home · Tool · When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar. When to sow carrots, beets and parsnips to get a great harvest. What kind of soil should there be in order to plant carrots?

When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar. When to sow carrots, beets and parsnips to get a great harvest. What kind of soil should there be in order to plant carrots?

Carrots are a very healthy and nutritious root vegetable. It is widely used in the preparation of various dishes and culinary delights, as well as juices. In addition, carrots contain large quantity microelements and vitamins (the same carotene). It is especially useful for the growth and development of children.

To grow a rich harvest of beautiful and even carrots, you need to know when and how to properly sow seeds in the ground, as well as how to properly care for the seedlings.

Next you will be presented with all detailed information about planting carrots in the spring, namely: sowing dates, methods of seed treatment, choosing a location and preparing the bed and, of course, correct sowing, as well as many others useful nuances growing orange root crop.

When to plant carrot seeds in open ground

Planting carrots with seeds must be done directly in open ground.

Carrots are not grown through seedlings! If you first plant the planting material in seedling cups and then plant them in the ground, you are guaranteed to damage the young root crops and they will grow crooked.

As a rule, carrots are sown in the spring, although it is allowed and very much encouraged.

When to plant carrots in open ground in the spring?

Each gardener has his own experience and is guided by accumulated knowledge when choosing the optimal timing for planting carrots in the spring. Some adhere to recommendations for rooting seedlings according to the advice of manufacturers, others track favorable days according to lunar calendar. But the best thing to do when choosing when to plant carrots in open ground in the spring is to navigate to the weather conditions climate zone , in which your dacha or garden is located.

Carrots are not afraid of small spring return frosts, therefore, if you sow it in early spring and the temperature will drop, she will be able to withstand a slight cold snap (up to - 3 degrees). However, such root crops most likely will not be stored for long, because low temperatures will lead to the growth of flower shoots and significantly reduce its keeping quality.

Important! There is no need to keep carrot seeds in the ground for a long period, planting them very early. Seedlings tend to rot, rot or not germinate in such conditions (seed germination temperature - +4..+6 degrees).

Thus, the optimal temperature for sowing carrot seeds in open ground is +4..+6 degrees(or less, but the seeds will sprout only when the soil warms up to the above values).

Depending on region and climate

For selection optimal timing When sowing carrots in the spring in different regions, it is recommended to focus on weather conditions (climatic features).

Thus, in the South of Russia, orange root crops are sown in the ground much earlier than in the Middle Zone (Moscow region), North-West ( Leningrad region) and even more so in the Urals and Siberia.

For example, sowing carrots in open ground in the south of Russia carried out almost immediately after the snow melts, that is, already in the second half of March - early April.

By the way! To get the most early harvest Carrots are planted in the fall before winter or in early spring (April). But with a purpose long-term storage this is usually done later, i.e. somewhere in May-early June.

In the middle zone (Moscow region) sowing is recommended late April-early May.

In the Urals and Siberia work on sowing carrots should be carried out no earlier than May. Around the same time, carrots are planted and in the North-West (in the Leningrad region).

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

The lunar calendar will help you decide when to plant carrots in the spring, in what month.

According to the lunar calendar, in 2019 for sowing carrots The following days are ideal:

  • in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.

Besides have a nice day, there are also days when it is extremely undesirable to carry out planting work (periods of the full moon and new moon).

So, unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar, The dates for planting carrots in 2019 are:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

After which crops is it better to plant carrots?

As you know, previous crops play an important role when choosing a site for planting any vegetables (of course, except for green manure).

So after what (which crops) is it best to plant carrots?

There is a sufficient number of vegetable crops, after which the area is most favorable for the red-haired beauty, namely this:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumber;
  • white and cauliflower cabbage;
  • garlic.

Important! Carrot do not plant only after celery and parsnips. And of course after the carrot itself.

Joint landing

Carrots are often grown in the same bed with other crops. So, it is often planted together with parsley, radishes, peas, and lettuce.

I especially often plant carrots together with onion sets or leeks.

For example, you can alternate rows of carrots and onions, or, alternatively, plant onions around the perimeter of the carrot bed.

Thus, onions and carrots are ideal mutually beneficial neighbors: onions repel the carrot fly, and carrots, in turn, repel the onion fly.

However, you should not plant them interspersed or too close to each other, because onions grow much faster and can simply crush carrots. In addition, it will be very inconvenient to thin it out. Carrots also require much more frequent watering than onions.

Video: planting onions and carrots together

Similar to onions, they have a similar repellent effect marigold, which you can also plant around the perimeter of the bed.

Interesting! Sometimes carrots and radishes planted together, mixing seeds. This way, after you pull up and eat all the radishes, there will be enough space between the shoots, which means you won't have to thin out the carrots.

