home · electrical safety · Beautiful yard in front of the house. High-quality landscaping of the territory of a private house at reasonable costs. English style yard decoration

Beautiful yard in front of the house. High-quality landscaping of the territory of a private house at reasonable costs. English style yard decoration

If you live in a private house, you probably have at least a small garden area at your disposal. Regardless of its size, you always want to properly landscape your yard and give it an aesthetic and cozy look. Nowadays landscape design is more popular than ever, so there are many options for decorating the area near a private house.

Landscape design and arrangement of a small yard

Landscaping the area adjacent to the house is always a very creative and enjoyable process, which allows you to fully demonstrate your decorating abilities. You can find an appropriate design option for the yard of a private house even with the most modest initial data.

If a private house is located within the city or on the outskirts of the city, most likely the yard around it is not large at all. Arranging such a yard with your own hands will require some skill and imagination. But the task is not at all hopeless. Quite the contrary, from a small, inconspicuous courtyard you can turn into a real piece of paradise and a fragrant oasis for mental relaxation.

The landscape design of such an area should take into account 2 main points:

1. The yard will have to be partially paved - tiled or natural stone. This is necessary to ensure cleanliness in a miniature area where there is simply no room to make paths.

2. Part of the territory near a private house must be landscaped, otherwise the entire landscape design loses its meaning. This can be done with the help of small flower beds, for which you need to leave a special place, and plants in pots or hanging flower pots as in the photo.

Landscaping your yard with special care and love, combine shrubs with small trees and climbing vines. Don't skimp on flowering plants. They look especially advantageous and beautiful. The more different colors and colors fill the yard of your home, the more pleasant it will be to be in it.

If the yard area allows, place a small wooden table and a couple of chairs. Create a shady corner around it with your own hands. Here you can have breakfast in the morning and read your favorite books in the afternoon in the shade of the trees.

DIY landscape design of a spacious yard

Before you start digging the ground and chaotically arranging a large yard around a private house, it makes sense to sketch out at least a rough draft of its future design. To do this, you don’t need to be a genius and be able to skillfully handle the appropriate computer programs.

Everything is much simpler. Take a sheet of paper, a pencil and draw by hand where you would like to see a flower bed, paths or gazebo in your yard in the shade of dense thickets of rose hips (photo). Mentally divide your yard into different zones.

For example, part of the territory can be designated as a recreation area. Here it is worth installing homemade wooden benches, table or ready-made rattan wicker furniture (photo). Do not forget about the convenience of those who will be in this part of the yard. Provide paths to the recreation area so you don't have to walk on wet grass in wet weather. An umbrella won't hurt either - you'll have somewhere to hide on a hot day.

If you like to invite guests over and have picnics, provide a place for barbecue. Place it away from the house, in the far corner of the yard, so that the smoke and heat from the fire do not penetrate into the open windows Houses.

Be sure to give space in your project to paths, a place to park your car (if necessary) and other details that are important to you. If you are lucky enough to have a small lake in the yard of your private home, be sure to think about its design. The banks can be lined with stones and planted with flowers as in the photo.

Do-it-yourself yard landscaping

It is difficult to imagine a beautiful landscape design without green grass. There are two ways to plant pleasing grass around your house:

- using seed lawn grass;
— spreading a ready-made rolled lawn on your site.

The option with seed grass is suitable only for the most patient and hardworking owners who love to dig in the ground. Arranging and cultivating a seeded lawn will take many years and require a lot of effort from an amateur gardener.

If you want to see the result of your labors immediately, then use a rolled lawn. Measure the area of ​​your yard, subtract the area of ​​flower beds and other green spaces from it, and start choosing lawn grass in rolls. But don't rush to buy it because it doesn't last long. First, clear the area, mark it, and initially arrange the yard.

