home · Tool · How to make a small waterfall with your own hands. How to make a decorative waterfall with your own hands? Features of the construction of the bowl

How to make a small waterfall with your own hands. How to make a decorative waterfall with your own hands? Features of the construction of the bowl

The construction of ponds and waterfalls on the site is becoming increasingly common. And this is quite logical, since such structures look quite beautiful, and making a pond with a waterfall with your own hands is not so difficult.

How to make a pond with your own hands was described in other articles. This same article is written as a guide so that you have step-by-step instruction, after reading which you had enough knowledge to build a decorative waterfall for the garden without the involvement of a specialist. It will also help you spend a minimum of money and time.

What types of waterfalls are there?

Natural waterfalls can often be found in mountainous areas, but it is quite possible to do this on your own site. First, make a small pond, then work on creating a small mound, install a special pump to pump water to an artificial hill - you can say that your home waterfall has been built in the yard. This type of construction is divided according to the following standards:

  • Depending on height
  • Along the width of the stream. There is a jet type and a waterfall, where there is a wide discharge line.
  • Number of steps ( cascading waterfall)
  • Depending on the material used


Often structures do not exceed a height of 1.5 m. This optimal height for a conventional pump. If you have seen waterfalls and cascades, this will certainly not leave you indifferent. To do this, the bottom step should be as level as possible. The rest you can do at your own discretion.

Waterfall options

  • If the stones are smooth and flat, then you can make a mirror water wall.
  • If there are grooves on the stones and they uneven surface, then it will be easy for you to make separate flowing streams that look very stylish.
  • In order for the water to flow slowly and smoothly, it is important to select stones that have indentations. Then the water will fill them like a cup and slowly overflow further. Also, a flat water stream looks quite beautiful. To do this, at the very top you need to place rectangular container, where one side will be higher than the other.
  • If you want to create a rushing flow effect, then we recommend placing large stones under the stream itself. Then the splashes of water will scatter, which also looks quite impressive.
  • Dry waterfall. If you have not heard such an expression, then perhaps you have seen it - water flows beautifully from the slope, but disappears somewhere below. Of course, water collects in the pit, it’s just not visible. Making it is also not difficult. To do this, the pit is hidden under a fine metal mesh. In such cases, the embankments are made of stone.
  • Mini waterfall. There are such conditions that there is simply not enough space for a huge structure, or you simply do not have the opportunity to build it. In such cases, you can build a very miniature indoor waterfall, comparable in size to an ordinary aquarium, which will fit even in the smallest room. The body can be anything - even from flower pots. The lower part must be sealed.

Using a similar principle, many options can be constructed. How your small waterfall or fountain will look depends on your imagination.

There is also an option for water running down glass. This option has its own advantage - it increases air humidity. It's not difficult to build. This requires a pallet - you can use some plastic container. Place a tube filled with water in the frame around the glass, and make holes in it in the upper part. The pump is located in the tray itself. If air humidification is not required, such an artificial waterfall can be made airtight. To do this, an additional glass frame is made, which is glued together with silicone. This is, of course, more difficult to do, but not impossible.

If the stones need to be securely fixed, then two options are suitable for this:

  1. Secure them with cement mortar
  2. Use polyurethane foam. It, in turn, can look ugly on the edges of fastened stones. To solve this problem, immediately after gluing, sprinkle the exposed foam with regular sand.

Waterfall and stream at your dacha (video)

In the construction of a conceived idea, it is of no small importance how it will look as a whole on the site, fitting into the surrounding view. It is also important to consider the option when the artificial waterfall for the pond is turned off - whether this will violate the integrity of the landscape.

If you already imagine final result in your mind, then you can safely begin to study the main stages of building a decorative waterfall.

How to make an artificial waterfall

In most cases appearance garden waterfall depends on the site. Therefore, just because you spied someone’s idea, this does not mean that it will fit into your landscape project.

Let's take a quick look at the stages of building your own waterfall:

  1. You need to choose a suitable place. Think carefully about the final picture of the entire site so that all landscape elements are balanced. If you don't have imagination, you may need to seek help from a designer.
  2. Waterfall device. Like any waterfall, the water needs to come from somewhere and flow somewhere. For us it will be some kind of landscaped depression in the ground. It’s up to you to decide what material it is made from, the main thing is that it is protected from water leakage.
  3. Construction of a mound. The embankment can also be created from the earth that will appear when creating a reservoir, since there will be quite a lot of it. To prevent the flowing water from destroying the mountain, it must be protected. It is best if it is a special film. The shape of the stream can be set using stones. The larger the hill, the higher your waterfall will be.
  4. Pump installation. The pump is selected depending on the power of the water flow, and in general, the volume of your pond.
  5. Fountain decoration. Depending on what kind of landscape design you have on your site, use various elements decor to decorate the fountain. It could be wood, stone, glass, etc.