How to plant carrots with seeds in open ground

To properly plant carrots in open ground with seeds, before planting it is recommended to familiarize yourself with important information on seed preparation and soil quality requirements. You need to know how to sow carrot seeds correctly in the spring so that they germinate quickly and well. And also perform the necessary conditions on planting, covering seeds and caring for them after sowing.

Seed preparation

Carrot seeds usually sit for quite a long time before sprouting (up to 3 weeks). The fact is that they contain essential oils prevent their swelling and extend the period of germination and, as a consequence, germination. Therefore, to speed up their germination, the seeds must be soaked (to wash away the essential oils).

By the way! The germination capacity of carrot seeds remains high level(50-70%) for 3-4 years. Yes, compared to other seeds, the germination rate of carrots is quite low.

Important! If you bought coated, granulated or glazed carrot seeds, then such seed will not require any additional preparation. They are already processed and covered with a special nutritious coating. Such seeds must be sown dry so as not to wash off the protective film.

Therefore, to accelerate the germination of carrot seeds, they use following methods their preparation (processing) for sowing:

  • heat treatment or soaking in a gauze bag in hot water(50-60 degrees) for 20 minutes, and then cool in cold water;

However! Many people advise soaking the seeds in hot water for 24 hours, washing the water as it cools and becomes saturated with essential oils.

  • you can also soak the seeds in one of growth stimulants, for example, in Epin or Zircon (according to instructions);

After soaking, the seeds must be dried to a free-flowing state so that they do not stick during sowing.

  • bubbling seeds;

Advice! More details about bubbling seeds you can read for example .

  • Old-fashioned way. Dry carrot seeds are poured into canvas or linen, in other words, fabric bag and buried in early spring in damp soil on the bayonet of a shovel (25-30 cm). The earth at this moment is quite wet, not warmed up and cold. It is recommended to keep the planting material in this form for 2 weeks. Thanks to this procedure, the seedlings will swell and also undergo natural stratification (as with), which will have a beneficial effect on their immunity. Before the scheduled date planting work, the bag of seeds must be removed from the ground. Then place the seeds on paper or cloth to dry. And then sow it into the ground.

Video: preparing carrot seeds for sowing

There is also a rather unusual, but very effective way improving the germination of carrot seeds. To do this, they need to be poured into a bag and immersed for 20-25 minutes(not for a day or an hour!) into vodka. Then rub the bag of seeds with your fingers, periodically dipping it into vodka until a dirty yellowish color and a disgusting smell appear. Next, this bag needs to be washed in running water, also rubbing with your fingers, and poured onto paper to dry.

Video: increasing the germination of seeds of umbrella crops, including carrots

Choosing a place for a garden bed

First of all, you need to choose optimal place for placing a carrot bed in the garden. As you know, carrots are sunny vegetable , so it should only be planted in open areas so that she spends the whole day under the sun's rays.

Even slight shading significantly retards the growth of root crops, and as a result they become small.

In general, it is ideal if it is a warm (high) bed.

An orange root vegetable will do best on light and loose soils. Ideally, it will be cultivated and fertile loamy, sandy loam or peaty soil. As for her acidity, then she must be neutral or slightly acidic(6.3-7.5 pH).

Note! If the soil is too dense, the carrots may grow.

Preparing the bed

For spring sowing of carrots, you should in advance, preferably back in the fall, prepare the bed.

During the preparation of the intended area, it is necessary to dig up the bed (on the bayonet of a shovel = 25 cm) and add more humus and rotted compost(1 bucket per 1 sq.m.), and also wood ash and bone meal(100-200 grams per 1 sq.m.). If you allow the use mineral fertilizers, then it is advisable to also add 10-15 grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate(potassium sulfate).

If you have very heavy soil, then be sure to also add about 1/2 a bucket of river sand and peat (per 1 sq.m. bed).

When preparing the beds, it is imperative remove all weeds and carefully select all large pebbles.

As you know, carrots does not tolerate fresh manure and lime.

Note! If you sow carrots in a previously fertilized garden bed fresh manure(even in autumn), then root crops can grow.

And already in the spring, a couple of weeks before sowing the seeds in the ground, if you prepared the bed in the fall, you do not need to dig up the soil (if you are preparing in the spring, then this is simply necessary and just 2 weeks in advance), you only need to carefully level the surface of the soil, and also break up large lumps of earth.

If you allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then it is also advisable to add 10-15 grams of urea (urea) per 1 sq.m. beds.

Direct landing (classic method)

Advice! For planting, it is optimal to choose a day when The weather will be warm and calm (no wind).