You will need to cut down old trees that disfigure the landscape, uproot stumps and level the ground as much as possible. Assess the condition of the soil: if it is too clayey, add sand and gravel. Depleted soil - be sure to bring fertile soil into the yard, otherwise nothing will grow on it. Add a layer of soil over the entire area. Special attention pay attention to the places where you are going to plant flower beds.

Only after such preparation can you lay out the rolled lawn. By the way, this can be done with your own hands. It is not necessary to hire workers. The grass in rolls fits perfectly and looks great almost immediately.

After installation, the lawn needs to be watered abundantly for a week. During this time, the grass will take root well, and the joints between the stripes will become invisible. Usage roll lawn allows you to create a very beautiful design and turn your yard into a real masterpiece design art(photo).

Decorating the yard with original decorative elements

You can complete the design with the help of such details as unusual wooden or wrought-iron benches, flowers in painted pots, original compositions from an old wheel, pots and a cart planted with flowers (photos 1-4). You can design this style in any way you like. This decor always looks very impressive and colorful. The main thing is not to overdo it and maintain a sense of proportion.

You can make original “vases” for flowers with your own hands from the simplest materials at hand: old logs, boards, ropes. And don’t forget about small oases of wildlife - flower beds. Thanks to various flowering plants You can paint entire pictures on them. Japanese-style rock gardens also look very good in such courtyards.

Don’t forget to learn everything about the plants you are going to use to decorate your yard:

- they grow best on the sunny side or in the shade;
— how much moisture and what fertilizers are required;
- feel good in the vicinity of other plants or alone;
- when they start and how long they bloom.

Remember: if you love blooming species vegetation around you, you should select plants that bloom in different time and one after another. So your yard will always delight with bright colors and wonderful aromas.

These are the basic recommendations for arranging the garden area around the cottage. Following our recommendations, a little effort and a lot of imagination will give excellent results. In a month or two, you will be able to invite friends to your place and listen with pleasure to their many compliments on your talent as a designer and gardener. And the effort of arranging your yard itself is very pleasant.

When a private house has already been built, all that remains is to improve the territory itself. website will give you ideas on how to improve the yard of a private house and decorate a suburban area in an interesting, beautiful and cost-effective manner.

Create a beautiful yard using flower arrangements

Who among us will remain indifferent to flowers? Flowers are one of the most simple ways give the yard bright colors and at the same time comfort. When it comes to decorating a yard, flowers are simply irreplaceable.

Anyone can plant flowers and make a bright composition out of them, but to do something more original, you need to use your imagination.

A flower motorcycle or bicycle will look very unusual. I think that for those who previously had such a “friend” there should be problems with this. There are two ways to make a flowerbed from a bicycle:

  1. We take this “miracle of technology” as a basis and cover horizontal and partially vertical surfaces with a mesh filled with nutrient soil.
  2. We install ready-made flower pots. If you have chosen hanging planters for flowers with coconut shavings, you can put a baby diaper at the bottom so that when watering, all the water does not flow out at once, but remains inside.

Next we start decorating. To make your creation look more original, it is best to decorate it with curly annual plants, low ground cover flowers. They live well in such bicycle flower beds:

  • petunias,
  • marigold,
  • viola,
  • geranium.

Very good to decorate country house and the yard of a private house with your own hands. To do this, you can use the simplest, unpretentious plants, for example, morning glory or maiden grapes, as well as more noble flowers - climbing roses or . These plants can create a real paradise on suburban area.

Climbing roses can decorate the yard so much that it will simply be buried in flowers, especially if you pick up.

Don't forget that even unnecessary old shoes can become original decoration plot. Take a pair of bright children's rubber boots, make holes in the sole, add drainage, then soil and plant flowers. These will make excellent garden pots for outdoor flowers. And it’s especially nice that we decorate the yard with our own hands at no extra cost.

To make original garden flowerpot for flowers you can use not only shoes, but also old broken jugs, garden watering cans, old kitchen utensils, basins, buckets, tubs, wheelbarrows, bathtubs, barrels.

