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Gardener's lunar calendar for autumn. Safe protection of plants from diseases and pests in July and August. Lunar calendar for September

When planning work on the site, be sure to check the folk signs of the weather for September.

  • If in September there are a lot of cobwebs and starlings are in no hurry to fly away, then autumn will be pleasant with weather.
  • The warmer and drier September is, the later winter will come.
  • Warm September - for a long winter.
  • If in September ants run along the tops of the grass, then the snow will be deep and the winter will be early, and if at the bottom it will be long.
  • September is cold - in next year the snow may melt faster than usual.

These folk signs September will help you create a schedule gardening work as efficiently as possible.

Lunar calendar for September 2017

According to the lunar calendar for September 2017, the passage of the Moon through the signs of the Zodiac is as follows:

Zodiac signs 2017 September
Aries 7 (15.02), 8, 9
Taurus 9 (19.24), 10, 11
Twins 11 (22.30), 12, 13, 14
Cancer 14 (1.13), 15, 16
a lion 16 (4.10), 17, 18
Virgo 18 (7.53), 19, 20
Scales 20 (13.07), 21,22
Scorpion 22 (20.41), 23, 24, 25
Sagittarius 25 (7.02), 26, 27
Capricorn 1,2, 27 (19.25), 28, 29,30
Aquarius 2 (23.07), 3, 4, 5, 30 (7.41)
Fish 5 (8.29), 6, 7

Moon phase in the calendar lunar days as of September 2017 are presented in the following table:

Character of the Moon in period Growing Descending
Period start date and time 6
Moon phase IIIIVIII
Recommendations sowing, weeding, spraying in phases II and IV
planting, watering, fertilizing in phases I and III

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in September includes the mandatory whitewashing of trunks. If there are no lichens on the bark of trees in your garden, then whiten the trunks and skeletal branches water-based paint for outdoor work. It will not be washed away by lingering autumn rains and will protect trees from sunburn in spring, which usually occurs in March, when after cloudy winter weather a very bright sun appears, enhanced by snow.

Important! Whitewashing with chalk is completely pointless, since the chalk is completely washed off before spring. Spring burns subsequently lead to rotting of the bark and its death.

An important autumn gardening job in September is caring for flowers. At the beginning of the month, cut off the flower stalks of gladioli. Dig them up after a couple of weeks. To avoid confusion, place each variety in a separate nylon stocking along with the roots and children. Then rinse in water, dip in a solution of karbofos with a concentration twice as high as indicated in the instructions. After 15 minutes, remove the plants and immerse them in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate, also for 15 minutes. After this, remove it from the stocking, cut off the above-ground part, leaving a stump of about 4-6 cm, and place it in a dry room with an air temperature of 22-25 ° C for 20 days to dry. After this, the roots, along with the old bulb, are easily separated from the new bulb. All scales should be removed from it.

If you store the bulbs together with the scales, then despite treatment with karbofos, thrips eggs may remain under the scales. In winter, the larvae that hatch from them will suck the juice from the bulbs and they will dry out. Place the gladioli bulbs for storage in a double black nylon stocking. Place the bulbs one by one
together with the children in a stocking, put a note with the name of the variety, add a crushed tablet of any antipyretic (for example, aspirin), tie the stocking, put in the next variety, etc. Hang the resulting garland on the window behind the curtain. The bulbs will keep well until spring.

When working in the garden in September, after the first frost, cut off the tops of the dahlias, dig up the tubers, rinse them with water, soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes, and immediately divide them into parts.

Important! Remember that each tuber must have a piece of a neck, because the buds are formed at the very base of the neck.

If dahlias are dried out, dividing a piece of stem will become difficult. Write the name of the variety directly on the tubers with a felt-tip pen and place them in the shed to form a dense peel. After a week, the tubers can be stored. They are well preserved if each tuber is coated twice with whipped cream to avoid loss of moisture during storage. egg white. You can store them in cardboard box on a windowsill or in a tarpaulin bag, hanging it near the riser with cold water in the toilet.

You should not store the entire nest of tubers and roots from a dug up bush, even in the cellar. The nest must be divided annually, otherwise the variety will begin to degenerate.

Also included in the garden work calendar in September is the cutting of the above-ground parts of peonies, phlox, and astilbe. The leaves of irises need to be cut so that a fan approximately 15 cm high remains. Immediately after cutting, water all these plantings with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture (1 tsp without top per 500 ml of water). In the spring, when a new above-ground part grows, watering with Bordeaux mixture should be repeated. This simple procedure will save your plants from rot disease.

An important event in the gardener’s calendar for September 2017 is planting perennial or winter crops.

If you didn't have time to plant winter garlic at the end of August, then do it at the very beginning of September. To do this, prepare a bed: add a bucket of well-rotted organic matter, 0.5 buckets of sand for each m2 of soil (this does not need to be done if your soil is sandy), add a liter jar of ash and carefully dig it up onto the bayonet of a shovel. If autumn is dry, water the garden bed well in the evening. In the morning, make a mark for planting - use a peg to make indentations according to the 10x10 cm pattern. If you prefer more large garlic, then the marking should be 15x15 cm. Depth at early boarding garlic should be at least 12 cm. Add 1 tbsp to each cavity. l. sand and one large granule of AVA fertilizer, lower the clove. Sprinkle sand on top and level the soil.

With this planting, the garlic will have time to develop a powerful root system before the onset of cold weather, but it will not sprout. In early spring he will begin to grow. Garlic is a cold-resistant culture, so it is not afraid of late spring frosts.

also in sowing calendar The gardener is planning to plant strawberries in September 2017. This can be done until September 10-15, although experience shows that in the north-west it is better to plant it in the spring - at the end of May and even the beginning of June. When planted in early autumn, the rosettes still have practically no roots and their survival rate is low. The bushes, even those that have successfully overwintered, are frail, weak and grow poorly all summer; berries appear on them only at next year. For spring planting, back in August, 4-5 rosettes are allowed to take root on the mother bush (usually the one with a large harvest is selected as the mother bush). Only the rosettes closest to the bush are left, all others are discarded. The rosettes are allowed to overwinter together with the mother plant and only in the spring are they separated from it and replanted. In the prepared bed, make indentations with a shovel according to the pattern 30 x 30 cm, add 0.3 tsp to the bottom. granules of AVA fertilizer and transplant young bushes directly on a shovel along with a lump of earth. This method is called transshipment. After transshipment, the strawberries are well watered. The bushes bloom at the end of July and produce the first small harvest of large berries.

