home · Other · We are gradually creating a landscape design for the yard of a private house. How to choose and design flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos, useful tips and unique designs Beautiful outbuildings in a private courtyard

We are gradually creating a landscape design for the yard of a private house. How to choose and design flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos, useful tips and unique designs Beautiful outbuildings in a private courtyard

Beautiful design of the courtyard of a private house

Arranging the design of the courtyard of a private house usually comes down to several components. You have to create the interior and exterior of the house - the design of the interior plus the design of the facade of the house.

You also need to keep it in order garden territory, garden, and, of course, courtyard. The design of the courtyard of a private house is a separate topic that requires a serious approach to implementation.

The appearance of the yard should be integral with the architecture and interior of the house itself. The yard should represent the house itself at its best, because acquaintance with the space of the owners begins precisely with the external contour.

Zones that perform different functions should be combined and complement each other advantageously. This entry group, paths, pond, recreation area, flower beds, etc.

Of course, there are different positions for evaluating design. And what may seem like a gross mistake to a professional, in practice, in private households, can fit quite harmoniously into the overall outline.

The design of a private yard requires certain knowledge in the field of composition and good awareness in the field of building and finishing materials.

Those who want to have a green patio will also need knowledge about ornamental and container plants, as well as some landscaping skills.

Courtyard design for a private house - Main points

First, this is the route from the entrance to the yard to the door of the house. Second, but less important, is the view from the parking lot or garage. And lastly, this is the view from the recreation area and especially the pool, if there is one in the house.

The design of the courtyard of a private house and cottage should be planned so that the main areas are harmoniously combined with the architecture of the building itself.

The patio in the photo is made in a recess. Some of the earth was removed, the edges were reinforced and lined. Decorative columns are installed on the sides of the perimeter. The structure is well drained, rainwater goes into the drain.

Different forms - different approaches

If the building is made in modern style with strict geometry, a courtyard divided into separate rectangular areas, the functionality of which is strictly defined, will suit him well.

An architecture with smooth soft lines is well suited to a courtyard with a rounded terrace and not clear, winding lines of a swimming pool.

A house built in a classic rustic style will benefit from a courtyard whose appearance is as close as possible to natural conditions.

A good solution would be to create a pond; during design, avoid regular geometric shapes. The outline of your pond should be smooth and natural.

Wooden bridge across a dry stream

If you want to bring some charm to your site, then pay attention to this method of landscape design. A wooden bridge thrown over a dry or watery stream, or simply located in any order, can become central object your garden. Both adults and children will love it!

You can make such a bridge with your own hands, but it’s easier to buy a ready-made one, especially since the prices for such objects landscape decor you will be pleasantly surprised. Surely in your city there are companies engaged in the manufacture or sale of landscape design elements, including decorative garden bridges.

Relaxation areas in the yard

The yard of a private house or cottage cannot do without recreation areas and summer areas, such as swimming pools, summer kitchens, gazebos, terraces. Placing summer home cinemas in the courtyard of private houses is becoming an increasingly popular entertainment; the main thing in this matter is to competently design the place for its placement, and of course equip it appropriately with equipment.

Today, many furniture manufacturers offer their models specifically for use on fresh air, this furniture will become a truly exquisite decoration for your yard. Don't forget about outdoor lighting and a fireplace, these furnishings will create a pleasant atmosphere in the evening.

In the photo: stone pedestals and benches with wooden seats. Plants in pots stand on the stone floor.

Private yard design

Patio paved with stone slabs in a circle. There are flowers in pots in the corners.

Pergolas with climbing roses and a wooden bench.

Implementation of a patio in a small yard. Plants in pots, wooden table and benches.

Courtyard design for a private house - Sculptures and fountains

As liaison Vertical sculptures or fountains work well between the yard landscape and the exterior of the house. Their style should be harmoniously combined with the architecture of the building itself. Try to arrange them so that the eye glides along the fountains and sculptures to the main architectural elements of the building.

In the photo: the central part of the courtyard is a fountain in the form of bowls. Flower beds with bright flowers.

A small fountain in the shape of rectangular stones. The area in front of it is covered with fine gravel.

Three-level implementation of the courtyard. On the middle level there is a lawn, on the lower level there is a gravel path with parking for a car, and on upper tier plants.