Step-by-step guide to building a waterfall in your garden (video)

The picture shows a clear approximate diagram fountain construction

These diagrams show a common way to build and decorate a pond with a waterfall with your own hands. To do this, you need to consider some points:

  • Find a clean place. Usually, a 2 by 2 m area is suitable for this. It is better to think about the location of the country waterfall so that it is at least 3 m away from the house, and leaves and tree roots do not spoil the reservoir.
  • Think about the geometry of the banks of the pond and what the elevation will be. You can draw a contour, for example, using sand.
  • Make a hole and a mound. We recommend making the depth of the reservoir no more than a meter. This will be enough to beautifully decorate the bottom of the excavated earth to make a slide. It will need to be compacted well.
  • Prepare the base so that the slab can be installed. This base can be made, for example, from bricks. When installing, be sure to use a level to ensure the slab lies level. The bottom of the pond can be made from different materials: concrete, film or brick. You can also buy ready-made PVC containers. It has many variants of shapes. In the case of a concrete waterfall base for a pond, first the waterproofing is laid, then the reinforcement is installed. Now you can fill the surface with concrete no less than 5 cm thick. Also, as an option, you can lay out the bottom of brick. However, this is a rather labor-intensive process. If there is a special film at the bottom, then before spreading it, you need to pour a 3-centimeter layer of wet sand at the bottom of the hole. The film is pressed against the stones.
  • Embankment waterproofing. To prevent falling water from eroding the embankment, it must be protected from water. Butyl rubber is perfect for this.
  • Installation of the stove itself. It must be placed so that the water falling on it is directed into the pond itself. If its shape does not allow this, use other stones and sealant.
  • Pump mounting. Using the instructions, place the pump in water. Lead the hose from it to the top. Also run the power cable to the mains.
  • Waterfall decoration. Disguise the supplied hose. This can be done with stones, and it is better if they are of different sizes. Start the system.

It’s quite possible to make a waterfall on your own property

How to choose a waterfall pump

The main part of any waterfall is, of course, the pump. Thanks to it, the water rises to the top. It can be said that most of A good waterfall depends on a good choice of pump.

They are divided into two types - those that are immersed in water and those that are not. In the second case, such a pump is more difficult to hide. It is often placed in a waterfall slide or is disguised by something. Submersible pumps with the same characteristics are cheaper, which is why they are installed in most cases.

One of the most important characteristics pump is the amount of water lifted per hour. Below is a table that will help you choose the pump for yourself.

Flow width, m
0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Waterfall height (Hmax), m0,5 1,8 2,5 3 3,5 4,5
1 2,5 3 3,5 3,9 4,8
1,5 3,2 3,7 4 4,2 5,1
2 4,1 4,5 4,8 5,1 6

Of course, you should not take the table at face value, but be sure to consult with the seller. But before you go to the store, know the height of your waterfall. In cases where the height is no more than one and a half meters, the pump should be selected with a power of no more than 70 W. If your structure is tall, a more powerful pump is therefore required.

Submersible waterfall filter pump

There are pump models in which the flow power can be adjusted. This is a very useful feature.

Also, it is important to take into account one nuance - if your cable is more than 10 m, then you need to take a pump with a power reserve.

Waterfall decor

An important component when designing a waterfall is its decor. Its elements will give the structure a finished look, and will also hide the ugly components of the device.

It is advisable to use stones different sizes and different breeds

Large stones can be placed along the edges of the reservoir; small crushed stone can be poured in the river itself. Also, some sculpture will fit into the picture.

A pond will acquire special beauty if you plant in it aquatic plants

Also, waterfalls decorated with LED backlight and underwater lights. This could be a light over a pond or floating lanterns. There are no strict rules for decorating a pond and waterfall, since it depends on the design of the site, its size and, of course, the imagination of the designer.

You can install a bench near the waterfall so you can admire beautiful landscape and rest

A modern summer cottage is a place of relaxation from everyday problems. A small pond will help you create your own piece of paradise. You can build a waterfall at your dacha with your own hands in 1-3 weeks. For decoration, figurines, fences and plants are suitable, which are relevant in the garden plot.

Choosing a place for a waterfall in the country

The difficult part of building a waterfall is choosing a location on your garden plot. At this stage, it is worth considering the design of the recreation area, whether the trees create shade, and whether the fence interferes with perception.

Several factors to consider when choosing a reservoir location:

  • the hydraulic structure includes a bowl of water that attracts the roots of plants and shrubs. Root system destroys concrete walls, which will require a new bowl;
  • decorative waterfall It is not advisable to place it near the walls of the house. Water overflows and destroys the foundation, splashes onto the walls, which leads to the growth of mold and the spread of fungus;
  • It is worth installing a container with water on a natural hill in the landscape; if this does not exist, then build a small hill. The design structure on the plain and in the lowlands will receive debris blown by the wind.

An important factor is the view of the waterfall. This element of landscape design on a personal plot is key. It should be placed in an open area, decorated with paths, plants and garden figurines.

Choosing a bowl for a waterfall

In your garden, you can make a bowl yourself, or simply purchase a ready-made bowl. However, the market offers little variety containers. The downside is that standard bowl shapes limit design imagination.

Worth knowing!

When choosing the volume of the container, you need to remember the power of the water pump that will be used. The larger the capacity, the more powerful the pump is needed, therefore, the more expensive the project.

A common method for making a water tank is to dig a pit and pour a concrete mixture. This method allows you to create any shape, and coating with a waterproofing solution eliminates water seepage.

You can purchase containers for country ponds in specialized stores. Buyers are provided with bowls:

  • composite made of fiberglass, has high strength and is not subject to deformation due to temperature changes;
  • plastic of various shapes and volumes. It is worth choosing plastic that does not lose its properties at outdoor temperatures.