You can also arrange them in old stumps. They are very simple and elegant. This DIY yard decoration can be seasonal if you plant tulips in the stumps

Old logs will really help us decorate our patio at the dacha. If there are rotten logs, you can hollow out a hole in them, lay soil and create a beautiful flower arrangement.


Another good way how to decorate the yard of a private house with your own hands and add zest to the area - this is to add bushes unusual shape. This technique is often used by experienced owners of country houses, creating stunning topiaries and beautiful yard private house.

Some of them even manage to turn their yard into a real zoo, using pruning shears to cut out the figures of various animals that enliven the yard of a private house.

A waterfall, fountain, pool are the main decorations of the yard in the summer season

If you are thinking about how to improve the yard of a private house with your own hands, then be sure to create a fountain or pond on a suburban area. How nice it will be to be near the water in the summer heat.

Splashes of water from the fountain will protect plants from dryness, and the pool will become a real salvation from sun rays, children who love to splash in the water will be especially happy with it.

Looking at the waterfall, you imagine yourself somewhere far from home. Landscaping the courtyard of a private house with even the smallest fountain is very relaxing.

It’s very easy to make this beauty your own. Surely after construction many will find pieces of tiles, tiles, and stones. River stones will look more realistic.

A fountain installed in the depths of the garden will look very harmonious. You can also put benches and swings for children there. This way the garden will turn into a real park where the whole family can relax and the arrangement of the yard will be complete.

Stone garden - beautiful and mysterious

For those who want to stand out, we offer to make a stone garden on their personal plot. It can consist only of stones and sand, but it is better to dilute it different colors, green plants, as well as a small pond or waterfall. This is very unusual decoration yard

Stone elements can become the decoration of the path. Stones or bricks can be used to create incredibly cozy recreation areas - patios that can decorate any courtyard of a private home.

From all this we can conclude that if you have at least a little skill in working on the land and show your imagination, you can turn an ordinary yard into a work of art!

Gazebo in the courtyard of a private house

One of the most essential things when decorating the yard of a private house with your own hands is a gazebo. Gazebos can be different - open, closed, attached to the house. These can be awnings and marquees, tents.

The most practical do-it-yourself gazebos in the courtyard of a private house are made of polycarbonate.

The most romantic gazebos in the courtyard are tents with fluttering fabrics and a lot of beautiful country furniture. Landscaping the yard of a private house with such a tent is one of the most enjoyable activities!

Every owner of a private house knows that the troubles do not end with the arrangement of the immediate home, because you also need to take care of the design of the yard. Moreover, this issue may require no less effort, time and money. In order for your local area to become the embodiment of practicality and comfort, it is important to think through its landscape design in detail. Functional zoning, landscaping, lighting, ponds and even decorative elements - every nuance requires elaboration. So that you don’t get confused in them, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of working on individual components landscape design and rate the photo modern courtyards, which will help you navigate the details.

Preparatory planning

Landscape design cannot be arbitrary - if you do not want to soon correct the mistakes of a hastily arranged yard, it is important to pay attention to the following factors at the planning stage:

  1. Landscape of the site. From features adjoining plot it depends on what preliminary work needs to be done before designing it: strengthening slopes, installing a drainage system, soil cultivation, etc.
  2. Architecture of the house. Since the house is the main element of the site, the landscape design must be clearly consistent with it in style, otherwise the yard will turn out inharmonious.
  3. Climatic conditions. Various meteorological conditions of the area influence the choice of plants for landscaping the yard.
  4. Household needs. The zoning of the site depends on the number and wishes of residents, so decide in advance: what area to allocate for a garden and vegetable garden, whether a separate children's area or more is needed the best option will common area recreation, whether you need a bathhouse, a garage and other outbuildings.

Courtyard design with a playground and recreation area


The first step is to deal with trees, since their role in the yard is unusually great - they not only serve as spectacular decorations, but also create shady areas, protect the area from the wind, and focus attention on individual elements garden

The main criterion for choosing plant species is their dimensions: what smaller plot, the smaller the tree crowns should be.

