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Construction of a roof: calculation of materials and useful tips. Thermal and vapor barrier of enclosing structures Calculation and design of vapor barrier

When building a house, one of the main tasks is to ensure reliable protection of the structure from interaction with water, which has a destructive effect on any building material. Other factors that negatively affect materials are steam and moisture. If you do not think about how to protect structural elements from them, then such frivolity can lead to the appearance of fungus and mold. To avoid this, when building houses, a layer of vapor barrier is laid.

Currently, many people who are building individual residential buildings are thinking about installing vapor barriers. Vapor barrier is especially important in those houses in which warm microclimate prevails, and the humidity level is quite high. This primarily concerns baths and basements located below ground level.

During their operation, steam is constantly generated in them, which must somehow escape from the room. Therefore, it settles on the walls and ceiling. When exposed to steam for a long time, these surfaces are damaged. building structures, which negatively affects the condition of the building as a whole. To prevent this from happening, install a vapor barrier. With her help provides protection for walls and ceilings from steam penetration.

It should be noted that in addition to bathhouses and basements, vapor barrier of surfaces in interior spaces should also be carried out in cases where the building has external insulation with a material with low diffusion resistance.

At the moment there is no material that would be equally good for buildings made of various materials. When deciding which vapor barrier to choose for the walls of a house, one starts mainly from the elements that make up the structure of the wall structure.

When is it necessary to install vapor barrier on walls?

In some cases, you simply cannot do without a vapor barrier device, the installation of which should be carried out correctly:

Materials used for vapor barrier

The term “vapor barrier” should not be taken as a barrier that does not allow vapor to pass through. Membrane materials, currently used when performing work on steam protection, ensure the passage of air in a minimum amount, which completely eliminates the likelihood of occurrence greenhouse effect. Excess moisture is retained in the membrane, and the air freed from moisture is not able to harm the wall structure or reduce performance characteristics insulator. Steam protection materials have an internal “coat” that provides redirection humid air along the desired path through the ventilation system.

Kinds vapor barrier materials:

  • polyethylene is a material traditionally used for vapor barrier of house walls. When performing installation work using it, you should handle it with particular care. The insulator must be fastened so that it is not too stretched, otherwise the film will simply tear when the climatic conditions change again. If polyethylene without perforation is used during vapor barrier work on the walls of a house, it will become reliable protection not only from steam, but also from air. And in this case about comfortable conditions when living in a dwelling is out of the question. Therefore, it is best not to use such material to create a vapor barrier layer;
  • The group of vapor barrier materials includes mastics, which were developed specifically for these purposes. Using them during work from inside the building, the material will retain moisture and allow air to pass through. Note that work on applying mastic to the surfaces of walls and ceilings is carried out before finishing them;
  • new materials for vapor barriers are membrane films. Their appearance on the market happened some time ago. In a short period of time, this material has become in demand and is currently actively used for vapor barrier work on walls. wooden houses. The main advantage of these materials is that they allow air to pass through and retain moisture. The vapor permeability that is characteristic of them is relative. This allows you to ensure normal operation of the heat insulator. The use of membrane materials to protect walls prevents the cotton insulation from getting wet. It does not lose its integrity and can perform its functions for a long time.

Common brands of membrane materials

Currently, vapor barrier materials are presented in a wide range. Moreover, each of them is intended for a specific area of ​​use.

Vapor-proof materials installed outside

This group of materials includes "Izospan A", "Izospan B". One of their features is that the materials contain fire retardant additives, which increases their fire safety. This also includes “Megaizol A”, “Megaizol SD”. All listed materials used to protect structures made of timber, as well as houses built using frame technology, and panel buildings. These insulators provide protection from precipitation, snow and wind. They are used for all types of external insulation.

When using them, it is extremely important to ensure tight membrane fit to the insulation. Therefore, these materials should be securely secured during work. There should be no sagging or loose areas. Otherwise, when strong wind Rare gusts will occur.

Materials for installation indoors

When the task is to perform vapor barrier of walls and ceilings from the inside wooden house, then use “Megaizol V”. It is a polypropylene film, which consists of two layers. On the outside of this material there is an anti-condensation surface. The use of this material in winter ensures its protection from phenomena such as condensation and fungus. In addition, its use eliminates the destruction of wall structure elements. This material also protects the room from insulation particles. The same function is inherent in Izospan V.

Materials for hydro- and vapor barrier with a reflective layer

This group includes the following materials: "IzospanFD", "IzospanFS", "IzospanFX". They are used in cases where it is necessary to install a vapor barrier in rooms where special requirements are imposed on this procedure. For example, these could be saunas or baths.

Rules for vapor barrier of frame walls

In frame type houses high-quality insulation is more important than in brick buildings or houses made of timber. The comfort of your stay largely depends on this. Therefore, vapor barrier must be given Special attention. To protect the insulation from steam on the walls, the membrane must be fixed with the correct side. It should be attached to the racks using a stapler. The membranes formed after installation on the walls must be insulated using special tape. Or you can use special mastics to seal them.

If ecowool or polystyrene foam is used in frame buildings as insulation, and an effective ventilation system is installed in the house itself, then you can refuse to install a vapor barrier. If the owner of the building has decided to provide protection from steam, then in this case you can use one of the following schemes:

  • The first scheme involves sewing a membrane onto the wall frame post elements. After laying the film, surface finishing work is carried out. The material can be plasterboard or lining. This option is optimal for wooden houses, which are used by the owners for temporary residence and are empty in winter. It can be used in guest houses and workshops. When using such a vapor barrier scheme for the walls of a house, it is necessary to arrange and effective system ventilation.
  • the second scheme involves installing a sheathing on top of the laid vapor barrier membrane, located in a vertical and horizontal position. Thanks to it, an air gap of 30-50 mm is provided. It is best to use this design in houses that are used for permanent residence. In this case, increased humidity occurs in the premises of a wooden house and the structures need effective protection from steam.

Vapor barrier of wooden house walls

The walls of a wooden house should have a higher vapor barrier compared to brick buildings. When choosing membrane materials for insulating surfaces in wooden buildings, you should based on the thickness of the timber, tightness of grooves, presence of cracks in the wall material.

A popular material for the construction of wooden houses is laminated veneer lumber. During its manufacturing process, the wood is dried in special chambers. The result is low humidity levels finished material. It has grooves that provide a seal. The material is characterized by low shrinkage, so it enters the insulation in limited quantities.

When a wooden house is built from timber with a natural level of humidity, the process of drying the material occurs during the operation of the structure. During the first five years in such a house, cracks appear in the material. The geometric dimensions of the beam change, and the tightness of the grooves is broken. Therefore, house finishing work cannot be carried out during the shrinkage period. Otherwise, upon completion, it will be impossible to restore the tightness of the grooves. In the case of such buildings two options are possible:

  • wait for the wood to dry;
  • Perform a vapor barrier on the walls of the building using membrane films “Izospan B”, “Izospan FB” or “Izospan FS” during work.


Now everyone understands that vapor barrier is important in every home. All work must be carried out correctly, i.e. according to technology. During work must be used modern materials High Quality. If you want to live in your home in comfortable conditions, then vapor barrier should become a mandatory procedure for you. It will provide protection from steam. The house will be reliably protected from moisture and will last a long time.

Types of vapor barriers used to protect the walls of a house from moisture. Why is this necessary? Correct styling and fixation of the material. Tips and features for installing vapor barriers with your own hands.

Vapor barrier of walls

Vapor barrier of walls during the construction and finishing of a house is one of the first tasks. Moisture protection will protect the building from destruction and bring warmth and comfort into the house. And also protection against fungus, which negatively affects the health of all household members.

Vapor barrier is carried out using various materials both outside and inside the room. Installation technology requires compliance with the stages of work, as well as compliance with the rules on which the quality of the work performed depends.

Why do you need to install a vapor barrier inside and outside your home?

When finishing the walls of a house inside and outside, insulation materials are often used, which absorb moisture like breathable materials. As a result, a condensate collection point appears. This leads to destruction of the insulation, the appearance of fungus, deformation and damage to finishing materials (detachment of wallpaper, falling off of tiles, deformation of plasterboard sheets).

To create the desired microclimate in the room, a vapor barrier is used that can prevent moisture from reaching the insulation. At the same time, many of these components are breathable, which is necessary for both walls and finishing materials. This feature allows for ventilation, which is necessary for all elements on the walls.

Cases when vapor barrier is required:

  1. When the walls inside the room are insulated with mineral wool. It is breathable and breaks down when exposed to moisture.
  2. Walls covered with plasterboard and other cladding. Basically, condensation is created between the rough wall and the cladding, which negatively affects the finish.
  3. A vapor barrier layer is installed on the outside to protect the walls from external moisture. This is done when insulating the facade of a building.

To create the necessary climate in a room with a vapor barrier, a ventilation system is necessary.

Types of vapor barrier material: which one is better

The construction market is overflowing with types of vapor barriers. It can be either liquid or in rolls. Each material has its own purpose and composition. Some are used for walls outside the house, others only indoors.

The mastic has a bitumen-polymer base. It is applied to the surface, creating a layer that protects from moisture and allows the rough base to “breathe.” The mastic is applied to clean, dry walls made of various components (wood, brick, concrete) with a brush in 2 layers. The second time bitumen is applied to the dried first layer. The advantage is that the mixture is already sold in finished form and does not require additional preparatory work for cutting or preparing. The service life of the mastic is more than 25 years.


There is a large selection of membrane materials on the construction market. They have the following properties:

  • laying on the outside of the insulation. The membrane protects external wall from precipitation, winds. Siding and lining are installed on top;

The membrane should fit tightly to the insulation and be firmly fixed. Because it can tear due to strong winds.

  • For vapor barrier for walls inside the house, “Megaizol B” is used - polypropylene film in 2 layers with an “anti-condensation” surface. The film protects the walls from the appearance of dew points, which leads to the development of fungus and dampness;
  • Izospan FD, FS, FX – reflective surfaces used in bathrooms, baths, saunas.

When choosing a wide range of membranes, you need to pay attention to what purposes they are intended for - for the street, a bathhouse or vapor barrier inside the house.

Vapor barrier film

For vapor barrier, a film with a thickness of less than 0.1 mm is used. It is the most used of all listed. It has no perforation and does not allow air to pass through. However, recently breathable films have been produced.

Vapor barrier film is applicable due to solutions to such problems:

  1. Micro-ventilation of walls and insulation occurs.
  2. The condensate collected when the outside temperature changes is partially removed.
  3. In saunas and baths, where there is high humidity and high temperature, which other vapor barriers cannot withstand.

The vapor barrier film does not allow small drops of water to pass through, but at the same time “breathes”, which allows you to solve problems.

Liquid rubber

This material is sold in the form of a bitumen-polymer liquid product. After application, a “rubber” covering appears on the surface, which follows all the recesses on the wall. The rubber surface does not allow moisture to penetrate, providing protection for hydro-thermal insulation.

Types of liquid rubber:

  1. Emulsion – applied by machine. Applicable on floors for vapor barrier.
  2. Emulsion applied to the floor manually.

Liquid rubber is also applicable to protect the foundation from the street side.

Installation of vapor barrier material for insulation inside a brick house

Vapor barrier brick walls produced using several types of materials to choose from. Indoors - these are films and membranes.

Materials based on foil are also applicable. They have reflective properties. In this case, the foil side is placed inside the room.

If a brick wall is insulated from the inside with mineral wool, then it must be protected on both sides. On the wall side from condensation, and on the room side from vapors penetrating into the insulation.

Protective materials used include Aluf, Penotherm, and Penofol.

First of all, prepare the wall: it is cleaned of sharp protrusions and dust.

Afterwards, the vapor barrier is fixed, the insulation is placed in the created sheathing, and a vapor barrier is placed on top again. In this way, the mineral wool is protected on both sides.

