home · Networks · What is the best material to make interior partitions from? What is the best material to make interior partitions in an apartment from? Modern plasterboard partitions

What is the best material to make interior partitions from? What is the best material to make interior partitions in an apartment from? Modern plasterboard partitions

First, we must understand what we call a partition in an apartment. Partition or is it any not load-bearing partition. Most modern new buildings of monolithic housing construction are built without interior partitions. The construction of partitions is transferred from the shoulders of the builders to the shoulders of the apartment owners. It is for them that the question of what to make a partition in an apartment from is most relevant.

There is one fundamental question regarding the choice of material for the partition between rooms: In what room will the partition be built? By answering this question, we will be able to more accurately understand what to make the partition from and choose the material for the interior partition. Let me explain why.

Any new partition in the room creates additional load on the floor of the room, or more precisely on the floor in the house. If your home, be it apartment house or a private house, has restrictions on the load on the floor, for example they are wooden, you need to choose a lightweight material for the partition. For example, gypsum craton on a metal or wooden frame. If the floors in the house are strong enough, for example, floor slabs, then you can build a partition from brick or light concrete blocks. Next, let's look at the pros and cons of various materials for interior partitions.

Popular materials for partitions in an apartment

Speaking of a partition in an apartment, the following popular materials come to mind from which you can make a partition between rooms (we rank by popularity):

  • Foam blocks, including tongue-and-groove slabs;
  • Cinder blocks;
  • Drywall on frame;
  • Brick.

As I already said, by a partition in an apartment we mean any non-load-bearing wall in the apartment, including the wall separating the bathroom and toilet (if there is one).

You can make a partition in an apartment from foam concrete blocks

Foam concrete block is a building material with strength and fire resistance close to concrete, but with improved sound and thermal insulation characteristics.

For interior partitions, foam concrete blocks are used, they are also called aerated concrete blocks, 50 or 150 mm thick. Foam concrete can be easily cut with wood hacksaws, which greatly simplifies their installation.

These blocks are laid using cement masonry mortar or gypsum adhesive for foam blocks. Glue for foam blocks is sold in the form of a dry mixture and is mixed with water until ready. You need to pay attention to important nuances:

  • When laying a partition, it is better to lay the bottom row of blocks on cement mortar;
  • When used in cement masonry masonry mortar, it is better to moisten foam concrete blocks before laying so that moisture does not leave the solution;
  • Wetting the blocks is not required if glue is used for masonry;
  • Laying foam blocks in the bathroom, it is better to do it on tile adhesive. In general, tile adhesive is suitable for laying foam blocks, but is not actively used because of the price.

Disadvantages of foam concrete blocks

Foam concrete blocks, of course, have their drawbacks, such as the fear of water, the high cost of special glue, and impact fragility, but all these drawbacks do not work for an interior partition. So, for a partition in an apartment there is only one drawback - the price square meter made partition. A little cheaper interior partitions from cinder blocks.

Cinder block for interior partition

Cinder block is a building material made from waste slag rocks. Its appearance is gray (they do it in color) with noticeable inclusions. Requires exterior finishing(plasters).

But it does not absorb moisture and is easily laid on cheap masonry and cement mortar without wetting. In the photo we see the laying of a partition made of hollow cinder block. There is a second option, solid cinder blocks. Cinder blocks are actively used for the construction of walls in low-rise construction, which is why they are often called wall blocks. By the way, many people do them themselves, but this is not for apartment renovation.

Tongue-and-groove block or tongue-and-groove plate (GGP)

I won’t talk at length about the tongue-and-groove plate. Essentially it's the same foam concrete block, but with locks around the perimeter (tongues and grooves). They are expensive but easy to install due to the locks.


  • The PGP is easy to saw, and the lock fits easily into the groove.


  • The tongue-and-groove slab (TGP) itself is expensive, especially high-quality ones;
  • Glue for it is expensive and you need a lot of it;
  • Therefore, a square meter of partition turns out to be expensive. But, as you understand, this is a subjective flaw.