When planted in late autumn, the bushes do not have time to take root well (this requires about 3 weeks without frost or low temperatures), so in winter they bulge out of the ground and often die. In addition, the rosettes do not have time to grow a sufficient number of leaves covering the rhizome, so without additional shelter it can freeze in frosts without snow.

Important! During this procedure, a fairly large amount of nitrogen enters the soil, so there is no need to add additional azophosphate when planting, but limit yourself to only adding phosphorus and potassium, otherwise due to excess nitrogen, early varieties You can't avoid scab.

Another important event in the sowing calendar for September 2017 is planting berry bushes. You can plant raspberries, currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle, and nuts all month long. It is better to dig in the planting material of cherries, plums, pears and apples, sea buckthorn before spring, rather than planting it before winter.

September is harvest time for many crops. At the beginning of September, start digging up potatoes, having mowed the tops a week before. It cannot be left on the field, since when harvesting tubers, late blight may get on them from the tops. Dry the tops and burn them, and use the ash to deoxidize the soil and feed plants, since it does not contain the pathogen late blight. After harvesting in September, to improve the soil health, sow winter rye immediately across the harvested field. In the spring it will need to be mowed and the green mass along with the soil and roots dug up.

Also, in the gardener’s calendar for September 2017, activities to preserve the harvest must be planned. After the first frost, remove the carrots winter storage. If the weather is warm at this time, be sure to keep the root vegetables in the refrigerator for a day or two - carrots must go through a cooling stage before storage, otherwise they will grow green in winter.

September is also the month of the beet harvest. Cut the tops so that a little above-ground part remains. Cauliflower You can also remove it, but place it together with the roots in a box and send it to the cellar for growing. The heads will increase significantly in size within about a month. Or leave the cabbage in the garden, but at the same time cover it with double lutrasil from possible frosts.

It is recommended to plant and replant trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, currants, as well as legumes and grain crops. Planting rootstocks for further regrafting; sowing and planting perennials that winter in open ground. Loosening, fertilizing, grafting trees, making hay. Harvest. Cut flowers.
Trimming and pinching is not recommended fruit trees and bushes; working with plant roots; storing root crops for long-term storage.

September 2, Sat
Moon in Capricorn until 23:06,
Moon in Aquarius from 23:06
Waxing Crescent

It is recommended to plant and replant trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, as well as legumes and grain crops. Planting rootstocks for further regrafting;
sowing and planting perennials that winter in open ground. Loosening, fertilizing, grafting trees, making hay. Harvest. Cut flowers make beautiful bouquets

It is recommended: plowing and loosening the soil, hilling, weeding and thinning of seedlings; form crowns, trim strawberries, remove diseased plants, excess flowers and shoots; carry out treatment against diseases and pests; harvest crops, prepare medicinal plants; dig up tubers and flower bulbs for storage.

It is recommended to prepare seeds and cut flowers into bouquets. Homemade jams and pickles. An excellent time for cultivation and fertilization. Sowing, replanting any plants, picking fruits, watering, loosening.
It is possible to prepare cuttings for grafting, grafting, pinching, and laying compost.
Unfavorable day for treating plants from pests and diseases, pruning.

You can: prepare cuttings for grafting, grafting, pinching, laying compost.

You can collect and dry the fruits of trees and shrubs, and preserve them.

9th of September, Sat
Moon in Aries until 19:22
Moon in Corpuscle 19:22
Waning moon

It is possible to collect fruits from trees and shrubs, canning, and drying fruits.

It is recommended to plant winter garlic, onions, bulbous flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and bushes. Trimming trees and bushes. Fruits, berries and vegetables harvested at this time, as well as mushrooms, are suitable for creating winter reserves

Pruning of trees and shrubs is possible.

11 September, Mon
Moon in Corpuscle until 22:29
Moon in Gemini 22:29
Waning moon

It is recommended to plant winter garlic, onions, bulbous flowers, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. Trimming trees and bushes. Fruits, berries and vegetables harvested at this time, as well as mushrooms, are suitable for creating winter reserves. canning, fruit drying, juice extraction.

Trees and shrubs can be trimmed.

An unfavorable day for replanting plants and loosening the root zone.

It is recommended to remove excess shoots, mowing, weeding, cultivating, mulching, planting garden strawberries, spraying against pests and diseases, lawn mowing. Collection of medicinal herbs, root vegetables, fruits and berries

It is recommended to remove excess shoots, mowing, weeding, cultivating, mulching, planting garden strawberries, spraying against pests and diseases, mowing the lawn. Collection of medicinal herbs, root crops, fruits and berries

It is possible to take cuttings, make jam, preserve and dry fruits.

Unfavorable day for sowing herbaceous plants, trimmings.

It is recommended to plant decorative foliage plants, harvest herbs and medicinal herbs that require particularly effective drying. Collection of fruits that do not require long-term storage. Canning and pickles, and squeezing juice will be successful.

Possible planting of fruit trees and berry bushes, rooting, replanting, pruning indoor plants.

Possible: planting fruit trees and berry bushes, rooting, replanting, pruning indoor plants.

Unfavorable day for harvesting root crops, applying chemicals plant protection.

It is recommended to collect and dry fruits and root vegetables, especially potatoes. Preparing beds for planting, mulching, pest control, pruning trees, collecting sunflower seeds, harvesting medicinal herbs. canning, salting, pickling cabbage, drying, juicing.

Unfavorable day for watering, fertilizing, pruning plants.

It is recommended to collect and dry fruits and root vegetables, especially potatoes. The right moment for preparing beds for planting, mulching, pest control, pruning trees, collecting sunflower seeds, harvesting medicinal herbs, canning, pickling, pickling cabbage, drying, squeezing juice.

It is possible to plant ornamental trees and shrubs, loosening, weeding, treating plants against pests and diseases, and replanting plants with a strong root system.

Possible: harvesting root crops, potatoes, loosening, weeding, treating plants from pests and diseases, laying compost.

