home · On a note · Epoxy grout for tiles Litokol. Colored grout for tiles Epoxy grout litochrom starlike colors

Epoxy grout for tiles Litokol. Colored grout for tiles Epoxy grout litochrom starlike colors

The manufacturer Litokol produces five types:

  • Starlike C.350 Crystal - is a colorless mixture - a chameleon. It is used to wipe down artistic and glass mosaics. Seams up to 2 mm thick. Area of ​​application: transparent bases illuminated from the inside.
  • Starlike Defender is available as a two-component acid-resistant grout with an epoxy base. It has an excellent antifungal and antibacterial effect. Area of ​​use: tile joints, 1-15 mm thick, laying mosaics and ceramic tiles. Has seven color options.
  • Starlike Color Crystal - grout glass and artistic mosaics. Seams up to 2 mm. Five color options.
  • Litochrome Starlike is a two-component epoxy grout. Application: filling 1-15 mm joints and laying tiles or any mosaic. It is successfully used both indoors and outdoors. There are 103 colors and shades on sale. To enhance the optical effect, the base color is supplemented with the necessary additive component.
  • Epoxystuk X90 is another representative of two-component acid-resistant epoxy mixtures. It is used as a filler for joints of 3-10 mm, both outside and inside.


Formula for calculating flow rate

The formula for calculation will look like this:


Where R– the required flow rate;

A– tile length in millimeters;

IN– width of facing material;

WITH– width of the tile joint, also in millimeters;

D– tile thickness in millimeters;

TO– coefficient, which is an indicator of volumetric

weight of the finished solution, if this indicator is not on the packaging,

take it equal to 1.6.

Use this formula to calculate the average consumption of grout mixture from Litokol.

To the resulting total, add a reserve of 10% for any unforeseen situations.

Using additional tools

To get the job done quickly, easily and efficiently, the manufacturer advises arming yourself with additional tools:

  • Cellulose combined sponge. Its price is from 500 to 600 rubles. Sometimes regular foam rubber is used instead, but it doesn’t last long. With a sponge, the seams are more beautiful and faster, and it is designed for 20-30 m2 of tiles.
  • Skipper - a special bucket with squeezing rollers, which is indispensable when working with epoxy grout mixtures.
  • A grater with cellulose attachments. Perfectly cleanses the remains of dried mixture.

Mix the mixture

The mixture goes on sale in dry form, and in order to get started, you need to mix both components - A and B. The first component - A, is an epoxy resin to which is added quartz sand, dye and plasticizer. The second component B is the hardener. After the components are mixed, you need to use the mixture within an hour.

This entails some difficulties. To obtain a normal, high-quality mixture, the components must be mixed in a certain proportion. If you work alone, you simply won’t be able to finish the entire package in 60 minutes, even if you have excellent skills. Therefore, the required amount will have to be calculated and measured with scales, and different proportions for different grouts, for example:

  • the components of the Epoxystuk X90 mixture are taken in a ratio of 100 to 7.2 by weighing;
  • the proportion of the components of Starlike C.350 Crystal is 100 to 8, also weighed;
  • Litochrom Starlike does not indicate the required proportions; the proportion determined experimentally is 14 to 1, where 14 is filler, 1 is hardener.

Most often, it is Litochrom Starlike that is used, the grain size of which is significantly higher than that of another manufacturer -. But it is convenient to work with and easy to clean.

It is better to knead 200, maximum 300 grams of grout per batch.

Filling and shaping the seams

We fill the seams as standard, in a small area.
Epoxy grout joints are formed and sanded immediately while the mixture is still wet because it has a very long curing period.

Work begins immediately, using a foam sponge and clean water. Blurring the seams using the standard method. To apply grout, you need a clean and dry surface, so we use a sponge only in the center, leaving the borders of the grouted seams dry.

After the mixture has been applied, do not walk on the tiles - it will be very difficult to correct any defects that have arisen. The seams need at least five days and a temperature not lower than +23 to “work” with full efficiency.

After the seam is ready, the old sponge is replaced with a new one and the seam is completed.
The grout mixture is still liquid at this time.

