home · Measurements · Painting on the walls in the apartment. To replace photo wallpaper: painting the walls in the apartment. Artistic wall painting: historical background

Painting on the walls in the apartment. To replace photo wallpaper: painting the walls in the apartment. Artistic wall painting: historical background

Cozy apartment With attractive design- the dream of many people. But it’s not always possible to invite a professional designer into your home so that he can design the perfect room design. And it’s not a fact that his vision will coincide with yours, and he will do everything really perfectly. But you can create a masterpiece for yourself, and it’s not as difficult as it seems.

Try painting the walls in your apartment with your own hands and you will get an almost professional design. To do this, you don’t even have to be an artist, because there are special stencils for painting; it will not be difficult to master the painting technique.

What does wall art provide?

It doesn’t just look beautiful, the drawings on the walls in the apartment with your own hands attract attention, fascinate, just look at the photo. Artistic painting walls in the interior always transform the room into better side, gives it a certain charm. IN different time Every day the picture changes, the lighting always gives it something new. You can admire them for a long time, it doesn’t get boring, as often happens with photographs and wallpaper pasted on the wall.

An artistic image takes you deeper into the room, allowing you to visually increase its size. It allows you to correct shortcomings - crooked walls, low ceiling, define zones in space.

The size of artistic painting has no limits; it can be done in small quantities or occupy the entire surface of the walls. However, this means that the apartment should look like an art museum. Everything needs moderation, and if you follow this rule, you can create a magnificent wall design with your own hands. Your drawing will be a beautiful bright spot, the pearl of the entire interior.

Artistic painting - choose a drawing

First of all, you must focus on overall design. Let's look at what can be used in different rooms apartments.

Wall painting in the living room

In this room the family gathers to sit and talk, this is where the guests are located. This place is simply created for joy and fun, so it is important to create just such a mood there.

To set the mood in the right way, place cute landscapes, marine-themed images, and abstract drawings on the walls to create whimsical combinations. Warmth and comfort will be brought by images of a fireplace with burning wood.

If the interior of the living room is made in a classical style, then decorating the walls with ancient frescoes or majestic columns of palaces will be appropriate. If the interior is made in the ethnic style of a country, then landscapes that are typical for this country can be painted on the walls.

Well, if the room is decorated in faceless high-tech or minimalism, then graphic black and white images will give it a zest.

Wall painting in the bedroom

This room plays an important role for a person, it is in it that he rests and gains strength after hard working days. That is why the furnishings of this room should promote rest and relaxation.

Flowers, birds, butterflies, blooming trees Romantic paintings will create the effect of peace not only externally, but also internally. According to Feng Shui, only such drawings should be created on the walls of the bedroom.

Images of water, sea, waterfalls are unacceptable for bedroom walls. Drawings depicting wild animals autumn leaves, dried flowers should also not decorate the walls of the room where a person sleeps.

Children's room

Think carefully about what should decorate the room. The children's room can be decorated with any bright drawings that introduce you to the world of fairy tales.

Let it be some universal theme - an underground kingdom, an underwater kingdom or a fairy-tale forest. Images of heroes can be made more vibrant; don’t skimp on these colors.

But you should not overuse bright aggressive colors when decorating the background; try to maintain a calm, even tone. Although colorful walls with various cartoon characters will look great, especially in children’s rooms, later the child’s preferences may simply change.

Wall painting in the kitchen

Our kitchens are rarely large, so our goal here will be to maximize the space. Let it be an artistic painting that will take the viewer into the distance or images of the sights of a city.

It would be nice if you depict on the kitchen wall the atmosphere of a cozy cafe or a country picnic.

Still lifes with delicious fruits, invigorating coffee beans, scorching spices will also come in handy and brighten up general atmosphere. Flowers and beautiful dishes- this is what you need for the kitchen, which is why many choose them.


This is not the most suitable place for painting; the furnishings of this room are not conducive. Changes in humidity can ruin the entire work. However, you can decorate the walls in this room too. Marine theme, undersea world most suitable for this room. To make the design last a long time, cover it with several layers of varnish.

If you are new to drawing, then you should not choose overly complex drawings with many small details. It’s better to choose something easier, then you will be sure that you will definitely succeed.

Let's get to work

So, the drawing has been chosen, all that remains is to apply it to the wall. In order to apply a photo to the wall with your own hands, you must first prepare the wall, which must have absolutely flat surface. Therefore, it would be advisable to sand it and apply a primer. And if the drawing requires it, then you can paint it.