Selecting the size of the waterfall

When choosing the size of a decorative waterfall, you should start from: dimensions land plot; location of trees; recreation areas. The features of the landscape and the preferences of the owners remain important. Specialists in landscape design use the following directions:

  • a small decorative waterfall with a shallow container that serves only as a decoration for the recreation area. The surrounding area can be decorated with design elements;
  • pond up to one meter deep. This volume of container is easy to clean, allows you to decorate the bottom, plant aquatic plants and even introduce fish;
  • the main container with a depth of more than one meter can serve as a swimming pool. An entertainment area for children and adults will be a salvation on a hot day.

Worth knowing!

When constructing large reservoirs, it is necessary to strengthen the walls, paying high attention to safety requirements. For example, you should not place stones at the bottom, because... they become covered with slippery algae.

Let's start creating a waterfall with our own hands

The waterfall adds coziness and beauty to the vacation spot. To decorate the landscape, you can take any elements that highlight the owner’s style personal plot. All the nuances create a unique design that pleases the eye.

To build an artificial reservoir you will need several construction tools: level, markings, hammer drill, mallet, shovel, construction wheelbarrow, paint, grinder, meter, waterproofing mixture, etc.

Territory marking

The construction of a waterfall must begin by marking the territory. First, make calculations and complete drawings. On a plot of land for a reservoir, it is necessary to outline the contours of the reservoir, adding 20-30 cm along the edges, adding the thickness of the walls of the bowl.


Make preliminary markings on the ground surface, and then mark them with pegs and a stretched rope. The area and depth of the pit should be dug 20-30 cm larger than the calculated dimensions.

It is worth paying attention to several points when digging a pit. Do not scatter the excavated soil, but form it into a heap. Soil will be needed to construct the waterfall elevation. It is better to store the soil at the site of the future slide. It is also worth placing dug up soil along the contour of the bowl to make a small mound around the reservoir.

Worth knowing!

To prevent the walls of the pit from crumbling, the soil should be moistened with water and compacted. Pour sand into the bottom of the dug hole in a layer of up to 10-12 cm and compact it.

Waterproofing and waterfall bottom

Creating a waterproofing layer takes a few minutes. The service life of the entire structure depends on the quality of the coating and the reliability of the bottom. At this stage, you will need thick PVC film or geotextile.

In the case when the film sheet is smaller than the size of the pit, the waterproofing coating overlaps. An overlap of 50 cm or more is sufficient. The film covers the walls, bottom and coastline. Jagged edges later they will be under decorative elements.

Cover the bottom of the waterproofing with a layer of fine gravel. This stone cushion protects the pond from ground movement. Level the poured layer and lay a reinforcing mesh with cells up to 4 cm in size.

Worth knowing!

For a pond, it is better to use fiberglass mesh. This material is resistant to alkaline environment cement. Unlike metal mesh, plastic will not break through the film.

Pour the resulting bottom base concrete mortar. Level the poured surface and wait until it dries completely.

Bowl walls

The walls of a small pond can be lined with pebbles of different sizes. For large and deep bowls, it is better to make poured walls. You can begin their construction only after the bottom has completely dried.

To erect the structure you will need: mesh, plastic formwork and plastic fasteners. The mesh is fixed with fasteners along all edges of the wall. After the formwork is installed, concrete is poured into it. The procedure for concrete hardening and drying takes several days.

It is not necessary for the walls to be perfectly smooth. Small differences will make the pond more natural. However, it is worth considering that thicker walls will take longer to dry.

Pump installation

When choosing a pump, you need to start from calculations of the equipment’s power. To calculate, you will need to know the volume of the thicket and the height of the cascade. For example, for a small decorative waterfall, a 70 W pump is sufficient. It is best to install several pumps at once: for filtering liquid, for cleaning a reservoir, for cascades and streams.

Types of water pumps:

  1. Submersible, installation submersible pumps produced only in reservoirs not intended for swimming.
  2. Surface ones are installed next to the container. Water enters through a hose that is hidden in concrete wall or decorate.

Worth knowing!

Before concreting, the hose must be additionally insulated. Choose products from high quality materials. This will protect the entire waterfall structure. Even if the hose is damaged, it can be pulled out and a new one installed.

Water pumps operate from a 220 V network. Therefore, you need to take care of the electrical supply in advance. Extension cords must be covered with waterproofing to prevent short circuits.

Decorating and illuminating a waterfall with your own hands

Decorating is a creative process that gives free rein to imagination. There are no standards for registration, only the desire of the owners of the land plot. It is only recommended to take into account the style of the land so that everything looks harmonious.

There are several popular decor ideas:

Designers personal plots, give their recommendations for designing waterfalls:

  1. Cascade, consists of several steps through which water descends. Stones should be selected with angular shapes; granite and slate of any color are suitable. Laying should be done at an angle of the steps.
  2. An imitation of a mountain stream is performed using sea boulders and river stones. The laying is done at an angle to simplify the movement of the stream. The shape of the channel depends on the arrangement of stones.
  3. Futuristic and artificial, relevant for modern design. The design is made with geometric lines, strictly and without a hint of naturalistic motives.
  4. Direct, requires a powerful supply of water. A large stream of water falls from a height and makes noise as it breaks on the stone. The design is dynamic; pumping water will require high powerful pump.