The stone in the yard is cooling. This is very important for southern latitudes. However, it keeps warm until late at night.

Two wooden chairs and a small number of plants. Lawn in front of patio and trellis behind for climbing species.

The rounded shapes in the geometry of the yard give it a quality fullness. Our eye rejoices precisely in smoothed textures.

Private yard design

Furniture may also be plastic. It can be quickly assembled and free up space.

An umbrella will allow you to be in the shade even on a hot day and relax in comfort.

Courtyard design for a private house - Green lawn field

The design of the yard, in its modern sense, will allow you not to use any other green spaces except for lawns. If you wish, you can do without them by arranging everything using decorative slabs. This option will be ideal for those who simply do not have time to constantly care for plants.

Flowerpots in the courtyard design of private houses

There will be flowerpots good decision, if you like paved yards. Remember, when creating a yard, first of all you should be comfortable using it. Only in this case is beautiful and functional yard will delight you at any time of the year. In the photo: large ceramic vases and tall green plants.

Metal vintage furniture in shades of blue.

Polished stone with jagged edges as a floor.

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Country cottage or a private house within the city - a source of pride for the owners. Once upon a time, such housing was certainly associated with beds, vegetable gardens and greenhouses. But times change and functional use the courtyard area has long faded into the background. Landscape design gradually reached even the most remote villages, private houses are now real miniature recreation parks. Where potatoes grew, now spreads decorative pond, in place of the greenhouses, gazebos rise, and the beds have been replaced with flower beds and fountains.

It takes a lot of effort to decorate the area adjacent to the house, and maintaining order requires quite a lot of time. But all your hard work is rewarded by what you get in return luxury place for relaxing in silence or gathering with a noisy company.

The courtyard of a private house is made on several levels

On backyard can be arranged dining area

A small bridge in the courtyard of a private house

The first stage of designing a yard design is choosing stylistic direction. This choice plays a huge role, since it determines in what direction the designer needs to move further. It’s worth making a decision here not only based on personal preferences, but also taking into account the following factors:

  • the area you have;
  • limit on the time you allow to be spent maintaining proper appearance yard;
  • climate and soil type.

There are several most popular options that experts offer for the design of the courtyard of a private house.

This style is ideal if the house is located in the back of the plot and shows an open facade. Then in the yard you can place an alley leading to the front door, and in the backyard you can arrange a recreation area.

English style assumes maximum naturalness. The territory should look as if a person’s hand never touched it. This means smooth lines, no asymmetry, no meandering paths and no landscape irregularities. Plants are usually placed in tiers: first grass and flowers, then shrubs and trees.

An artificial reservoir in the form of a small pond would also fit perfectly here.

Original path made from wood cuts

Selecting a recreation area with bushes

Japanese style

Here a body of water is not just desirable, but mandatory element. Usually it is the central object, and everything else is built around it. The pond is decorated with bridges, stones, and gazebos are installed on its banks. The main representatives of the flora are rhododendron, juniper and dwarf pine.

Japanese style is quite complex in design and perception; its beauty is deeper and reveals itself gradually.

Such a courtyard encourages philosophical reasoning, relaxes and gives a person peace of mind.

Paths connect everything functional areas Location on

Backyard with dining area

Relaxation area in the courtyard of a private house

Mediterranean style

Representing harmonious combination Ancient Greek and Roman styles, this Mediterranean style is a favorite of landscape designers and recalls the wondrous beauty of southern nature.

Its distinctive feature is the abundance of stone in all its manifestations: this and marble chips, and sea pebbles, and just raw rocks.

A Mediterranean-style yard should be associated with a mountain coast, so it is customary to place various hills on it. It could be a staircase retaining wall or a slope with a terrace located on it.

Plants play a huge role here. In such gardens, topiary is widely used - curly cutting of plants and giving them fancy shapes. In addition, the Mediterranean flora delights with delicious fruits: citruses, pistachios and olives. Small palm trees, flower beds planted with roses or variegated perennial flowers, and lawns of herbs are also used.

As for architectural elements, there are plenty of them here. A patio is set up in the inner part, the area is decorated with arches, terraces and hedges, and, of course, fountains.