Get everything ready necessary materials you need for work: brushes, acrylic paints, stencils. Acrylic paints on water based ideal for wall decoration. Take care of a separate container where you can mix paints and wash off solvents if you use varnishes. It is best to take disposable containers for this.

You should have several brushes, with some you will paint large details, with others small. Many artists prefer to use natural bristle brushes when they need to paint something small. Flower petals can be drawn with a foam roller.


  • The wall should be level and smooth, make sure it is so. If in any doubt, do preparatory work by alignment. You must have a sketch drawn. If you want to see how the design will look on your wall, paint a piece of paper the same color as the wall. You can even draw several sketches with different shades and depths of colors and choose the best one.
  • Draw a basic drawing on the wall - a sketch, then add details. Take colored pencils first, as they are easily washed off, so you can easily eliminate all the imperfections with an eraser. A simple pencil can leave unsightly marks on the wall that cannot be erased. When you draw, try to sometimes move away from the wall to evaluate your image.

Not everyone has the skill of an artist to the proper degree, and if you are not confident in your abilities, then try drawing by cells. Another decoration method that you can use is to try to copy from a slide on the wall.

  • Prepare acrylic paints, but do not mix them for a long time, as they risk drying out prematurely. Mix the main shade in the palette. It is important that the consistency of the paint is thick enough, but not too thick, and not liquid. And then it will fit well on the wall. Fill out the basic details, then do small parts. Perhaps listening to classical music during this process will help you create better.

If you need to urgently interrupt the process, then take care of your brushes; they will need to be washed, otherwise you will not be able to wash off the paint later.

If you are using a stencil

Finding a stencil will not be difficult for you; you can find and print any design on the Internet. You will need to cut it out, place it on a glass surface.

Then take the Mylar film, apply it to the stencil and cut it out. After this, the stencil can be attached to the wall. You can even use a paper stencil. It is necessary that it is pressed tightly, otherwise you risk smearing the entire design on the wall, so use duct tape to secure it.

In many construction stores you can find special stencils that make drawing a design much easier. They are made of plastic and easily attach to walls.

But if you don’t feel like it at all or don’t have time to apply a drawing, you can simply buy vinyl stickers and stick them on the wall. And the beautiful drawing for the wall is ready! You can always remove it from the wall when you get tired of it and put a new one there.

Every person wants his home to be light And cozy, so that it would be nice to come to it after a hard day, relax, relax your body and soul.

Of course, you can furnish your home with the right furniture or stylish wallpaper. But perhaps the most original the way to create a dream interior is artistic wall painting.

This designer the technique began to be used recently, but already won sympathy apartment dwellers and homeowners.

To bring some into your home picturesque beauty, you don’t have to look for professionals. Wall painting It’s quite possible to do it yourself, which will allow you to create unique impeccable interior taking into account individual preferences.

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Wall painting is not difficult, but fun!

In this matter, everything depends on abilities, creativity and the artist's imagination. Yes, yes, this activity will make you feel real an artist.

Your canvas - it is a wall that is like a blank slate, allowing freedom for creativity. At your disposal paints all kinds of colors, brushes, sponges, spray cans and other devices.

Wall painting in interior can be very diverse: from ordinary colors and geometric figures, decorated in the form of an ornament, to entire finished paintings - landscapes, still lifes, illustrations to your favorite books and films.

It is not necessary to be a professional artist. Even a person without drawing skills can paint a wall using stencils.

Types and techniques of artistic painting

One of oldest techniques used for wall painting. People mastered it back in Ancient Greece, but it gained particular popularity during the period Renaissance in Europe.

With each century, this technique was constantly improved. A fresco is a painting on fresh wet plaster. As a rule, water-soluble paints are used.

When painting, it is necessary track, so that the plaster does not dry out. Only then will you get a true fresco with saturated flowers.

If the plaster begins to dry out, it must be periodically moisturize.

Important: Decorative wall painting is done mainly with large artistic brushes. Paint brushes will not work here!

This technique is very similar to the fresco technique, only it is performed already on dry plaster (Italian a secco - dry).

The undoubted advantage is that you can take your time and thoroughly draw a drawing.

However ordinary paints do not adhere well to such material. Therefore, they need to be prepared: acrylic grind the paints in a mixture of vegetable glue, eggs and lime. It turns out something similar to tempera Paint can be applied in several layers.