We prepare a fresh portion of the mixture and duplicate all the steps.

For internal corners you will need two days - one to grout one side, the second day to grout the other side of the corner. It won’t be possible to do everything at once; due to the liquid consistency of the mixture, the corner will be deformed, so you can fiddle with this area for a long time and still not achieve the desired result.

Litochrom grout has one more distinctive feature— to obtain an even seam within an hour, the surface is moistened with a spray bottle and smoothed with a finger.

Removing plaque

Within 24 hours, the grout will harden and you can begin to remove the epoxy coating using Litonet. The price for it is quite high, but considering that it is concentrated, it will last for a very long time.

The surface is sprayed with the product, left for a period of time and cleaned.
Abundant foam can be removed using a vacuum cleaner or self-squeezing mop.
A cellulose sponge is used to remove remaining sand and plaque.

For glossy tiles, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. Matte surfaces are cleaned with a concentrate or a product diluted 1 to 1.

While the surface is drying, you need to check if there is any residue left. If it is poorly washed with water or the grouting was done on clinker, terracotta or clay tiles, you may have to clean it several times. If you use relief decors, it is better to seal them first so as not to add more work to yourself.

To remove plaque, you can use Litostrip gel, but not earlier than a day after grouting.


Working with epoxy grout has its own difficulties - you need to clean and dry the surface, it is difficult to remove plaque, the impossibility of forming internal corners within one day, the need to use large quantity water for rinsing. Besides high price, strong seams and a labor-intensive process do not allow mistakes, because correcting mistakes will cost much more.

But there is also undoubted advantages— dirt does not accumulate in the seams, they are easy to clean, do not change color when wet, and can be washed with any means. After processing, the seams resemble plastic, a little rough, which is why it may have a rough surface.

Whether to choose epoxy grout for grouting or not - everyone makes their own decision.

Epoxy grout Litochrom Starlike (Litochrome Starlike) is ideal for filling joints in translucent and transparent mosaics, tiles of various sizes from any materials. Litokol Starlike has increased adhesion to most building materials, and has increased strength, for this reason, it can be used as tile adhesive for mosaic tiles made of glass, natural and artificial stone, porcelain and earthenware.

Litokol Starlike grout is not susceptible to contamination and the growth of fungi and microbes, and is characterized by increased resistance to chemical solutions Thanks to this, it can be used in laboratories, hospitals, and chemical production. It is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical wear and will last a long time without significantly reducing the quality of the surface.

It can be used when laying tiles on heated floors; to do this, you must turn off the heating at least two days before starting to fill the joints, and you must wait until the tiles have completely cooled.

The translucent structure of epoxy grout gives a wonderful optical effect, and when using special additives, you can achieve a stunning effect, create the appearance of a metallized surface, and add elegance and individuality.
The grout comes in a plastic bucket containing both components. Component A is a hardener, component B is epoxy resin tinted in the desired color. Mixing the two-component Litochrom Starlike grout is done in the same bucket, using a low-speed drill with a mixer attachment.

Properties of Starlike grout.
Increased chemical and physical resistance.
Zero level of moisture absorption.
Resistant to stains, microbial growth and mold.
Increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation, does not fade or change color.
Translucent structure.
Easy to clean and restore.
Can be used as an adhesive.
Suitable for underfloor heating systems.

Technical specifications:
Packaging: 2.5 and 5 kg buckets
Readiness for foot traffic - no earlier than 24 hours after filling the joints.
Operating air temperature - from 12 to 30 degrees.
Open operating time - depends on the temperature of the air and the base, at 25 degrees, no more than 1 hour.

Attention! See instructions for use below.

Available colors:

Number and name Color Price 2.5 kg, rub Price 5 kg, rub
P.220 Light gray 2 466
P.240 Black
P.250 Beige
P.270 White
P.280 Grey
P.290 Light beige
S.300 Brown
P.310 Titanium
P.340 Neutral
P.420 Mocha
P.480 Silver gray
P.490 Gray beige

III group

All colors are divided into 3 collections:

Classic Collection versatile neutral tones Glamor Collection bright and rich colors Metallic Collection shades with the shine of the most precious metals

Instructions for using epoxy grout Litochrom Starlike (Litochrome Starlike)

The grout is supplied in the form of component kits A and B in the required proportions; to prepare epoxy grout, they must be mixed with a mixer until a paste-like consistency is obtained without lumps or dry areas.