In the backyard you can organize a small fountain and put a dining table

You can arrange a gazebo in the yard

Planning the yard design

A beautiful yard plays a very important role, because it is where the first impression of the house and its owners begins. Therefore, the garden plot should be given no less attention than the cottage itself.

In order to save time and money, avoid alterations and reconstructions, when starting planning, it is worth answering a couple of questions.

What is more important to you – beauty or practicality?

If the need for practical use prevails, then first place the most necessary things in the yard, and only after that fill the free space with decorative elements.

What will you use the yard for? Do you often get together with friends and have get-togethers outdoors?

Planning to relax alone? Take care of a shady corner, install a fountain or pond. Gathering a group of friends? Build a gazebo and equip the area with a place for cooking.

Do you have children and pets?

Take care of their safety. Avoid deep bodies of water and be careful with fire and electrical wiring.

How do you imagine a beautiful yard?

Choose a style according to own preferences, add decorative elements, plant plants.

Thematic corners in the yard

Zoning different areas of the yard
can be made with plants

Relaxation area on the site of a private house

All your subsequent decisions depend on the answers to these questions. This is especially true for small yards, where it is not possible to arrange everything at once, and you have to prioritize.

Having some plan in mind for creating a landscape design, you can begin arranging objects on the ground. It is recommended to mentally divide the area into squares responsible for different functional areas. Each zone will correspond to one key figure - a gazebo, rock garden, pond, flower bed or patio. This way, all objects will be distributed evenly and balanced throughout the yard.

Before proceeding directly to construction, check the condition of the territory. If water accumulation is detected, install drainage. At the same stage, all communications necessary for watering plants and operating reservoirs are laid.

The courtyard of a private house is made on several levels

You can set up a dining table in the backyard

Laying the paths

After we have divided the territory into zones, it is necessary to make sure that you can easily move between them. To do this, it is worth equipping special paths in the yard. They can be completely different: some will like winding paths, some will prefer straight trajectories, and some will like something in between.

The track material also provides a huge choice:

  • large flat stones;
  • brick;
  • gravel;
  • concrete plates;
  • cobblestone.

Paths can be left without fencing or emphasized with a small fence or decorative border.

If the area is uneven, it can be designed in different planes, connecting adjacent segments using stairs.

Planting plants

At first glance, it may seem that planting plants is an issue that cannot cause any particular difficulties. However, many horticultural crops are quite capricious and excessive self-confidence here can lead to the fact that after some time all the work done will have to be redone again. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to follow a number of rules when landscaping your yard.

  1. Do not place conifers and shrubs in covered areas. Despite the fact that they look quite impressive here, removing their needles from the terrace every morning is far from the best thing.
  2. Don’t bother yourself with overly whimsical plants that require constant care. If you don’t feel a particular craving for gardening in your soul, then opt for more modest bushes and trees.
  3. A pond implies elegant decor, but not plants rinsing their leaves in it. That's why deciduous plants should be kept away from him.
  4. The trend of replacing fences with hedges is gaining popularity. The plants used must be sufficiently dense and have average height, since too high ones will look sloppy, and low ones will not be able to hide the territory from prying eyes.
  5. There is no area that would not be decorated beautiful flower bed with flowers. You can break one large one or several small ones. But remember that if you plant several at once, it is important that they are combined with each other.
  6. A small area is not a reason to refuse landscaping. Use a vertical arrangement using alpine slides, ledges and cascades.

You can put a decorative well in the yard

Home design in Japanese style against the background of the forest

The stone fountain in the middle of the yard looks very beautiful

Arranging decorative elements

In order to view personal plot was complete and made it clear that professionals had a hand here, some decorative elements should be added to the landscape design.

Classics of the genre - garden sculptures. They should be consistent in style with the overall design of not only the site, but also the house. These can be either classical statues or abstract installations. Great importance has their size, which is selected depending on the free space you have. They can beneficially fill the free space of a large yard, but it is better not to clutter up a small area with them.

Looks good in almost any area decorative arches. To create an additional effect, they are covered with ivy or other plants, and special lighting is selected for them. They can be placed singly, one after another, or in one row.

Be sure to maintain the overall style with your decor. If this is Provence, then clay pots and wicker fences will suit the place, for Mediterranean style amphorae of different sizes will be appropriate, and a bit of magic can be added to the garden with the help of figurines of animals, gnomes and others fairy tale characters. Last option Your children will definitely appreciate it.