Step-by-step instruction classic sowing of carrot seeds in open ground:

  • A week before sowing the seeds, water the future carrot bed generously hot water(even better with adding and then cover plastic film to maintain moisture and improve warming.

  • Immediately before sowing, make furrows 2-3 cm deep, cutting them at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Deeper sowing of carrots will noticeably delay the emergence of seedlings, but, on the contrary, shallower sowing can cause the death of sprouted seeds.

A distance of 15-20 cm is enough so that the rows of carrots do not shade each other.

  • Next, moisten the grooves with hot water or a warm solution of potassium permanganate, or even better, a solution.

  • Then the grooves should be lightly powdered with wood ash (potassium fertilizer) and tobacco dust (for pests).
  • Next, place the seeds at a distance of at least 1 cm from each other, and preferably 2-3 cm.

Do not thicken the crops too much, because... you will need to thin them out more.

  • That's it, all you have to do is fill in the furrows fertile soil and compact to improve seed-soil contact. If desired, you can also mulch with peat chips.
  • In order for the soil to remain moist longer, to retain heat, and therefore for the seeds to germinate faster (seedlings appear), the bed should be replanted cover with film, or even better with spunbond, because it may be too hot under the film and the seedlings may burn.

Attention! After the first shoots appear, all cover must be promptly removed (after about 7-14 days, if you previously soaked the seeds). Otherwise, an excessively humid environment may cause the tender sprouts to rot.

Video: how to sow carrots correctly

Other unusual ways and methods of planting seeds

For planting carrots in spring there are several interesting ways:

The essence of almost all methods comes down to sowing the seeds as evenly as possible, so that later there is no need for much thinning.

  • direct sowing dry seeds in the furrows (the easiest way);
  • sowing dry seeds with sand(1 part of seeds is mixed with 5 or 10 parts of sand);
  • sowing seeds with tobacco and/or mustard dust (additional protection from carrot pests);
  • sowing sprouted seeds(at first, the soil in the garden bed must be constantly moist, otherwise the seedlings may die);
  • sowing coated (processed) seeds (everything is the same as dry seeds);

  • sowing using jelly.

Sowing using jelly (starch, paste)

Many gardeners call this method (jelly) the best of all known.

Using this method, you can sow both soaked seeds and those that have already hatched, without any fear of damaging the sprouts.

The essence of planting carrots using this method is as follows:

  • First you need to prepare starch jelly (paste). First of all, 2 tbsp. dissolve tablespoons of starch in 0.2 liters of water room temperature, at the same time putting 0.8 liter of water on the fire. When it boils, pour in the resulting solution, and then stir continuously (so that there are no lumps) for 2-3 minutes until it boils. Next, turn off the gas and set it to cool.
  • Prepare the seeds.

By the way! You can take pre-soaked (treated) seeds, or even better, so that they have already begun to hatch.

  • Then fill 2 liter bottle the resulting jelly (paste), pour seeds into it (about 2 grams or 1 tablespoon of seeds per 1 liter, i.e. 4 grams or 2 tablespoons per 2 liters) and mix thoroughly (shake).

Alternatively, for convenience and to increase the sowing speed, it is better to use bottles with a fairly rigid wall, for example, from milk or kefir (or even better, ketchup or dishwashing detergent, the neck is more convenient there). Then in bottle cap(if you take a bottle) you can make a hole into which you can tightly insert or screw a plastic tube (the body of a simple ballpoint pen, but without a sharp tip).

  • It is enough to quickly pour a thin stream of jelly with seeds into the groove from beginning to end, squeezing the bottle (pressing the walls).

Practice beforehand to adjust the speed and flow in advance to ensure proper seed distribution.

Video: a clever way to plant carrots without thinning (using paste)

You can also use a special manual vegetable seeder (planter), which is sold at any garden store.

Planting with tape

Perhaps the most popular way to sow carrots is to plant using tape(paper strips, for example, the same toilet paper).

You need to glue the carrot seeds onto the paper strips at the appropriate distance, and then simply place the seed strips in the grooves and fill them with soil.

Video: technology for planting carrot seeds on paper tape ( toilet paper) in open ground

By the way! Now on sale you can find ready-made tapes with carrot seeds glued on. Moreover, they are by no means much more expensive than ordinary seeds.

Thus, you just need to choose the method you like most, or don’t invent anything and stick to the classics.

There is also a rather clever way of planting carrots in egg trays , thanks to which two problems disappear at once: thinning and weeding. However, according to reviews experienced gardeners, this method does not give the proper harvest; the root crops are too small.

Video: a simple way to plant carrots in egg cells

How to care for carrots after planting

Of course, in order to get a good carrot harvest, you need not only to sow the seeds correctly, but also to carry out competent and comprehensive care for the seedlings and growing root crops in the future.