Plasterboard partition

I have written quite a lot of articles on this site about plasterboard partitions. Here they are:

  • No entries found

Here I will list the disadvantages of plasterboard partitions

  • Poor sound insulation, even if sound insulation technologies are used for plasterboard partitions.
  • Drywall is a material that is very easy to damage, but hanging anything on it is problematic.
  • The service life of such a prefabricated partition is much shorter than a monolithic partition made from the same foam blocks. Although the installation time is significantly less.

Classic of the genre - brick

The space of any apartment and private house consists of separate functional volumes - living rooms and auxiliary premises - kitchen, bathroom and storage room.

To create them, partitions are required - wall structures various configurations. They are usually built simultaneously with the construction of external walls.

However, when reconstructing premises, very often there is a need to change internal layout. This problem cannot be solved without dismantling old partitions and installing new ones. Therefore, we should consider in more detail the question of what can be used to make a partition so that it is durable, absorbs noise well and looks aesthetically pleasing.

Materials and designs of wall partitions

The main building material for partitions for a long time served as red brick. The structure made from it was strong and rigid, however, in terms of its heat and sound insulating qualities it was imperfect.

In addition, laying small-sized bricks is very labor-intensive and impossible without experience and practical skills. Heavy weight brickwork requires the construction of a solid concrete foundation or a powerful foundation in the form of reinforced concrete slab ceilings

Gradually, bricks in partition structures began to be replaced with lighter ones made of gypsum. They have a large surface area and a locking system of connections, so they are assembled several times faster than brickwork.

High sound permeability – significant drawback all gypsum boards had to be removed using sound-absorbing plaster or sheet materials fibrous structure.

Today, in addition to brick and gypsum boards, foam and aerated concrete blocks, polycarbonate, plasterboard, chipboard and plywood are used for the construction of partitions. The appropriateness of using each specific material is determined depending on the properties that the partition should have.

Gas silicate and foam concrete blocks

If you require high thermal insulation ability and strength, then it is best to make the partition one-piece. They are optimally suited for this.

Can also be used for this job, but it doesn't finish as well plaster solutions, because it has a closed cell structure.

Manufacturers cellular concrete Today they produce blocks with a thickness of 10 to 15 cm, specially designed for the installation of lightweight interior partitions.

It should be noted that expanded clay concrete blocks are also used in partition structures. However, they are almost twice as heavy as aerated concrete and insulate noise worse.

When building a partition from gypsum slabs, expanded clay blocks, gas or foam concrete, you need to pay attention Special attention quality of fastening to the base and ceiling of the first and last row masonry In addition, fibrous tape must be laid at the joints with the floor, ceiling and walls. soundproofing material in order to cut off structural noise from the partition.

The blocks are laid with ligation of seams along the height. This guarantees the solidity and strength of the structure.

Frame partitions

You can quickly and efficiently build interior partitions using frame technology. Its basis is usually a light steel profile, and plasterboard is used as cladding.

You can reduce the cost of such a design by purchasing a steel profile instead wooden blocks. You need to choose only the smoothest and most well-dried wood, without defects in the form of falling knots, blue stains and cross-layers. Otherwise, the wooden frame will be deformed and cracks will appear on the surface of the drywall.

An important advantage frame partitions is the simplicity of insulation and thermal insulation. In the internal space of such structures, you can place any type of insulation (mineral wool, ecowool, polystyrene foam, sawdust or shavings).

When choosing polystyrene foam, remember that it retains heat well, but is not an effective sound insulator. Therefore, to reduce noise levels, use in partitions fibrous materials– ecowool or mineral wool.

Except plasterboard sheets To cover the frame, you can purchase more durable materials - plywood or chipboard. Possessing high rigidity and low weight, they are inferior to plasterboard in terms of ease of finishing.

For application on such surfaces, you need to use fiberglass mesh, and when wallpapering, use high-quality adhesives.


In order to make the walls in the house transparent for sunlight, you can use polycarbonate. Unlike ordinary glass, this material is injury-proof and lightweight.