Wall painting needs some framing, to aesthetically design its borders at the junctions with the ceiling and pasted wallpaper walls. You can learn how to do this using decorative moldings from

Note: In case of some drawing errors small areas You can correct it a little by washing it clean water. However, this is not recommended, as the pattern will become less durable and may even crumble over time.

Is one of the most labor-intensive technician. Represents scratching drawing ( Italian sgraffito or grafrito - scratched).

Artistic painting of walls using this technique is carried out colored plaster, and the number of colors will depend on your idea.

Do not make complex paintings using this technique and try to use no more than 4 colors. Apply them sequentially on top of each other, allowing each layer to dry slightly.

Most upper layer will be background Pictures. You can apply it on top sketches future image.

Then in in the right places scratch through plaster to the depth of the required color. Here you should show extreme accuracy - nothing can be fixed!

Sgraffito technique


One of the most interesting and unusual technician, from preparing paints to finishing touches.

Here the paint is melted wax, mixed with color pigments.

Such materials are particularly naturalness, which means non-toxic, therefore, they can be used to paint walls in children's room.

Apply Paint should only be applied to dry plaster.

This technique is best used hard non-porous brushes, as the paints are very soft.

To make the drawing look be more careful you can draw the image in advance with a pencil with very soft stylus.

Encaustic in the interior

One of modern And simple techniques, allowing you to create various effects - from light airiness to realistic images and even 3D effects.

Performed using spray paint cans for small parts and airbrushes for large images.

To use this technique it is not necessary to prepare surface walls. The paint is easily applied to other paint, plaster and even wallpaper.

It opens new Horizons For design ideas. For example, against the background colored wallpaper, you can draw any objects, and the room will turn into blooming garden or tropical forest.

Airbrushing You can carry out artistic painting of both walls and ceilings.

Airbrush in the interior

Another fashionable modern know-how in artistic painting, which motley almost all courtyards of large cities. This can be considered hooliganism, or it can be skillfully used for design in the house.

Most often, painting is done using aerosol cans. Any surface for painting is suitable - be it plaster, dye or wallpaper. But be sure to remember that spray paint is applied only to well dried surface.

Not technology, but piece of art! The drawings are very reminiscent of black and white pencil sketches on paper.

Remember how in such pictures they play out shades gray, the gradation has been recreated. Images similar to black and white photographs. IN Lately This wall design has become more stylish than ever.

Realistic, The volumetric and graceful image is mesmerizing. But painting walls with your own hands using this technique is extremely difficult and it is unlikely that a beginner will succeed.

Performed on a wall that has been whitewashed. Basic paint - tempera, which is recommended to be applied with a thin, stiff brush using light strokes, as if you were drawing with a pencil. The most small details can be drawn in ink. Be careful in choosing tones.

Author's technique - painting walls with strokes using a sponge

Interesting technique that will help you easily transform interior. It is characterized simplicity execution and the special subtlety and beauty of the resulting images.

You will need:

  • some sponges(depending on the number of paints used);
  • paints(preferably water-based);
  • spray with water;
  • soft simple pencil;
  • stencils.

The working surface, that is, the wall, must be covered white

Note: artistic painting of the walls in the interior creates a certain ease, slight disorder and at the same time airiness.

To begin with, apply it to the wallpaper sketch using a pencil.

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Painting walls in a house or apartment is far from new element finishing. Various scenes decorated the walls of private homes back in ancient times. Back then, wall painting was available only to aristocrats, but today anyone can decorate an apartment with exquisite painting. For modern designers and artists can paint a wall even in a small room so that the drawing fits harmoniously into the interior. You don't have to be the owner of a luxury mansion to have a work of art on the walls of your home.

Painting walls in a house or apartment is far from a new element of decoration.

Decorative wall painting in the interior is very popular today. There are many agencies and private artists involved in this type of art. They work in various techniques and genres, so you can choose the most incredible drawings for the wall. As a rule, there are 3 main techniques:

  • planar;
  • embossed;
  • 3d painting.

There are quite a lot of varieties of planar techniques - these are frescoes applied with water-soluble paints on wet plaster, encaustic, which is melted wax, and grisaille, which depicts vintage black and white photographs. In one technique, the design is applied using aerosols. This is, for example, graffiti or airbrushing. Others use various devices for applying paints.