Video: agricultural technology for growing carrots

Watering and humidity

Carrots are very demanding of moisture.

In case of improper watering, carrots grow deformed (crooked) and with big amount the finest roots on the entire root crop.

It is very important to regularly water carrots at the beginning of growth, when the plant is still weak. root system(i.e. at this time it quite weakly extracts water from the soil and spends a lot on evaporation).

When the plant has a sufficiently developed root system, it will no longer need frequent watering.

Advice! Carrots respond well to fine-drip watering.

With a developed root system, it extracts water well and uses it sparingly.

And when there are about 2-3 weeks left before the carrot harvest, watering can be stopped so as not to cause cracking of the fruits when they are overripe.

Note! Detailed information about how to water carrot beds correctly, you can get by reading

Video: how to properly water carrots after planting

Top dressing

All nutritional elements(fertilizers) should be applied before directly planting carrot seeds in the ground. The application of fertilizers (especially nitrogen) during the growing season can only provoke an increased accumulation of nitrates in root crops.

Worth knowing! Magnesium fertilizers can increase the carotene content in fruits.

Loosening and weeding

Carrots are very responsive to loosening the soil, because thanks to this procedure oxygen flows (penetrates) better to the roots, which is what we need for the development of a good root crop.

It is also very important to carefully weed the beds, ridding them from weeds.

Video: how to get a good carrot harvest - how to water, whether to feed, when to thin


Thinning must be carried out in case of severe thickening. However, you should not wait for the root crop to set. Otherwise, you can simply damage nearby growing root crops, which will lead to loss of quality appearance.

By the way! More detailed information about the timing and methods of thinning carrots you will find

Video: how to properly thin carrots

Diseases and pests of carrots

As mentioned earlier, in order to scare away carrot flies from carrot plantings, you can plant onion.

When to harvest carrots and how to store them

Thus, knowing all the basic rules and recommendations, even a novice summer resident will not have difficulty planting carrot seeds in open ground in the spring. The main thing is to prepare the bed, soak the seeds and decide on the sowing method. Of course, in order to get a good harvest, you will also need to take care of the seedlings, as well as dig up the crop from the garden on time. Well, what did you want? Good luck!

Video: how to plant carrots in open ground with seeds - planting subtleties

In contact with

Many novice gardeners are concerned with the question: when to plant carrots in open ground, how to properly care for them in order to get a good harvest? It is necessary to plant carrots in open ground depending on climatic conditions, since in different regions can remain frozen for a long time. Beloved by many, carrots are a rather finicky root vegetable. For a good harvest, it must be planted in open ground no earlier than the beginning of May. This way you can protect carrots from frost.

Carrots are a very healthy root vegetable. It contains carotene, lycopene, B vitamins, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and other equally useful vitamins and microelements. It is added to vegetable soups, stews, salads, even used as a basis for desserts, mousses and casseroles. Therefore, it is very important to know when to plant it in open ground, how to water it, how to feed it, so that carrots will please you in the future good harvest.

How to plant carrots in open ground and when

The optimal conditions for the growth of carrots are weather conditions when the soil warms up to a temperature of 4-6 degrees above zero. Often such indicators are determined no earlier than the end of April.

Late-ripening and medium-sized varieties of root crops can be planted in the ground in the third ten days of April - the first ten days of May (not earlier than the 20th). For average soil You can plant carrots in the second decade of May, on light soil - until the end of May. When the seeds are already planted in the ground, they are not afraid of frost. They are able to withstand sub-zero temperatures down to 4 degrees. Experienced gardeners are recommended to plant carrots in the ground before the long rainy season begins. It is better not to delay sowing when optimal temperature, since otherwise they can remain in the ground for a long time.

What kind of soil should there be in order to plant carrots?

The planting soil for root crops should be in a well-lit place and be level. It is not recommended to plant carrots in the place where caraway seeds, fennel, parsley, parsnips, dill, beans and carrots were previously planted. This is due to the fact that such crops suck everything out of the soil within a short period of time. useful material and microelements, thereby making the soil depleted. In this case, the vegetable will give a poor harvest.

In order to be able to plant carrots after the listed crops, you need to wait several years. Carrots grow well in areas where potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, garlic or onions were previously planted. After the soil has been selected, it needs to be prepared in order to plant carrots. If planting is done in the spring, the soil is dug up. It is better to dig up the bud in the fall, this will give the carrots the opportunity to break through the dense soil and grow evenly.

When the seeds begin to be planted, the soil is pre-fertilized (video). This can be done using superphosphate, potassium or nitrogen fertilizers. They are sold in granules. This fertilizer is often mixed with humus to increase yield. It is better to feed the soil in the fall. But when fertilizing in spring, it is recommended to add fertilizer before digging the soil.