Stones combined with flowers will perfectly complement the design of the yard

You can make a path out of stones, and plant cetaceans nearby

We create reservoirs

Just imagine how pleasant it is to enjoy the coolness of a clean pond in a shady corner of your own garden on a hot summer afternoon. Construction of a reservoir is quite labor-intensive, but worth it, process.

An artificial pond can be made in completely different variations.

  • Small pond. Populate it with fish, decorate it with stones and water lilies, and this place will become of great interest to guests, and will also become a favorite place to play for the younger generation.
  • Elegant fountain. This structure can take up very little space and is suitable for small yards. But its pleasant splashes will be a real salvation from the summer heat.
  • A mischievous stream or a miniature waterfall. Their murmur relaxes and creates a unique atmosphere of relaxation alone with nature.

To make it pleasant to be in the yard, you need to keep it clean

Well-groomed flowers and trees will look great in your yard

You can plant flowers next to the path

Lighting up the area

Artificial yard lighting performs several important functions at once.

  • Provides the ability to move in the absence of natural light.
  • Beneficially illuminates decorative elements, creating their aesthetic appearance.

The lighting should be installed so as to cover the entire perimeter, leaving no dark corners and equip all stairs and paths.

The mandatory lighting program also includes the following elements:

  • house facade;
  • outbuildings;
  • parking;
  • main entrance;
  • rest zone.

After that, we move on to decorative elements. It would be a shame if all this beauty can only be enjoyed during daylight hours. Therefore, we also shed light on all the fountains, alpine slides, sculptures and flower beds.

LED strips will be a real find for decorating a night garden. They can highlight the beauty of trees or place them along the edge of the steps of a staircase.

You can decorate the yard with flowers

Design of a private house yard with a gazebo

We will organize a resting place with a fireplace

The territory of the personal plot is begging for a place to cook food over an open fire. The most common options for such a place are grills and barbecues, but you can also find a more unconventional approach.

  • Tandoor. This Asian stove is quite bulky, so be sure to consider your capabilities when installing it. You can build this stove either with your own hands or purchase a ready-made one.
  • Outdoor fireplace. It creates an amazing impression as if you were just sitting in the living room and were somehow magically transported to the garden. Place it next to him upholstered furniture and make yourself comfortable, enjoying both the beauty of nature and the warmth of home.

Owners of private houses with adjacent territories are truly lucky - landscape design opens up many opportunities for their aesthetic and functional arrangement. In the courtyard of your own house you will find a garden for walking, a relaxation area, and even a place for cooking.

Video: Arranging the yard of a private house

50 photos of private house yard design ideas:

Our home is our fortress. This is where we spend most of our time. But we are created in such a way that the place in which we live should be beautiful. A person loves comfort, warmth, beauty and originality. Such moments are important not only for interior decoration, but also for the site from the outside.

Agree that an abandoned house that is overgrown with weeds, cluttered with unnecessary things and looks untidy is not as pleasant to look at as a well-groomed, clean and tidy house. We can say that the building itself and the site personify the owner.

In order for your home to be worthy, beautiful and say only good things about you, you need to seriously think about the design of the site. Here you need an individual approach, professional advice and some rules to help you fulfill correct design courtyard of a private house. Let's find out how to create quality landscaping and transform your home. And visual photos will help you have an idea of ​​the work.

The main thing is the layout of the site

Yard private houses- this is the area that is adjacent to your home. She greets not only you, but also other guests and neighbors. The overall impression of the house will depend on its appearance from the outside. This is why it is so important to tackle the exterior as quickly as possible. And to do it efficiently, you need to plan your landscape.

But before doing this, it is important to note that Beautiful design It can be different for everyone, since, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste and color. You must understand for yourself what you think beauty is. There are many factors that influence choice and preference:

  1. Some prefer the convenience and practicality of the site, while others create the design of the house to impress the neighbors.
  2. Lifestyle also plays a big role. Are you often at home? Or do you come there to spend the night?
  3. Do you have children? Then the house design and layout will be done so that there is playground, and staying at the site was not traumatic.
  4. Almost the same can be said about pets. If they are, then the layout of the yard will be slightly different.
  5. How often do you invite guests to your place for barbecues or barbecues? Do you like to relax outdoors in a gazebo in your yard?