Fill the seams with the resulting mixture using a special spatula with a replaceable rubber nozzle, making diagonal movements relative to the seams.
Remove excess grout using the same putty knife.
Cleaning and finishing surface is produced while the product is still “fresh”. It is necessary to wet the treated surface clean water.
Primary cleaning is done using a grater with a fiber fiber attachment, pre-moistened with water.
Possible stains or residues of the epoxy composition (plaque due to transparent film, typical of catalyzed compounds) can be removed from the tile surface within 24 hours using cleaning compounds or.
Apply LITONET or LITONET GEL to the surface. Leave for 15-30 minutes.
Wipe the surface with a grater fitted with a fiberglass attachment.
Rinse the surface with clean water.

Scope of application of Litochrom Starlike:

Epoxy grout litochrom starlike is used for laying and acid-resistant grouting of ceramic tiles and mosaics with a joint width from 2 to 10 mm.

  • For interior and exterior use;
  • for laying mosaics (glass, ceramic, metal, wood) and grouting joints between tiles when tiling walls and floors with mosaics in bathrooms, showers, swimming pools;
  • for grouting tile joints during cladding ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, natural stone, agglomerate walls and floors in bathrooms, showers, swimming pools;
  • for implementation design solutions during production kitchen countertops, mosaic panels, interior elements, etc.

The main characteristics of Litochrom Starlike grout are:

  • increased mechanical stability;
  • excellent chemical resistance;
  • complete absence of cracks or cavities after hardening;
  • use Litonet to remove grout residues;
  • exclusive colors with metallic effect;
  • litochrom starlike is characterized by color consistency on all types of tiles.

Litokol Starlike instructions.

Preparing the base.

Make sure that the adhesive or mortar used to lay the tiles is completely cured and dry. The seams must be cleaned of dust and cleared at least 2/3 of the tile thickness. Traces of glue or mortar remaining in the seams must be removed.

Preparation of the solution.

Pour component B (hardener) into component A (paste). It is recommended to pour in all the hardener, scraping the edges and bottom of the container with a steel spatula. Mix the mixture thoroughly with an electric drill with a special attachment until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained. It is not recommended to mix the glue by hand. Components A and B Litochrom Starlike (Litochrome Starlike) are packaged in required quantities, which eliminates any mixing errors.


Cleaning the tiled surface after grouting must be done as early as possible, before LITOCHROM STARLIKE has dried, making sure that the composition is not washed out of the joints and without leaving streaks on the surface. Cleaning can be done as follows: manually, and a special electric monobrush with a felt attachment.

Manual method.

Moisten the treated surface with clean water. Carry out preliminary cleaning with a spatula fitted with a white felt attachment. Perform circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise, while rubbing the edges of the seams and at the same time removing excess grout from the tiled surface. Then wipe the surface again with a hard cellulose sponge until smooth surface seams, completely removing the grout from the surface of the tile, without washing it out of the seams and removing remaining water. Felt and sponge are replaced as they become dirty.

Cleaning with a monobrush.

After removing excess, moisten the surface generously with clean water and clean with an electric monobrush with a felt nozzle. Change the felt disc whenever it gets dirty.

  • Application at temperature environment from +12 to +30 ºС.
  • At temperatures from +8 to +12 ºС it becomes viscous and difficult to apply. In this case, the drying time increases significantly.
  • Remove excess from the surface in a timely manner, since after drying it can only be removed mechanically.
  • Do not use on Cotto Toscana tiles.
  • As the ambient temperature increases, the setting time decreases.
  • Cannot be used for grouting joints in tanks with chemicals and compounds with which contact is permissible for a short time(see chemical resistance table at the end of the catalog).
  • Do not use for surface treatment exposed to oleic acids.
  • Do not add solvent or water.
  • Do not use for purposes not provided for in this technical description.