Advice. Plant trees where they will not cause trouble: if plants shed leaves, they do not belong near water bodies - the leaves will clog the water and provoke rotting, and it is better not to place pine trees in a recreation area or directly near the house - you will have to regularly sweep the area.

You can't do without lush flower beds in your yard. Choose plants for them that bloom continuously one after another - this way the landscape of your site will always be lively and bright. Great option for landscaping - vertical climbing plants on supports: vines, lemongrass, campsis.

Decoration of reservoirs

It's no secret that many homeowners dream of owning their own artificial reservoir. If you are one of them, here are several variations for your dream realization:

Artificial pond

  1. Pool. If the yard is large, you can equip a full concrete structure with walls made of tile mosaic or PVC films. For medium-sized areas, ready-made rigid forms made of composites or PVC are suitable. But in small yards it is better to limit yourself to inflatable structures.
  2. Pond. The main task when designing such an object is to make it as similar as possible to a natural body of water. To do this, it is advisable to decorate the banks with natural stone or pebbles. You can “settle” lotus, water lilies, urut, and egg capsules at the bottom. And around the pond all kinds of moisture-loving plants will look great: sedge, water mint, reeds, marsh iris.
  3. Waterfall. So artificial water body will fit especially well into a recreation area: its murmur will have a calming effect on household members. If the yard is large, you can arrange a cascading stone waterfall, and if it is small, a neat sculptural structure will be enough.

Lighting organization

Lighting is the most important part of landscape design, because it performs three tasks at once: it provides comfortable movement and rest for household members in the yard at night, effectively transforms the area, adding a special charm to it, and also focuses attention on specific design elements. Based on this, you need to think about several types of yard lighting:

  • light illumination of the facade of the house;
  • lighting of entrance areas to the yard and to the house;
  • lighting of outbuildings;
  • lighting around the perimeter of the site;
  • decorative lighting.

Everything is clear with the first three points - choose the lamp models you like and install them in the designated areas functional zones Oh. But the fourth and fifth points, as a rule, raise a reasonable question: what exactly should be highlighted? The list of objects traditionally includes a recreation area, ponds, several flower beds, garden sculptures, pillars, stairs, garden paths.

Advice. Can be hung on stairs and along paths LED strips- this way you will get comfortable and slightly diffused lighting that will not hit your eyes.

Decorating the site

It is impossible to imagine a modern courtyard without multi-format decorative elements - they are the ones that complete the image of the site. Therefore, when designing the landscape design of your territory, pay special attention to them.

Of course, in the first place among the decor are mini-sculptures. They will look most successful at the boundaries of functional zones, as if separating them. Sculptures can be of absolutely any subject: animals, technology, imitation gardening tools etc. The main thing is that they fit into the chosen style of the site. If there are children among the household, it is advisable to use figurines of fairies, gnomes and other fairy-tale characters to decorate the yard.

Recreation area on site

The second most popular decor option is authentic accessories: wicker fences, clay pots, barrels, arches, garden balustrades.

In third place are various useful accessories. These can be feeders, squirrel nests, birdhouses and others original designs for fauna representatives.

Do you want to get a truly harmonious, functional and beautiful yard? Then do not lose sight of any of the above components of landscape design, and also do not forget to focus on your needs and capabilities - this way you will get not only a well-thought-out, but also a unique yard of its kind.

Yard landscape design: video

Site design: photo

Having your own estate requires much more effort from the owners than an apartment in the city. And a considerable part of these efforts is aimed at the surroundings of the house. Despite the fact that dacha preferences are already beginning to be forgotten, when the main area around a residential building was allocated for planting edible plants- garden and vegetable garden, and even transform Vacation home The owners also don’t really want to go to a village yard with beds and sheds for raising livestock; anyway, you can’t leave the yard empty. Nowadays, a solid mansion (or at least a cute mansion), surrounded by picturesque surroundings, where it is so pleasant to relax, is in fashion. And watching well-groomed suburban areas on movie screens or the pages of magazines, many owners wonder whether it is possible to landscape the yard of a private house with their own hands.