Modern designers and artists can paint a wall even in a small room so that the design fits harmoniously into the interior

Relief painting is more difficult than planar painting. This is a very capricious technique. It is only suitable for a room in a classical, baroque or rococo style. Relief painting is a combination of drawing and volumetric parts made of plaster, plaster, decorative stone etc. It is similar to the technique of volumetric painting. However, this is not the same thing. A three-dimensional drawing is created with the help of paints, but thanks to the skillful combination of light and shadow, it seems that there is a tunnel or a magical portal in the wall.

Only professionals can do three-dimensional painting, because it is an ordinary drawing with paints that seems three-dimensional. The secret is that the paint applied to the surface is rubbed over, acquiring the effect of depth and space. Interior graphics can also be three-dimensional. The 3D effect is achieved due to the geometry of the drawing, which is very difficult to achieve.

Gallery: painting the walls in the apartment (25 photos)

Simple DIY wall painting (video)

Choice of location and plot

Artistic painting in the interior is a task for real designers, because not every surface is suitable for work. Painting on the walls should correspond to the purpose of the room, be in harmony with the style and color scheme interior Graffiti will look strange and inappropriate in classic styles, and high-tech or minimalism trends, on the contrary, do not tolerate pomp. It is best to draw a plan of the room with all the objects and then look for a place for the drawing on it.

The image should be well lit, so the ideal option is to choose a wall in the apartment opposite the window, or move it over the picture LED strip or hang a lamp. The painted area does not have to occupy the entire wall. This could be some part, a small picture on a plain background. Recently, it has become fashionable among designers to paint on several surfaces. For example, it could be a landscape stretching over several rooms, a beautiful floral ornament “curling” from floor to ceiling, or an abstraction that extends onto a door or furniture.

Hand-painted walls are appropriate in any room, but you will have to think about the plot. Main room in the house it is the living room. It is cozy and calm; the whole family gathers in this room, and guests are also received there. Ideal themes for this room are landscapes in soothing colors, delicate flowers or images of animals. If the living room is combined with a hallway, then the theme of the picture can smoothly transition from one room to another. For small corridors and hallways, choose subjects in light colors to visually expand the room.

The image should be well lit, so the ideal option is to choose a wall in the apartment opposite the window

The bedroom is a place for sleep and relaxation. Painting in the bedroom should not be aggressive. The motive is usually associated with sleep: peaceful landscapes, sunset, starry sky, zodiac signs. Often in the bedroom they paint the walls in oriental style. Intricate arabesques fill the room with the atmosphere of oriental fairy tales. Graffiti and contrasting designs are not suitable for the bedroom.

A nursery is a special room in which a child is in charge. The interests of the baby do not always coincide with the desires of adults. Ideas for painting walls in a nursery should come from the child, because this is his territory. No matter how much parents would like to do everything to their own taste and draw a flower field or a sky in the clouds, they will have to come to terms with the child’s wishes. Preschoolers often choose stories from cartoons, children school age– pirate ships and castles, teenagers prefer graffiti, abstractions, etc.

Paintings depicting food are appropriate in the kitchen. These can be various still lifes, Orchard, antique fireplace, etc. Extensive panoramas with beautiful views. It is better to paint a wall in the kitchen on a surface opposite to the cooking area, so that grease and water do not get on the painting.

Unusual DIY wall decor (video)

With your own hands

Professional wall painting is expensive, because it handmade. The price depends on the complexity and size of the drawing. To paint interior walls with your own hands, the techniques that artists use are, of course, complex and require certain skills and abilities. But anyone can create a simple pattern. Do-it-yourself wall painting in an apartment is usually done using:

  • stencil;
  • contour;
  • slide projections.

Work should begin with surface preparation. The wall is leveled using plaster or drywall. Then several layers of putty should be applied. Moreover, a primer is applied to each layer so that the putty does not crack over time. The paint will adhere well to such a surface and will last for a long time. Before painting and drawing, the wall is painted in the background color and waited until completely dry.

The stencil allows you to quickly apply colored or plain pattern. With its help you can draw graffiti, floral patterns, interesting ornament. You just need to attach the stencil to the selected surface and brush it.

Applying a contour image is also quite simple. The finished drawing you like is reproduced along the contour on the surface. However, the image should not be too complex. The outline is drawn with a pencil, and if something goes wrong, the drawing can be erased with a damp cloth and started again. Then the drawing is simply painted with paints. Even a child can cope with a simple plot.