Which side to lay to the insulation inside the building: how to lay

Depending on where the material is being installed, determine which side to lay it on:

  1. When laying insulation on the street side, the vapor barrier is fixed to the insulation on the street side.
  2. When treating ceilings and roofs, antioxidant materials are used. They are fixed to the insulation.
  3. If there is no additional fastening of the ceiling and roof insulation, then the material is attached to the bottom of the rafters.
  4. If there is thermal insulation on the inside of the walls, then fixation is done on the outside of the insulation.

Many materials are used that have the same surface on both sides. Therefore, it makes no difference which side the vapor barrier is attached to.

Which side to attach and nail?

When the question arises which side is used to fix the vapor barrier, nuances arise:

  1. There are materials that have the same sides. Their use does not affect the protective functions.
  2. The antioxidant insulator is placed with its smooth side facing the insulation.
  3. Foil membrane - fixed with a shiny surface inside the room.
  4. Film materials – smooth side to the insulation.
  5. When choosing a diffuse component, you need to study the instructions, since they can be double-sided.

The dark side of the material is the outer side.

What to glue

The vapor barrier is fixed in several ways:

  • use nails with wide heads;
  • use of a construction stapler;
  • on top of the layer, wooden planks are fixed at a certain distance.

The joints are glued together with adhesive tape for vapor barrier.

Features of vapor barrier of frame and wooden buildings

To protect the wooden walls of the house, a vapor barrier is made both outside and inside. This is necessary, first of all, to protect the wooden beams, since after getting wet, slow drying occurs. During drying, the wood becomes deformed and rots.

In a wooden house, it is imperative to fix a vapor barrier layer, because there is the possibility of temperature fluctuations and the appearance of humidity. Especially in the autumn-spring period.

Vapor barrier of walls in frame houses carried out using a different method.

How to lay it correctly

Vapor barrier of the walls of a wooden house from the street is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. On wooden beams fix the layers with overlap. All joints are sealed with tape or foil tape.
  2. Next, the frame base for the insulation is installed.
  3. After attaching the mineral wool, a hydraulic barrier is attached to the beams on top.
  4. The last stage is finishing the house.

If the beams create a flat surface, then the vapor barrier must be mounted on wooden slats. This will create ventilation.

Vapor barrier inside the house:

  • a gap should be made using slats for ventilation;
  • material is attached to the slats;
  • the next step is the construction of a frame base for the insulation.
  • after laying the insulation, fix the hydrobarrier;
  • the last stage is finishing.

When laying vapor barrier material for a frame house, you must follow these rules:

  • use membranes to create a ventilation layer;
  • Installation of vapor barrier on both sides is not done.

The material is secured with a stapler, the borders are sewn up with tape.

Is additional protection needed?

In a wooden house, additional protection is not required. But in frame buildings, materials such as hydro- and wind protection are applicable. It is fixed to the exterior finish. Then OSB, thermal insulation, vapor barrier and finishing are applied.

Is it possible to lay several layers

This is not necessary, because the vapor barrier material is created in such a way that it fully performs its functions. In addition, in some cases, in addition to vapor barrier, additional materials are used to protect the insulation and walls (wind protection, waterproofing).

Attention. Some types of membranes are created from several layers. By using this material, there will be additional protection for walls in damp rooms.

How difficult is it to make a vapor barrier with your own hands?

Despite the fact that the vapor barrier of the walls in the house is important point to protect the structure from destruction, it can be carried out independently. To do this you need to follow the rules:

  1. You need to know how to carry out installation correctly in specific cases (high humidity, wooden walls).
  2. Before installation work You should familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the selected material.
  3. The roll must be cut by clearly measuring the correct length. The fewer joints there are, the better for the building.
  4. Fixing the layer cannot be done simply with nails to the surface. Over time, the vapor barrier will tear and weaken. Be sure to use either wooden slats or a stapler.


Before installing the vapor barrier, the following features must be taken into account:

  1. Material. Having studied specifications material, you can understand how suitable it is for working indoors or outdoors.
  2. Correctness of work. Besides that roll material they are laid with an overlap of at least 20 cm, you need to know which side and in what method: vertically, horizontally.
  3. The joints of the material must be glued to avoid moisture getting on the insulation.
  4. The material is fixed every 60 cm.

For quality work done, craftsmen recommend purchasing vapor barrier and its components from the same company. Let's say that the tape for the joints should be of the same brand as the material itself.

Vapor barrier of the walls of a house can be carried out not only when a new building is being erected, but also when repair work. The walls of the house are destroyed under the influence of moisture, so to preserve them, the material is installed outdoors and in the house. Only in some cases is work carried out on one side (frame house). Having studied all the nuances of installation, the vapor barrier will last a long time, and the microclimate in the house will not be disturbed by moisture.

Useful video

Insulation and vapor barrier

When building a house, a special place is occupied by the stage of protecting walls from moisture and steam. It is absolutely necessary to do this, because dampness can cause harmful fungus and mold to appear. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to perform high-quality vapor barrier. We will consider below what materials are used for this.

1 Insulating walls from moisture - in what cases is it necessary?

The main task performed by the vapor barrier of walls is to prevent the accumulation of moisture in the insulation. Materials that allow air to pass through well are used to construct the thermal insulation layer. If moisture gets into the insulation and accumulates there, the insulation layer ceases to perform its functions. In places where moisture accumulates, wallpaper comes off the walls over time and deteriorates. plaster coating, fungus and mold appear. In the future, mold and mildew can spread throughout all the walls. It is very difficult to get them out later. In addition, fungal spores are harmful to human health.

Vapor barrier prevents moisture accumulation in the insulation

The installation of a vapor barrier layer is carried out in several cases:

  1. 1. When insulating indoors. This is especially important if the thermal insulation is made of materials based on cotton wool. Glass wool and mineral wool are excellent heat insulators; in addition, they allow the walls to “breathe” by allowing air to pass through. Their main drawback is that they absorb moisture. The more it accumulates, the worse these materials retain heat and the faster they become unusable. This can be avoided if the walls are vapor-proofed.
  2. 2. For buildings with wall structures from several layers. Multi-layering requires mandatory protection from evaporation and moisture. This is true for houses made of frame structures.
  3. 3. For external walls and ventilated facades. In this case, the vapor barrier serves additional protection from the wind. Its presence prevents air flows from actively circulating. Thereby exterior decoration experiences less stress and performs its functions better.

Vapor barrier materials must allow air to pass through well

For vapor barriers, materials are used that prevent the penetration of moisture, but at the same time allow air to enter the premises through micropores. In order for the vapor barrier to have the maximum effect, it is necessary to install a ventilation system, since natural air circulation will not be enough. Together with high-quality ventilation, a layer of vapor barrier materials will protect the room from dampness. However, there are no universal vapor barriers that can protect any structure from the roof to the basement. Their choice depends on the material and design of the walls. If the humidity level in the room is normal, then there is no need for a vapor barrier layer.

2 Types of vapor barriers - which one to choose for work outside and inside the house

Several types of materials are used to protect walls from damp vapors. Firstly, these are mastics. Such materials are applied directly to the surface of the wall, creating a layer that not only effectively protects against moisture penetration, but also allows the walls to “breathe”. Mastic is applied to the walls before the finishing layer of decorative materials is applied.

Mastic is applied to the surface before finishing

Polyethylene film with a thickness of less than 0.1 mm is also used. This is one of the frequently used vapor barrier options. When installing a layer, do not stretch the film too much so that it does not tear. The disadvantage of conventional film is that it does not have perforations and therefore does not allow air to pass through at all. But now the industry has begun to produce perforated polyethylene, which is breathable, which allows you to create a comfortable microclimate in your place of residence.

The most profitable option is membrane film. It is similar to its polyethylene counterpart, but has several layers that effectively retain moisture while allowing sufficient air to pass through. Due to their performance properties, membrane-type films provide maximum functionality of the heat insulator. When using them, the walls will not freeze or collapse, which extends the life of the entire building.

The most profitable vapor barrier option is membrane film

Membrane films are available in various types. In each specific case, you can select a vapor barrier that will demonstrate its properties most effectively during operation:

  • When insulating the walls outside the building, “Izospan” with additives that increase fire safety, “Megaizol A”, “Megaizol SD” is laid on top of the heat insulator.
  • For internal use"Megaizol B" is used - this is a polypropylene film made of two layers with an anti-condensation surface.
  • For buildings with wet areas, for example, baths and saunas, the vapor barrier of which has particularly high requirements, vapor and waterproofing materials of the Izospan type are used. Distinctive feature these materials – the presence of a reflective layer.

All polypropylene films should be reinforced with fiberglass.

3 Construction of a vapor barrier layer - learning the procedure

To properly perform a vapor barrier, you need to know that it is performed differently outside and inside the building. Insulation frame walls is performed from the inside, so the vapor barrier is also laid on the inside. On the ground floors and in the basement, the vapor barrier layer is installed from the outside. In swimming pools, vapor barrier is required on both sides; the installation technology is the same as for the basement floor.

Before thermal insulation work on the basement floor, you should prepare work surface. It should be cleaned first, then applied protective covering. Liquid rubber is more complex in terms of application technology, as it requires the use of special equipment. The material consists of two mixtures, which, after mixing, instantly polymerize. Therefore, the solution is prepared immediately before use and applied using a two-torch gun that sprays liquids under pressure.

When installing a protective layer against water vapor with bitumen, the following steps are performed:

  • The first layer is applied with mastic, which acts as a primer;
  • then applied in two layers bituminous materials in the form of rolls or mastic.

For structures located above the basement and ground floor, vapor barrier of the walls is carried out indoors. When installing internal vapor barrier, a number of rules should be followed:

  • first you need to install the sheathing;
  • a heat insulator is placed in the sheathing;
  • then the film is laid, and if it has a reflective surface, then the reflector should be turned inward;
  • for tightness, the joints are glued;
  • for polypropylene, a counter-lattice is installed;
  • on final stage finishing is being done.

When installing a protective layer from moisture and steam, it is advisable to leave free space for air movement and removal of excess moisture.

4 Features of the technology for vapor barrier installation of frame and wooden buildings

In a house made of frame structures, insulation occupies a third of all walls, with a thickness of at least 150 mm, so it is absolutely necessary to install a vapor barrier layer. If the vapor barrier is weak, the insulation will begin to accumulate moisture, lose its thermal insulation qualities and begin to deteriorate. The vapor barrier is mounted on the frame and trim. It is attached using a construction stapler. The joints are sealed with tape or lubricated with mastic.

The vapor barrier of the walls is mounted on the inside of the insulation, thus creating a gap between the layers that provides the necessary ventilation, creating an optimal microclimate in the room.

For wooden buildings, vapor barrier is also necessary. But it doesn’t happen right away. The fact is that when constructing houses from timber and logs, the fact is taken into account that the wood is dried to a certain extent even before construction, and it finally dries out during the further use of the finished house. It is not recommended to perform a vapor barrier until wooden structures are completely dry.

In a wooden house, vapor barrier for walls can be internal or external. For external thermal insulation, the vapor barrier is overlapped. The joints are sealed with tape. Next, a thermal insulation layer is installed, which must be protected with a waterproofing material. At the final stage, external finishing is performed.

If thermal insulation is carried out indoors, then the sheathing is first installed. It serves as the basis for the installation of a waterproofing layer. Next, a metal profile is mounted on the wall, on which the heat insulator is laid. The next layer is made of vapor barrier film. The joints should be carefully sealed with tape. Finally, the interior finishing is done.

Thus, we found out why vapor barrier is needed for walls. Its main task is to create an obstacle to the penetration of moisture and protect the insulation and internal structures. If you follow the technology and use the appropriate vapor barrier, the structures will be reliably protected from dampness and the life of the structure will be extended.