Polycarbonate partitions are easy to assemble and durable in use. In addition, sheets of honeycomb structure retain heat well and have sound insulating qualities. They are optimally suited for creating sliding structures that can be used to transform the interior space of a room.

The wide range of colors and aesthetic appearance of polycarbonate sheets makes it base material for interior decoration in the most modern style. Polycarbonate partition made of aluminum profiles can have any shape, so it naturally fits into the most complex layout.

Sandwich panels

These structures are usually used for installing partitions in prefabricated buildings with steel load-bearing frame. External surfaces The “sandwich” is made of galvanized painted steel, with foam or polyurethane foam insulation 8-10 cm thick placed inside.

IN residential buildings, which are built using the so-called “Canadian technology”, install ready-made sandwich partitions from OSB boards, inside of which there is polystyrene foam insulation.

Despite good energy saving indicators, the environmental friendliness of such structures, especially when installed inside residential premises, still causes a lot of heated discussions.

Wood partitions

Here you need to highlight frame structures and solid wood partitions. The best place for their installation - premises in a house made of timber or rounded logs. Here wooden structure will be appropriate and aesthetically pleasing even without additional external decor.

For sheathing wooden frame you can use clapboard or blockhouse, selecting the material for the main finishing load-bearing walls. Sheathing process frame structure is not difficult even for beginners, since all facing molded wood products have tongue-and-groove joints.

To eliminate the risk of wood warping, the choice of material must be taken responsibly, choosing products not natural humidity, but chamber drying and high grade (not lower than the first). When assembling such a partition, use special clamps, and not self-tapping screws, which spoil the appearance of the surface.

Before starting assembly, do not forget to process the frame bars and all facing material a special composition that will protect it from fire and dampness.

The construction of internal partitions from timber has no fundamental differences from chopped walls. It is best to use profiled material for this work. It fits very tightly into a common mass and does not warp as much as wood without tongue-and-groove cutting of the joining planes.

In the area of ​​contact of the beam with the outer wooden wall It is necessary to use fastening steel plates. They will increase the spatial rigidity of the entire structure and will not spoil the appearance, since they will be hidden between the beams in a layer of fiber sealant.

Making a cut into an existing one wooden wall in a built house is impractical. This will significantly complicate the work and reduce energy saving characteristics external fencing.

What are the partitions in the apartment made of? To answer this question, you must first become familiar with existing materials and terms of their use. Today, a wide variety of materials are used for partitions in an apartment or residential building. Moreover, their type and dimensions depend on the purpose of the separated space. But before getting acquainted with the types of partitions, you should understand the very concept of dividing a room or its zoning.

What is the best material to make an interior partition from to make the room isolated from other rooms? Here it is better to use a denser or durable material, which has high sound insulation rates. Such partitions are most often installed in apartments to create a separate room for children or a study. Not only soundproofing is important here, but also vibration resistance of the walls. What is the alternative? Alternatively, it can be done interior wall from cheaper expanded clay blocks, gypsum blocks and foam blocks.

Internal partitions in an apartment are symbolic, and most often just decoration of the room. They only visually divide the room into two or more specific zones. Such interior partitions in an apartment are most often installed, for example, in the living room to separate the dining room and recreation area, in large bedroom can be separated this way work area(office) from the main area.

Construction of insulated walls

Insulated partition

Let us consider in more detail the methods of constructing insulated walls, for example, internal partitions from foam blocks or expanded clay blocks in order to obtain a private space. But first of all, it should be noted that according to generally accepted standards, blind partitions can only be installed in rooms with several sources natural light, that is, in which there are two or more windows. If the partition is erected in other places, then permission from the BTI and the drawing up of a new project will be required. Therefore, the first thing we will consider is the conditions for installing partitions in the apartment.