Component A: Causes irritation to eyes and skin. Avoid contact with skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately with running water and consult a doctor. In case of contact with skin, wash off immediately big amount water and soap. When working, wear gloves and protect your eyes/face.
Component B: corrosive. Poisonous if swallowed. Causes burns. Avoid contact with skin as it may cause irritation. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them immediately with running water and consult a doctor. In case of contact with skin, wash off immediately with plenty of soap and water. When working, wear gloves and protect your eyes/face.

Litochrom Starlike consumption


Indicators Values
Appearance component A: colored thick paste
Appearance component B: thick liquid
Classification according to EN 13888 RG - reactive grout mixture for filling tile joints
Classification according to EN 12004 R2T - reactive advanced adhesive with zero vertical slip
Grouting joints floor covering with standard adhesive: after 24 hours
floor covering with quick-setting adhesive: after 4 hours
floor covering for mortar: after 7 - 10 days
wall cladding with standard adhesive: after 6 - 8 hours
wall cladding with quick-setting adhesive: after 4 hours
wall cladding on cement mortar: in 2 - 3 days
Dilution proportions component A: 100 parts by weight
component B: 7.2 parts weight
Usage time about 45 minutes at t° +23 °C
Specific gravity of solution 1.55 kg/l
Application temperature from +12 °С to +30 °С
Possibility of walking after 24 hours at t° +23 °C
after 5 days at t° +23 °C, after 10 days at t° +23 °C
Seam width from 1 to 15 mm
Consumption when using LITOCHROM STARLIKE as an adhesive 1.6 kg/m² (comb size 4 mm)
Shear adhesion (EN 12003) Initial > 2 N/mm²
Shear adhesion (EN 12003) After immersion in water > 2 N/mm²
Shear adhesion (EN 12003) After thermal shock > 2 N/mm²
Abrasion resistance (EN 12808-2) < 250 мм²
Flexural strength after 28 days (EN 12808-3) > 30 N/mm²
Compressive strength after 28 days (EN 12808-3) > 45 N/mm²
Shrinkage EN 12808-4 < 1,5 мм/м
Water absorption after 4 hours EN 12808-5 < 0,1 г
Operating temperature from -20 °С to +100 °С
Storage 24 months in a dry place in original packaging

LITOKOL epoxy grout mixtures are designed to fill the space between tiles, while simultaneously performing two functions - protective and decorative. Epoxy grouts are two-component mixtures that include epoxy resin with a colored pigment and a hardener.

Polymer joint filler, formed when mixing components, has a number of significant advantages - it does not allow moisture to pass through, it is resistant to aggressive chemical compounds and is practically not susceptible to contamination due to the lack of pores in this material. After completion of the polymerization process, epoxy grout is environmentally friendly safe material, it does not emit any fumes and is chemically inert.

The range of two-component LITOKOL grouts includes mixtures for filling the space between tiles when facing horizontal and vertical surfaces with ceramic and glass mosaics, ceramic and porcelain tiles, slabs of marble, granite and other natural stone. Epoxy grouts can be used for interior and exterior finishing, grouting joints in bathrooms, toilets, showers, swimming pools, as well as when tiling individual elements interior - kitchen countertops, furniture facades.

LITOKOL epoxy grouts are presented in a wide range of colors, including with a variety of optical effects - transparent, luminescent, with metallic sparkles. The color of the aggregate remains unchanged throughout the entire period of operation - it is not afraid of exposure to sunlight, moisture and detergents. LITOKOL epoxy grout is resistant to sudden changes temperatures, mechanical stress and is characterized by zero water absorption after hardening.

STARLIKE - epoxy two-component acid-resistant composition for styling glass mosaic, tiles and grouting joints between tiles with a width of 1 to 15 mm, for interior and exterior work..

It is a premium design product with a unique range of colors and exclusive visual effects.

The STARLIKE product line (STARLIKE, STARLIKE CRYSTAL, STARLIKE COLOR CRYSTAL, STARLIKE DEFENDER, STARLIKE FINISHES) is the undisputed leader among popular analogues in the premium segment.