What plants to plant for a pond with a waterfall

It is better to decorate with moisture-loving plants and ground cover flowers. Alpine slides and cascading decoration with stones look great. Decorating the waterfall with plants creates comfort and coziness for the entire recreation area.

Flowers can be planted in the soil around a thicket or on a hill, planted in flowerpots or placed directly in pots. It is better to plant street ones in the soil perennials, which tolerate frost and hot summers well.


Building a waterfall with your own hands is a simple procedure. Basic procedures, digging a pit and concreting a bowl, take up to two weeks. Erection of the hill, installation of equipment and decoration will take another 3-5 days. However, the time spent is worth it. A wonderful place to relax will appear on the plot of land, where you can relax and unwind from all the hustle and bustle.

The creation of artificial reservoirs, ponds, waterfalls on private property has become very fashionable in Lately. It’s nice to be on a hot day by the water, where it’s always cool and fresh, and, of course, such an object on the site will make it unique, becoming the highlight of the landscape. After all, every owner, knowing how to make a waterfall in his dacha with his own hands, embodies his own creative idea in it.

Selection of configuration and dimensions

All projects and their implementation begin with planning. Artificial waterfalls at the dacha can take any shape and be of any size. When planning your own reservoir, you need to start, first of all, from the size of the plot of land that you want to allocate for the organization of this project ().

In order to arrange a recreation area, you need to have some construction skills, perform calculations and be able to correctly select and connect the pump. Plus, you'll need all your creativity.

You can get a waterfall only in combination with a reservoir into which the water will flow. From it, with the help of a pump, water is supplied to the height of the created waterfall, where it flows back into the pond.

The boundaries of a pond can take absolutely any shape:

  1. Geometrically correct:
    • Square.
    • Rectangle.
    • Polyhedron.
    • Circle.
    • Oval.
  2. Asymmetrical, close to natural.

The depth of the reservoir depends on your plans for filling it:

  1. About 1000 mm or more for:
    • Launching decorative fish.
    • Locations of underwater plants.
  2. Less than one meter at:
    • Decorating the bottom with a scattering of stones.
    • Backlight device.

Let's get down to business

Now more detailed instructions about how to equip a pond on a summer cottage without extra effort and material costs. Work on creating such decorative designs performed in four stages.


  • Let's mark the boundaries of the recreation area using pegs driven into the ground(as pegs you can use pieces of timber with a cross-section of 50x50 mm and a length of at least 300 mm).

Note! The more often you install the stakes, the more accurately the configuration of the surface of the pond will be drawn after tensioning the polyethylene cord on them. Geometrically correct shapes are struck with fewer stakes.

  • The next stage is excavation of soil with the formation of walls and bottom. In production earthworks Shedding of especially loose soil is possible. Periodically water and compact the soil on the slopes and bottom of the pit. The walls should be flat with a smooth transition from the bottom to the shores.
  • At the bottom of the reservoir, followed by careful compaction, pour sand with a layer thickness of 100-120 mm.

  • Next is the waterproofing of the reservoir bowl, on which its service life will directly depend.

Waterproofing can be done in two ways:

  • By lining the pond container with a special plastic film. The film is laid with a large margin along the edges of the bowl, extending onto the surface of the banks up to 1500 mm.

For your information! This film apron is pressed to the ground with stones that will hold it down. And at the same time they will perform a decorative function - decorating the frame of the water bowl. The stone scattering is held together cement-sand mortar.

  • The second method is more reliable and durable; it involves concrete waterproofing. To do this, a wire frame of the walls and bottom of the pond, so to speak, reinforcement, is laid on a layer of film insulation. The bottom is poured first concrete mixture, after a day you can form the walls of the reservoir from concrete.

For your information! Nowadays, ready-made containers for constructing artificial reservoirs are produced and sold in a variety of shapes and sizes. When using a ready-made form, you will avoid the waterproofing process. At the same time, in terms of maintenance (cleaning, washing) this is the most convenient option.


When the bowl of the pond is ready, it’s time to start arranging the waterfall.

There's more more options than when creating a pond:

  1. If you have the desire or lack of imagination to create according to your own design, you will be offered ready-made country waterfalls in the form of sculptures or beautiful vessels.
  2. Can be laid out from decorative stone:
  • A gently gurgling waterfall made of flat stones, laid in a wide cascade into a low hill.

  • A noisy and foamy powerful stream, bursting out at a height from tightly pressed stones and falling not onto the water surface of the pond, but breaking on the lower stone tier, slightly protruding from the general bulk.
  • The water flow can be divided into several jets by skillfully varying the placement of stones near the waterfall bed.
  • Multi-stage flow along a ladder of large stepping stones.

Interesting! Can be used in individual project decorative elements you like that are not specifically designed for installing waterfalls.

Stonework of any configuration is held together with cement-sand mortar; if you don’t like this gray layer, use paint to decorate the mixture.