How to plant in 2018-2019

Preparing the seeds for planting is the first step to growing carrots. When the seeds are prepared, you can safely plant them in open ground. Seeds must be processed to increase their germination. There are several processing methods available seed material, after which it is planted in open ground:

  • The seeds need to be soaked for a day in heated water, constantly changing the water and heating it. You can mix a certain amount of ash in water. After the soaking procedure, the seeds must be thoroughly washed and dried. Next, they are wrapped in a clean cloth and placed in the refrigerator for several days;
  • place the seeds in a cloth bag, immerse for half an hour in hot water, after which the seeds must be kept in cold water for several minutes;
  • bury the seeds in a bag in the ground for ten days.

After processing by any of the listed methods, the seed is ready for planting. Carrots are planted in the bud to a depth of about three centimeters, the row spacing should be at least 20 centimeters. Each seed is sown at a distance of three centimeters from each other. When the seeds are planted, the soil must be mulched. This will prevent the formation of a crust on the soil surface, which will subsequently hinder uniform germination.

How to grow carrots

To grow this root crop in open soil, you should thin out the seedlings when they grow too densely. It is necessary to frequently loosen the soil and clear the area of ​​weeds, which can cause certain crop diseases. The seedlings need to be watered regularly.

The first thinning of the sprouts should be done after the first two leaves appear. After thinning is carried out, the distance between the sprouts should be about three centimeters.

After the second leaves appear, the seedlings are thinned again. This will double the distance between the sprouts. Weeding of the soil is carried out at approximately the same time as thinning. It is best to carry out weeding after preliminary watering of the land.

In order to grow large and sweet fruits useful plant, must be adhered to certain rules glaze. If there is insufficient watering, the fruits grow sluggish and have a bitter taste. Watering root crops is one of the most important stages caring for carrots throughout the growth and development of seedlings.

Depending on the size of the root crops, the depth of watering is carried out. If the fruits are large, it is necessary to saturate the soil to a depth of at least 30 centimeters. With a lack of moisture, lateral roots form on root crops, which grow in search of additional moisture. This makes it worse appearance carrots, suffer her taste qualities, the pulp becomes hard and coarse. But you need to remember that excessive moisture also has a negative effect on the fruit. They crack, become covered with small shoots, in addition, the tops become thick and beautiful, taking all the useful elements from the fruits themselves.

Carrots can be found in any summer cottage. And although retail outlets offer it all year round, yours is much tastier and healthier. But only those gardeners who grow it according to the rules and create the necessary conditions for its development will get a good harvest. In order for the plants to sprout together and please with productivity, experienced gardeners advise planting carrots in April or early May, taking into account the lunar calendar for 2019.

Because different varieties carrots coexist quite friendly in the same bed, it makes sense to sow and early varieties, both mid-season and late. It is important to choose the right days for planting carrots according to the lunar calendar. The first harvest will be used for salads and other dishes in the summer, and those that ripen later will be used for autumn preparations and storage for winter consumption.

Chapter 1. Favorable days for planting carrots in the spring in 2019 according to the lunar calendar

  • March: 20, 21;
  • April: 1, 3, 12, 13, 17, 18;
  • May: 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31;
  • June: 1, 7, 10, 11.

First you need to choose a suitable place for carrots. The amount of harvest depends on how correct it is. It is important to remember that the root vegetable does not like shade, so it is recommended to sow the seeds in a well-lit area summer cottage where the sun shines all day long. Also, the plant does not tolerate being planted in the same place, so it is best to choose a new area every year. Carrots will not grow or will not grow well if herbs such as parsnips, parsley, dill or celery were previously sown on the site. The most optimal predecessors of this root vegetable will be: tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, potatoes and cabbage.

Chapter 2. Unfavorable days in 2019

  • March: 16, 17, 22, 23, 31;
  • April: 14, 15, 16, 25, 26;
  • May: 1, 7, 8, 17, 18;
  • June - 3,4, 5, 18.

Section 1. Preparing carrot seeds

Before planting, the seeds must be prepared. What does this include? Soak the seeds in warm water for some time. Afterwards, transfer it to a damp cloth, which should be quite large so that it can cover the seeds both from below and from above. The seeds are left in a dark, warm place and need to be stirred occasionally. After swelling and the appearance of the first sprouts, the carrot seeds are placed in the refrigerator for hardening. Once this stage is passed, you will be able to identify defective seeds - those that will not be accepted in open ground.