It is possible to harvest root crops, potatoes, loosen, weed, treat plants from pests and diseases, and lay compost.

It is recommended to store tubers and seeds. It is also recommended to plant stone fruits fruit trees, planting roses, sowing green manure crops, fertilizing, adding ash to currants, loosening. It's a great time to cut flowers and create lawn ornaments.

Watering and mowing the lawn are possible.

It is recommended to sow green manure crops, plant roses, fertilize, apply ash to currants, planting roses, fertilize, apply ash to currants, plant tubers and seeds for storage, and plant stone fruit trees. It's a great time to cut flowers, create lawn ornaments, and care for indoor plants.

Possibly: watering, mowing the lawn.

Unfavorable day for grafting or spraying plants.

It is recommended to plant gooseberries, rose hips, roses, grafting, and abundant watering of fruit trees and shrubs. Pruning trees and berry bushes, grafting, applying fertilizers, killing pests, and loosening the soil are effective. Good time to can fruits and vegetables

It is possible to plant fruit trees and berry bushes, harvest above-ground fruits for storage, and treat plants against pests and diseases.

It is possible to plant fruit trees and berry bushes, harvest and store above-ground fruits, treat plants against pests and diseases, canning, drying fruits, and squeezing juice.

An unfavorable day for harvesting potatoes, dividing tuberous and bulbous plants, and pruning.

It is recommended to plant seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes, loosen, preserve, dry fruits, collect vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds, and cut flowers. This is a great time to dry vegetables and mushrooms. House flowers planted on this day bloom faster

It is possible to sow green manure crops and lawn grass.

Unfavorable day for watering and pruning plants.

It is possible to sow green manure crops and lawn grass.

Unfavorable day for watering and pruning plants.

It is recommended to plant and replant trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, and currants. Loosening, fertilizing, tree grafting, mowing. Cut flowers make beautiful bouquets

It is possible to plant fruit trees and berry bushes.

It is recommended to plant and replant trees and shrubs, especially pear and plum trees, gooseberries, and currants. Loosening, fertilizing, tree grafting, mowing, root and foliar feeding, about\\. Cut flowers are used to make beautiful bouquets.

Possible: planting fruit trees and berry bushes.

Unfavorable day for pruning plants.

The horticulturist's lunar calendar for September 2017 was compiled indicating Moscow time.

September- a very troublesome month for a gardener. After the labor-intensive summer season, you want to relax, but you must not miss the harvest time so that your work does not go in vain. Moon calendar the work of a gardener, gardener and florist will help to correctly distribute the work.

For the gardener one of the most important works in September – potato harvesting. The dug up tubers need to be laid out to dry, sorted, sorted into large ones, which are put in the basement for storage, and small, damaged ones, which are eaten first. For seed material, healthy large tubers are selected from the most productive bushes. Seed potatoes scattered in the sun thin layer for landscaping, it can no longer be eaten.

Last week of September – optimal time for harvesting carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, root parsley and celery. Root crops are dried and stored in the basement.

If September is cold and rainy, it is better to remove the tomatoes and put them in the house to ripen. If the beginning of autumn is warm and dry, and there are no signs of late blight in the greenhouse, the tomatoes do not need to be removed, but they need to be inspected regularly so as not to miss the onset of the disease.

After harvesting, the greenhouse must be cleared of plant debris and disinfected.

In dry weather, late cabbage is regularly watered and treated against caterpillars and slugs. Cauliflower is harvested in the second half of the month, and unripe plants are dug up and transplanted into a dark greenhouse or basement for growing.

An important rule when harvesting is to immediately remove all plant debris from compost heap. Tops left in the garden attract slugs and can cause the spread of diseases. If before the onset of cold and cloudy weather fruit heat-loving plants did not have time to ripen, it is better to remove them without waiting for the harvest.

Gardeners have a lot of work in September: you need to collect apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots. Fallen fruits need to be processed as soon as possible, and those removed from the branches can be sent for storage. Spoiled fruits should be removed from under the tree as soon as possible and sent to compost.

Lunar sowing calendar for September 2018

The calendar shows Moscow time.

Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

September 1 2018, Sat, waning Moon in Taurus, III quarter Days of the Root. Fertile days of the Lunar calendar. Sow greens to grow on a windowsill. You can also sow radishes and peas in the greenhouse. Harvesting root vegetables, onions and garlic. It's not too late to start new strawberry beds. Carry out sanitary and shaping pruning of bushes and trees. Cut out the fruiting shoots of raspberries, both biennial and remontant. For currants and gooseberries, cut off all branches older than 6 years. Continue standard care of crops in the garden and vegetable garden, carry out water-replenishing watering, if the weather is dry, collect seeds.
In the flower garden - transplanting and dividing perennials - peonies, irises, astilbes, phlox, daylilies, delphiniums, daffodils. You can plant clematis. You can plant bulbous and small-bulbous flowers. Replanting, transshipment and pruning of indoor plants. You can start harvesting the roots medicinal plants.
September 2 2018, Sun, waning Moon, third quarter, in Gemini from 11:03 Flower Days. Harvesting in the garden and vegetable garden, storing for long-term storage. If you haven’t had time to plant strawberries or wild strawberries, then it’s time to pay attention to them. Treatment of the garden and vegetable garden from diseases and pests. Digging, loosening beds, flower beds and trunk circles of trees and shrubs, collecting seeds, sowing green manure. Planting and replanting hanging plants and vines. Make the most of your time in your flower garden; on these days of the Lunar calendar, ornamental plants are especially responsive to care and attention. But try to make it before 15:00, before the Moon moves into the sign of Cancer. Time for a quiet hunt - go into the forest to pick mushrooms and wild medicinal plants.
September 3 2018, Mon, waning Moon in Gemini, IV quarter at 05:39
4 September 2018, Tue, waning Moon, IV quarter, in Cancer from 15:05
September 5 2018, Wed, waning Moon in Cancer, IV quarter Leaf days. Cancer is the most fertile sign. Plant greens and radishes. Planting small-bulbed and bulbous flowers - tulips and hyacinths, shooting garlic. Picking berries for juices and wine. Harvesting leeks, potatoes, spring garlic and others vegetable crops. In the garden - planting and replanting trees and shrubs. Feed the plants with potash fertilizers. You can lay a new lawn or trim the old one by applying fertilizer. But it is important to finish everything before 17:00 on September 6, before the infertile Leo comes into its own. It is important to refrain from using any chemicals both in the garden and in everyday life.
6 September 2018, Thu, waning Moon, IV quarter, in Leo from 16:55
September 7 2018, Fri, waning Moon in Leo, IV quarter Fetal days. Better days for harvesting grapes for winemaking. Other berries and fruits collected on Fruit Days will be stored better and longer. Picking apples, pears, plums, harvesting cabbage and root vegetables, storing them for long-term storage. Planting and replanting shrubs and vines, pruning vineyards. Standard autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden. In the flower garden, cut off what has faded, dig up flower tubers for winter dry storage. Pruning indoor plants. Harvesting the roots of medicinal plants - dandelion, burdock and others.
8 September 2018, Sat, waning Moon, IV quarter, in Virgo from 17:30
9th of September 2018, sun, New moon at 21:03, Moon in Virgo Days of the Root. The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners strongly advises taking a break from any work with plants and soil. Start putting things in order at your summer cottage and burning garbage. Prepare the cellar, remove vegetables and fruits for long-term storage.
10 September 2018, Mon, New Moon Days, in Libra from 18:21
11 September 2018, Tue, Waxing Moon in Libra, 1st quarter Flower Days. The root system of plants will quickly take root after transplantation. Planting and replanting of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, strawberry tendrils, vines, perennial flowers. Buying flower bulbs. Sowing green manure in greenhouses and in the garden. Preparation of the above-ground part of medicinal herbs. Vaccinations and spraying are prohibited. Trimming and pinching possible. Feeding roses with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
12-th of September 2018, Wed, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Scorpio from 21:16
September 13 2018, Thu, Waxing Moon in Scorpio, 1st quarter Leaf days. Fertile days of the lunar calendar for gardeners and vegetable gardeners. Pre-winter sowing of winter garlic and sorrel in open ground. You can plant tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other vegetables and herbs in a greenhouse or on a windowsill. Water only when necessary. Plant shrubs, and it is better to bury the trees until spring. Transplanting decorative bulbous and perennial flowers. Laying a new lawn or mowing an old one is deadline! On water sign days, the use of any chemicals is prohibited!
September 14 2018, Fri, Waxing Moon in Scorpio, 1st quarter
September 15th 2018, Sat, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Sagittarius from 03:46 Fetal days. Harvest and seed collection. In the garden, plant bulbs and garlic as needed. Autumn digging of beds, liming, application of organic fertilizers, sowing of winter green manure. In the garden - digging up trees, shrubs and perennial flowers for planting in the spring, fertilizing, sanitary pruning. Treatment of plants against diseases and pests. Preparing roses for winter.
16 of September 2018, Sun, Waxing Moon in Sagittarius, 1st quarter
September 17 2018, Mon, Waxing Moon, II quarter from 02:16, in Capricorn from 14:09 When the Moon changes quarters, it is better to refrain from working with plants. If it is necessary to carry out sowing, planting and other work in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden, then it is better to do this in the afternoon, late in the evening. And what exactly is best to do - see the next day.
September 18 2018, Tue, Waxing Moon in Capricorn, 2nd quarter Days of the Root. Harvesting and processing. In the northern regions, sow carrots, sorrel, winter garlic, beets, and green crops in open ground before winter. Sowing greenery on the windowsill and in the greenhouse. Planting and replanting perennials, fruit and ornamental shrubs and bulbous. Moisture-recharging irrigation, standard work with plants and soil in the garden. Cleaning the area, burning garbage.
September 19 2018, Wed, Waxing Moon in Capricorn, 2nd quarter
September 20 2018, Thu, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Aquarius from 02:53 Flower Days. Harvesting and processing of fruits. Remove all shoots remontant raspberries, as well as diseased and broken branches of fruit, berry and ornamental trees and shrubs. Loosening the soil in the garden and tree trunks. Spraying against diseases and pests. Sanitary trimmings. Cleaning greenhouse crops and putting things in order in greenhouses.
September 21 2018, Fri, Waxing Moon in Aquarius, 2nd quarter
September 22nd 2018, Sat, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Pisces from 15:28 Leaf days. Pisces will reward you with a bountiful harvest, but watch your watch - it starts at 15:28. Before winter, sow all the planned crops for which the time has come in accordance with your region and weather. If it’s early, then start preparing the beds. You can even plant cucumbers and tomatoes, radishes and herbs on the windowsill. Adding organic matter to the garden, flower beds and trunk circles of trees and shrubs - humus, compost, tophra. Planting shrubs on permanent place- currants, gooseberries. Carry out moisture-recharging watering in the garden. Sowing green manure in greenhouses. Preparing roses for winter.
23 September 2018, Sun, Waxing Moon in Pisces, 2nd quarter
September 24 2018, Mon, Full Moon Days, Moon in Pisces Fetal days. Refrain from any work in the garden on the days of the Full Moon. It's a great time to walk through the forest to pick some fish and collect chaga. It is recommended to water the plants and clear the area of ​​debris.
September 25 2018, Tue, Full moon at 05:54, Moon Aries from 02:05
September 26 2018, Wed, waning Moon in Aries, III quarter
September 27 2018, Thu, waning Moon, III quarter, in Taurus from 10:17 Days of the Root. Fertile and highly productive days of the Lunar calendar. Carry out everything planned for the end of September winter crops vegetable crops and flowers, including carrots, beets, herbs and tulips. Cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, zucchini and other crops can be planted in greenhouses for year-round cultivation. Plant berry and ornamental shrubs and perennial flowers in a permanent place; it is better to bury fruit tree seedlings until spring. Mulching with organic matter. Harvesting potatoes, cabbage, onions and garlic. Sanitation greenhouses after the entire harvest has been harvested. Digging the soil in the garden and in greenhouses. Moisture-recharging irrigation. Have time to do everything before 16:27 on the 29th, before the Moon leaves Taurus.
September 28 2018, Fri, waning Moon in Taurus, III quarter
September 29 2018, Sat, waning Moon, third quarter, in Gemini from 16:27
September 30th 2018, Sun, waning Moon in Gemini, III quarter Flower Days. Harvesting potatoes for seeds, harvesting root crops and spring garlic. Treatment of gardens, vegetable gardens and greenhouses against diseases and pests. Harvesting all the edible greens left in the garden - drying, freezing. Digging the soil with the application of fertilizers. Pruning roses and preparing them for winter.