Water circulation system

The supply circuit for a waterfall is quite simple and consists of:

  • A submersible pump, which is mounted on the bottom of the pit. For a waterfall with a height of no more than 1500 mm, a 70 W unit is sufficient; for higher slides you will need a more powerful pump. The price of injection equipment depends on its power and the manufacturer.
  • The power supply cable for the pump is in a special waterproof braid, since part of it will be operated submerged in water.
  • A hose from the pump to the top of the waterfall, through which water will be pumped from the pond to the waterfall.
  • The suction hose is located at the bottom of the reservoir.

Advice! In order not to disturb the aesthetics of a waterfall with a pond, it is better to hide all parts of the water supply system under stones, or prepare a trench in the ground in advance.


The most a pleasant activity, of course, is the stage of decorating a reservoir.

This will help you:

  • All kinds of plants.
  • Stones, pebbles, screenings, sand.
  • Multi-colored illumination of the edge, walls or bottom of the reservoir.

Make the approach to the pond comfortable and beautiful, take care of a place where you can sit down to relax by the water. Also take care of arranging the “shore” with benches, sun loungers, and it would be nice to place a barbecue or a hidden fireplace near the pond.

After we built a pond with a waterfall in our dacha with our own hands, you can safely invite friends over and enjoy the updated recreation area.


We hope that the above information was useful to you, even if you did not decide to build a waterfall in your dacha with your own hands, you can certainly do some of the work yourself. Plus, it will be easier to keep track of hired workers who, due to their dishonesty, do not always do everything efficiently ().

In the videos presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Want to add some sound to your garden? Make it your pride and decoration of your garden plot? Then you should think about building the soul of the garden - about arranging a waterfall. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a large plot of land or not, because you can make a pond according to your own design. In this article we will tell you how to make a babbling miracle yourself, we will describe all the stages of work on its arrangement.


The uniqueness of any body of water lies in the fact that it looks interesting anywhere - both in sunny meadows and in the shade of trees. It looks very nice if flower beds are planted around.

A collector is needed for falling water - this is an artificial pond. And here a standard problem for this situation arises - a decrease in the water level. In this case, large leaks will lead to subsidence of the soil, which is not very desirable when building a pool with flowing water. In order to avoid such a problem, you need to properly waterproof the reservoir. But more on that a little later.

When choosing the location of a waterfall, remember that the ideal surface for it will be a slope. This will only emphasize the natural beauty of the landscape. However, even if you do not have a suitable place, you can easily build an artificial embankment. This is important to stimulate water movement. The surface of the embankment should resemble natural terrain. It is not at all necessary to meticulously create all the holes and bulges, because in nature there are no slides with ideal shapes.

The main nuances when choosing the shape of a reservoir

Gracefully curved configurations and bowls irregular shape look more attractive because they resemble a natural landscape. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the geometry of the waterfall, which would be a smooth continuation of your land plot, merging with its topography.

In accordance with the purpose of the reservoir, its depth should be determined. If its only purpose is to accumulate water, then the depth of the reservoir does not matter. However, if you want to have ornamental fish or plant aquatic plants, then the depth of the bowl should be no less than 0.5 m. Only in this way can you protect living creatures and plants from death in winter, because in this case the water will not freeze until bottom. If the proposed reservoir will be used for swimming, then it should be arranged so that it is convenient for all family members to relax in the pool.

Stages of work

The pool for water drainage must have two containers. The scope of each of them should be thought through in detail. However, there are some nuances here. The volume of the container located below must exceed the size of the one located above. Waterfalls in the country can be constructed from ready-made blocks or natural stone. Materials can be bought at a specialized store or found somewhere in nature, for example, near a river.

Materials you may need:

  1. Primer.
  2. Sand.
  3. Pebbles.
  4. Waterproofing mixture.
  5. Quartzite.
  6. Cement.
  7. Water pump.
  8. Fiberglass.
  9. Adhesive construction mixture.

Drive in pegs along the outlined contour of the pit and pull the ropes. Clear the soil that is formed during the digging process of roots, stones and debris. The fact is that when arranging a waterfall, it will be very useful to you. If the pit is ready, pour a 12-centimeter layer of sand to the bottom, and then compact it thoroughly.

Arrangement of the base

The base or bottom of the reservoir can be made of concrete, film or brick. In addition, you have the opportunity to purchase a ready-made PVC mold. It comes in different sizes and shapes.

If you're going to do concrete base for a pond with a waterfall, then first you will have to lay waterproofing. Then a layer of concrete is poured, on top of which a metal reinforcing mesh should be pressed. Now the base should be concreted again, the thickness of the second layer should be at least 5 cm. If you are not satisfied with a completely concrete base, then you can use brickwork. It needs to be made along the contour of the future reservoir. This arrangement takes quite a lot of time.

If you use a special film, then pour about 3 cm of moistened sand onto the bottom of the pit, then lay the film, pressing it along the edges with stones. Coverage will accept the required form after filling the pit with water. At this stage, you can trim the edges, leaving 20 cm of film, which needs to be pinned to the soil with metal pins. They will subsequently need to be covered with earth. Fill the bottom of the container with soil and place natural stones.

Most practical solution in the matter of waterproofing and arrangement of the pit there will be PVC film; it has a long service life of almost 15 years. In addition, you can insulate the bottom with butyl rubber, which has an even longer service life of 30 years.

It is worth considering one fact: when freezing in winter time water expands, and this causes even the highest durable film! Because of this, water should be drained from the reservoir during the winter.