Section 2. Choosing a location

To begin with, it is worth considering that carrots will not tolerate the proximity of parsley, parsnips, dill and celery. The place for sowing carrots in the spring must be chosen on the basis that it should be illuminated by the sun throughout the daylight hours, and this is very important! It will work out very well if last year cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes grew in the same place.

The time when you need to plant carrots in the spring is the second important factor on which the quantity and quality of the harvest will depend. During the day it should already be warmer than +12 degrees, and at night no colder than +5-7 degrees. Only in this case, the flower arrows will not actively develop, but instead the carrot root itself will begin to grow. Now let's ask experienced gardeners, what carrots should I plant in early spring?

Section 3. Sowing

Having waited for good weather when it will be possible to plant carrots in the spring, we dig up the beds and harrow them. We make beds on the soil, the width between them should be at least 15-20 centimeters. Having marked the area, we make straight grooves and spill them with water. Keep in mind that carrots love water! You need to water so that the soil gets wet by 30-35. How to properly plant carrots in the spring, almost every seed will germinate. For this reason, seeds should be placed in the furrow one at a time every 2-3 centimeters. Sprinkle the planting furrows with soil and lightly compact the top. Within 3-4 days you will already see shoots.

Chapter 3. Favorable days for planting carrots in the fall of 2019 according to the lunar calendar

  • October: 2, 3, 25, 26;
  • November: 11, 12, 13, 17.

Section 1. Planting carrots before winter

On the one hand, it may seem risky to plant carrots before winter. But the devil is not as scary as he is portrayed. This event allows the summer resident to achieve a harvest earlier and save himself from unnecessary hassle, which threaten farmers in the spring. Such seedlings will be stable during the winter, and you will not lose the harvest when spring frosts. In order to instill confidence in yourself that you will not burn out in such a bold undertaking, you should choose the right variety of carrots. Not all varieties are able to survive sub-zero temperatures, so this step is one of the most important.

Section 2. Variety of frost-resistant carrot varieties

  1. Nantes produces a harvest a couple of months after planting; this variety has a pleasant taste and resistance to cold. Suitable for winter planting.
  2. Shantane is inferior in quality to the previous one, and matures much later. But it can be more hardy and will survive lack of watering.
  3. Incomparable carrots take a long time to ripen, but the level useful properties it's off the charts. Withstands bad weather during the winter.
  4. Vitamin quality corresponds to its name and surprises with its ripening speed and stability.
  5. Losinoostrovskaya is also endowed with endurance and is in no way inferior in taste to all of the above.
  6. Moscow winter is typical for the territory of the same name. Tasty and hardy. And great for planting for the winter.

You choosed suitable variety carrots. Now you need to understand when to sow carrots in the ground in winter and how to choose the right place where you will sow. Choose an elevated place for the winter, sheltered from the wind, but accessible to the sun. The soil should be loose, regardless of the sowing period.

The suitable period for sowing the selected variety is November. Clear the soil of weeds for the winter and loosen it thoroughly. Carrots are planted exclusively in loose soil; no other soil is suitable for this event. You can add sawdust to hard soil for the winter, which has decomposed by half, since fresh ones are not suitable. Once the soil has reached the required consistency, fertilize it organic fertilizers. If you use manure, do not use fresh manure. Carrots grow crooked when using fresh manure.

Chapter 4. Video

Carrots are a vegetable with high content carotene, vitamin “A”, “B”, “C”, “E”, fiber. To get a good harvest, you need to plant the seeds on time. Vegetable culture does not involve growing seedling method.

Planting material planted immediately in open ground. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know when to sow carrots in 2018 according to the lunar calendar. The vegetable is cold-resistant, so it is one of the first to be sown in the garden.

Sowing carrot seeds

Sowing carrots depends primarily on the air temperature (+15°C). The soil should warm up by at least +7-8°C. The time for planting a crop directly depends on the region where you live:

  • V middle lane Seeds should be sown no earlier than April, and during the first half of May. In the middle zone, weather conditions are difficult to predict, so the landing time may be delayed;
  • V southern regions Carrot planting begins at the end of March.

Features of planting in the Leningrad region and Moscow region

Carrots should be planted in the Leningrad region in mid-April. The air temperature becomes optimal for sowing vegetable crop, the soil is moist, which will promote growth and development. If you plant later, in May, the soil will lose moisture, development will not be as fast, and the plant will be less stable.

A good period for planting carrots in the Moscow region is the end of March and April. Cultivation time directly depends on the carrot variety. In general, three cultural groups can be distinguished: early, middle, late. The varieties presented below are perfectly suited to the climatic conditions of the Moscow region and Leningrad region.