September 2018 in the garden - double trouble. It is necessary to have time to harvest the crop on time and properly store it, not to miss early autumn frosts, cover still growing and fruit-bearing crops if necessary, and begin the mandatory preparation of the garden for winter. Plants and soil need special autumn feeding and watering, flower bulbs, some vegetables are being prepared for planting, greenhouses and gardening tools are being put in order.

Calendar of favorable days for September 2018

The calendar of favorable days for September 2018 shows the most successful days for planning work in the garden. On favorable days - the most best time for carrying out most gardening and urban manipulations with plants. IN unfavorable days It is better to refuse to carry out any work in the garden. On those days when it is not recommended to deal with plants, you can devote time to landscaping your summer cottage, putting things in order country house and household buildings, preparing homemade provisions for the winter.

1, Sat
22 l.d.
Waning Moon in Taurus
We dig up dahlias and gladioli, prepare them for storage, and dry them well. We collect root crops and put them in storage.
2, sun
23 l.d.
Waning Moon in Taurus
We trim bushes and trees. We pour rotted manure over the bushes and trees. We remove debris and plant debris from the site. We whiten the trunks.
3, Mon
24 l.d.
Waning Moon in Gemini
We collect medicinal herbs, roots. We trim bushes and trees. Drying berries and fruits. We store the harvest.
4, Tue
25 l.d.
Waning Moon in Gemini
We prepare cuttings for winter and spring grafting. We cut flowers for bouquets. Let's tidy up the lawn. We are preparing new beds and flower beds.
5, Wed
25 l.d.
Waning Moon in Cancer
A favorable day for planting berry and ornamental shrubs and fruit trees. We sow green manure. In dry weather, water the plantings.
6, Thu
26 l.d.
Waning Moon in Cancer
We tidy up greenhouses and greenhouses. We remove plant debris. We dig up the ground. We sow green manure in greenhouses and greenhouses.
7, Fri
27 l.d.
Waning Moon in Leo
A good day for harvesting, storing for long-term storage, and canning. you can sow lawn grass.
8, Sat
28 l.d.
Waning Moon in Leo
We trim trees and shrubs for a beautiful decorative form. We collect fruits and vegetables. We preserve the harvest for the winter.
9, Sun
29, 1 pp.
New Moon in Virgo
Unfavorable day for planting. We remove garbage from the site. We form compost heaps. We dig up the ground. We are preparing the beds for future plantings.
10, Mon
2 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Virgo
A favorable day for planting shrubs and trees. We plant medicinal herbs. We divide and replant perennials. We remove garbage from the site
11, Tue
3 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Libra
A favorable day for collecting seeds, planting bulbs, and replanting perennials. Covering bulbous flowers for the winter
12, Wed
4 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Libra
A favorable day for working with flowers: remove dry leaves, trim stems, fertilize. We trim dry branches of trees and shrubs.
13 th
5 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Scorpio
A favorable day for replanting shrubs and planting fruit tree seedlings. If the climate allows, we sow green and leafy crops before winter.
14, Fri
6 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Scorpio
Favorable day for replanting raspberries. currants, gooseberries, grapes, sea buckthorn. A good time to plant medicinal herbs and indoor flowers.
15, Sat
7 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Scorpio
An unfavorable day for harvesting, storing and canning. We burn diseased and dry branches and remove garbage.
16, Sun
8 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
We cut off the last flowers and herbs for bouquets. We collect medicinal herbs ( aboveground part). We trim trees and bushes.
17, Mon
9 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
We begin to cover the plantings for the winter. We tie tree trunks to prevent rodents. We are preparing beds and flower beds for future plantings.
18, Tue
10 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Capricorn
A good day for harvesting crops, especially root crops. We can preserve vegetables and fruits. We treat the garden before winter against pests and diseases.
19, Wed
11 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Capricorn
We graft and cut trees and shrubs. We sow green manure in open ground, hotbeds and greenhouses. Cover the strawberries with spruce branches and dry grass.
20 th
12 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Capricorn
There is still a chance to dig up bulbs and dahlias in time. Dry and prepare for storage. We begin to whitewash tree trunks.
21, Fri
13 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Aquarius
We dig up old trees and shrubs. We uproot the stumps. We chop and burn dry branches. We fertilize the tree trunk circles with ash.
22, Sat
14 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Aquarius
We collect medicinal herbs, dry them and store them. We remove plant debris in the greenhouse. We dig up the ground there.
23, Sun
15 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Pisces
A favorable day for planting winter crops - parsley, dill, lettuce. We trim bushes and trees, form a hedge
24, Mon
16 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Pisces
A favorable day for making wine and fruit juices. We sow green manure. We graft trees and root cuttings. We remove garbage from the site
25, Tue
17 l.d.
Full moon in Pisces
Unfavorable day for planting and transfers. We dig up diseased and old shrubs and trees. we form beds and flower beds for future plantings.
26, Wed
18 l.d.
Waning Moon in Aries
A favorable day for planting garlic, onions, bulbous crops, and root crops before winter. We collect the harvest and put it in storage. We preserve the harvest.
27 th
19 l.d.
Waning Moon in Aries
We spray the garden against pests and diseases. We apply autumn fertilizers.
28, Fri
20 l.d.
Waning Moon in Taurus
A favorable day for planting onions, garlic, and root vegetables before winter. We remove beets, carrots, potatoes, radishes. We put it in storage.
29, Sat
21 l.d.
Waning Moon in Taurus
We dig up flowers that do not overwinter in the ground. We put them away for storage. We cover the plantings for the winter with spruce branches, dry grass, and sawdust.
30, Sun
22 l.d.
Waning Moon in Gemini
We collect medicinal herbs ( underground part). We trim trees. We form a compost heap. Preparing the beds for winter planting.