Cascade. How to organize a waterfall beautifully and naturally?

Stone steps look most natural. For this purpose, it is best to select flat and wide stones. As for the nature and height of the water fall, it all depends on your preferences and plans. You will need to fasten the stones together with cement mortar. Today there are ready-made cascades on sale. It can also serve as a source decorative item, for example, a flower, a jug or a frog, or maybe something else.

The easiest way is to create a rigid shape, say, a vessel and decorate it using stones. If you prefer to remain individual in everything, then there will be no place for blanks; everything should be done yourself. To direct the water flow downward, with the effect of breaking it into streams and trickles, think about possible obstacles. These can be ledges of small height - about 30 cm. It is better to start creating a ledge from the bottom, smoothly raising it above the water. Optimal size the cascade is 1.5 m.


The process of making ledges largely depends on how you imagine the finished waterfall. If on the top tier you do narrow space between the stones, the water will flow more rapidly. Thus, the wave will break against the rocks with noise and foam.

If you want the water flow to fall down evenly, forming a flat straight line, make a cascade with flat stones that have smooth edges. They should be laid out according to the principle of a pyramid. If you are attracted by streams of water breaking into streams, equip the waterfall with chipped, uneven and even sharp stones. If you like the slowly flowing and tranquil flow of flowing water, then use stones with depressions in the middle to create a cascade. When filled, water from such natural bowls will smoothly pour into the next tier, located slightly lower in level. Be that as it may, you will have to lay all the ledges on a cement solution. Consider special sides in the lower threshold, this way you will prevent the possibility of large splashes of water from an artificial source.

Pump installation

Of course, on upper tier water will not get in on its own, so after decorating the pool and building a cascade to it, you will have to install a pump. Before you go to the store to buy a unit, measure the height of the cascade. If the structure is no more than 1.5 m, then the pump power may not exceed 70 W. However, if the design is tall and more massive, then you will need a more powerful device.

If you choose a model equipped with a flow regulator, you will be able to adjust the water flow in the future, making it weaker or stronger. For recharge pumping system, you also need a low voltage transformer. It cannot be installed outdoors, so reserve a place for it in the utility room. Typically, the cables used for connection exceed a length of 9 m, which is why they often need to be extended. For this purpose, you will need connectors that are not afraid of water.

It should also be noted that if the cable is longer than 12 m, this will affect the operating power of the pump. This will make the unit work worse. Considering this, you should purchase a pump with more power.

The device is mounted on the bottom of the reservoir in such a way that it is invisible to others. The same applies to the cable and the water hose. Design feature pump are available 2 holes. Water is sucked into one of them, and from the second it is pushed out. Hoses must be connected to both openings. At the bottom of the reservoir there remains a hose that draws in water, and the one that pushes it out is brought to the top of the cascade.

Now you can fill the pool with water and start the pump. If you plan to have fish, then after starting the water you can release them into the pond. The moss and decorative growing flowers look very beautiful on the cascade. At the end preparatory work you can decorate the waterfall with decorative plantings. Your work will be appreciated by your household.

Have you already made similar structures at your dacha? What difficulties did you encounter while completing the work? What helped you cope with them? Have you invented an innovative technology? Share your experience with us! We value your skills and knowledge.


A tabletop waterfall or floating cup will become decor for an aquarium or room. On your garden plot you can make a waterfall in your dacha.

The content of the article:

A waterfall allows you to turn a corner of your apartment or summer cottage into a natural one. It’s nice to watch a man-made stream running and listen to its murmur. If you do not have a summer cottage, but have an aquarium, then knowledge on how to make a waterfall in it will be useful to you. Those who have their own hacienda can still first practice creating a small device, and then make a waterfall in the country.

Decorative waterfall for an aquarium

It’s not for nothing that this subtitle has such a name, because a home stream is worthy decoration aquarium

Look at the principle of construction of such a waterfall. As you can see, it consists of simple objects. Due to the circulation of transparent and fine white sand, which drives the compressor, creates a very interesting effect.

To make this decor for an aquarium with your own hands, you will need:
  • plastic bottle - volume 1.5 liters;
  • dropper;
  • plastic bottle - volume 0.5 liters;
  • silicone sealant;
  • plastic water pipe diameter 370 mm;
  • water rubber hose diameter 120–300 mm;
  • narrow tape;
  • compressor;
To make a support for the future waterfall, cut the water pipe lengthwise into three parts and bend them.

Using sealant, glue the hose to the tube. Step back 3 cm from the bottom of the hose, do here sharp knife an incision 2 cm deep, 1 cm wide, oval in shape.
It was the turn of the 1.5 liter bottle. Cut off the threaded neck from it, then the next part just below the shoulders. You've got a kind of bowl. Place it on the rubber tube, securing it at the cut site.

Next, you need to bend the 3 ends of the plastic water pipe, fix them in this position with tape, winding it.

Now you need to carefully seal the joint between the hoses and the bowl with sealant, then step away from work and wait for the solution to dry completely. After this, you can proceed to the next stage. At the top of the hose, make an oval diagonal cut, 2.5 cm deep and 1 cm wide.

Glue the plastic tip from the dropper to the bottom of the tube; you need to be patient and wait for the solution to dry completely.

