this question will allow you to choose the appropriate one, which is produced in the form of one brick or several rows.

The latter option is easier to install, because it is different large sizes, and docking occurs according to the chess principle. In this case, the brick wall will differ from the usual texture, but this will allow you to get an unusual effect and give the room a unique look.

Note! When choosing the type of tile in the form of panels, you must remember the increased fragility in places where seams are imitated.

It is worth noting that a significant effect on the strength decorative tiles The choice of material from which it is made also influences the brick. For these purposes, clinker, ceramics, polymer cement or gypsum can be used. Each of the materials has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing tiles for finishing various rooms.

Types of decorative brick-like tiles for interior decoration

Each apartment owner independently decides on choosing one or another type of tile for wall decoration. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many points, including operational characteristics (bathroom or living room). In addition, do not forget about the advantages and disadvantages of each material from which the tiles are made.

Clinker bricks for interior decoration

This type of tile was originally used for exterior finishing work, however Lately It is also actively used indoors. This is due to big amount advantages of this material:

  • simplicity and ease of installation on a surface of any complexity;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation, bacteria and friction;
  • long service life due to high surface strength;
  • water absorption;
  • Easy to clean from dust and dirt.

Despite the advantages clinker tiles for interior decoration it also has disadvantages:

  • low shock resistance;
  • high cost, which is especially taken into account when choosing between clinker and ordinary ceramic products.

Advantages and disadvantages of use gypsum tiles imitation brick. Laying methods. Features of working with various bases.

Brick-like ceramic tiles

To produce this type of tile, sand and clay taken in certain proportions are used, resulting in an environmentally friendly finishing material, which is excellent for both external and internal work. From other species wall tiles under the brick this type It has a smooth texture, which makes masonry using it as similar as possible to the real thing.

This type of material is great for all types of rooms and also combines well with wood, wallpaper, etc.

Poly cement tiles

To make this type brick tiles a crushed mixture of sand, cement and shells is used. Among the advantages of this type, it is worth noting light weight, high breathability and a beautiful textured surface. However, this tile has significant drawback– increased fragility. Therefore, its transportation and stowage is carried out with great care or with the help of professionals.

It is used to decorate living rooms, bedrooms and corridors, but it should not be used in the bathroom, as the tiles will quickly deteriorate and the repair will have to be done again.

Flexible brick-like tiles for interior decoration

This type of tile is made using a mixture of cement, acrylic polymer and pigments. Distinctive feature This material is able to bend at any angle. Therefore, it is excellent for finishing various rounded surfaces. To bend the tiles, a regular or construction hair dryer is enough.

Among the advantages flexible tiles under the brick it should be noted:

  • high heat and sound insulation;
  • ease of installation and lack of special requirements to work;
  • light weight;
  • minimal amount of waste after installation;
  • no use required for cladding special means, ordinary cement is sufficient;
  • high resistance to temperature changes and high humidity;
  • The surface of the material is pleasant to the touch.

Among the shortcomings it is worth noting high price brick-like tiles for interior decoration.

Advantages of decorative bricks for interior decoration

Any type of tile allows you to create the illusion of brickwork, but has a number of advantages over its predecessor:

  • ease of implementation facing works. This makes it possible to significantly save on repairs;
  • Brick wall finishing is not required preliminary preparation surfaces. The exceptions are plaster walls, which require additional mesh reinforcement;
  • thanks to the wide price range, anyone can buy brick tiles;
  • choose this finishing material for any design solution possible due to the wide range of colors and surface textures. At the request of the client, manufacturers can produce tiles with his surname or family coat of arms;

  • the material is excellent for finishing door and window openings. The resulting result looks unusual and stylish;
  • ability to use with any modern style– Italian, art-decor, loft, Provence, rustic, etc.

Helpful advice! Using tiles allows you to hide surface irregularities and defects.

Design techniques for laying tiles

Many people refuse to use stone-like tiles for interior decoration in their apartments, for fear of making the room gloomy. However, these fears are unfounded, because there are many compromise design solutions when you can not cover the entire room, but only one of the walls, a niche or a ledge. The main thing is to think over the overall design concept for the entire room.

Imitating protruding brickwork from broken plaster is an interesting idea, but it must match general style. Sometimes protruding corners are trimmed with brickwork, but such a design decision depends entirely on the wishes of the apartment owner.