Insulation is a very important stage in the construction or renovation of a house, which determines whether you will be comfortable staying in it. Improper implementation of this “procedure” can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, the release of condensation and increased humidity in the air. But this will not happen if you take care of the vapor barrier and lay it with the correct side to the insulation.


When insulating a house, you should carefully follow the correct sequence of actions and use only the most best materials. Unfortunately, often owners who undertake to insulate their home themselves forget about one very important aspect - the vapor barrier. They install only insulation and don’t even think about the fact that it comes into contact with too warm or too cold air inside the room, and that condensation in the form of water droplets will soon begin to form on it.

And this not only does not contribute to insulation, but also spoils the material itself - it moisturizes it, and if the steam does not yet have time to evaporate, mold appears and the insulation structure deteriorates. Moreover, taking into account our climatic conditions, a similar situation occurs at least four times a year - when the seasons change and, accordingly, the temperatures in the room and outside “conflict”, and the insulation becomes the battlefield.

That is why an important stage of insulation is the installation of a “vapor barrier”. The vapor barrier becomes an impenetrable obstacle to steam, preventing it from turning into water, as it “closes” it inside the room and prevents it from coming into contact with excessively warm or excessively cold air.


Vapor barrier can be made using several materials. From this set, three main types should be distinguished.

  • Film. A solid vapor barrier that does not allow water vapor to pass through. One of the main advantages is low price. As a rule, it is made from polyethylene or butylene, their derivatives. Vapor-condensate films are two-layer with a smooth inner and rough outer surface. Lingering on the outside, drops of condensate do not flow down, but evaporate over time. In the case of a solid vapor barrier, you also need to take care of the air gap in order to avoid the greenhouse effect, but more on that later.
  • Diffusion membrane. The main difference from film is that the membrane allows some of the vapor to pass through itself - but only the optimal amount that does not linger inside and evaporates instantly. Therefore, the vapor permeability of membranes is usually considered limited. The diffusion membrane is made from polymer film and polypropylene, has two sides.
  • Reflective or energy-saving film. The outer layer of such a film is metalized, which allows it to withstand high temperatures. Therefore, it is most often used in baths or saunas, reflecting part of the infrared radiation.

As is known, to insulate houses in modern conditions materials such as mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and ecowool are used. Vapor barrier is also needed in the case of mineral wool insulation.

In fact, vapor barrier is always needed, no matter how expensive or high-quality insulation material you use. Mineral wool or mineral wool is otherwise the cheapest material, but its level of thermal conductivity is low, which reduces the likelihood of heat loss in the room. Rodents, mold, and mildew do not like mineral wool; it has high sound insulation and is easy to install. But it still requires a vapor barrier.

The most commonly used is a vapor-permeable limited diffusion membrane. It is laid against the walls, after which you need to lay mineral wool, and in symbiosis they allow the walls of the house to “breathe”.

The question of vapor barrier also arises when insulating a house with ecowool. In general, ecowool is loose cellulose fibers that have the ability to absorb warm moisture and still remain dry. Fungus and mold do not grow on it, the air in it simply does not get wet (if changes in humidity do not exceed 25% percent). From all of the above it follows that in the case of ecowool, the vapor barrier need not be attached.

Another popular insulation material, polystyrene foam, actually has another more common name: polystyrene foam. He lies down like external surfaces, both internal and in the case of external insulation of loggias, balconies or attic floors, does not require vapor barrier - it itself copes well with this when maintaining the insulation technology. But if you insulate with foam plastic interior spaces, vapor barrier and waterproofing are required to avoid the formation of fungus, mold and wetting of the walls.


Purchasing a set quality materials- only a third of success. In fact, these materials need to be installed correctly and arranged in the correct sequence. It is for this purpose that you should find out which side the vapor barrier is laid, how it is fixed, in what order, and what to nail first - a vapor barrier or insulation.

First you need to carry out preparatory work. At this stage, the type of coating that you will insulate, its performance characteristics and requirements for insulation and vapor barrier materials are identified.

So, the surface needs to be carefully prepared. This takes into account the type of material from which it is made. Wooden elements must be treated with compounds against aging, rotting and burning. In the case of concrete and brick, it is possible to use antiseptic compounds of deep penetration. Half the success in its operation depends on proper surface treatment.

If you are carrying out repairs or reconstruction, then pay attention to the fact that before insulation, all traces of the previous finishing must be removed and a complete cleaning must be carried out. And if we are talking about a log house, then all elements must be treated with fire retardants and antiseptics.

Vapor barrier on the ceiling

In the case of roofing structures and interfloor covering The installation of a vapor barrier is supposed to be on an already prepared and properly treated surface. It is best to use a diffusion membrane here.

The main difference between laying a vapor barrier on the ceiling and laying it on other surfaces is that in this case the insulation is laid first, and only then the membrane. This can be mineral or basalt wool in blocks or rolls. It is mounted between the joists and rafters. If the thickness of the insulation is equal to the height of the logs, you will need to additionally install a slatted counter-lattice so that the ceiling is ventilated. After all this, you can work on the vapor barrier.

It should fall slightly onto the walls around the perimeter, the joints should be fastened to the joists - to ensure that moisture does not get into the space between the membrane and the insulation. Pay special attention to the corners - this problem areas, it is better to seal them additionally. Use reinforced tape or a construction stapler as a fastener.

In the case of insulating a flat roof or concrete ceiling from the inside, you can also use a conventional vapor barrier film. It is attached to self-adhesive tape also after the insulation, and then the sheathing is installed - metal or wood.

Vapor barrier on the floor

In the case of laying a vapor barrier on a wooden floor, additional waterproofing must be installed. The floor is also insulated along the joists. Mineral wool or basalt-based wool is installed in the space between the logs. Next, without any additional work, the vapor barrier flooring is performed.

If we are talking about a rolled vapor barrier, it is laid with an overlap of 12-15 cm with the joints, gaps and cracks glued on both sides with metallized tape as thoroughly as possible. As in the case of ceiling insulation, the overlap on the walls should be within 10 cm.

For a concrete floor you will need sheathing. You will need to lay waterproofing layer into the cells of the sheathing, a heat insulator on top, and after the mineral wool, the third layer is a vapor barrier.

Vapor barrier on walls

The process of insulation and vapor barrier of walls is a little more complicated than performing the same work on the ceiling or floor and involves a slightly larger number of stages. Let's consider the process of laying a vapor barrier film on the walls.

First of all, a frame is mounted from small cross-section bars. The size of the sheathing is determined by the width of the heat insulator block - the distance between the cells is equal to the width of one slab. Classically, mineral wool is used.

At this stage, you should pay special attention to possible gaps that arise due to the difference in the width of the insulation, frame and vapor barrier. The cracks are sealed with reinforced tape, and the sheets of film are glued horizontally with a 15 cm overlap.

Installation subtleties

When installing a vapor barrier, special attention should be paid to important issues.

Which side should the vapor barrier be laid?

Very often masters find it difficult to answer this question, but everything is not so complicated. Ordinary film has the same front and back sides - and then it doesn’t matter which side it is laid on. But in the case of single-sided films, the situation is a little more complicated.

For example, antioxidant films have a fabric backing, and according to installation requirements, it must face the inside of the room. Vapor condensate films must be laid with the smooth side facing the insulation, and the rough side facing outwards. But with diffusion films, you should look directly at the instructions, since such films can be either one-sided or double-sided. Energy saving films they are laid with the foil side, on the contrary, outward - after all, they should reflect and not absorb heat. The same applies to metal coatings.

How to distinguish the outside from the inside?

This information should be indicated in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website; you can ask a consultant or technician about this. However, if none of the above suits you, you will have to learn to determine the sides of the vapor barrier yourself.

So, remember: if the vapor barrier has two-color sides, then the light side will always fit against the insulation.

But also pay attention to how the vapor barrier roll is rolled out - the side facing the floor will be the inner side, and it should be placed against the insulation. In the case of a vapor barrier with a different surface, the smooth layer will always be the inner one, and the fleecy or rough one will always be the outer one.

What kind of fastener should I use?

This can be either a regular construction stapler or nails with a wide head, but the best option Counter rails are considered to be.

Is an air gap necessary near the membrane?

It is believed that this is a mandatory point - it is absolutely forbidden for the wall to come into close contact with the membrane; a gap of about five centimeters should be left for ventilation. Condensation will not accumulate this way. In the case of a diffusion vapor barrier, the air layer is made with outer side, and the film itself is laid directly on the insulation.

Do I need to tape the joints?

This is also mandatory - the individual parts of the vapor barrier should be hermetically connected to each other without forming gaps, the same applies to the places where the vapor barrier is attached to windows or doors. For this purpose they are used self-adhesive tapes- double-sided or single-sided, - usually made of polyethylene or butylene, propylene. These tapes not only perfectly hold membranes together, but are also used in their repair - they can be used to seal holes and cracks.

Under no circumstances use tape for this; it is better to contact a sales consultant at a building materials store or go to the website of the company from which you purchased the vapor barrier - as a rule, companies produce materials for repairing their products.

The main purpose of a vapor barrier is to prevent water pores from leaving the room through the insulation and surfaces. This means that the vapors, one way or another, remain in the room, and in order to prevent the humidity from increasing and the microclimate from being disturbed, it is necessary to carry out natural or forced ventilation in a timely manner.

If you are interested in the question of what kind of overlap to make if parts of the membrane overlap each other, then we advise you to pay attention to the films themselves. There are markings along their edges - they indicate how exactly the overlap of the films should be. Depending on the type and company, the value indicated there is no less than 10 cm and no more than 20.

And also pay attention to the angle of the roof slope. If it is less than 30 degrees, the overlap cannot be more than 10 cm. If it is less than 20 degrees, the overlap cannot be less than 20 cm.

For information on installing a roof vapor barrier and which side to lay the vapor barrier against the insulation, see the following video.

Many people do not understand at all why vapor barrier is needed on walls. For example, when installing plastic windows, many craftsmen independently exclude this element from the design. Why is it needed? As a result, the operation mode of the seam is disrupted. Why are we talking about this? Because exactly what happens inside the seam along the perimeter of a plastic window, when there is no vapor barrier film there, happens in any supporting structure. All recommendations of the standards are given for a reason. The technology is indicated, and you do not need to change it yourself. Let's see what happens when the vapor barrier of walls is carried out incorrectly.

Why do you need a vapor barrier for walls?

The vapor barrier membrane regulates the movement of water, or more precisely the speed of this movement, through the ceilings. IN winter period When it’s cold outside, but summer still reigns in the apartment, the balance between the room and the environment is disrupted. Warm air always contains more vapor by mass than cold air. Everything in nature strives for balance. In this case, it is useful to draw an analogy with electric shock. If there is a certain potential difference, then when conductivity occurs, a chain of charged electrons begins to flow between the electrodes.

Wall vapor barrier

In our case, there is a completely similar process. The potential difference can be called the difference in the mass of water vapor from the inside and outside. The conductor in this case is the wall. It would be a mistake to think that building materials do not allow steam to pass through. In this regard, reinforced concrete is the most stubborn. Its steam resistance is quite high. But there are no absolute insulators.

As a result, a certain flow of water molecules is formed, directed outward. As it moves towards the street, the liquid cools. As a result, a moment may come when condensation occurs. Such areas are called dew point. They form because the steam does not have time to escape. Its excess turns into condensate. To prevent this from happening, the inside of the room is lined with a vapor barrier membrane. As a result, the rate of penetration of water molecules into the thickness of the wall decreases, all the liquid has time to evaporate out, and dew points do not occur.

Consequences of missing vapor barrier

Let's put knowledge into practice

And now, without delay, let’s try to put our knowledge into practice. This is what some builders recommend doing with a wooden frame. One of the methods of its insulation is the following. It is recommended to cover the log house with bricks. And to prevent it from getting damp, the outside walls are lined with glassine. For those who are not aware, we inform you that this is a vapor barrier (waterproofing) film. That is, its resistance is less than that of polyethylene, but greater than that of many other building materials. What will actually happen in this case?