The yard of a private house in general

Each of us has our own tastes and preferences. And they are most often expressed not by loud statements, but by the surrounding environment. And any little thing that truly brings joy to our hearts clearly gives an idea of ​​who we are. Therefore, before you take on landscaping the yard of a private house, try to see in your mind’s eye the overall picture of the planned activities and think about whether it will coincide with your personal idea of ​​convenience and beauty. After all, you understand - if in a year some creative ideas, so enthusiastically perceived today, will make you curse the presence of a personal territory, then instead of relaxation you will get exclusively headache. By the way, such ideas for landscaping the courtyard of a private house are often photographed and posted on the Internet, and seeing such beauty, it is difficult to resist the temptation to try it on your own site.

However, let's move on to more specific things. So, what exactly do we want to have in the yard of our house? There are a lot of options, but some values ​​are almost always present. Such details include:

  • terrace or patio
  • garage, by the way, there is also parking for guests nearby
  • bathhouse - it is better to build it separately from a residential building
  • summer shower (though this is more in a rustic style, but if designed correctly, it can decorate even a modern villa)
  • summer kitchen, which is Lately looks more and more like a kebab shop and is an area with a fireplace or barbecue
  • household buildings, in simple terms - sheds, for storing various equipment that has no place in the house
  • dog enclosure
  • playground
  • a web of paths connecting all buildings into a single ensemble
  • various green spaces: trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns and other floristic thickets
  • decorative elements: garden sculptures, lanterns, alpine slides, rock gardens and other area decorations

It seems like the list is small, but if you start to implement it, and even with your own additions such as gazebos, fountains, ponds or other landscape design tricks, then there may not be enough space for everything. Therefore, first you should play with the plan of the yard of a private house, try to arrange everything on paper (remembering the ravines, of course). And only after your design for the yard of a private house becomes the most optimal, you can begin marking the yard itself and building the personal buildings you have chosen. And landscaping will have to be done as a last resort, when all objects are in their places with communications connected.

Here's how you can arrange the yard of a private house - photo selection:

Layout of the yard of a private house - some details

It would seem that everything has already been said about planning - imagine, draw on the plan and do it. But this is just a sketch. In the same way, we can say about the birth of a child - to conceive, bear and give birth, nothing complicated... And yet, even an unborn baby requires vigilant care and constant trouble, and yet we do not have to independently develop a project for a new person, such responsibilities are taken on by Mother Nature herself. And when landscaping your own yard, you will have to work a little as a demiurge - in a separate country farm.

Of course, the best thing would be general planning of the entire complex, starting from the residential building and ending with the thickets behind the fence. But even if the mansion itself already proudly flaunts facade finishing, all is not lost yet. Considering that in the end we want to get something integral, the entire interior of the courtyard of a private house should be maintained in uniform style, this applies to both buildings and decorative elements.

First of all, let's evaluate our personal plot- its size and landscape. If the area is not too large, do not clutter it big amount outbuildings. Choose only the essentials or simply combine several elements with each other. Parking with a canopy may well replace a full-fledged garage, association patio with a small barbecue will also save space, and it is recommended to attach it to the bathhouse additional room where household supplies and firewood will be stored. For a vast courtyard, there are no restrictions other than aesthetic ones.