Conditions for installing partitions in an apartment

It is prohibited to make permanent partitions in the following cases:

  • in order to increase the area of ​​the kitchen, bathroom or toilet at the expense of the living space;
  • in the same way, reduce the kitchen or bathroom in order to increase living space;
  • install a sanitary unit above the kitchen of the neighbors below;
  • transfer the kitchen to the living area;
  • if there gas stove, it is prohibited to combine the kitchen and living space;
  • divide living space into two or more with one source natural light(window).

In addition to the installation locations for partitions, you should also take into account some technical aspects that will determine what is best to make interior partitions from. These include the following:

  • It is prohibited to demolish partitions for the purpose of moving them if they are load-bearing;
  • the installation of heavy partitions should only be carried out on a solid foundation (monolithic reinforced concrete, brick or block, with a density of at least D600, wall); in other cases, walls can be laid from foam blocks 10 cm thick or made using a frame.

The table below compares several materials according to their physical characteristics, which are decisive when choosing a specific type.

From the table it is clear that the most warm material are gas or gas silicate blocks for partitions in an apartment, but it has less strength due to its high porosity. The most durable material is brick, but due to high density material, its weight is very large: 1 m 2 of masonry weighs 250 kg. In comparison with gas blocks, the weight of one element is from 5 to 10 kg with dimensions of 600x300x100 mm, they are more than 4 times heavier and, therefore, will create a greater load on the floors. As for sound insulation characteristics, gas blocks and foam blocks have better insulating properties due to the presence of many gas bubbles. But the table also shows how foam concrete differs from aerated concrete; the pros and cons of both types are obvious.

Types of materials for partitions


For the construction of partitions in rooms with high humidity it is necessary to use a material with a low moisture absorption coefficient. This is a brick or green color. At the same time, it is better to use hollow material for partitions, since it has less weight, at least 30%, but has the same strength.

Brickwork as a partition has a number of advantages:

  • high strength and load capacity;
  • You can build walls of any curved shape from brick;
  • the material is resistant to humid environments and fungal formations; due to poor moisture absorption, it does not form at all.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • high weight of the partition;
  • high curvature of the surface after masonry, which will require additional plastering, but in the case of installing tiles this does not play a special role;
  • high labor intensity of work;
  • a lot of accompanying dirt.

Calculator for calculating bricks in masonry

Partitions made of gas blocks and foam blocks

What is the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete? These materials are quite similar to each other, but they have a number of differences, which are as follows:

  • Mode of production. Aerated concrete blocks are made by baking in autoclaves, unlike foam blocks, which harden under normal conditions and can be produced directly on the construction site.
  • Chemical composition. They contain large quantity cement than in the first option, which makes them stronger and more moisture resistant.
  • Foam blocks are less susceptible to processing due to the larger proportion of cement.

Considering all of the above, we can confidently answer the question of what is stronger - a foam block or a gas block. Naturally a foam block, but it has a lower thermal insulation coefficient. In particular, for the construction of partitions in an apartment this does not play a big role.

If the foundation does not allow the construction of massive and very heavy interior walls, That excellent option There will be an interior partition made of foam blocks. But at the same time, it must always be faced without gaps using tiles, plaster and other means in case of construction in rooms with high humidity.

Today there is a wide variety of standard sizes of foam blocks and gas blocks for construction on sale. But for the construction of partitions there are so-called partition blocks. Their standard sizes can be:

  • 600x300x100 mm;
  • 600x200x100 mm.

An interior partition made of blocks has a number of advantages:

  • Installation of partitions made of foam blocks is done quite quickly due to the light weight of each block and its impressive size.
  • High rates of heat and sound insulation.
  • Good fire resistance.
  • High indicators of the geometry of the finished masonry.
  • Gas and foam blocks can be easily processed with any tools (chisel, hand saw, drill), but it is recommended to use a tool specially designed for this. The hacksaw should have a thick blade and be equipped with large double teeth.
  • When laying partitions from foam blocks, doorways up to 80 cm wide can be made without the use of metal lintels, but only with the use glue mixture. More details about.