During the cold season, the house will become damp from the inside. According to the process described above, moisture will rush out. The permeability of wood is quite high. But having overcome the barrier in the form of a wall, the steam will hit the glassine. Due to the low temperature existing outside, all the liquid will fall out in the form of condensation. There will be nowhere for it to go, because glassine interferes with evaporation. As a result, the entire wall will become damp. Then, when frost hits, the wood will suffer serious losses from the resulting ice. The moisture content of five percent by weight in the thermal insulation material reduces the thermal insulation properties by 40 percent.

Wall insulation

Based on what has been said, we can conclude that the hut will not only be damp, but also cold. Meanwhile, we begin our discussion with how to improve the characteristics of the house. It is clear that not every beginner can immediately begin to think in construction terms. Therefore, to facilitate the assessment of the feasibility of a particular action, it is recommended to use special calculation programs. An example of such a calculator can be found at http://smartcalc.ru/thermocalc?&gp=212&rt=0&ct=0&os=0&ti=20&to=-27&hi=55&ho=80&ld0=10&le0=1<0=0&mm0=606&ld1=2000&le1=1<1=0&mm1= 230

By substituting your data for calculation, you can make sure that external vapor barrier of walls in the cold season will only aggravate the situation. For example, let’s take a log house with 20 cm transverse logs. In the winter cold, when the room temperature is normal, the wall becomes damp. If you cover everything with brick, it practically does not change the picture. But vapor barrier membrane, laid between them, aggravates the situation. Moreover, the brickwork also begins to become damp.

Vapor barrier with wire outlet

Using the same program, you can find correct solution Problems. First, let's calculate the heat loss of our log house in order to understand whether it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation work. For example, let's take a square house with an area of ​​100 square meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters. Using the heat transfer resistance of our wall (taken from the program), we find the required value:

N = 10 x 2.5 x 4 x (20 + 27) / 1.27 = 3.7 kW = 37 W/sq. m.

By all indications, this log house does not need insulation. Losses are 37 W per each square meter. This is a completely acceptable figure at the latitude of Moscow. Now let’s see what needs to be used to decorate the walls from the inside in order to prevent the occurrence of dew point. It turns out that it is enough to put a vapor barrier membrane in one layer so that the conditions for condensation are disrupted. This is a typical example of how to use one simple step the problem can be solved. Vapor barrier of the walls from the inside in one layer blocked the conditions for condensation to occur.

Carrying out vapor barrier

How is the vapor barrier of premises carried out?

We looked at the procedure for calculating building materials. Now let's see how the concept of vapor barrier is implemented in practice. Construction work can be carried out from inside and outside. This example we looked at is not all-inclusive. Let's see how work is carried out in frame houses. There, a vapor barrier membrane is used on both sides of the wall.

An insulated façade with a ventilated gap is created on the outside. What it is? Above we examined the conditions for the occurrence of dew point in the thickness of a wooden frame. But this is not the only factor negatively affecting the building. It is also necessary to get rid of negative temperatures. To do this, the outer part of the wall is insulated with glass wool slabs. We simulated a situation in the program when a wooden wall 5 centimeters thick on both sides is lined with insulation. In both cases, glass wool also 5 cm thick is used. As a result, the resistance to heat loss is even greater than in the previous case. But the wall is damp.

Without thinking twice, we installed a vapor barrier membrane on the inside. The situation immediately changed radically. The dew point has disappeared. But you can’t leave the external insulation unprotected? Yes, when implementing the technology of an insulated facade with a ventilated gap in practice, it is necessary to install some kind of protection. It is easy to check using software that the vapor barrier membrane is not suitable in this case. We will not torment readers with creative searches, but simply inform that the answer was known in advance. To protect the external insulation, a so-called moisture-windproof membrane is used. Its vapor permeability is quite high. Therefore, the structure remains dry.

We did not take brickwork into account because it does not change the conditions in the ventilated gap. Just in case, let's take a look at what it looks like from a builder's point of view:

All moisture that gets inside flows down the gutters. The droplets that settle on the moisture-windproof membrane gradually evaporate. In this case, dampening of the structure is excluded. In the same time temperature regime The operation of the load-bearing wall has become much softer. However, the graph shows that every point of the wood at 27 degrees below zero is below zero. This is why it was so important to eliminate the causes of condensation.

We remind you that as a result of the measures taken, not only a workable design was obtained, but also heat loss was reduced. This example shows how proper vapor barrier of walls can solve seemingly enormous problems.

How to choose the right vapor barrier materials in the store

Anyone who has carefully read the entire review up to this point already knows how to perform a vapor barrier on wooden walls. Need instructions on choosing a material? Please! It is necessary to evaluate the entire sector of what can be done. They look around the counters and then think about how this can be applied to our situation. Surely you will have to carry out insulation at the same time. Therefore, our first step is to get the characteristics of the product. Some materials are standard, such as glass wool, others are manufactured according to secret technologies. In order for the vapor barrier of brick walls to be carried out correctly, the result is calculated in advance using a program similar to the one we used.

And our review is finished. We set ourselves the task of showing how and why vapor barrier of walls is carried out. We hope that readers will now be able to solve their own questions using the examples shown.

Rules for calculating the volume of Ondutis vapor barrier film Unlike rain and condensation, steam is not visible, but it causes great harm. Ondutis vapor barrier films, which are part of the Onduvilla roofing system, are designed to protect walls and roofs from moisture. In this article we will tell you how to independently calculate their required quantity.


Before you make a purchase or Ondutis protective films, calculate the required quantity. Simple calculations will save you from accidental mistakes by the seller and unjustified costs, and we will show you how to do this using a real example.

Let us calculate the required amount of vapor barrier film for a house measuring 6 m x 10 m. The height of its walls is 2.8 m, the size of the insulated part of the roof is 2 x 5 m x 10 m.

The volume of a roll of Ondutis vapor barrier film is 1.5 m x 50 m.

Calculation of the need for vapor barrier film for walls

The film is mounted on the walls in horizontal stripes, the sequence of laying the panels is from floor to ceiling. The horizontal and vertical overlaps of the panels on each other must be at least 10 and 15 cm, respectively.

Number of panels: 2.8 m: 1.4 m = 2 pcs.

Length of panels: (6 m + 10 m) x 2 = 32 m.

We reduce the length of one panel by the width of the door opening 1 m.

Total required for walls: 32 m x 2 - 1 m = 63 m.

Calculation of the need for vapor barrier film for the ceiling

The film panels are mounted on the ceiling with side and end overlaps of 10 and 15 cm, respectively. The overlap of the panels on the walls must be at least 10 cm.

We determine the useful width of the panels: 1.5 m - 0.1 m = 1.4 m.

Length of panels: 10 m + 2 x 0.1 m = 10.2 m.

Number of panels: (6 m + 2 x 0.1 m): 1.4 m = 4.4 pieces, rounded up - 5 panels.

Amount of film for the ceiling: 10.2 m x 5 = 51 m.

Calculation of the need for a vapor barrier film for a roof

Since the film is installed from the inside, only Onduville roofs are taken into account.

The vapor barrier film is laid on the slopes in horizontal strips with an overlap of 30 cm over the ridge. Installation is carried out from the ceiling to the ridge. The panels are mounted with horizontal and vertical overlaps of 10 and 15 cm, respectively.

Useful width of panels: 1.5 m - 0.1 m = 1.4 m.

Number of panels: (5 m + 0.3 m) x 2: 1.4 m = 7.6 pcs., rounded up - 8 panels.

Length of panels: 10 m + 2 x 0.2 m (overlap on walls) = 10.4 m.

Film requirement for stingrays: 10.4 m x 8 = 83.2 m.

We calculate the total amount of film for 2 triangular attic walls as for one rectangle with a gable height (the distance from the base of the roof to the ridge, in our case 4 m) and a base of 6 m.

Number of panels: 4 m: 1.4 m = 3 pcs. (rounded).

Requirement for film for attic walls: 6 m x 3 = 18 m.

Total requirement for the roof and walls of the attic: 83.2 m + 18 m = 101.2 m.

Calculation of the need for a vapor barrier film to cover the basement floor

The film is laid on the ceiling of the basement floor with side and end overlaps of 15 and 20 cm, respectively; the overlap on the walls should be at least 5 cm. When calculating, we take into account the logs (in our case, 10 logs 10 cm high).

Useful width of panels: 1.5 m - 0.15 m = 1.35 m.

Width of the vapor barrier carpet, taking into account overlaps on the walls: 6 m + 2 x 0.05 m = 6.1 m.

This width must be increased by the total height of the side surfaces of the logs: 2 x 0.1 m (log height) x 10 pcs. = 2 m.

Total width of the subfloor vapor barrier carpet: 6.1 m + 2 m = 8.1 m.

Number of panels: 8.1 m: 1.35 m = 6 pcs.

Length of panels: 10 m + 2 x 0.05 m = 10.1 m.

Vapor barrier- this is a set of certain measures to protect heat-insulating materials and construction objects from the effects of water in the form of steam (and not liquid, as is the case with waterproofing) and, therefore, from the formation and absorption of condensation.

For vapor barrier use polymer varnishes, rolls and sheet materials, vapor barrier films of various types, composition and origin.

These are measures aimed at protecting all elements of the living space from damage and deterioration from exposure to steam. Vapor barrier materials are laid before the insulation; they are most often used to protect wooden buildings.

It is one of the most significant moments in the construction process, because our whole life is accompanied by the release of steam and, accordingly, its negative impact on materials.

Most susceptible negative impact steam wood, due to its high porosity. Steam that penetrates the pores of wood sooner or later turns into liquid and later, when exposed to low temperatures, turns into ice, which can cause irreparable damage to the home. The most dangerous consequences of steam penetration into wood are:

  • Dampness of the wall and/or insulation.
  • Freezing of walls due to moisture trapped inside turning into ice.
  • Gradual destruction of the wall structure.
  • The appearance of fungus and mold.

It is precisely these problems that high-quality home vapor barrier.

These are necessary measures to prevent moisture in the form of steam from entering the floor coverings with subsequent deterioration of their properties.

There is an incredibly large selection of vapor barrier materials for floors, ceilings, walls and the entire house. For wooden floors, vapor barrier films and breathable membranes are the most popular. Bitumen-polymer mastics and liquid rubber are also used, but they are more suitable for concrete floors, roofs and walls.

Polyethylene film for floor vapor barrier turned out to be the most accessible and easy-to-use material. However, when working with it, you should take into account that it breaks quite quickly and easily, so you need to be extremely careful.

Such films can be perforated or non-perforated. For vapor barrier, the second type of film is used.

Polypropylene film for floor vapor barrier is more resistant to mechanical and atmospheric influences and also quite affordable. Modern polypropylene films have an outer coating of viscose fiber with cellulose, which absorbs and retains a large amount of moisture, and when the temperature increases, it simply dries without forming condensation and dew.

Diffuse membranes for floor vapor barrier also called breathable membranes. Their main difference and feature is the ability to pass air from one or both sides. Such membranes come in 1, 2 and 3 layers with the application of a special anti-condensation layer that can collect moisture, subsequently evaporating it. Diffuse membranes are now the most expensive type of vapor barrier, but their capabilities are worth it.

This special materials and measures taken to protect materials used in the construction of the ceiling from the influence of steam. And as you might have guessed, they are most susceptible to the effects of steam wooden ceilings- they can rot, become deformed and collapse.

To vapor barrier the ceiling, you can use the same films as to protect the floor - these are polyethylene, polypropylene and membrane films. Before laying the vapor barrier film, it is necessary to clean the surface of dirt, seal the cracks, prime and dry the ceiling or other surface you are working with thoroughly.