STARLIKE solves several problems at once: laying tiles and mosaics, grouting tile joints, finishing walls. The wide scope of application and versatility of the product allow it to be used at various sites, including wet areas, in rooms with high hygienic requirements, aggressive chemical environment, intensive operating
with loads. Suitable for professional use.

Component A is a mixture epoxy resin, silicon fillers and additives. Component B is a hardener. After mixing components A and B, a composition is obtained that can be used as a tile adhesive or grout between tiles.

STARLIKE complies with the RG class - a grout based on reactive resins(R) for tile joints (G).
STARLIKE complies with the R2T class - an adhesive based on reactive resins (R) of improved quality (2), with zero vertical slip (T).

STARLIKE/STARLIKE DEFENDER can be used for laying tiles or mosaics on the following types of substrates:

  • cement screeds and plasters LITOPLAN, LITOPLAN RAPID;
  • cement screeds with water or electrically heated;
  • floors leveled with self-leveling mixtures LITOLIV S5, LITOLIV S30;
  • concrete surfaces;
  • plasterboard, gypsum board, SML, ATSEID, chipboard, DSP, OSB;
  • existing coverings of tiles, porcelain stoneware, natural stone when laying new tile covering using the tile-to-tile method;
  • surfaces with waterproofing coatings made with ELASTOCEM, ELASTOCEM MONO.
STARLIKE/STARLIKE DEFENDER can be used for laying cladding made of the following types tiles:
  • ceramic tile;
  • acid-resistant clinker;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • a natural stone;
  • glass and ceramic mosaic.

Main characteristics

Classification according to EN 13888: class RG - reactive grout mixture for tile joints Type of grout: epoxy two-component acid-resistant composition Type of work: interior Joint width: from 1 to 15 mm Consumption: Start of operation: after 24 hours

Technical information

  • Complete freedom in choosing a shade. Color palette STARLIKE includes 152 original shades and unlimited design possibilities with STARLIKE FINISHES decorative additives to achieve unique optical effects. The effects of sparkling gold chips, mother-of-pearl shine, noble tints of bronze, platinum, copper, mysterious glow in the dark reveal ample opportunities for the implementation of any, even the most bold ideas and emphasize the individuality of the interior. STARLIKE CRYSTAL transparent grout with a chameleon effect is ideal for creating mosaic panels, decorative elements with lighting and art objects. Colored translucent grout STARLIKE COLOR CRYSTAL “adjusts” to the color of the mosaic within the same range, which allows you to achieve a “tone on tone” effect.
  • Easy to use and clean. Due to its plasticity, the composition is easy to apply, completely filling the seams and is also easy to clean. Unlike other epoxy grouts, using STARLIKE allows you to reduce the work time of the master by 15–20%.
  • Excellent chemical resistance. Resistance to aggressive environments makes STARLIKE indispensable for external and interior decoration business objects and industrial enterprises. STARLIKE - perfect solution for claddings that have high requirements for chemical resistance to alkalis, acids and other aggressive substances (laboratories, production shops, car services, car washes and many others).
  • High mechanical strength. Thanks to its formula, the composition provides a reliable and durable coating. The absence of cracks or voids after hardening allows us to achieve guaranteed high quality work.
  • Color constancy. All colors of the STARLIKE collections are protected against ultraviolet rays, thus preventing superficial yellowing caused by ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Weather resistant. The composition is intended for use not only for internal, but also for external work, due to its resistance to changes in humidity, temperature fluctuations, exposure to precipitation and sunlight.
  • Safety. STARLIKE does not provide negative impact on the environment and human health.
  • Antibacterial properties. STARLIKE is the ideal solution for kitchens, food production and restaurants. It is suitable for finishing workshops in enterprises Food Industry. The composition is recommended for surfaces in direct contact with food and does not affect negative influence on food products. STARLIKE DEFENDER is the world's only epoxy compound that destroys 99.9% of bacteria. It ensures high hygiene in operating rooms, perinatal centers, kindergartens and any medical institutions.
  • Save time. Using STARLIKE significantly saves time, since the start of operation is possible within 24 hours.
  • Compatibility with various types cladding. The composition is suitable for working with a wide range of cladding types: glass and ceramic mosaic, ceramic tiles, acid-resistant clinker, porcelain stoneware, natural stone.