The calendar of work in the garden and vegetable garden and the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for September 2018 will help you plan seasonal work at your summer cottage, taking into account favorable days for sowing, planting, watering, fertilizing, working with the soil, harvesting and storing crops.

Sowing and planting calendar for September

In September, they buy seedlings and begin planting in the garden.

  • Not all fruits and berries and ornamental crops can be planted in the fall.
  • The possibility of planting in September will also depend on the specific natural and climatic region.

In Siberia, for example, and in regions with similar natural and climatic conditions, planting in the second half of September is no longer recommended, because root system will not have time to recover before the onset of cold weather. Then the seedlings will need additional care before leaving for the winter: shelter trunk circle, hilling, tying to a peg.

Sowing in September

In September you can still sow dill every week. Healthy greens will be on the table until the first frost.

At the end of September, you can plant unique nodules. Its fruits are useful for diabetes, because... reduce blood sugar levels.

Read more about autumn plantings before winter, read the articles:

  1. The timing does not depend on weather conditions. Time is calculated based on the fact that From the moment of planting until the soil freezes permanently, about 40 days should pass.
  2. Before planting, the bulbs are dried and warmed, processed, the soil is dug up and fertilized a month before planting.
  3. Onions are planted in moist soil at a distance of about half a meter between rows and 10 cm between bulbs.
  4. They are buried by 5 cm, mulched and covered for snow retention.

Planting shallots (video)

  1. The beds are prepared 2 weeks before planting, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied, dug, harrowed and well watered.
  2. Before planting, the cloves are kept in a cool place and planted with a distance of 10 cm between cloves and 20 cm between rows.
  3. During dry autumn, regular watering is necessary.

Planting in September

At the end of September the autumn season approaches.

In Primorye they plant:

  • gooseberry,
  • raspberries,
  • grape,
  • strawberries,
  • currants

Planting pits are prepared with dimensions of 50 by 50 by 30 and organic and mineral fertilizers are added: humus, compost and wood ash.

Read more about the timing and rules of planting fruit trees and berry bushes in the articles:

Planting fruit trees in September

September is a favorable time for.

  1. Apple and pear recover quickly after planting and take root well.
  2. Plum, cherry and sea buckthorn in cold regions it is recommended not to plant in the fall, but with careful competent care, planting from mid to late September is also acceptable.
  3. When planning plantings, it is necessary to take into account that they should be planted in September in short time, almost immediately after excavation.
  4. From the end of September in the central zone it is possible. After planting, you need a young tree in winter and sunburn.

Planting berry bushes in September


  1. They are planted in September. Waterlogged, saline soil is not suitable for grapes. The planting site needs to be prepared: dig up, loosen, remove weeds, apply mineral and organic fertilizers.
  2. If purchased at the end of September, it is no longer transplanted to a permanent place. It is better to plant grown seedlings a year later - they will have a more powerful root system with developed shoots - this way the plant will better survive wintering in the ground.


They are planted until mid-September.

  • It is convenient to plant strawberries on a non-woven covering material - it protects the roots of the berries from overheating and hypothermia, conserves moisture in the soil, and prevents weeds from growing.
  • it's better to finish too by September 15 so that the plants have time to take root well before the onset of persistent frosts.
  • Nutritious soil with humus, compost and complex mineral fertilizers must be prepared in advance.


At the end of September there comes a favorable time for.

  1. In this case, the planting hole and soil are prepared a month before planting.
  2. Rotted manure and wood ash are added to the planting site in advance.
  3. The distance between seedlings is at least 2 m, between rows - about 3 m, the depth of the planting hole - 40-50 cm is sufficient.
  4. Drainage is placed at the bottom, a nutrient mixture is poured in, and watered with plenty of water.
  5. After planting, the seedlings are not pruned.
  • It is better to plant raspberries in the fall, when there is a wide selection of healthy seedlings, and during the long warm autumn period The raspberries will have time to get stronger and adapt to winter conditions.
  • In general, raspberries are unpretentious.
  • The soil is light, flavored with organic matter, without weeds.
  • The survival rate of seedlings is 100%.
  • The main thing is to properly prepare the planting site: dig a hole with a diameter of 40 cm, put a nutrient mixture on the bottom and plant the seedling obliquely, deepening it to 5-7 cm.
  • Do not forget to water the young bush until it takes root completely.

Planting ornamental plants in September

  1. After planting in September, you need to take care of preparing them for winter. In some regions, for example in Siberia, planted and transplanted ornamentals will be saved by a thick, dense blanket of snow. For this hydrangea And mock orange It’s better to bend it under the snow and pinch the top on the weigel.
  2. At the beginning of September you can still plant. Doing so better evening or when it's cloudy outside. You shouldn’t delay planting: the sooner you plant the lilac, the better it will take root.
  3. It can be planted in September, provided that the seedling with a closed root system is in a container. Planting is carried out after the leaves have fallen. Plants are buried by 5 cm and cut by 1/3. The planting site is watered and mulched.
  4. In the first half, two-year-old seedlings are planted. Planting scheme: 3 m is left between rows, 1.5 m between plants. Dig up planting pits to a depth of approx. half a meter, fertilized with a nutrient mixture with organic matter and mineral additives. The seedlings are placed straight, with the root collar at ground level. After planting, water and mulch.

Planting flowers in September

At the end of September they come optimal timing planting in the flower garden: tulips, daffodils, irises, crocuses.