All these factors play an important role when decorating a yard in a private house. If you take these nuances into account, you can speed up the work process and save money.

It is worth noting that the landscape design of the yard directly depends on the size of the area near the house. The larger it is, the more diverse, practical, beautiful and richer the house can be decorated. Here your imagination may not be limited. But what you will need to say goodbye to is finances. After all, the more you want to do in your yard, the more everything will cost.

As for decorating a small courtyard, you need to set your priorities correctly, because everything that you might want to do on the territory may simply not fit. It’s no longer possible to create a large children’s playground with space for barbecues, relaxation and flower beds. In the photo you can see an approximate plan from which you can start when designing a plot in the yard.

Based on the plan, you need to make markings on the ground where all the objects will be located. Among them are a gazebo, flower bed, path, pond, patio, rock gardens and other desired buildings. As professionals advise, the entire area can be divided into squares. In each of them, place one of the key figures ( decorative element or structural building). This way everything will look beautiful, organic, not messy and even. Such balance in the interior of the site is very important. The photo shows how beautifully and correctly everything can be placed on the site near the house.

Note! Before you start construction works in the yard, check the condition of the area. If you find water accumulation, it is important to drain it. The same applies to communication wiring, especially when placing a fountain, irrigation system or artificial reservoir on the site.

Arrangement of paths, steps and flower beds in the yard

Despite their unprepossessing appearance, garden paths play a very important role in the landscape design of a yard. Not only do they perform a practical function, which is to provide comfortable and safe travel along the site, and paths can also zone and decorate the area in front of the house. What can you make paths for your yard from? Here are a few options for you to consider:

  • made of wood;
  • from flat and large stones;

The borders themselves can also be different. Here everything depends on your desire and imagination. Some even make them from glass bottles, which looks quite nice. And if you combine the material for the paths on the site, you can get a functional and practical coating that will decorate the yard.

You may be surprised, but geometry in landscape design is very important. Someone, for example, sees harmony and balance in the smooth lines of the yard, oval flower beds, round shapes structures and winding paths. And some prefer a strict and clear design, expressed in straight garden paths, bushes with a line of shape and in a flat lawn, cut to a line. What is your ideal yard landscape design? Think about it and make it happen.

What private house would be complete without a flower bed? It brings sophistication to the design, dilutes it, decorates and transforms the area. If you need to beautifully decorate your yard, then you can’t do without a flower bed. At the same time, it is important to plant flowers not of one type, but of a variety, so that they replace each other in flowering, differ in color and appearance.

It would be useful to plant perennials in the yard that will bloom all year round. You can plant flowers not only in the ground. Pots, cache-pots, boxes near the house, etc. are suitable for this purpose. A flowerbed can be made in a wide variety of ways. Here's one in the photo original idea creating a flower bed on the site.

If the landscape on the site is hilly, do not rush to take up the tools and level it. Such a struggle with nature may be unnecessary; it is better to use this feature to its advantage. For example, you can create beautiful steps on a hill or in a lowland. Such decorative design in the yard will serve as a focal point and can attract the attention of others.

Fountains, cascades and artificial ponds in the yard

If your finances allow you, and the territory is quite large, then you can decorate the yard in a special way by placing a fountain or an artificial pond on it. Such designs can often be seen in the landscape design of expensive estates or cottages. This tendency is inherent oriental style, which cannot do without natural stones, plants and water. It’s not for nothing that the Japanese believe that water is the source of life and a symbol of harmony.

We would like to say right away that organizing a reservoir on a site is not an easy task, but it is worth it. You cannot do this without the help of professionals. It is important to choose the right location, carry out the wiring of communications and design everything technologically correctly. Look at the photo how beautifully a small pond fits into the design of the site.

Let there be light

Equally important for the site is lighting. This is a guarantee of your safety. And you can relax in the yard with company longer. Lights can make a big difference in the overall perception of a site. Look at the photo to make sure that beautiful house Can't do without quality lighting.

Note! Thanks to spot lighting of the yard, you can highlight significant decorative items in your landscape design.