Consistency of the mixture: component
A: colored thick paste
B: thick liquid Classification of LITOCHROM STARLIKE/ STARLIKE® DEFENDER according to EN 13888: class RG - reactive grout mixture for tile joints Classification of LITOCHROM STARLIKE/ STARLIKE® DEFENDER according to EN 12004: class R2T - reactive improved adhesive with zero vertical slip. Grouting of joints: floor cladding with standard setting adhesive: after 24 hours;
floor cladding with quick-setting adhesive: after 4 hours; floor cladding with mortar: after 7-10 days; wall cladding with standard setting adhesive: after 6-8 hours; wall cladding with quick-setting adhesive: after 4 hours; wall cladding for mortar: after 2-3 days Dilution ratio: component A - 100 parts by weight
component B – 8 parts weight
both components are packaged in the required ratio Specific gravity solution: 1.55 kg/l Time of use at t° +23 °C: about 60 minutes Application temperature: from +12 to +30 °C Walkability at t° +23 °C: after 24 hours Working load (final hardening ): after 5 days at t° +23 °C,
after 10 days at t° +15 °C Joint width: from 1 to 15 mm Consumption when using LITOCHROM STARLIKE as an adhesive: 1.6 kg/m2 (comb size 4 mm) Shear adhesion (EN 12003) : Initial/ After immersion in water /After thermal shock: > 2 N/mm² / > 2 N/mm² / > 2 N/mm² Abrasion resistance (EN 12808-2): 30 N/mm² Mechanical resistance to compression after 28 days standard conditions(EN 12808-3): > 45 N/mm² Shrinkage (EN 12808-4): standard pallet 260 kg
plastic bucket 2.5 kg,
standard pallet 375 kg
plastic bucket 5 kg,
standard pallet 450 kg
plastic bucket 10 kg,
standard pallet 640 kg

STARLIKE/STARLIKE DEFENDER is used in cases where operating conditions place high demands on the coated surface and tile joints in terms of chemical resistance to alkalis, acids and other aggressive substances:

  • For interior and exterior use.
  • For use on vertical and horizontal surfaces, on surfaces with positive and negative inclination angles.
  • For laying tiles and grouting joints between tiles when facing walls and floors in poultry farms, livestock farms and slaughterhouses;
  • For laying acid-resistant ceramic tiles and grouting tile joints at food industry enterprises - meat processing plants, cold storage plants, dairies, cheese factories, bakeries, canning factories, breweries, wineries, wine cellars, and freezers.
  • For laying acid-resistant ceramic tiles and grouting tile surfaces in contact with aggressive chemicals - in chemical laboratories, in workshops for the production of household and industrial chemicals, in car service centers, in garages, in battery rooms, and in car washes.
  • For laying acid-resistant ceramic tiles and grouting joints on tile cladding in containers and reservoirs intended for storing chemically aggressive liquids, as well as in trays and channels intended for draining or moving chemically aggressive liquids (see chemical resistance table).
  • At airports, at railway stations, at metro stations, commercial and shopping centers,
  • In corporate kitchens Catering(restaurants, canteens, cafes).
  • For laying mosaics (glass, ceramic, porcelain stoneware, metal) and grouting joints between tiles when lining kitchens, bathrooms, showers, swimming pools, thermal pools with this mosaic sea ​​water, water parks, saunas, Turkish baths(hamams), fountains.
  • For grouting tile joints when facing ceramic tiles, clinker, porcelain stoneware, natural stone, agglomerated stone walls and floors in kitchens, bathrooms, showers, swimming pools, pools with thermal and sea water, water parks, saunas, Turkish baths(hamamah), fountains.
  • For grouting tile joints when facing ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, natural stone on terraces, balconies, existing roofs, entrance groups buildings, plinths and building facades.
  • For grouting tile joints on substrates subjected to deformation loads - floors with water and electric heating, structures made of plasterboard, gypsum board, SML, ATSEID, chipboard, DSP, OSB.