Installation ceiling vapor barrier:

  1. Place a pre-cut vapor barrier film on the ceiling surfaces and secure with a 10-15 cm overlap using a stapler.
  2. We lay the film with the logo facing out.
  3. We cover the joints of the film with waterproof mounting tape, and insulate the joints with the walls with special tape. There should be no gaps, gaps or holes in the ceiling covering with film.
  4. There is no need to lay the film tightly - it should lie freely, which will protect it from tearing when temperatures change.
  5. After laying and securing the ceiling vapor barrier, we install wooden beams for subsequent interior finishing work.

These Recommendations for the calculation, design and use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in the structures of buildings and structures were developed and approved by order of the Closed Joint Stock Company "PAROC" dated August 26, 2010 No. 250.

These Recommendations for the calculation, design and use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in the structures of buildings and structures are registered in the Register of technical conditions and normative and methodological documentation for the design, construction and reconstruction of experimental multifunctional buildings and structures, including particularly complex, dangerous and unique capital construction projects in the city of Moscow, and other regulatory and technical documents that passed the NTS Moskomarkhitektura, protocol of the NTS Moscomarchitecture dated August 25, 2010 No. 47.

Recommendations for the calculation, design and use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in the structures of buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations) are a guide for designers and specialists in the design of new and reconstruction of existing buildings and structures. PAROC thermal insulation materials are manufactured and supplied to the Russian Federation by PAROC Group Oy (Finland) and UAB PAROC (Lithuania).

The recommendations are aimed at implementing energy saving measures in construction, housing and public utilities in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation».

Application area

  • for calculation and design of structural elements of buildings and structures (except refrigerators) using effective thermal insulation materials PAROC;
  • for the preparation of design documentation for the reconstruction and overhaul of structures and elements of buildings and structures of I-IV degree of fire resistance using PAROC materials.

Normative references

  1. Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On technical regulation» as amended by Federal Laws No. 45-FZ of May 9, 2005, No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007, No. 139-FZ of July 18, 2009, No. 385-FZ of December 30, 2009;
  2. Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “ Technical regulations about the requirements fire safety»;
  3. Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384 “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”;
  4. Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”;
  5. GOST 2.102-68 “ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents”;
  6. GOST 2.104-2006 “ESKD. Basic inscriptions";
  7. GOST 2.111-68 “ESKD. Norm control";
  8. GOST 2.125-2008 “ESKD. Rules for the execution of draft design documents. General provisions»;
  9. GOST 2.301-68 “ESKD. Formats";
  10. GOST 2.316-2008 “ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on graphic documents. General provisions";
  11. GOST 2.503-90* “ESKD. Rules for making changes";
  12. GOST 2.601-2006 “ESKD. Operational documents";
  13. GOST 2.610-2006 “ESKD. Rules for the implementation of operational documents";
  14. GOST 2.051-2005 “ESKD. Electronic documents. General provisions";
  15. GOST 2.701-2008 “ESKD. Scheme. Types and types. General requirements for implementation";
  16. GOST R 21.1001-2009 “SPDS. General provisions";
  17. GOST 21.1002-2009 “SPDS. Standard control of design and working documentation";
  18. GOST 21.1003-2009 “SPDS. Accounting and storage of working documentation";
  19. GOST R 21.1101-2009 “SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation";
  20. GOST R 21.502-2007 “SPDS. Rules for the implementation of design and working documentation of metal structures";
  21. GOST 379-95 “Silicate bricks and stones. Technical specifications";
  22. GOST 530-2007 “Ceramic bricks and stones. General technical conditions";
  23. GOST R EN 822-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Methods for measuring length and width";
  24. GOST R EN 823-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Methods for measuring thickness”;
  25. GOST R EN 824-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Methods for measuring deviations from squareness";
  26. GOST R EN 825-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Methods for measuring deviation from flatness”;
  27. GOST R EN 826-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Methods for determining compression characteristics";
  28. GOST R EN 1602-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Methods for determining apparent density";
  29. GOST R EN 1607-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Method for determining tensile strength perpendicular to the front surfaces";
  30. GOST R EN 1608-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Method for determining tensile strength parallel to the front surfaces";
  31. GOST R EN 1609-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Method for determining water absorption during short-term and partial immersion";
  32. GOST 2642.3-97 “Refractories and refractory raw materials. Methods for determining silicon oxide";
  33. GOST 2642.4-97 “Refractories and refractory raw materials. Method for determination of aluminum oxide";
  34. GOST 2642.7-97 “Refractories and refractory raw materials. Methods for determining calcium oxide";
  35. GOST 2642.8-97 “Refractories and refractory raw materials. Methods for determining magnesium oxide";
  36. GOST 4640-93 “Mineral wool. Technical specifications";
  37. GOST 6133-99 “Concrete wall stones. Technical specifications";
  38. GOST 7076-99 “Construction materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity and thermal resistance under stationary thermal conditions";
  39. GOST R EN 12430-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Method for determining strength under concentrated load”;
  40. GOST 17177-94 “Thermal insulation materials and products for construction. Test methods";
  41. GOST 21520-89 “Small cellular concrete wall blocks. Technical specifications";
  42. GOST 25898-83 “Construction materials and products. Methods for determining vapor permeation resistance";
  43. GOST 28013-98* “Building mortars. General technical conditions";
  44. GOST R EN 29053-2008 “Acoustic products. Method for determining the resistance to blowing with an air flow";
  45. GOST 30244-94 “Construction materials. Combustibility test methods";
  46. GOST R 52908-2008 “Thermal insulation products used in construction. Method for determining the content of organic substances";
  47. SNiP 2.01.07-85* “Loads and impacts”;
  48. SNiP 2.03.02-86 “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of dense silicate concrete”;
  49. SNiP II-22-81 “Stone and reinforced stone structures”;
  50. SNiP 23-01-99* “Building climatology”;
  51. SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”;
  52. SP 23-001-2004 “Design of thermal protection of buildings”;
  53. SP 55F101F2000 “Enclosing structures using plasterboard sheets”;
  54. SP 55F102F2001 “Structures using gypsum fiber sheets”;
  55. NPB 236-97 " Fire retardants For steel structures. General requirements. Method for determining fire retardant efficiency";
  56. NRB-99/2009 “Radiation Safety Standards”.

NOTE: As of January 1 current year Reference documents should be updated according to the relevant information indexes. If reference document replaced (changed), then you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this reference.

Terms, definitions and designations

The following terms and definitions are used in this standard:

anti-condensation film– material for protecting the structure from drops of water resulting from the condensation of water vapor on the cold surfaces of external fences, for example pitched roofs;

basalt rock– volcanic (igneous) rock, characterized by chemical resistance and fire resistance;

wind and waterproof film– material to prevent air filtration and preserve the heat-shielding properties of the structure;

diffusion filmwaterproofing film, open to the diffusion of water vapor and serving to remove water vapor from the insulation, preventing the formation of condensation on its surface;

hard slab; semi-rigid slab– a heat-insulating product of rectangular shape, with a rectangular cross-section, the thickness of which is significantly less than other dimensions and is constant throughout the product.

Note: Rigid slabs are generally thinner than semi-rigid slabs.

These products can also be supplied rolled;

mineral wool– a thermal insulation material with a wool structure and made from molten rock, slag or glass;

soft slab– part of a mineral wool mat from 1 to 3 m long, having rectangular shape and usually supplied flat or rolled;

vapor barrier film– a film that prevents the penetration of water vapor from the internal space of the object into the thermal insulation;

thermal insulation materials PAROC– thermal insulation materials made from basalt rock melt using PAROC technology;

plastering system– a multilayer heat-insulating and decorative system, in which the insulation is fixed using adhesive solutions and mechanical fastening on the outside of the wall and covered with a reinforced protective and decorative layer of plaster;

façade systems with air gap– facades of buildings with a ventilated air gap, lined with aluminum panels, granite-ceramic slabs or other facing materials.

Basic physical, mechanical and thermal characteristics of Paroc thermal insulation materials

PAROC materials can be used in all climatic regions according to SNiP 23-01-99 and humidity zones according to SNiP 23-02-2003.

For the manufacture of PAROC materials, mineral (stone) wool is used, corresponding to the indicators given in Table 1.

Table 1 Physico-chemical indicators of mineral (stone) wool

Compositions consisting of water-soluble synthetic resins, modifying, water-repellent, dust-removing and other additives are used as a binder in the production of boards.

PAROC materials are produced in the form of slabs, mats, lamellas and wool.

PAROC slabs are products in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped made of mineral (stone) wool fibers, bonded together with a hardened binder.

PAROC lamellas are strips (plates) cut from slabs of the usual PAROC structure and used when the fibers are positioned perpendicular to the surface to be insulated.

PAROC slabs are produced uncoated or coated (laminated).

To laminate the slabs, use white or black fiberglass with a density of 50 g/m2, laminated with polyethylene film with a density of 30 g/m2

The nomenclature and purpose of PAROC materials are presented in table. 2.

In the designation of PAROC slabs, the letter indices mean:

  • the letter “t” - the presence of a white fiberglass coating;
  • the letter “g” - the presence of ventilation grooves on the long side;
  • the letters “gt” - the presence of ventilation grooves on the long side and a fiberglass coating;
  • the letters “ggt” - the presence of ventilation grooves in the longitudinal and transverse directions and a fiberglass coating;
  • the letters “rl” - improved thermophysical characteristics;
  • the letter “n” - the presence of a coating in the form of a film membrane;
  • the letters “tb” - the presence of a black fiberglass coating;
  • the letter “j” - the presence of tongue-and-groove edges along the long side;
  • the letter “z” - the use of pre-pressing during packaging (only for “eXtra” slabs).

Digital indices in the slab designations correspond to:

  • for slabs and lamellas of the PAROC CES series, the first group of numbers corresponds to the nominal value of the shear (shear) strength in kPa;
  • for slabs of the PAROC ROS and ROB series - the nominal value of the slabs' compressive strength at 10% linear deformation in kPa;
  • for slabs of the PAROC WAS and PAROC WAB series - the limit value of the air permeability indicator is 10 -6 m 3 /m s Pa;
  • for slabs of the PAROC UNS series - the declared value of thermal conductivity at 10°C in mW/(m K).

The limit values ​​for the difference in the lengths of the diagonals and the thickness of the slabs are 3 mm.

Deviations from the squareness of the slabs do not exceed 5 mm/m (determined according to GOST R EN 824).

Methods for monitoring the geometric parameters of PAROC materials are established in GOST R EN 822, GOST R EN 823 and GOST R EN 1602.

The manufacturer's regulatory documents provide for the production of slabs of a homogeneous structure. The presence of delaminations, ruptures, voids, foreign inclusions, and binder clumps is not allowed in the slabs.

The materials used as a covering (fiberglass, membrane), as Euromet specialists note, must fit tightly to the surface of the slabs over the entire area without peeling, swelling or tears.

table 2 Nomenclature and purpose of PAROC materials



Dimensions, mm






90 1 (±10%)
70 2 (±10%)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation layer in
plaster layer, at
reinforcing mesh and dowels
hinged type


100 3 (±10%)
90 4 (±10%)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation layer in
facade systems with external
plaster layer, with
using metal
reinforcing mesh and dowels
hinged type


120 3 (±10%)
100 4 (±10%)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation layer in
facade systems with external
plaster layer for
low-rise buildings


120 6 (±10%)
145 5 (±10%)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation layer
in facade systems with
outer plaster layer.
Fireproof cuttings
in facade systems with
outer plaster layer
when used as
main thermal insulation
a thick layer of combustible insulation,
eg polystyrene foam boards


Thermal insulation layer
in facade systems with
outer plaster layer
when performing work on
insulation of window slopes


(±0.5) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation layer in
facade systems with external
plaster layer, incl. on
areas with a curved
surface (bay windows, lanterns,
rounded corners, etc.)