Early varieties produce a harvest already 80-100 days after sowing the seeds, which is good news. They need to be sown at the end of April so that by October the carrots are fully ripe and ready for storage. Early varieties include:

  • The “Barynya” variety produces a harvest within 90 days. Root vegetables are cylindrical in shape, with an orange-red color. The length reaches up to 20 centimeters. The variety is resistant to diseases and cracking of root crops. Can be grown in temperate climates climatic conditions, even in the middle zone in the Urals.
  • “Zabava” carrots were bred by Russian breeders. Full period ripening is 90 days. On average, the weight of root vegetables is 80-200 grams. The pulp is juicy and dense, the formation of voids was not observed. Carrots store well.
  • The “Sugar Finger” variety will delight you with beautiful cylindrical root vegetables with a pleasant sweet taste of the pulp. The ripening period is 50-65 days from germination, which gives them a great advantage over other early carrot varieties. It grows 11-12 centimeters in length. The color of the root vegetables is deep orange.

Mid-season carrot varieties are sown in April and early May. Their ripening period is 110-120 days. Let us present some varieties and their brief characteristics:

  • The “Balero” variety is a hybrid variety; the ripening period is 110-120 days from the moment the seed sprouts. The shape of the root crops is cylindrical; they grow 18-20 centimeters in length. They tolerate light frosts well, so this variety can be sown in the middle zone.
  • The variety “Vitaminnaya 6” was zoned for the Moscow region. Root vegetables are cylindrical in shape with blunt ends. Keeping quality winter period good. The ripening period is 110-120 days from the moment of germination of the seed material.
  • “Olympic” carrots are a hybrid mid-season vegetable with a ripening period of 108-112 days from germination. The length on average reaches 20-23 centimeters. The yield is 7-8 kilograms per square meter.

Late varieties can be sown in early March and April. The ripening period is 120-140 days. Carrots store well and have high taste. Late-ripening carrot varieties:

Lunar calendar for planting carrots in 2018

To choose a favorable day for planting a plant, use the calendar for the current year.

Sowing calendar for carrots in March 2018

Calendar number Characteristics of days (favorable/unfavorable)
1 This day is unfavorable for soaking seeds or sowing them in the soil.
2 Unfavorable day, the moon is in its last phase (full moon).
3-5, 5-7 Favorable period for planting carrots. The crop is sown in greenhouses.
8-10 You can plant early varieties of carrots, but there is a chance that the fruits will be small.
11-12 Planted carrots will be stored well these days.
13-15 Planting seeds is not recommended.
16 Planted carrots will not hatch for a long time.
17 Unfavorable day, it’s better not to plant anything.
18-19 You can plant these days, but the crops will not tolerate drought well.
20-21 You can get a good harvest if you sow seeds these days.
22-23 Unfavorable days.
24-26 It is not recommended to plant seeds.
27-28, 29-30, 31. These days are not conducive to yield; it is better to wait a little while sowing carrots

In what month do you plant carrots?

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Carrots are popular and healthy vegetable. It grows in every garden bed. To reap a good harvest, you need to know when to sow carrots in open ground. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the process in more detail.

Preparing carrot seeds for planting

Before sowing carrot seeds in open ground, you need to prepare them. This is necessary so that they are well accepted and emerge in a timely manner, or even ahead of time. Typically, soaking is used to speed up the germination of carrot seeds. To do this, carrot seeds need to be wrapped in cotton cloth and placed in warm water for 24 hours.

You can also use a mixture of 4% hydrogen peroxide and water as a soaking solution in a proportion of 10 drops per 50 ml of water. This preparatory technique is a kind of additional care, thanks to which the incidence of diseases in sprouted plants is significantly reduced.

When sowing dry carrot seeds in open ground, the first shoots will appear no earlier than two weeks later, while pre-soaked ones will make themselves felt on the fourth day.

In addition to preparing the seeds, it is also necessary to prepare the soil itself in which subsequent planting will take place.

As a soil fertilizer, it is best to use fertilizers based on potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. It is also necessary to contain a certain composition of microelements; fertilizers without them have an extremely poor effect on the soil.

To loosen the soil, it is good to use a specialized cultivator so as not to waste energy digging by hand. With its help, you can dig up a surface up to 60 cm wide in one pass and without making any special physical effort, since on good soil the automated cultivator can move on its own, it is enough to support it on one side. A bed loosened by a cultivator comes out perfectly level and does not require additional adjustment garden tools. After the loosening procedure is completed, you can begin planting the seeds in open ground.

When to sow carrots according to the lunar calendar in 2019

Planting carrots depends on the region and temperature environment. This is a cold-resistant crop that can withstand frost, and the seeds begin to germinate at temperatures of +4 .. +6 ºС. It is also worth paying attention to the types of seeds that you are going to sow.