Only after this can the tube from the dropper be placed on the plastic tip, and the other edge of the tube must be connected to the compressor.

At this stage, you need to check if everything is working correctly by turning on the compressor. If you are satisfied, let's continue creating. To make a visor cover, you need to cut off the top plastic bottle volume 500 ml, remove the neck using a knife. You should end up with a funnel 3 cm high.

Make a cut on the side, attach this element to the top using sealant and narrow tape.

Please note that the visor from a small plastic bottle should not cover the upper section of the hose; air bubbles will subsequently escape through this hole.

All that remains is to decorate the waterfall by attaching pebbles to it using sealant. This is what you get.

To make your aquarium decor in the form of flowing sand make a lasting impression, you can purchase colored artificial sand. If this fails, choose a regular fraction so that it is not too small or large. In the first case, it will become too dispersed in different directions, and in the second, grains of sand can create a traffic jam and make it difficult for the waterfall to work.

DIY small stone stream at home

Check out another way to make a waterfall. This is how it might turn out as a result.

To do this you need to get this:
  • small stones;
  • sand;
  • a platform, which could well be the lid of a small plastic bucket or even a jar of herring, a plastic saucer;
  • tile adhesive;
  • liquid nails “Fix All” or Titan glue;
  • a small decorative jug;
  • knitting needle;
  • tile adhesive.

It is not necessary to buy stones; if you go for a walk in the snowy season, watch your step. Sometimes near the road, paths can be found very beautiful specimens. After you come home, wash them well, lay them out on a towel to dry, and at this time move on to another stage of the work.

Apply glue to the lid, sprinkle it with sand so that it sticks here. At the same time, it is necessary to arrange this not only top part lid, but also its rim.

If you use, for example, a plastic saucer, then its sides do not need to be covered. Bring glue over the sand and attach pebbles here. From the larger ones, make something like a rock. Place a small decorative jug on top, attaching it in the same way.

Let the tile adhesive dry, then pour Titanium adhesive into it. Pour it into the jug and wait 10 minutes. This is necessary for him to “grab it.” By winding its hardening fibers onto a knitting needle, give the waterfall the desired shape.

If you are using liquid nails, then first cut out a template of water from paper, then cover it with this mass, wait until it dries. Then you can attach the falling water to the top of the work.

It seems as if it really is water, and the air bubbles give the work greater authenticity.

If you brought shells from the sea, then use them for your craft. Look at how to place them and where to attach the artificial greenery. Liquid nails or glue will create the impression of falling water.

If you don't have sand, then make the base of a waterfall with clear blue water. Place a cut piece of oilcloth or other rubberized material of the same color on the selected round container. Fill the top with glue, which will soon create the effect of an exotic lake.

If you want to make a rock for a waterfall, then take for this:
  • polyurethane foam;
  • sharp construction knife;
  • acrylic paints;
  • Titan glue;
  • sand.
You need to squeeze the foam onto the selected container. Give it the shape of a rock. Wait until this substance hardens, then use a knife to make a design to create the illusion of a mountain.

Now paint it with light brown paints, leaving free space where the streams will flow. Fill these places with blue paint. Glue sand onto some areas of the rock after the paint has dried. When the glue is completely dry, then you need to make falling water from liquid nails or Titan, and one more tabletop waterfall ready.

Place a gold one next to it to create a nautical-themed corner in your home.

If you have suburban area, then there will certainly be a place to create a waterfall here. Here you can have a wonderful rest and enjoy the babbling of a man-made stream.

How to make a waterfall in your country house?

Step-by-step instructions and photo illustrations will help you understand the principle of its structure. The list of necessary items will facilitate the task of independently selecting information. To make this work use:

  • sand;
  • pebbles;
  • quartzite;
  • cement;
  • granotsev;
  • PVC film or fiberglass;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • water pump;
  • rubber hose.
You will need the last item to determine the shape and size of the pond where the water will flow. Place it in the chosen place and give it the desired shape.

Now you can pick up a shovel and dig a pit. But since you will be making a waterfall in your dacha, you need to build a hill. You will create it from dug up earth. To strengthen this slide and create a cascade, design it the way the brave altruists do in the photo.

Make a pit of sufficient depth. If you want to subsequently breed fish there, then it should be at least a meter wide so that the water does not freeze in winter.

When constructing a recess, keep in mind that it will need to be filled with 10 centimeters of sand. It is spilled and compacted. Now you can lay waterproofing from the material of your choice on top.

There should be enough film so that it extends well onto the banks. Press her down here with rocks. When digging a pit, you need to make another small depression where you will place the polyethylene pipe.

If you want the lower part of the waterfall to have a strong film that won’t tear, then place a reinforcing mesh here and place a concrete solution 12–15 cm high on top. Let the bowl of the lake dry thoroughly.

Now look at how the water system will be arranged.

As you can see, there is a pump at the bottom, the cable and hose are brought to the surface. The cable will be connected to the network, the hose will need to be laid between the stones of the slide so that the water can rise and then flow down.

To do this, lay flat sandstone and pebbles in the form of a slide. This is what a beautiful cascading waterfall turns out to be.

If you don’t want to lay a film on the bottom of the trench or concrete the bowl, then use a ready-made container for ponds.