But just like with any other construction, there are some disadvantages due to the following:

  • Gas and foam blocks have deviations in geometric dimensions of up to 2 mm, which indicates the need to level the wall with plaster mixtures.
  • To prevent the formation of fungus in raw and wet areas partitions must be treated with antiseptic protective equipment. It must be 100% finished with plaster mixtures.
  • The surface is less durable than brickwork.

Tongue-and-groove slabs

Partition made of tongue-and-groove slabs

Tongue-and-groove blocks or slabs are of no less interest for partitions in an apartment. This new material, which is based on gypsum, plasticizer and other hydrophobic additives to increase resistance to water, has excellent geometric parameters. Also, each plate has a groove and a protrusion (ridge) in its structure to ensure ideal joining of the components with each other, forming a single, flat surface.

Gypsum blocks as a building masonry material have a number of advantages:

  • non-flammable and does not deform during prolonged exposure to fire;
  • have excellent geometric parameters unlike partitions made of foam blocks, which indicates ideal flat surface and no need for plaster;
  • easy to process with any tools;
  • have excellent sound-proofing and heat-insulating properties;
  • have a relatively small weight, approximately equal in volume to a gas block;
  • slabs with voids are available for sale, which allows you to easily lay out all the necessary communications;
  • the light weight of the slabs and the large geometric dimensions of each block facilitate the rapid construction of walls and partitions;
  • the presence of a groove and a ridge makes the wall stronger than laying an interior partition made of foam blocks.

Like any other material, they have disadvantages:

  • comparatively low strength of the material;
  • high water absorption, up to destruction - for the construction of partitions in rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to use slabs with special additives, they have a different green color;
  • For installation of slabs, only special gypsum adhesive should be used.

Partitions made of expanded clay concrete blocks

For interior partitions they are also a good option because they have good performance strength, sound and heat insulation, and most importantly, low cost. But you should take into account the fact that a more durable material has less heat retention properties. To build partitions in an apartment, it is enough to use elements with large expanded clay granules. Expanded clay blocks also have pros and cons, which are described below:

  • the weakest expanded clay concrete blocks have a moisture permeability coefficient much lower than foam blocks, and is only 50% versus 85%;
  • a less durable expanded clay concrete block has greater strength compared to a foam block, the indicator differs by almost half;
  • laying expanded clay blocks can be carried out directly on a reinforced concrete base in an apartment, while gypsum or aerated blocks should be mounted on a substrate to compensate for the temperature coefficient;

Zoning, separating too large spaces or adding practicality to small rooms using partitions - perfect solution, available to the owner of any home. Before you make a room partition with your own hands, find out about the pros and cons different materials and methods of installation of products.

It’s easy to make a partition in any type of room with your own hands. And they come in different types of structures:

Stationary partitions are made by hand from plasterboard, concrete and brick. They are heavy and not suitable for all rooms. Sliding structures and “accordions” take up little space, allow you to divide the room into 2 zones during the day, and create a spacious bedroom at night. Each type has its own pros and cons.

Types of materials for partitions

When thinking about what to make an interior partition with your own hands, pay attention to the pros and cons of different materials. The most expensive, complex and heavy options are not always convenient and appropriate for use. Perhaps their relevance will be low for the project.

Brick systems

Brick structures are made from hollow blocks; a partition is laid out in half of the part. The choice is due to the low weight of the material, which is especially important when laying the wall in multi-storey building. Advantages of brick:

A brick wall will require some experience and knowledge from the worker, as well as more time than when building plasterboard fences with your own hands.

The disadvantage of the manufactured partition is its weight. It reaches 280 kg when laying half a brick per 1 square meter. m.

Before decorative finishing brick requires a layer of plaster.

Foam concrete

To create partitions with your own hands, foam concrete blocks are used. The porous structure is responsible for certain qualities of the material, the main one being its incredible lightness in comparison with reinforced concrete. When laying, use gypsum glue or concrete mortar.

Design advantages:

Among the disadvantages is the still significant weight - 18 kg for one block. The material absorbs moisture and is not suitable for installation near wet areas.