And now a little about arranging the yard of a private house - photo various options:

Decorating the yard of a private house - building codes

However, in any case, it is necessary to comply with building regulations, for example, the distance from buildings to the road and other outbuildings. Residential buildings are erected at least 3 meters from regular roads and 6 meters from the highway. We hope that your suburban area is located in a fairly remote place, because the proximity of highways negatively affects the ability to enjoy clean air and sounds of nature. Housing and outbuildings(barns and garage) should be separated from each other by at least 7 meters, move your dog’s enclosure away from the house at least 4 meters, but wells, separate toilets and compost pits(what if you decide to build them after all) you need to build no closer than 15 meters from the house. The fence should be separated from any buildings by a meter and a half, or even more, so that it can be carried out as needed different kinds repair work, and fairly tall plants (bushes and trees) - depending on their height - at a distance of from a meter to three.

Having fully planned the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with all the ancillary buildings, we move on to marking the paths. They should be no narrower than 75 cm - this is again a requirement building codes. If the size of the area allows, make a circular path along the entire area - you will get a great cycling track for your children. In general, it is better to make these sidewalks with smooth, rounded bends and turns, because such a design for the courtyard of a private house will visually increase the area and even smooth out sharp corners V family life. Although in different styles and paths differ in their appearance and material, but more on that later.

Here's a look at what the interior of the courtyard of a private house looks like - the photo wonderfully demonstrates all the details:

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house

We have dealt with the dirtiest and most financially intensive stage - construction is completed, everything we need for comfortable life the buildings are already in place, to which paths have been laid. And now is the time to start putting the territory itself in order, that is, to become a landscape designer.

It is most convenient, of course, to work with flat surface- here the flight of imagination is simply unstoppable, because on a blank sheet of paper you can depict anything. If you want, plant a park, plant flower beds, sow lawns, install fountains or gazebos overgrown with vines - for every taste and color. But if the terrain resembles Russian roads, where there is a ravine on a gulley and seven bends per mile, then you still need to be able to turn all the shortcomings into an individual and original face of your territory. But - you can cast aside any doubts - no one will be able to repeat such a design.

But in any case, decorating a yard using landscape design requires special knowledge. And they consist not only in the ability to beautifully use all the features of the site. Much more often, botanical knowledge is needed - which plants are best planted in your area. So that they are pleasing to the eye and do not require special care (it is unlikely that you want to hire a gardener or constantly care for green spaces yourself), and in your climatic conditions felt great.

So to begin with independent work over the landscape, it is necessary to clearly define all environmental factors affecting plants:

  • the amount of light getting to your green pets (this is both general data on the approximate insolation of a given area, and specific data on your site - some flowers are planted under trees, in the shade, on the north side, while others need almost constantly illuminated by the sun clearing)
  • temperature environment(here we need data on the average temperature of summer and winter)
  • humidity - both ground and air (that is, not only the average amount of precipitation, but also the proximity of groundwater)
  • relief of the territory
  • chemical composition of soil (chernozem, loam and others), water (acidity or alkalinity) and air

Knowing all the conditions, you can easily find those types of plants that will grow normally on your site without any additional investments. And from the complete list you can select those that you like or fit into overall design courtyard of a private house. Photos of plants in encyclopedias or simply on the Internet will help you make right choice, however, you still need to take into account that in such cases the photographs not only show the most successful specimens, but also professional photographers try to choose the most advantageous angle. So you will get the idea, but at the same perfect result It’s still not worth counting on in your own yard.

How to decorate the yard of a private house - different styles

You have already decided on all the little things, but something in the depths of your soul is gnawing with uncertainty - whether everything has been done correctly. Sometimes it happens. Some people are only satisfied with the ideal that just begs to be featured on the pages of a magazine about the lives of successful people. Well, the ideal is what each of us should strive for. Therefore, now we will slightly analyze the already recognized styles of decorating the courtyard of a private house, the photos of which many people look at.

So, the main division of styles is into classic (regular) or landscape (natural). Moreover, a regular style implies strict lines and clear geometric shapes both path buildings and plantings. It is believed that this style softens the storm of feelings among city dwellers who have returned to nature due to the outlines that are more familiar to the city. But I warn you right away, a regular style requires constant and tireless work on maintaining shape, otherwise in a year or two from your classic style Only the horns and legs will remain - everything will be overgrown at random. With the natural style, everything is much simpler. Here you don’t need to be so obsessed with “driving” the plants into frames. Quite the contrary, the result of all efforts should be the visible naturalness of the landscape.