First you need to think about the functionality of the lighting. What is it about? This is illumination of the facade of the building, illumination of the terrace, gazebo, train to the garage, bathhouse and main entrance. And only then you can decorate other elements. As landscape design professionals advise, lighting should be placed so that at night the outline of the perimeter of the yard, as well as how to move around it, is clearly visible. That's why some people light up their steps and garden paths.

Where else can you install lights in the yard? Flowerbed, garden sculpture, pond, rock garden, trees or shrubs - all this can be highlighted. As lighting fixtures lanterns, lamps, garlands, decorative lamps, etc. are used. Decide for yourself what to use and where.

Beautiful courtyard of a private house with your own hands photo.


As you can see, making your home and its grounds beautiful is not so difficult. It is important to adhere to the rules, decide on the layout of the yard and make all your dreams come true. In addition, you can create a dining area, a recreation area, an area for children on the site, install a barbecue or barbecue, a gazebo, etc. All this decorates the yard near the house and makes it functional. Start from free space on the territory and from their financial capabilities. Then you will have a beautiful house with a yard, which will make living in even more pleasant.

Your own home requires more attention than ordinary apartment(even 2- or 3-room). A considerable part of the concerns is related to the area around the structure. In the past, all owners of their own residential property with adjacent plots of land arranged the yard of a private house with their own hands (the photo below shows the trends of previous years). But what is it like today?

General information

Previously, arranging the yard of a private house in a village with your own hands (the photos presented in the article illustrate this) was quite simple. Most of territory was allocated for vegetable crops, barns for animals. A small area was planted with flowers. Today, dacha preferences are almost completely forgotten, and the solutions that were used before are unpopular today. Nowadays, a solid cottage or a cozy small mansion, surrounded by a picturesque landscape, flower beds, and small architectural forms, is in fashion. Next, we’ll figure out what the arrangement of the yard of a private house should be like. Photos of some solutions will also be presented in the article.

Territory as a whole

Each owner of his own cottage arranges the yard of a private house in accordance with his personal preferences. Many people turn to specialists for help. Professional landscape designers draw up projects, taking into account not only the wishes of customers, but also the characteristics of the area itself. Many owners arrange the yard of a private house with their own hands (photos illustrate several options for designing the territory). Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a plan in accordance with which certain structures will be erected on the ground.

Territory planning

Arranging the yard of a private house with your own hands begins with drawing up a diagram. There is a complex of objects that are almost always present on the territory. These include:

  • Courtyard (terrace).
  • Garage with parking.
  • Summer shower. This element is usually used when arranging the yard of a private house in the village (the photo shows how organically this detail can be integrated into the landscape).
  • Children's playground.
  • Outbuildings.
  • Decorative elements, small architectural forms. These include garden lanterns, stone compositions, sculptures, alpine slides, etc.
  • Green spaces: flower beds, trees, lawn, shrubs, etc.
  • An integral element that you cannot do without when decorating the yard of a private house with your own hands is paths. They not only create ease of movement, but also perfectly complement the landscape.

Of course, this list is not mandatory. When arranging the yard of a private house, you should use common sense and understand exactly what is useful on the territory and what is not. In addition, there are a number of requirements that must be followed.

Location of objects

When arranging the yard of a private house (in a village or suburb of a metropolis), it is necessary to place the elements at a certain distance relative to each other. For example, if there is an enclosure for a dog, then it must be removed from the residential building by at least 4 meters; the garage and outbuildings should be installed at a distance of 7 meters from each other. wells and a separate toilet should be built at least 15 meters away from housing. The fence is located at a distance of 1-1.5 m from any buildings, tall plants - up to 3 m.


You can proceed to marking them after the arrangement of the yard of a private house has been fully planned. When designing paths, you also need to follow certain standards. The width of the paths should not be less than 75 cm. If the area of ​​the territory allows, you can make a circular path near a residential building. This will make it easy to reach different areas of the house. In addition, it can become an excellent cycling track for children.

taking into account the characteristics of the territory

Of course, it is easiest to arrange the yard of a private house when the terrain is flat: there are no hills or hillocks, and the surface itself is horizontal, without a slope. In such a territory there is wide scope for the implementation of the most different ideas. The composition of the soil is of great importance, climatic features terrain. When arranging a territory, you need to know not only the nuances of landscape design, but also have “botanical” skills. They consist in the ability to correctly place plants on the ground.