80 2 (±10%)
105 5 (±10%)

500, 600, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Outer layer in hinged
facade systems with
air gap at
two-layer execution


30, 50
(+1, ±1)


90 7 (±10%)
70 2 (±10%)

500, 600, 625, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation layer in
three-layer walls, completely
or partially made from
small-piece materials,
incl. in the walls with air
gap. Thermal insulation
layer in curtain walls
for single-layer execution
isolation. Outer layer
(with a thickness of 30-40 mm) in
hanging facade systems
with an air gap at
two-layer execution


Thermal insulation layer
in facade systems with
air gap at
single-layer execution
isolation. Outer layer
(with a thickness of 30-40 mm) in
hanging facade systems
with an air gap at
two-layer execution


(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Inner layer in hinged
facade systems with
air gap at
two-layer execution


Thermal insulation layer
in three-layer walls with
air gap


1200, 1800 (±1)

13 20
(+1, ±1)

Windproof layer in
double-layer designs
steel thermal insulation
building structures.
Elimination of cold bridges
in various construction


(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation layer
in three-layer walls with
gap. Thermal insulation
layer in pitched structures
roofs (if located
in the rafter or
interrafter space)


1170, 1500 (±5)

(+1, ±1)

Thermal insulation layer for
protection of external walls and other
structures from impact
wind and external humidification


1800, 3000 (±5)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation layer
in various construction
systems with protection functions
from exposure to wind (with
high air speeds
flow) and external


1200, 1220 (±10)

30, 50, 75,
100, 125,
150, 175
(+2, ±2)

Unloaded heat and
soundproofing of attics
partitions. Interior
layer in curtain walls
air gap systems
with two-layer execution


1200, 1220 (±10)

(+2, ±2)


1320 (±10)
1170 (±10)
920 (±10)
1320 (±10)

565 (±2)
610 (±2)
870 (±2)
260 (±2)

(+2, ±2)
(+2, ±2)
100-175 (+2,
50 (+2, ±2)

Unloaded heat and
soundproofing of attics
rooms, ceilings, floors,
partitions. Interior
layer in curtain walls
air gap systems
with two-layer execution

PAROC eXtra z

(+2, ±2) s
at intervals of 10


170 (±10%)
155 (±10%)

20 (+1, ±1)
30 (+1, ±1)

Thermal insulation layer
plastering system


1200, 1800 (±5)

600, 900, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Intermediate or lower
layer in two- or three-layer
roofing structures


1200, 1800 (±5)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10


1200, 1800 (±5)

600, 900, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10


1200, 1800 (±5)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Intermediate layer in
three-layer roofing
designs with groove
(ventilated) design


1200, 1800 (±5)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10


1200, 1800 (±5)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10


1200, 1800 (±5)

600, 900, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation in single-layer
thickness up to 150 mm


1200, 1800 (±5)

600, 900, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal insulation in single-layer
roofing structures for
thickness up to 120 mm. Outer
layer for repairing old


1200, 1800 (±5)

600, 900, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Lower or intermediate
layer in multilayer
roofing structures for
high loads on the coating
from profiled
steel decking


1200, 1800 (±5)

600, 900, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1) s
at intervals of 10

Lower or intermediate
layer in multilayer
roofing structures
at particularly high
loads on the coating from
profiled steel


1200, 1800 (±5)

600, 900, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1)

The outer layer is in two or
three-layer roofing
designs. Outer layer
for repairing old roofs


1200, 1800 (±5)

600, 900, 1200 (±1)

(+1, ±1)

Upper layer in two or
three-layer roofing
structures at elevated
loads on the coating.
Outer layer for repair
old roofs


(+1, ±1)

Thermal insulation layer
in concrete panels and
concrete produced at
construction site


at intervals

Thermal insulation layer
in concrete panels and
structures made of monolithic
concrete if necessary
speed up the drying process


at intervals

Thermal insulation layer
in concrete panels and
structures made of monolithic
concrete if necessary
speed up the drying process


at intervals

Thermal insulation layer
in three-layer concrete and
reinforced concrete wall
panels, as well as
structures made of monolithic
concrete and reinforced concrete


at intervals

Thermal insulation layer
in three-layer concrete and
reinforced concrete wall
panels, as well as
structures made of monolithic
concrete and reinforced concrete with
need to speed up
drying process

PAROC COS 10 ggt

at intervals

Thermal insulation layer
in three-layer concrete and
reinforced concrete wall
panels lined
vapor permeable
materials, as well as
structures made of monolithic
concrete and reinforced concrete with
need to speed up
drying process


600-1200 (±1.5%)

(-1, +3)
at intervals

Thermal insulation of floors
laying concrete or cement
screeds directly on
thermal insulation. Outdoor
thermal insulation of foundations


600-1200 (±1.5%)

17 - 70
(-1, +3)

Thermal and sound insulating layer
in floating structures


600-1800 (±1.5%)

17 - 70
(-1, +3)

Thermal insulation and insulation from
impact noise in structures
floors, incl. when laying
insulation directly
into the ground. Application in
as soundproofing
gaskets under foundations
industrial equipment,
ventilation units, etc.


(-1,+3) s
at intervals of 10

Fire protection of steel
structures, doors,
chimneys, stoves


1200 (±2%)
2400 (±2%)

600-1200 (±1.5%)

(-1,+3) s
at intervals of 10

Fire protection of steel
structures, doors,
chimneys, stoves


Fire protection of steel
structures, doors,
chimneys, stoves


(-1,+3) s
at intervals of 10

Thermal and sound insulation and
fire protection of ceilings
technical underground


(-1,+3) s

Thermal and sound insulation and
fire protection of ceilings
garages, parking lots, basements,
technical underground


3200-8000 (±2%)

(-1,+3) s

Non-load-bearing thermal insulation
attic premises,
partitions, ceilings,
light coatings


Backfill or blown
thermal insulation
unused attic
premises and hard to reach
places in other structures


1200-2400 (±10)

550±905; 1235 (±2)

Plates and lamellas are designed
for use as
thermal insulation layer
(core) in three-layer
panels with coverings made of
metal sheet,
used for the device
external walls, partitions,
suspended ceilings And
roofs of buildings and structures
for various purposes







*) Slab density values ​​are indicated for thicknesses:

1) ≤ 50 mm; 2) > 50 mm; 3) ≤ 80 mm; 4) > 80 mm; 5) ≤ 70 mm; 6) > 70 mm; 7) 30 and 40 mm.

PAROC materials can be used in construction and reconstruction throughout the Russian Federation without restrictions, regardless of the type of building or structure, taking into account the established scope and the availability of documents confirming compliance with the requirements established in regulatory documents.

Compliance of thermal insulation materials with the requirements of regulatory legal and regulatory technical documents in force on the territory of the Russian Federation is confirmed by certificates of conformity, sanitary and hygienic conclusions and fire safety certificates.

Thermal characteristics of products (declared by the manufacturer) are given in Table 3. The thermal conductivity of PAROC slabs is determined according to GOST 7076, the calculated one is determined in accordance with Appendix ESP 23-001-2004.

The physical and mechanical properties of thermal insulation materials PAROC are given in Table 4. The strength of PAROC slabs is determined according to GOST R EN 826 and GOST R EN 1607, concentrated force at a given absolute deformation (deformation 5 mm) - according to GOST R EN 12430, air permeability - according to GOST R EN 29053, water absorption during short-term and partial immersion - GOST R EN 1609, vapor permeability - GOST 25898, content of organic substances - according to GOST 52908.

In accordance with the requirements of NRB-99/2009, the effective specific activity (Aeff) of natural radionuclides in slabs (class 1 materials used in residential and public buildings under construction and reconstruction) should not exceed 370 Bq/k.

Table 3 Thermal characteristics of PAROC thermal insulation materials


Thermal conductivity,
W/(m K)
at a temperature
(283°±1) K,
no more

Thermal conductivity,
W/(m K)
at a temperature
(298°±1) K,
no more

Estimated value
thermal conductivity
under conditions
operation A according to
SNiP 23-02-2003, λ,
W/(m K), no more

Estimated value
thermal conductivity
under conditions
operation B by
SNiP 23-02-2003, λ,
W/(m K), no more





PAROC eXtra z







dry state λ, W/(m K), no more than - 0.048


Calculated value of thermal conductivity in


Calculated value of thermal conductivity in
dry state λ, W/(m K), no more than - 0.049


Calculated value of thermal conductivity in
dry state λ, W/(m K), no more than - 0.050

Table 4 Physical and mechanical properties of thermal insulation materials PAROC

Brand Shear strength (shear),
Ultimate compressive strength, kPa Compressive strength at 10%
linear deformation,
kPa, not less
Tensile strength at
stretching perpendicular to
facial surfaces
kPa, not less
Focused Power
for a given absolute
deformation (deformation 5
mm), N, not less
Air permeability
10 -6 m 3 /m.s.Pa, no more
Water absorption at
short-term and partial
immersion, kg/m2, no more
Vapor permeability
mg/m.h.Pa, not less
Organic content
substances, % by mass, no more

Tensile strength
parallel to the front surfaces
not less than the load created
double the weight of a standard slab

PAROC eXtra z
PAROC ROB 80t***
PAROC ROB 60t***
PAROC COS 10 ggt
* – when applying a load along the fibers;
** - without cover;
*** – excluding coverage.

Fire safety characteristics of PAROC thermal insulation materials

In accordance with Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”:

  • slabs of all brands without coating belong to the class fire danger building materials KM0: NG (non-combustible materials) according to GOST 30244-94;
  • slabs coated with fiberglass brands PAROC WAS 25, WAS 25t, WAS25tb, WAS 25tj, PAROC WAS 35, WAS 35 t, WAS35tb, PAROC WAS 50t, PAROC ROB 60t and PAROC ROB 80t belong to the fire hazard class of building materials KM1: G1 (low-flammable ), B1 (hardly flammable), D1 (with low smoke-forming ability), T1 (low toxicity of combustion products);
  • slabs with one-sided coating with a wind-hydroprotective membrane of the brands PAROC WPS 1n, PAROC WPS 2n, PAROC WPS 3n, PAROC WPS 3nj, PAROC WPS 3ntj belong to the fire hazard class of building materials KM5: G1 (low-flammable), B2 (moderately flammable), D2 (moderate smoke-generating ability), T1 (low toxicity of combustion products);
  • slabs with a painted surface PAROC CGL 20cy, as well as slabs coated with fiberglass brand PAROC SSB 2t belong to the fire hazard class of building materials KM1: G1 (low-flammable), B1 (low-flammable), D1 (low smoke-generating ability), T1 (low toxicity hazard) combustion products);
  • slabs coated with fiberglass of the brands PAROC COS 5gt, PAROC COS 5ggt, PAROC COS 10 gt, PAROC COS 10 ggt belong to the fire hazard class of building materials KM5: G3 (normally flammable), B3 (flammable), D1 (with low smoke-generating ability), T1 (low toxic combustion products).

Calculation and design of structural elements of buildings and structures for various purposes using PAROC thermal insulation materials

Thermal engineering calculation of external enclosing structures

Thermal engineering calculations of external building envelopes should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings” (hereinafter referred to as SNiP 23-02-2003) taking into account the provisions of Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ “Technical Regulations” on the safety of buildings and structures" and the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" and the requirements of regional standards.

The values ​​of thermal conductivity coefficients, vapor permeability coefficients and other characteristics of PAROC thermal insulation materials should be taken taking into account operating conditions A or B according to Table 2 of SNiP 23-02-2003, other regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with ISO 10456 and GOST R EN 13162 (if this is established by the terms of the contract).

The energy efficiency of residential and public buildings should be taken for calculation in accordance with the classification according to Table 3 of SNiP 23-02-2003 and other standards approved in the prescribed manner.