There are early ripening, mid ripening and late ripening. If you want to get the harvest early, choose ultra-early seeds and sow them early. In the central region and Moscow region this is the end of April - beginning of May. In the southern regions, where the warmth comes earlier, carrots are sown already in March, and in two terms.

Carrots about to be harvested winter storage sow at the end of May or June.

Favorable days for sowing carrots in 2019 in the spring:

  • March - 13th - 17th
  • April - 12 - 13
  • May - 23 - 24
  • June - 15 - 16

Soil preparation

Planting carrots is a labor-intensive agricultural process that requires a clear understanding of the process and adherence to the main steps. It is also worth noting that carrots are a rather difficult crop to grow and do not tolerate excessive humidity. At the same time, it will grow well on loosened sandy and clay soils with a structural top layer.

No less an important condition for the fruitful cultivation of carrots is the balance of the soil acidity level, the presence groundwater, drainage system and the ability of the soil to retain moisture.

It is important to note that excessively clayey and acidic soil retards the natural development of this crop.

Carrots, in order to develop properly, need additional loosening of the soil, since excessive density has a detrimental effect on the natural growth of roots. In addition, additional mineralization of the soil would also be useful. Usually, after cultivation, a couple of days before planting the seeds, mineral fertilizers are applied, the consumption of which depends solely on the condition and composition of the soil, after which it is dug again. Mineral solution applied by continuous watering or dosed pouring into specially prepared holes. Next, continuous watering is carried out, which allows nutrients to evenly penetrate the soil to the desired depth and gain a foothold at the desired level.

It is good to use specialized equipment to loosen the soil. With its help, you can quickly dig up the surface without making any special physical effort. The furrow loosened by special equipment turns out straight and does not require additional adjustment auxiliary tools. After the loosening procedure is completed, you can begin to sow the seeds in the ground.

Planting and caring for carrots

Especially important when sowing carrot seeds, the rows and right choice places. It is advisable to place carrot beds in a well-lit area so that the lack of sun does not affect the yield. Since seeds germinate extremely slowly, it is better to sow them as early as possible. In addition, early planting of carrot seeds has a big influence on the quality of root crops, they accumulate a huge amount of useful substances.

In order not to waste extra time on subsequent weeding of the sprouts, it is better to initially do measured sowing. Measured sowing involves a certain number of seeds (about one hundred pieces) per linear meter, that is, per 10 square meters. m. you will need about 8 g of carrot seeds.

You can add seeds of any early lettuce to carrot seeds in a ratio of 9:1 (5-10% of the total amount of carrot seeds). This technique will help to identify the seed row in a timely manner and will greatly facilitate its subsequent care.

Modern farmers recommend sowing carrot seeds tape method into previously prepared furrows or into small beds, leaving a distance between lines of approximately 20 cm. Next, the sown seeds are sealed to a depth of no more than two centimeters. In order for them to be sealed at the same level, the bottom of the groove is pre-compacted.

An important point when sowing seeds in open ground is soil moisture. Lightly germinated seeds are also sown in slightly moist soil. Moisture contributes to the rapid engraftment of the seed and its subsequent development.

After sowing is completed, it is useful to sprinkle upper layer soil with a thin layer of specially prepared compost or humus. This kind of manipulation will ensure the simultaneous appearance of sprouts.

Important! Carrots are a cold-resistant crop that can withstand temperature fluctuations from +30 to -4 degrees. At the same time, at temperatures above +30, the growth of the root crop stops, it becomes coarser and takes on abnormal shapes; at temperatures below -4, development slows down and the emerging root crop dies.


In order for carrot root crops to please you with a good harvest, planting carrot seeds should be done in a place where early harvested crops previously grew, for example, onions, cereals and table beets. At the same time, on old place it can be returned no earlier than after five years, since it is during this period that all layers of the soil have time to regenerate themselves.

Carrot root vegetables respond well to feeding from natural and natural ingredients in the form of bird droppings. The use of mineral fertilizers and various types of organic mixtures is also recommended.

Carrots grow well at temperatures of 8-12 degrees above zero, so it is very important to make sure that the ground is warm enough and frosts are not expected. Usually, in a favorable climate, the first sprouts can be noticed within two weeks, but only after a month will the carrots be pleased with thick leaves.

It is extremely important to water carrots in the first stages of their growth, but in the subsequent period it is worth paying increased attention to weed control so that they do not stop the growth of seedlings and do not stifle the development of the root crop. To do this, you should know how to weed carrots.

Thinning seedlings also plays an equally important role in growing carrots. This procedure should be started at the first appearance of sprouts, and then repeated again after two weeks. As a result, the gaps between separately growing plants should be at least 5 cm.