Environmental factors

They are of particular importance in the issue of planting distribution. The following factors influence plant development:

  • Quantity. In this case, we are talking about its general distribution on the ground and specifically on a personal plot. Some plants love shaded places, while some plantings feel better in an open, illuminated meadow.
  • Air temperature. When planning planting, the average indicators of the winter and summer periods are taken into account.
  • Humidity of the earth and air. In this case, the average amount of precipitation during the year and the proximity of groundwater to the soil surface are taken into account.
  • Terrain.
  • Features of the composition of air, water (acidity/alkalinity) and soil.

Taking into account all these indicators, you can easily select plants that will decorate the area and at the same time feel comfortable.

Territory design styles

How exactly to develop a personal plot is up to each owner to decide independently. There are several fairly common landscape design styles:

  • Classical.
  • English.
  • French.
  • Japanese.
  • Slavic.
  • Country.
  • Modern.

The Japanese style is very attractive in terms of compactness. You can decorate even a small area. The Slavic style is perfect for wooden structures. With its help, you can completely arrange the yard of a private house with your own hands from scrap materials. European country music has something in common with the Slavic style, but it is more orderly. Strict, but considered natural English design plot. Modernism is considered the last word in landscape design. When used skillfully, you can create a unique design of the area. Considered traditional classic style. Let's take a closer look at it.

Landscape design in a classic style

It is also called "regular". In the classical style, everything is kept in strict symmetry. The lines of paths and buildings must be clear. Are used geometric shapes. It is generally accepted that the classical style in the landscape is able to some extent soften the storm of emotions that arise among city dwellers immersed in nature. It should be noted that such design of the site requires special and regular care. Otherwise, the plantings will grow, and all clarity and severity will be lost.

What materials can be used when arranging the territory?

When designing the area, you can use various designs and elements. In this case, a variety of materials can be used. For example, plastic is popular. It can be used for making plastic to delimit beds, flower beds, and paths. This material is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. In addition, plastic is flexible. It can be used to make arched structures and more. Universal material considered a brick. They are used to decorate residential buildings. The brick gazebo looks great on the site. The material can also be used to create flower bed fencing. Brick is successfully combined with tiles, metal, and wood. Often, improvised materials are used when designing a site. For example, borders made from plastic or glass bottles look original. When arranging paths, cuttings of boards, shavings, and wood chips are often used. Metal is used almost everywhere in landscape design. These can be ordinary rods coated with paint, along which they will curl ornamental plants. Often installed at sites forged elements. They add lightness to the surrounding landscape. Metal harmonizes perfectly with other materials.


When arranging a site, a place for rest is of particular importance. The gazebo effectively complements the design and makes the area more comfortable. The building can be open or closed. Barbecue stoves are often built in the gazebo or a portable or built-in grill is installed. Often this structure becomes a favorite place on the entire site.


This integral element many personal plots. When arranging a playground, it is necessary to choose materials that are safe for children. Today on the market there is a range of children's sports complexes very wide. They are different sizes, collapsible or stationary. A children's playground can be an excellent continuation of a gazebo or located in an open clearing not far from a residential building.


If you have a car, there must be a parking space for it. As a rule, the garage is attached to the house. Parking can also be a simple canopy made of profile pipes. Polycarbonate can be used as a roof. Better, of course, to make a garage closed type. In this case, the car will be protected from bad weather. The room must be spacious enough to allow repairs or washing of the vehicle.

Architectural forms

These elements are often used when arranging a personal plot. Near the gazebo you can install a small fountain or run a stream. Made from natural stone original compositions. They can also use a combination different materials. Small sculptures in flower beds look very attractive. These can be heroes of fairy tales or cartoons. Original garden lanterns look impressive. They can be placed along paths, around flower beds, near the gazebo.

The beauty and harmony of the yard of a private house is the pride and heritage of any owner. But for all this it is worth making a lot of effort to achieve the final and desired result.

Before you begin design work, you should understand the features of the landscaping itself and the rules for its planning. And also find out about some of the main elements. Only then can you start somewhere.

Basics of yard design and landscaping

1. Taking into account the characteristics of the territory . By using modern technologies, professionalism of the workers, it is possible to make the entire site level, which will require a lot of physical and financial investments. But is it worth breaking all this?