Those who have special apparatus. The image is simply projected onto the surface, then the contours need to be outlined and the drawing colored. Slide projection makes it easy to apply graphics to the wall.

You can choose any paint for the job. Usually water-based or acrylic paints are used. Acrylic is indispensable for the bathroom, where humidity is always high. Watercolor walls look beautiful, but they are not suitable for every room. You can even paint a child’s nursery with gouache, but on the condition that no one will rub or wash the image with water. It is even better to cover the masterpiece with several layers of varnish. Modern industry produces a huge number of different decorative paints, which are sprayed onto the surface, glow in the dark, etc. Create using them unusual drawings Even a novice artist can do it on the walls.

Do-it-yourself artistic painting of walls in the interior is not the easiest job. But such an image is created with warmth and love, because every artist leaves a piece of his soul in his works. In addition, painting walls with your own hands is original design, which no one will have for sure.

Attention, TODAY only!

Everyone wants their apartment to be not only comfortable and functional, but also have an original and stylish design. Of course, before starting the renovation, you can invite specialists and, together with qualified designers-architects, design new look dwellings. However, this is a rather expensive service. In addition, very often the performer’s and client’s ideas about perfect design apartments are different and finding a compromise can be difficult. Individual wall painting quickly and easily with your own hands will help turn your room into a real work of art!

If you have minimal creative abilities and a greater desire to decorate your apartment in the best possible way will independent decor walls You shouldn’t immediately abandon this idea, thinking that only professional artists can do it. Exists a large number of techniques that even beginners can do.

Learn how to paint walls step by step with your own hands, choosing a design

It should be remembered that repairs are not done every day, so the choice of drawings on the walls must be approached responsibly. Most often, colorful images are applied in the children's room, because kids love bright drawings so much. However, do not forget that children's addictions to certain characters usually do not last long and very soon they may ask for a new drawing. In addition, children grow up very quickly and, perhaps, a schoolchild will no longer want to have a room with cartoon pictures.

Embodying your most bold ideas The overall design of the room and its intended purpose should be taken into account. For example, soft, calm drawings (landscapes or abstraction) will look better in the bedroom, while a brighter, conceptual image can be placed in the living room. Often in kitchen interior Cityscapes look good, for example, a cozy French cafe or a view of the Bay of Naples.

The photo below shows the interior with hand-painted walls.

How to paint a wall yourself in a detailed lesson?

First of all, you need to choose the size of the future image and decide on the drawing itself. For beginners, it is better to choose simple artistic paintings with smooth lines and a minimum of small details - for example, sea and mountain landscapes, images of flowers and trees. To simplify the task, it is better to copy from some ready-made panel.

Next you need to prepare the wall. Ideal option will begin painting immediately after applying putty and painting the wall. However, if the drawings are made after the apartment has been renovated, you can apply strokes to the old paint.

What tools will you need to paint a wall?

For work we will need paints, brushes, acrylic lacquer for covering the finished pattern and solvent. Special water-based acrylic paints are best - they are opaque and easy to apply. Don't forget acrylic paint white– it is with its help that you can achieve the necessary shades. To mix paints and rinse brushes in solvents, you will need disposable utensils. Wider, flat synthetic brushes are suitable for large strokes, and round ones are suitable for drawing out details. The latter are made from natural pile, usually from kolinka fur. To draw flower petals, artists often use a special technique using a foam roller.

The procedure for applying a picture to the wall:

1) Decorative wall painting begins with preparing the background - make sure that the coating on the wall is even and does not require additional painting.

3) When drawing a sketch on the wall, it is better to use colored pencils - they are easier to remove with a soft eraser. A simple pencil can leave unsightly black marks.

4) Now you can start applying paint to the wall. Remember that acrylic paints dry very quickly, so you need to mix colors before decorating. Don't be afraid to apply several layers of strokes, just make sure they dry. After applying the main part of the design with a thin brush, you need to paint small details: sun glare, folds of fabric, tree bark. For inspiration, you can turn on your favorite music.

Painting walls using a stencil does not require any special artistic skills, because... You can simply find the finished drawing on the World Wide Web, print it out and carefully cut it out. Next, you need to place the stencil on the desired location and apply paint, carefully making sure that the stencil does not move anywhere (to do this, it is better to secure it with tape).