  1. Until mid-September, you can buy bulbs and plant them immediately so that the bulbs do not dry out. The hazel grouse bulbs are placed with a slight tilt to the side and are buried 5-7 cm when planting. 10 cm of sand is poured into the bottom of the hole, and the planting site is mulched with compost.
  2. Until mid-September they are planted in a sunny place. A nutrient mixture of compost, garden soil, limestone flour and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is placed at the bottom of the planting hole. When placing the division, the bud is buried 3-5 cm, and the plantings are mulched.
  3. September is the best time for. Clematis is planted in a sunny place next to a support in a well-drained slightly alkaline soil. Drainage is placed in a hole about half a meter in diameter, filled with a nutrient mixture of garden soil, humus, peat, wood ash And complex fertilizers. The root collar is buried 3-5 cm.
  4. In September you can replant, leaving a distance of about half a meter between plants.
  5. Throughout September in . For successful landing you will need a nutrient mixture of compost, ash and complex mineral fertilizer. Before planting, the bulbs must be carefully inspected and only healthy ones with smooth husks must be selected. To prevent diseases, bulbs are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. Bulbs are planted in nets, in pots and boxes.
  6. From September 20, when the soil temperature at the depth of planting the bulb (three heights of the bulb) reaches no more than 10 °C for one week, begin. Before planting, loosen the soil and add compost or humus. Dry sand is placed under the bulb and on top of it.
  7. The optimal time for this begins on September 25th. The bulb is planted at a temperature of about 7 °C, in 2-3 weeks it takes root well and puts out roots - in winter the tulips should leave rooted with a developed root system. Before planting, the bulbs are processed, the soil is prepared healthy, loose, fertile, and drained.
  8. Starting from mid-September in the middle zone, a good period begins for. High-quality planting material takes root well in the fall. The most convenient way to purchase rooted seedlings roses in a container – survival rate is better, care is easier.
  9. In the first ten days of September, until the 5th-10th, it will be favorable. At the time of buying planting material choose divisions with 3-4 leaves, cut almost in half.


Gardener's calendar in September

The main part of the work in the garden in September is devoted to timely and correct harvesting of crops and seeds, and storing root crops. Diseases and pests have mostly subsided. A secondary outbreak is possible in the first ten days of September. The disease is transmitted through plant residues, so they must be destroyed and removed from the site immediately after harvesting.

Harvest in September

  • The optimal time for harvesting and planting in the middle zone is in the second half of September.
  • Before frost, carrots, beets, root parsley, root celery, winter radishes, and parsnips are harvested.
  • The collection is carried out on a clear, dry day and left to air for several hours.

From the end of September they begin harvesting for storage.

  1. The plants are dug up, the roots are cut off completely, the green leaves are cut off by 2/3.
  2. To preserve the bleached stems until April, the onions are placed in boxes with sand vertically close to each other at an angle of 50°, stored at a temperature of about zero and a humidity of 85%.


In the second or third ten days of September the harvest is harvested.

  1. You can tell that garlic is ready for harvest by the lodging of the leaves and the softening of the neck.
  2. After digging, the garlic is left to ripen under a canopy for 30-35 days.
  3. Garlic is stored at room temperature in an open glass container.


  • If the onion-garlic rocambole was planted in the spring like spring garlic, the harvesting time can extend until the beginning of September.
  • The signal for this is yellowing and lodging of the leaves.


  1. Since the beginning of September, they have already begun mass digging of potatoes, especially if they were grown.
  2. Dig up September 5-10.
  3. Healthy, smooth, beautiful medium-sized tubers are selected for seed material. Seed potatoes are also stored separately from those “for food”.
  4. Since September 10, they have been digging “for food.” For storage and selection of seed material, it is recommended to dig up potatoes in the third ten days of September, on the 25th, in dry weather.


  • In mid-September they begin cleaning.
  • After digging, the root crops are immediately stored for storage by cutting off the tops.
  • many clean up September 5-10.


  • Throughout September, before frost, root crops are harvested.
  • In order not to damage the long, brittle roots of scorzonera, they are not dug with a shovel, but pulled out by hand.
  • For long-term storage, dry the fruits and place them vertically in damp sand.


  1. At the end of September the harvest is harvested. When harvesting, the tops are unscrewed and small roots are cut off. Celery is stored in winter in boxes with sand or in plastic bags.
  2. If you sow every two weeks, you can still get juicy, fragrant greens throughout September. To prevent cold nights from damaging the delicate leaves, cover the dill bed with film at night.


In the second ten days of September, from approximately the 10th to the 20th, the grain harvest takes place.

  • You need to have time to pick ripe beans before they dry out, so that the seeds do not spill out.
  • In rainy weather, it is better to cut not individual beans, but the whole plant, tie into bunches, dry and then peel the grains.

Seed collection is usually carried out in mid-September.

  • To do this, the bean blade is not removed, but brought to biological ripeness on the bush.
  • Store the seeds at temperatures below zero so that the grains are not affected by the bean borer.


The harvest continues in September.

  1. In the greenhouse in September it blooms all day long, because it is no longer as hot as in summer.
  2. Cowpea pods should be collected regularly and as often as possible.
  3. To harvest, it is enough for the fruits to reach 30-40 cm in length and 1 cm in width.


In September, the heads of cabbage begin to ripen, which need to be collected before the first frost: cut them off at the root and remove all the leaves.

  • They can be stored for a long time in damp sand.
  • Dried fennel greens can be stored in tightly closed containers during the winter.


In the third decade it is ready for harvesting.

  1. They dig up the bushes and collect useful nodules from the stolons.
  2. It is better to store them at a temperature of 1-3 °C in plastic bags in sand.
  3. The storage should not be dry and light, otherwise the tubers will dry out and turn brown.


In September the stem fruits are harvested. After harvesting, the leaves and roots are cut off and stored in a cool place. damp room.

For more information on how to harvest correctly in order to preserve the harvest for a long time, read the articles:

How to collect seeds in September

  1. Seeds can be obtained from biologically mature bean pods. When fully ripe, the grains are collected, placed in canvas bags and hung.
  2. In early September, before the threat of the first autumn frosts, they are removed. In order for the seeds to ripen and have high germination rates, the seed fruits are left to ripen for 2-3 months, until December. The seeds are released when the eggplant is completely soft, dark brown, and free of rot. The fruit is cut, the seeds are removed and dried.
  3. When growing two-year-old beets and carrots, the umbrellas are mowed down in early September and left to ripen under a canopy.


Read more about collecting vegetable seeds at home in the following articles:

Soil work in September

At the beginning of September, it is important to prevent the secondary formation of peduncles on. In the conditions of the Moscow region, repeated flowering can weaken the bush, which is why it will not overwinter well.

In early September, on small-flowered climbing roses, pinch out the growing point. This species does not need any other pruning.

Houseplants in September

In September, it is necessary to reduce watering and lower the air temperature when caring for (Schlumbergera, Decembrist). This will stimulate the formation of buds, and the plant will bloom in winter.