After all, on the site of a hill you can build a beautiful and modern alpine slide, and in the depression there is a transparent reservoir. But if the differences are simply huge, then you can use the services of a vertical planning specialist who will make the desired picture for you and turn it into reality.

2. Harmony with the building and various small structures. The design of the courtyard of a private house should be adjusted to the structure itself, which plays a dominant role. With the help of landscaping, you can hide outbuildings and create a beautiful approach to the main element on the territory. The opening of the view of the front of the house should be smooth and organic.

3. Functionality - this means planning the territory by zones . It all depends on the preferences of the owners, their type of activity, and the presence of children.

For example, the following zones must be present: front (entrance), utility ( orchard), quiet recreation area, sports, active recreation, children's area (if there are children), and others. The breakdown is made in advance, carried out by the road and path network system.

4. Visibility of the territory. It is necessary to think in advance about how the yard looks from all the windows and balconies. After all, even while at home, you can admire the open views.

It is not at all interesting if from the bedroom the owners watch the place for drying clothes, or the car standing peacefully in the parking lot. It’s more pleasant to look at a beautiful landscape design, pond or sculpture.

5. Lighting will help diversify and make a beautiful yard. . You can play with light throughout the entire area.

Thinking through this process is very important. For example, illuminated paths with small lamps, or the use of special lanterns built into tiled paving.

6. Gardening and landscape design . A lot depends on these processes - this includes leisure, a person’s internal perception of the environment, and the aesthetics of the yard. Also, such processes are the final stage of design and improvement.

Examples of yard decoration and landscaping designs

But you can decorate the yard of a private house with your own hands; it is very important to correctly follow the above rules and have some idea about it. Why, and it is necessary to provide several illustrative examples interesting designs design and improvement of courtyards.

Option 1. There is a landscape style in the design (smooth paths, lack of symmetry).

Several main zones immediately stand out here: a children’s room (the presence of specialized small architectural forms), an entrance (a wide entrance and flower beds), a recreation area (a gazebo, beautiful tree and shrub compositions), and an arboretum. There is a small pond with walkway, which fits very organically into the environment.

Option 2. Also, everything is decorated in a landscape style. The most interesting thing here is the originally allocated economic zone: a vegetable garden, an orchard.

The emphasis is on modular rectangular beds, which will look very aesthetically pleasing when growing crops. The front area is located on the reverse side; it must be present in any design.

The main elements that contribute to the process of designing and landscaping the yard of a house

Arrangement of the yard of a private house begins directly with the project itself, after which estimates are drawn up and planned expenses are calculated. Then purchased Construction Materials, small architectural forms and planting material.

There are basic elements that should not be forgotten. These include the following components:

1. Buildings and structures. These elements are basic and dominant. On private territory There must be a house to live in, as well as some buildings: a garage, a bathhouse, outbuilding(storage of work equipment, various accessories), greenhouse, etc.

2. Road and path network . It divides all zones among themselves according to the functions performed. When planning, you should lay all paths only along the shortest distance, which will save time when moving and financial resources for building materials.

Yard country house may contain complex systems paths having various options paving.

3. Lighting – lighting fixtures are provided . It can be used not only for practical purposes, but also to create a beautiful decorative effect.

4. Flower beds – adding aesthetics to the area . Probably not a single owner can imagine how to arrange a yard without planting flower plants.

There are a huge number of such elements: flower bed ( correct form flower garden), mixborder (complex flower garden consisting of perennial flowers), border (flower garden along the paths), rockery, rock garden (complex flower garden including natural stones and various mountain plants), and others. This element will perfectly complement any area.

5. Small architectural forms . Thanks to them, you can distinguish which zone is which. These are various garden furniture, sculptures, fountains, lanterns and lamps.

6. Trees and shrubs . They can be planted beautiful groups, create hedges and beautiful unique tapeworms. Thanks to correct landing, the creation of surprise of open views and their smooth transition into each other is guaranteed.

7. Ponds are a great element that will perfectly add a sense of nature. , naturalness and natural beauty. It can be small ponds, fountains, cascades and decorative waterfalls, streams and pools. They look very nice with natural stones and aquatic plants.

Thanks to proper planning territory and the presence of basic elements, your yard will be the most irresistible and beautiful, constantly attracting everyone's attention.