However, as you yourself understand, everyone has their own concept of naturalness. Some people think that on a country plot there should be garden trees, some people prefer park crops, while others prefer flower beds and shrubs. That's why landscape style is divided into several (or even many) different categories, mainly differing in the nations from which these styles came. If you look through the information about the styles of decorating the yard of a private house, you will mainly see the following names:

  • French style (one of the varieties of regular)
  • English (or landscape) style, strict but natural
  • Slavic style - slightly careless, but for the environment wooden house nothing better has been invented
  • Japanese style (elegance and ability to relax even on a tiny patch of stone garden)
  • European country style - somewhat similar to Slavic, but more orderly
  • Art Nouveau style is the last word in landscape design and modern architecture, allows you to combine the interior space of the house with the surrounding nature at the level of sensations

Of course, this is far from full list- There are many peoples and styles too. You can add Chinese, Mediterranean, and Alpine, but let’s not scatter. Why does a person living far from the sea need Mediterranean style? Therefore, only those styles that may be useful in our conditions were listed. The choice is yours.

And I want to warn you right away - please decide in advance for yourself whether you want to live peacefully on your private estate and enjoy the delights of the surrounding landscape or whether you need to become the envy of your neighbors. Because in the latter case, a relaxing holiday will not threaten you in any way - after all, you will need to constantly return that same perfect view, which should outshine everything around it. But even in this case, you will be quite capable of doing everything yourself. Good luck!

When talking about a plot of a private house, many people imagine a garden or vegetable garden. But this doesn't have to be the case. Today, the arrangement of the exterior of a private house as a recreation area is gaining new momentum. We are already tired at work, so when we return home, we should allow ourselves to relax, and not run to weed the beds or remove weeds. How to choose suitable design courtyard of a private house and do it yourself - Dekorin will tell you in this article, and you will also clearly see photos of real courtyards.

Original design of the courtyard of a private house (9 photos): recreation area or vegetable garden

Of course, vegetables from the garden are tasty, healthy and always fresh, and you don’t have to run to the store. But it’s not always worth planting all the available acres with them. You can take small area for a vegetable garden, and use the rest of the space for another purpose.

Why don't you "furnish" your yard? Make it so attractive and comfortable that those passing by would also want to pop in for a peek? We offer you in the photo several ideas on how to make the design of the courtyard of a private house sparkle with new colors and be conducive to a good rest.

How to create an attractive courtyard design for a private house with your own hands - 10 photos

Beauty created with our own hands evokes admiration and makes us proud of the work done. Of course, you can trust the designers, but it will be more expensive and more formulaic. Therefore, we suggest you take advantage of the following interesting ideas:

  1. Landscaping the yard with your own hands by making a lawn, planting bushes or arranging flower beds;
  2. Decorate the courtyard design of a private house with interesting decorative elements, such as: garden statues, flowerpots, old furniture, crafts from scrap materials;
  3. Create original zone relaxation for yourself and your children, inspired by the photo from this article.

Also read: How to do alpine slide with your own hands

Design of a small courtyard of a private house - 7 photos with simple ideas

A small yard of a private house is not a death sentence for creating a functional and beautiful design. Since the size of the plot does not always allow you to equip a terrace for relaxation or a large gazebo, you can create a small secluded corner with a table and chairs under a tree or near tall bushes that provide shade. Hang garlands, homemade lamps from bottles and pots with flowers on the branches, which will bring even more comfort.

Features of the design of the courtyard of a private house in the village (selection of 8 photos)

The design of the courtyard of a private house in the village is quite easy to do with your own hands, since to create rustic style old ones are perfect gardening Tools, cars, flower pots and almost any worn-out items that can be turned into decor.