Euromet specialists recommend performing thermal engineering calculations of enclosing structures in accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 and current regional standards.

Heat transfer resistance requirements

The heat transfer resistance of structural elements of buildings and structures is taken in accordance with Table. 4 SNiP 02/23/2003, regional standards and other regulatory documents.

Reduced heat transfer resistance

The reduced heat transfer resistance of enclosing structures should be calculated taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 5.3-5.7 of SNiP 02/23/2003.

Estimated temperature difference between indoor air temperature and inner surface the enclosing structure should not exceed the standardized indicators in accordance with table. 5 SNiP 23-02-2003 and taking into account the microclimate parameters of the serviced area of ​​residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings in accordance with GOST 30494-96.

Heat transfer resistance of a thermally homogeneous section of the external enclosing structure R 0, W/(m 2 °C), is recommended to be determined by formula (1):

α in - heat transfer coefficient of the inner surface of the enclosing structure, W/(m2 °C), taken according to Table 5;
δ i – thickness of the i-th layer of the external enclosing structure, m;
λ i – thermal conductivity coefficient of the i-th layer of the structure, W/m °C;
n – number of layers of the external enclosing structure;
α n – heat transfer coefficient of the outer surface of the enclosing structure, W/(m2 °C), taken according to Table 6.

Table 5 Heat transfer coefficient of the internal surface of the enclosing structure

Table 6 Heat transfer coefficient of the outer surface of the enclosing structure

External surface of enclosing structures Heat transfer coefficient for winter conditions, α
1 External walls, coverings, ceilings over passages and over cold (without enclosing walls) undergrounds in the Northern construction-climatic zone 23
2 Floors over cold basements communicating with the outside air, floors over cold (with enclosing walls) undergrounds and cold floors in the Northern construction-climatic zone 17
3 Attic floors and over unheated basements with light openings in the walls, as well as external walls with an air gap ventilated by outside air 12
4 Ceilings over unheated basements without light openings in walls located above ground level, and over unheated technical undergrounds located below ground level 6

It is recommended to determine the heat transfer resistance of non-ventilated enclosing structures with closed (not communicating with the outside air) air layers taking into account the thermal resistance of the air layer according to formula (2):

Rв – thermal resistance of a closed air layer, m 2 °C/W, taken according to Table 7.

Table 7 Thermal resistance of a closed air layer

Note. When covering one or both surfaces of the air gap with aluminum foil, the thermal resistance should be doubled.

It is recommended to determine the heat transfer resistance of non-ventilated enclosing structures with air gaps communicating with the outside air, taking into account the thermal resistance of the air gap and the outer layers of the structure according to formula (3):

αк – convective heat transfer coefficient for air along the length of the layer, determined by the formula:

v – air speed in the layer, m/s;
Δt is the temperature difference between the air and the surface of the air layer;
t is the average of these temperatures;
d is the equivalent diameter equal to 4F/P (F is the area and P is the perimeter of the channel);
ε – emissivity;
ε pr is determined by the formula:

ε 1 , ε 2 – relative emissivity coefficients of channel surfaces at positive temperatures in the channel are taken equal to 0.85, at a temperature of 0°C they are taken equal to 0.8;
at negative temperatures equal to 0.78;
α l – radiant heat transfer coefficient, determined by the formula:

C 0 – black body emissivity equal to 5.77 W/(m 2 K4);
φ – irradiance coefficient, taken equal to 1.0.
For holes in slabs and bricks it is assumed to be equal to 1.2;
ε is the same as in formula 3a.

It is recommended to determine the heat transfer resistance of external enclosing structures with ventilated air gaps without taking into account the thermal resistance of the air gap and the outer layers of the air gap structure, m 2 °C/W, taken according to formula (4):

αв – heat transfer coefficient of the inner surface of the enclosing structure, W/(m 2 °C), taken according to Table 5;
δвi – thickness of the i-th layer located between the inner surface of the structure and the air gap, m;
λвi – thermal conductivity coefficient of the i-th layer located between the inner surface of the structure and the air gap, W/m °C;
nv is the number of layers located between the inner surface of the structure and the air gap;
αп – heat transfer coefficient from the surface of the inner part of the enclosing structure on the side of the ventilated air gap, it is recommended to take it equal to 12 W/(m 2 °C).

The reduced resistance to heat transfer of external enclosing structures, R, is recommended to be determined taking into account thermal heterogeneity and the influence of heat-conducting inclusions according to formula (5):

where r is the coefficient of thermal heterogeneity, determined from the results of calculating the temperature field or from tables 8-12; R0 – heat transfer resistance (thermally homogeneous section of the external building envelope, m 2 °C/W).




Thermal heterogeneity coefficient, r,
with thickness thermal insulation material



per 1m2,

connections, mm

per 1m2,

Thermal inhomogeneity coefficient at thickness
thermal insulation material PAROC, mm, and diameter of metal
connections, mm

per 1m2,

Thermal inhomogeneity coefficient at thickness
thermal insulation material PAROC, mm, and diameter of metal
connections, mm

Table 12 Recommended values ​​of thermal heterogeneity coefficients for light and heavy plaster insulation systems, combined roofs when attaching insulation with anchor devices with metal cores.

per 1m2,

Thermal inhomogeneity coefficient at thickness
thermal insulation material PAROC, mm, and diameter of metal
connections, mm

The reduced heat transfer resistance R, m 2 °C/W of the external enclosing structure, taking into account the coefficient of thermal heterogeneity, must meet the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 and these recommendations.

Resistance to vapor permeation of non-ventilated structures

The vapor permeability resistance of structures must comply with the requirements of Section 9 of SNiP 02/23/2003. In accordance with this, the vapor permeability resistance of the structure in the range from the inner surface of the structure to the plane of possible condensation (outer surface of the heat-insulating layer) Rn, m 2 h Pa/mg, must be no less than the required vapor permeation resistance Rntr, m 2 h Pa/mg. The required vapor permeation resistance Rntr, m 2 h Pa/mg, should be determined by formula (6):

R pn– resistance to vapor permeation, ranging from the plane of possible condensation to the outer surface of the enclosing structure, m 2 h Pa/mg;
e V– elasticity of water vapor of internal air at the design temperature and humidity of this air, Pa;
e notes– elasticity of water vapor of the outside air at the average temperature and humidity of the outside air during the heating period, Pa;
E k– elasticity of saturated water vapor in the plane of possible condensation, taken from Table 13, Pa.

Table 13 The value of the elasticity of saturated water vapor at an air pressure of 100.7 kPa

E, Pa

Removing moisture from ventilated structures

It is recommended to calculate the amount of moisture removed from ventilated structures without taking into account the pressure from wind exposure. The required air flow is determined from the conditions for ensuring the removal of water vapor contained in the heat-insulating material.

The calculated outside air temperature is assumed to be equal to the temperature of the coldest five-day period according to SNiP 23-01-99*. The calculated elasticity of water vapor of the external air is assumed to be equal to the average elasticity of water vapor of the external air for the conditions of the coldest month according to SNiP 23-01-99* by the method of successive approximations. By setting the average air temperature in the layer to be several degrees higher than the calculated outside air temperature, equality is successively achieved between the given and obtained values.

Strength characteristics of PAROC materials

When using PAROC thermal insulation materials as loaded thermal insulation in horizontal and inclined structures, as well as vertical thermal insulation (without frames), it is necessary to take into account the actual strength of the thermal insulation material according to Table 3.

The design load must include permanent and live loads.

When calculating floors, it is necessary to take into account the weight of screeds, vapor barriers, protective coatings located on the thermal insulation material, as well as the payload on the floors.

When calculating roofs, it is necessary to take into account the weight of screeds, waterproofing coatings, vapor barriers, snow loads, as well as operational loads on the roof (if any). Overload factors should be taken according to SNiP 2.01.07-85*.

In horizontal and inclined structures, it is recommended to check the strength of the heat-insulating material using formula (7):

q – design load on the heat-insulating material, distributed over 1m2 of the structure, kPa;
Rc is the compressive strength of the heat-insulating material at 10% deformation.

Fire resistance of steel structures

The required degree of fire resistance of structures is determined in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”.

Calculation of fire resistance limits of steel structures is carried out based on loss bearing capacity in a heated state - R (according to GOST 30247.0-94 classification).

The fire resistance limit required for a given metal structure is achieved by selecting the appropriate thickness of PAROC FPS-17 slabs depending on the given thickness of the metal structure being protected (at a standard critical temperature value of 500°C (according to NPB 236-97).

The given metal thickness is necessary to represent the complex geometry of a two-dimensional structure in one dimension. It is calculated from the relation:

F – cross-sectional area of ​​the metal structure, mm 2;
P – heated part of the structure perimeter, mm.

For profiles of other, non-standardized shapes, the calculation of the reduced metal thickness is carried out in a similar way.

To determine the fire resistance limit of a structure, it is necessary to perform a static calculation, which will allow one to determine the critical temperature of the steel of a given structure. Based on the calculation results, it is necessary to take the closest value of the critical temperature from the given series: 450, 500, 550, 600°C, or accept the standard value of the critical temperature.

Having determined the critical temperature and selected its corresponding nomogram (see Fig. 1, Appendix A), in the nomogram field you should find a graph corresponding to the given thickness of the PAROC FPS-17 slabs. The selected graph is a function of the time dependence of the fire resistance limit of the structure on the reduced metal thickness and is used to determine the fire resistance limit of a steel structure with fire protection with PAROC FPS-17 slabs.

In a similar way, these nomograms can be used to solve inverse problems: searching for the minimum thickness of PAROC FPS-17 slabs to ensure a given search for the fire resistance limit, and the minimum reduced thickness of the metal structure to ensure a given fire resistance limit.

An example of a steel structure with fire protection is shown in Fig. 2-6 (Appendix A).

The use of the above method makes it possible to ensure the fire resistance of structures in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements.”

Design of structures using PAROC thermal insulation materials

General instructions

Design documentation must be completed in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1001-2009, GOST 21.1002-2009, GOST 21.1003-2009, GOST R 21.1101-2009, and design solutions are recommended to be carried out in accordance with Appendix A of these Recommendations and GOST 2.102-68, GOST 2.104-2006, GOST 2.111-68, GOST 2.125-2008, GOST 2.301-68, GOST 2.316-2008, GOST 2.503-90*, GOST 2.601-2006, GOST 2.610-2006, GOST 2.051-2005 and GOST 2. 701-2008.

Structures must comply with the requirements established by Federal Law No. 384-FZ of December 30, 2009 “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures.”

When designing and installing enclosing structures in accordance with these recommendations, it is prohibited to use analogue heat-insulating materials and make changes to design solutions without agreement with the developers of these recommendations.

The use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in walls made of small-piece materials

As small-piece materials for the construction of walls, products that meet the requirements of GOST 530-2007 (ceramic bricks and stones), GOST 379-95 (silicate bricks and stones), GOST 21520-89 (cellular concrete blocks), GOST 6133-99 can be used (concrete wall stones) and other regulatory documents.

In structures with ventilated air gaps, thermal insulation can be single-layer, double-layer or multi-layer.

For single-layer thermal insulation, it is recommended to use PAROC WAS 35 or PAROC WAS 50 boards.

It is recommended to make the main layer of two-layer or multi-layer thermal insulation from PAROC UNS 37 or PAROC Extra slabs, the outer (windproof) layer - from PAROC WAS 25, WAS 25t, WAS 35, WAS 35t slabs. The thickness of the outer layer is determined based on the condition of ensuring the required resistance to air permeation.

The outer layer can be made of small-piece materials in accordance with the architectural and decorative requirements for the facade. The grade of bricks, stones, blocks and mortars should be assigned in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-22-81*. The connection between the loaded and unloaded parts of the masonry should be provided by connections, preferably flexible ones. The type, quantity, dimensions, location and fastening of connections must be indicated in the project. Recommended steel area flexible connections should be at least 0.4 cm 2 per m 2 of wall.