Or you can use a more simplified method. To do this, you need to buy a ready-made stencil at a hardware store and simply stick it on the wall. This pattern can be washed, it looks fresh and modern in the interior and, most importantly, it can be easily removed from any surface. Therefore, if you get tired of the image, you can easily delete it.

Video on the topic of the article

For greater clarity, we suggest watching the following videos, in which the process of painting walls with your own hands is demonstrated step by step.

The modern world offers the designer a huge choice for covering walls: this includes many types of wallpaper in different colors, with different patterns and different textures, and even drapery. But the most original, unique and aesthetically valuable species wall coverings in the interior are painted.

Another value of this type of decor is, as was said, uniqueness and originality. After all, it will be very difficult somewhere else to repeat exactly the image of the bright landscape that is painted on your wall.

In addition, if you paint interior walls with your own hands, then this is an excellent creative potential and invaluable experience. This process will inspire new masterpieces on the walls, and maybe even on canvases. Well, in order to get started, you need to have at least a little visual experience behind you and learn a few tips.

What do you need to paint the walls in the interior?

Let us first consider a number of accessories and procedures that will be necessary for painting interior walls.

Tools for painting walls in the interior

Naturally, first of all, for artistic painting of walls in the interior, you will need brushes. You will need several brushes. In the very simple version– three: thin, medium and thick. This will be necessary to display details different thicknesses. In addition, in some cases, wide molar brushes may be needed.

For painting walls in the interior, it is better to choose brushes made from squirrel, pony or cow ear. This applies to those that will be used to sketch the details. There are no special requirements for the molar, the main thing is that it is soft and fits well in the hand.

Of course, this only applies to serious interior wall painting. In other cases, you can get away with even a pack of markers.

And you will also need one little thing - a simple pencil.

Having acquired all this, we move on to the next stage of creativity.

Paints for painting walls in the interior

For interior painting techniques, you need to purchase a jar of white acrylic for the walls. And also colorants: white, black, blue, yellow, green, brown and red. All this can be bought at a construction supply store.

Such paints must be diluted with a water-based emulsion (in this case, the thinner will be acrylic), so they are environmentally friendly and do not have the characteristic odor of paint. Once applied, they will create a long-lasting color on the wall. However, they will retain a certain pastel tonality. The paints also hold well and are resistant to temperature changes and moisture.

The next stage is the most important...

Preparing walls for interior painting

Speaking about the artistic painting of interior walls, the magnificent frescoes of da Vinci and Michelangelo come to mind. But looking at their current state, it becomes clear what these brush geniuses lacked.

We are talking about wall treatment. First, the wall must be cleaned of the previous finish. Then it is leveled, primed and sanded with sandpaper. The last layer is acrylic primer.
And only after this you can start painting the walls in the interior.

Techniques for painting walls in the interior

After processing the wall, you need to draw the main outlines of the image on it with a simple pencil. To be sure, you can paint them with dark paint.

Then, squeeze out the colorants onto the palette (here you can use a plastic tray) different colors. And in a separate jar - acrylic. They need to thin the paints before applying.

It is better to pour not a lot of paints onto the palette. Their quick drying can make all the work uneconomical. Squeeze out as much as you can manage before it dries out. Over time you will feel the measure.

After painting the walls in the interior is completed, use varnish over the paint. This will give your creation durability and protect it from external negative influences.

What and where to write

When the technique of painting walls in the interior has been mastered theoretically, and all the accessories have already been purchased, it’s time to move on to practice. AND next question– what and where to draw! Let's give some advice.

Wall painting in the bedroom

Should predispose to comfort, peace and tranquility. Therefore, the image must be appropriate. If you are using a stencil for decoration, it can be a simple pattern in the form of flowers or butterflies.

For the more serious, artistic painting in the form of abstraction. Many people like to fall asleep looking at an intricate pattern and imagining some pictures there.

You should not use bright and harsh colors when painting the walls of your bedroom interior. This can negatively affect your mood. Light yellow, beige, blue, light green shades are better suited. And you shouldn’t take too dark colors - black, brown, dark blue.

Also, another option for painting the walls in the bedroom would be an image of the starry sky and clouds. You can draw a forest - day or night, depending on your taste. This will give Have a good mood and will psychologically set you up for sleep. Feel free to use “adult themes” for painting in this room. A light nude on the wall can brighten up the design well.

Excellent art work on the wall - a herd of elephants depicted very realistically.