But first, you will also have to dig a ditch, then place a bowl here, and cover the junction of the reservoir with the soil from the outside with the excavated earth in order to close the boundaries of the lake.

Also place a pump here, connect a hose to it, the upper edge of which must be raised to a sufficient height, draped with stones to create a waterfall. You can put a garden fountain, it will turn out to be a very nice pond.

You can plant aquatic plants here plastic pots. If you want, turn this place into an alpine hill, combining stones with unpretentious mountain vegetation, then the principle of creation can be the same as in the next photo.

You will certainly find the following diagram useful, which shows in detail what an artificial waterfall consists of.

DIY floating cup

If the previous work seemed difficult to you, see how to make a waterfall so that it is in the apartment. Moreover, looking at some samples, you will see not only flowing water, but also floating flowers and even delicious chocolate and coffee icing that will pour out of the container onto a piece of cake.

Let's continue the topic we started, let's see how to create a floating cup with your own hands, from which an inexhaustible stream of water seems to flow.

To create such beauty, you will need:
  • plate;
  • transparent plastic bottle;
  • cup;
  • Titan glue;
  • scissors.
With help cutting tool separate the bottom and neck from the bottle; these parts can be thrown away. Cut the remaining fabric in half.

Now, one by one, bring these parts to the burner flame to give this interesting shape. There should be flat petals at the top and bottom, which will then need to be glued to the cup and plate.

To do this, generously coat half of the bottle with Titan glue and glue it to the inside of the cup. Decorate the other half of the plastic bottle in the same way and glue it to the outside of the cup.

Now you need to fix the workpiece in the desired position using auxiliary objects so that it dries completely within two days. This is what happens.

Now you need to coat the plastic bottle blanks again with Titan glue. It’s better to first leave it in the air for 10 minutes, let it become a little thicker. But if there is still a lot of glue in the bubble, then it’s a pity to leave it to dry like that. In this case, you will need to pour Titanium onto the top of the plastic bottle, and lift up what drips down again using a spatula.

If you want the water to have a blue tint, add a little dye of that color to the glue.

Until the solution is completely dry, line the plate with shells and colored pebbles. In the same way, you can decorate the cup itself to create a homemade artificial waterfall.

Not only water can fall from such a container, but flowers can seem to flow out of it.

So that you can put this waterfall on your desktop and admire it, take:
  • a coffee pair consisting of a saucer and a cup;
  • glue gun;
  • thick wire in a winding, length of the segment 20 cm;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • artificial flowers;
  • for decoration: butterfly, beads, beads.
Using pliers, cut the wire and bend it into a shape English letter S. Glue the upper end inside the cup, the lower end on the saucer. Make sure that the structure is stable; if this is not the case, tilt the cup so that it maintains good balance.

From artificial plants, cut off their flowering part, starting from the bottom of the cup; glue them here first.

Next we decorate all the wire and saucer. If you want, you can glue decorations here.

If you want your home to smell deliciously like coffee, use the beans of this tree. But first, it’s better to decorate the mug and cup with jute rope, gluing it to these items in a spiral.

Also connect the coffee pair using thick wire in a winding, then glue the coffee beans here. Also, cinnamon sticks, which are used to decorate such a fragrant artificial waterfall, would be appropriate here.

Let's develop one delicious topic further. After all, this active flow can fall down, creating a chocolate cake. The first stages of work are similar to the previous master class, so we will not list them again. But you can go into more detail about creating a small cake.

For it you will need polystyrene foam, insulation or something similar. Place a cup-shaped mold here and cut out equal circles. To get a bevel, as if they had already started eating the cake, take a piece with a spoon, you need to cut holes in each, alternating them in size.

Place the workpieces in a stack; if the cut is uneven, correct it at this stage.

The sweetness consists of alternating soufflé and chocolate cake layers. To show this, paint the edges of the white blanks with black acrylic paint.

Glue the layers together. Then this cake can be covered with putty, sanded or a napkin glued to it. Then the paint will not be absorbed into the porous structure of the material and will lie flat. Apply dark sweetness acrylic paint.

Now you need to stick the second end of the wire that fastens the cup into the cake and bend it on the back side in the form of a loop. To hide this auxiliary attribute, make a recess on the back of the cake and place a piece of wire there.

The cake will be even more appetizing if you cover it with a layer of acrylic varnish and sprinkle coconut shavings on top. If you want the plate to be decorated like in a restaurant, then fill a syringe with brown acrylic paints and draw a line of strokes. Glue the bottom of the wire, which is under the cake, to this plate.

Attach the bottom of the cake to this dish in the same way. Now, using a glue gun or Titan glue, you need to glue coffee beans onto the flowing waterfall. If you are using a glue gun, be very careful as the silicone coming out of it is hot.

To make a buildable chocolate glaze, spread acrylic lacquer and brown acrylic paint in a one to one ratio. Cover the spaces between the coffee beans and themselves with this substance. When it all dries, you can admire the results of the wonderful work.

Here's how many interesting things you can do with a waterfall theme. If you want to make one at your dacha, then watch the video tutorial. From it you will learn some of the subtleties of the process, for example, you will learn how to glue flat stones.

The second plot will be useful for those who do not have a personal plot, but want to make a waterfall.

The third will reveal the secret of how to make a floating cup with your own hands.