If the vapor permeability resistance of three-layer walls made of small-piece materials without ventilated air layers is lower than the required vapor permeation resistance, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier made of roll or film materials between the inner layer of masonry and the thermal insulation layer.

Examples of design solutions for three-layer external walls made of small-piece materials are given in the appendix. It is recommended to make the thickness of the thermal insulation of walls made of ceramic bricks depending on the given heat transfer resistance of the wall.

Application of PAROC thermal insulation materials in wooden frame walls

PAROC thermal insulation materials are recommended for thermal insulation of wooden frame and log walls, including structures with a ventilated air gap. Frame wall structures can be made from factory-assembled three-layer panels or on site layer by layer.

The thickness of the air gap is determined by calculation.

Regardless of the requirements of the codes, it is recommended to install a vapor barrier made of roll or film materials in the construction of frame wooden walls. The vapor barrier is installed under the trim on the inside of the frame. In this case, it is necessary to ensure standard air exchange parameters in the premises. A vapor barrier between two layers of thermal insulation can be laid in cases where the internal thermal insulation layer is at least three times thinner than the external one.

Thermal insulation should occupy the entire space allocated to it, without air gaps. If any gaps occur, they must be filled with PAROC mineral wool. The frame is filled with PAROC UNS 37 or eXtra slabs. When installing multilayer thermal insulation, it is necessary to ensure that the joints of the thermal insulation materials overlap.

Examples of design solutions for wooden external walls are given on the sheets in the appendix.

The use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in facade systems with external plaster layers (plaster systems)

PAROC thermal insulation boards in plastering systems are recommended to be glued to the prepared wall surface and secured with anchor devices after the glue has cured. It is recommended to use anchor devices with a plastic sleeve, metal, fiberglass or plastic cores. Then the surface of the slabs is reinforced with fiberglass mesh embedded in glue and covered with a plaster layer.

Loads in the plaster insulation system are perceived and transmitted by anchor devices that work for bending, stretching and pulling out of the wall, as well as heat-insulating boards.

When using PAROC FAL1 slabs at a height of up to 20 m, anchor devices may not be installed.

It is recommended to take the thickness of the heat-insulating layer for thermal protection of walls depending on the reduced heat transfer resistance of the structure.

The required resistance to vapor permeation of plaster insulation systems should be determined in accordance with SNiP 23.02-2003.

Fire safety requirements for the plaster insulation system are ensured by the use of non-combustible materials.

The design solution for the plaster insulation system is shown in the appendix. The total thickness of the decorative-protective and reinforced layers of the plaster system and insulation is usually 5-30 mm.

Application of PAROC thermal insulation materials in facade systems with an air gap

It is recommended to select the frame and cladding material based on fire safety requirements in accordance with the requirements established in Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements.”

Thermal insulation can be single- or double-layer or multi-layer. To provide wind protection for the entire thermal insulation, it is recommended to use PAROC WAS25, WAS25t slabs.

In structures without ventilated air gaps, it is recommended to use PAROC WAS50 slabs.

For single-layer thermal insulation, Euromet specialists recommend using PAROC WAS 35 or PAROC WAS 50 boards.

It is recommended to make the main layer of two-layer or multi-layer thermal insulation from PAROC UNS 37 or PAROC Extra slabs, the outer (windproof) layer - from PAROC WAS 25, WAS 25t, WAS 35, WAS 35t slabs.

When performing two-layer insulation in curtain-wall façade systems with an air gap, the slabs of the outer and inner layers are installed with a vertical and horizontal offset relative to each other to overlap the joints.

The thickness of the windproof layer is determined based on the requirements for air permeability.

The thickness of the ventilated air layer is determined by calculation.

Examples of design solutions for ventilated wall insulation systems are given in the appendix.

The use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in combined flat roofs

Roofs can be installed on load-bearing reinforced concrete or metal structures, on plank flooring or glued plywood bases. For thermal insulation of combined roofs, it is recommended to use PAROC ventilation systems, which ensure the removal of moisture from under the waterproofing carpet.

Thermal insulation is recommended to be multi-layer, two-layer or single-layer. With a multi-layer roof structure, PAROC ROS 40 or PAROC ROS 30 slabs with a thickness of 50 mm are laid on the supporting structure. As a rule, a film vapor barrier is laid on the slab.

The overlap of the films at the joints must be at least 200 mm; a PAROC ROS 40g or PAROC ROS 30g board, which has ventilation grooves 20 mm deep and 30 mm wide on the upper surface, is laid on the vapor barrier.

The slabs are laid in such a way that the grooves are parallel to the roof slope. The grooves are covered with a PAROC ROB 80t or PAROC ROB 80 board, on which a waterproofing coating is laid.

When thermal insulation crosses roof elements such as ventilation risers, superstructure walls, skylights, etc., in PAROC ROS 40g or PAROC ROS 30g slabs, Euromet specialists recommend cutting transverse grooves to ensure air movement around obstacles.

Along the ridge of the roof in the PAROC ROS 40g or PAROC ROS 30g slab, it is necessary to cut a wide channel connecting all the ventilation grooves, and ventilation deflectors are installed. To ensure ventilation, it is recommended to install ventilated parapets or cornices necessary for air flow into the ventilation ducts. The purpose of the ventilation grooves is to remove moisture trapped in the thermal insulation layer.

When installing single-layer thermal insulation, it is recommended to use PAROC ROS 60, ROS 60t, ROS 50, ROS 50t boards. At the same time, the roof structure is not ventilated.

If necessary, the roof slope can be created using a slope made of monolithic lightweight concrete. The surface of the slope must be leveled either with grout or with a mortar screed in accordance with GOST 28013 with a thickness of 15-30 mm. In the slopes, temperature-shrinkage joints with a width of at least 5 mm should be provided, dividing the surface of the slope into sections measuring no more than 3x3 m.

When installing roofs on load-bearing metal structures with profiled decking, in places where the profiled decking adjoins walls, beams, expansion joints, clerestory walls, and rib voids, it is recommended to fill the ribs to a length of at least 250 mm with thermal insulation material PAROC ROS 40 or PAROC ROS 30.

The required slope (at least 5% for profiled decking) must be created by the roof structures. When calculating roofs based on load-bearing capacity, SNiP 2.01.07-85* should be used.

Examples of design solutions for combined roofs are given in the appendix.

The use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in pitched roofs

PAROC thermal insulation materials are recommended for thermal insulation of pitched roofs of buildings and structures with roofs made of metal sheets, metal tiles, ceramic, cement-sand or bitumen-polymer tiles, as well as other sheet and piece roofing materials.

The bottom and middle layers of three-layer thermal insulation are made from PAROC UNS37 or PAROC eXtra thermal insulation boards. The top windproof layer is made of PAROC WAS 25, WAS 25t slabs.

Double-layer thermal insulation is made from PAROC UNS37 or PAROC eXtra boards. The top windproof layer can be made of windproof film. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the coefficient of resistance to vapor permeation.

The use of diffusion and vapor barrier films must be checked by calculating the required vapor permeability resistance of the structure in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.02-86.

For any type of roofing, it is recommended to use anti-condensation films, especially in roofs made of metal sheets. Anti-condensation films are laid directly under the roofing material. The sagging of the anti-condensation film should not significantly reduce the thickness of the ventilated air layer.

The thickness of the ventilated air layer, taking into account the sagging of the anti-condensation film, must be at least 50 mm.

Ventilation holes should be made in the eaves, ridge, and on the roof surface using special elements.

It is recommended to install a vapor barrier between PAROC UNS 37 or PAROC eXtra thermal insulation boards, or directly under the finishing material (upholstery). It is recommended to make vapor barriers from films reinforced with glass or synthetic woven mesh.

The vapor barrier should be laid from bottom to top with an overlap of at least 20 mm. When gluing film joints with self-adhesive tape, an overlap of at least 80 mm wide is allowed. In this case, it is necessary to ensure standard air exchange parameters in the premises. It is recommended that when constructing a vapor barrier for enclosing structures, it is recommended to provide forced supply and exhaust ventilation to remove excess moisture from the air of insulated rooms.

It is recommended to take the thickness of the heat-insulating layer depending on the given heat transfer resistance. The spacing of rafters, purlins and sheathing, as well as the type of sheathing, should be determined based on the thermal insulation material PAROC used.

An example of a pitched roof design is given in the appendix.

The use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in attic floors

When constructing cold attics, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the attic space in order to prevent moisture condensation on the inner surface of the enclosing structures.

To improve the temperature and humidity conditions in attic spaces and dry out enclosing structures, it is necessary to install special ventilation holes in the roofs under the roof overhang and along the ridge.

The total areas of supply and exhaust ventilation openings must be equal and be at least 1/400 of the attic area.

To reduce the likelihood of icing on eaves and drainage elements of roofs with external drainage, it is recommended to heat them.

Standard value of heat transfer resistance of attic floors in accordance with the requirements of table. 4 SNiP 02/23/2003.

Along the perimeter of the attic at a distance of 1.5 meters from the external walls with vents, it is recommended to increase the thickness of the thermal insulation layer by 1.5 times and protect the surface with a windproof board PAROC WAS 25, WAS 25t, WAS 35, WAS 35t. In this case, it is necessary to ensure standard air exchange parameters in the premises.

It is recommended to remove the air coming from the building ventilation system outside the attic. Ventilation shafts, ventilation ducts and risers, as well as pipelines passing through a cold attic space, are recommended to be insulated with PAROC thermal insulation.

Vapor barrier of attic floors of this design may not be installed. Examples of designs are given in the appendix.

The use of PAROC thermal insulation materials in floors and basement floors

Euromet specialists recommend using PAROC thermal insulation materials for thermal insulation of floors located on the ground or floors, covered with concrete, mortar, tiles, boards, parquet, sheet and other materials.

For thermal insulation of floors covered with monolithic materials or tiles, it is recommended to use PAROC GRS 20 slabs. PAROC slabs are laid directly on a reinforced concrete floor or on the surface of underlying layers. A reinforced leveling layer of concrete or cement mortar. If floor heating is provided, heating elements - pipes or electrical cables - are laid in the leveling layer. In rooms with wet mode During operation, waterproofing is laid on the surface of the leveling layer. Then the floor is covered.

When installing floors on the ground, it is necessary to lay an underlying layer (preparation) that distributes the load on the base. The underlying layers of gravel, crushed stone, asphalt concrete, sand or slag must be compacted. For large floor areas, it is necessary to provide expansion joints - in mutually perpendicular directions at a distance of 8-12 m.

For thermal insulation of floors along joists with wood coverings, it is recommended to use thermal insulation boards PAROC UNS 37 or PAROC eXtra in order to reduce the influence of heat-conducting inclusions on the heat transfer resistance of the structure; it is recommended to arrange the joists in two rows - “crosswise”. It is recommended to lay PAROC thermal insulation boards between joists in two layers. The plank floor (flooring) is installed on the joists in the usual way.

Floors on wooden beams are installed using thermal insulation boards PAROC UNS 37 and PAROC eXtra. Boards that are 50 mm wider than the beam are attached to the bottom of the load-bearing beams, laid with a clearance of 600 mm.

In rooms with wet operating conditions, it is recommended to make a monolithic reinforced concrete layer with waterproofing on the boardwalk and lay tiles or other covering. Under the coating, if it is necessary to ensure the required heat absorption of the floor, a layer of mortar is installed.

All engineering systems and pipelines located in basements must be carefully insulated with PAROC materials. It is recommended to take the thickness of thermal insulation depending on the given heat transfer resistance. The standard value of heat transfer resistance of floors and basement floors is assigned in accordance with the requirements of Table. 4. SNiP 02/23/2003