From the end of September, light-loving plants may require additional lighting. During the formation of a peduncle with a lack of daylight Cymbidium orchids are illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

In September they begin to grow and prepare to flower. Abundant watering during this period can serve as a stimulus for the appearance of a flower. After flowering, watering is reduced and stopped completely at the end of September. To prepare for winter, the soil must dry out.

For more information about seasonal work in the flower garden in September, read the articles:

Tomatoes come from Peru, where the climate is very hot and dry. How to provide native conditions for tomatoes in our climate? For example, they grow in my open ground, and the summer is cool, and they go very well. frequent rains. At the same time, I want the bush to bear fruit until the fall and produce fruit, as they write on the bag of seeds - 10 kg per bush. To provide this southerner comfortable conditions and, accordingly, you get a big harvest, you need to be able to form the bush correctly.

Quite often, gardeners want to get the plants they like without special expenses. The first thing that comes to mind in such cases is cuttings. What if you are a beginner or a “lazy” gardener? Or come to country cottage area only on weekends, and only every other time, and still want to relax there? Then the idea with cuttings may not succeed. Why not give nature the opportunity to do almost all the work for us - propagate our favorite plants by layering?

My strawberry beds have been around for ten years. Naturally, I update the bushes. Previously, when May and June were dry, I removed two buckets from my “plantation” delicious berries and another half a bucket of berries covered with gray rot. If the beginning of summer was rainy, then I got two buckets of gray rot and only half a bucket of ripe strawberries. It's a shame to share the harvest with some rot! I started an attack on this bullshit. So, step by step - why my strawberries never get gray rot.

Sponge cakes with dates are incredibly tasty, slightly crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and the sweet date in these baked goods becomes like chocolate. This simple dessert for tea is very easy to prepare in 30 minutes (along with baking), the only important thing is to plan everything correctly, so follow my recommendations. To work, you will need silicone, metal or paper muffin tins, since the dough for these biscuits is fluid, and without a mold it spreads.

IN middle lane July has traditionally always been the hottest month of the year, but in Lately this is not always the case. Sometimes May is hotter than July, and sometimes even September. But many plants traditionally open their flowers in July. And even if the weather is not the warmest, July is the most colorful and colorful month in the garden. In mid-summer, almost all annual flowers traditionally bloom, including those sown in open ground.

For the vast majority of my friends, the idea of ​​“not digging” sounds completely outlandish. But to be honest, my husband (also of the old agrotechnical variety) looks with pain at the undug beds. Although everything grows and bears fruit beautifully on them. Therefore, in the spring, I allow him to dig up something, so as not to radically change his worldview. We are gradually learning: sudden changes in habits are not for everyone. I will share my experience of farming “without a shovel”.

Cucumber salad with onions and garlic is an excellent addition to a complex side dish or an independent vegetable appetizer for festive table, which is very easy to prepare for the winter in large quantities. The recipe is designed for a liter jar, so it is convenient to prepare and store vegetables in a small kitchen in a city apartment. Store this sweet and sour pickled cucumber salad at room temperature away from heating devices in a dark and dry place.

Alyssum is one of the easiest cushion plants to grow. garden plants. And definitely one of the most fragrant. The charming cloud of honey over the lace of alyssums can be enjoyed not only in parks and gardens. After all, even those who do not have their own garden can grow alyssums at home - and not only on balconies. Although slightly changing its character, alyssum nevertheless remains a non-capricious and quite hardy plant. But you still have to take care of it carefully.

Vermicelli casserole with sausages and green beans - great idea for breakfast or dinner. The dish turns out to be satisfying and will give you energy in the morning or replenish lost calories in the evening. The ingredients are simple, and so is the cooking process. Pasta casseroles can be savory - with vegetables, meat, sausages or sausage, and sweet - with dried fruits, cream and various spices. Sweet casseroles are served for dessert. This dish can be prepared from any pasta.

You can prepare an endless number of not only tasty, but also nutritious dishes with mushrooms; mushrooms are dried and preserved for the winter. It is not surprising that closer to autumn, amateurs and professionals of “silent hunting” en masse go out to pick mushrooms in the nearest (and not so close) forest. At the same time, the number of poisonings caused by these forest products is sharply increasing. We’ll tell you in this article how to protect yourself from trouble when going into the forest to pick mushrooms, and how to avoid becoming a victim of low-quality mushrooms.

As a child, I was delighted with the fairy tale where main character deftly escaped pursuit. He stuck branches from a bush into the ground, and a dense, impenetrable green forest immediately grew behind him. I have been experimenting with twigs since I was four years old. So, summer cuttings are a great opportunity to get a young seedling of the desired variety. The procedure is simple, quick, and almost always even beginners succeed. Unsuccessful cuttings are associated with obvious neglect of its basic principles.

Strawberry jam with pectin is quick and easy to prepare. Apple pectin(pectin powder) in industrial scale obtained from apple pomace. Pectin is added to many common products - in the filling of sweets, ketchup, marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade. At home, pectin is used to make jam or jam as a thickener. Adding pectin powder can significantly reduce cooking time, which means preserving more vitamins.

Country life cloudless and beautiful only to the eyes of an inexperienced city dweller. Any gardener will confirm that there is an eternal battle here, we only dream of peace. Not a flood - so drought, not cold - so heat. Before you have time to deal with the next sore, it’s time to fight pests. And their darkness! But we still need to look for such an unpleasant comrade as a slug. A small, slippery insect, feeding on young leaves and fruits, causes great harm.

No matter how modest the dacha or personal plot, and there is always room for cucumbers. Experienced housewives They will definitely find the time to wrap up a few jars of their cucumbers for the winter. Moreover, with minimal care and compliance with agricultural technology, you can grow excellent harvest. In this case, only organic fertilizers can be used as fertilizing. What they are, how to prepare them at home and use them correctly, you will learn from this article.

Pelargonium "Pinto Scarlet Star F1" is distinguished by its early and abundant flowering, has large flowers with a gradient color from coral along the edges to white in the center, which look very beautiful against the background of emerald-colored leaves. Pelargonium pleases the eye for a very long time: plant growers note that flowering continues until the coldest weather. Tall (up to 40 cm) bushes are suitable for planting in flower beds, flowerpots and balcony boxes.