If the room has a fireplace or stove, then you should take care of the appropriate decoration of the space around it. Designers do not recommend completely covering walls with imitation brick for interior decoration; it is better to do this around the hearth or in a small area.

Helpful advice! Completely brick walls near the fireplace blur this decorative element, and it is completely lost. A combination of several finishing materials will help highlight the hearth and give it charm.

When choosing tiles for a room, do not forget about its color. Too dark colors will make the room gloomy and barracks-like. Sand tones, on the contrary, will add warmth and space. Supporters of conservatism may prefer red tones of natural masonry in the living room, and choose white brick-like tiles for the bedroom.

Don't forget about this important point when choosing a tile, how is its surface. It can be either smooth or matte. Experts truly believe that a shiny surface looks unnatural. However, if it is combined with the corresponding elements and decoration of the rest of the room, the result can be unexpected and interesting.

White glossy brick tiles are actively used for tiling kitchens or bathrooms. Smooth surface cleans well, does not absorb moisture and various contaminants.

Features of installing decorative tiles

Brick-like ceramic tiles for interior decoration in the form of panels are laid using the groove-to-groove snap technology, in this case the sheet imitates several rows.

If an individual tile is the same size and shape as a section of one brick, then many difficulties arise. In this case, it must be laid in a checkerboard pattern, otherwise the imitation of natural masonry will not work. Experts recommend using ordinary construction crosses, which must be placed in pairs at two corners ceramic tile-brick. This will make it possible to obtain even masonry without displacement.

When installing facing bricks for interior decoration in the interior, do not forget about the seams. They should be wider than when laying regular tiles. To achieve this, you need to choose large, wide crosses.

Upon completion installation work Don't forget about grouting the seams. It must be chosen to match the color of the tile or a contrasting shade. Professionals recommend abandoning the use of grout altogether and using the remaining cement mortar or . This is due to the fact that the real brickwork does not rub off.

Regardless of the room for which brick-like tiles are chosen - for the kitchen, living room or bedroom, they look beautiful and interesting in any interior. A wide range allows you to choose any material option without disturbing the overall style decision dwellings - red tiles, white brick, black clinker, etc. Laying is also not a labor-intensive process, which allows even a beginner to complete the job.

Clinker is a material for cladding facades of buildings and interiors, which has no analogues in its operational characteristics. Durability, strength, reliability, variety color palette and textures - far from it full list advantages for which it is valued by designers, builders and owners of their own homes. It belongs to the ceramic family, but is produced using a special, sophisticated technology from high-quality types of clay. Its cost is high, but justified. It is practically eternal and retains its original appearance and exceptional technical properties, no matter how much time has passed, which makes facade or interior decoration with this material practical in the long term.

Price for clinker facing bricks in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The price range for clinker in Moscow and St. Petersburg stores can vary from 20 to 300 rubles per unit. The minimum threshold depends on the complexity of production, country, brand and logistics costs for import. The last three factors play a decisive role in the formation of the final amount, so the most budget-friendly products are domestic producers. Russian manufacturers such as LSR, also known as RAUF Fassade, and Terbunsky Gonchar supply the market with a GOST-compliant product at a cost of 22 to 65 rubles per piece. Among foreigners, the most popular brand is Terca, which has its factories in the Baltic states. Products of this brand are available starting from 40-45 rubles per piece.

Comparative table of prices for clinker from different manufacturers

As shown above, the price spread is wide enough to have a good choice regardless of possibilities. The assortment of the Slavdom online store contains about 1,200 types of clinker, for every taste and budget. Promotions are held regularly. If you want to buy clinker bricks inexpensively and on attractive terms, register on our portal and watch for sales. You can purchase the product you like by contacting our consultants by phone, visiting showrooms or placing an order on the website.

It is profitable to buy decorative clinker bricks for interior and facade decoration in Slavdom

Slavdom is an exclusive supplier of many world brands that are present only in our catalog. Well-established relationships with foreign manufacturers, regularity and large volumes of supplies allow us to significantly reduce prices and offer them for purchase. best quality clinker bricks for facade and interior cladding with savings in delivery. Sales are carried out both wholesale and retail. The most popular items are always in stock. We provide our customers with comprehensive discounts when purchasing related products, as well as free two-week storage of the paid order in the company's warehouses.

By taking advantage of Slavdom's offer, you receive not only high-quality products, but also excellent service, which will allow you to save on additional costs and make your purchase as profitable as possible.