Gypsum blocks

Gypsum boards have additional elements in the form of ridges that simplify installation. For installation, use gypsum glue. They use 2 types of plates: with maximum length 600 and 500 mm. The process takes 5 times less time than with brickwork.

Among the advantages of GPP:

The main disadvantage of the slabs is the difficulty of operation due to their size. It is impossible to raise them to a height alone.
Foam blocks can withstand hanging structures maximum 30 kg.


Drywall is a lightweight and reliable material that is most often installed on a galvanized metal frame. It can be combined with sound-insulating and heat-insulating parts: mineral wool, expanded polystyrene.

Plasterboard partitions are used most often, as they have significant advantages.

Drywall is available in 4 versions, each of which is intended for different rooms. There are moisture-resistant materials painted green; they are suitable for constructing structures in the bathroom.

With the help of drywall, the base of which is wood, a good microclimate is created in the room. The material is capable of eliminating excess moisture from the air, but it does not swell or dry out.

Drywall protects against extraneous noise and heat loss. Certain types of sheets have increased fire resistance. They are even used next to a heated stove or fireplace.

The lightness of the design allows it to be used in any room, including apartments multi-storey buildings. It is much easier to process gypsum boards than foam blocks or bricks. It is enough to use a construction knife or improvised cutting tools.

The benefits of drywall will come to naught if you install structures that are not intended for specific locations.

Only the correctly selected type of material is installed in rooms with high humidity; ordinary sheets will lose their properties within 5-10 years.

Fragility is another disadvantage of gypsum plasterboard, since the sheets are susceptible to damage as a result of impacts or the fall of a heavy object (for example, when carrying a cabinet, a cabinet was dropped, a sharp edge stuck into the wall).

You cannot hang shelves or other pieces of furniture heavier than 12 kg on plasterboard partitions made by yourself.

If you need to nail hooks for clothes or brackets for decorative items, then choose a place in a metal or wooden profile.

Glass blocks

Glass blocks are produced square shape, sometimes they are rectangular. They are made of glass up to 7 mm thick, connected to each other, and inside there is a sealed cavity. Small double-glazed windows with air sealed inside provide good protection from noise and prevent heat loss. However, the popularity of structures is not as wide as that of drywall, foam blocks, wood or brick.

Glass blocks are used in modern designs, where appropriate large structures. They combine decorative and functional components. Unlike thin glass partitions, the blocks look completely different. Their positive properties:

With all the advantages, glass blocks retain one drawback - they are extremely sensitive to any mechanical stress. It will not be possible to install a door in such a structure. You cannot install additional parts on such products: shelves, hooks.

How to make a room partition with your own hands

To make a partition in a room, you do not need to obtain permission from the inspectorate. The design does not apply to bearing class. Stationary and other types of products are used in almost 100% of cases of apartment redevelopment.

How to make a partition in a room from plasterboard

Construction work plasterboard construction do it yourself, they start by determining the type of profile. Choose wooden beams or metal. The second method is considered more reliable and stable. For construction you will need: fasteners, a plumb line, a set of tools, a level.

Description of stages:

  1. Marking the installation site of the structure. First, according to the markings on the ceiling, it is installed metal base– guide. The type of fastener corresponding to the material is used. If the ceiling is concrete, then dowels with screws are used. The fastening pitch is from 15 to 17 cm.
  2. Improving the quality of fit of the profile to the wall. Regardless of which frame is used for the plasterboard partition, it is sheathed with double-sided adhesive sealing tape.

  3. Fastening the guides to the floor. Before installation, double-sided tape with a sealant is applied to the metal, then the profile is secured to the floor.
  4. Attaching vertical guides. The upper and lower profiles are connected by installing vertical slats. The guides are attached to the wall or hangers are used (they help align the profile if the wall is not straight enough).
  5. Installation doorway. The best option for structures with a door - use metal profile. Install racks and strengthen them wooden beam, using self-tapping screws, the profile is fixed in the lower and upper guides.

  6. Installation of the transverse profile of the opening. A horizontal bar is attached to the guides that determine the width of the door opening. It limits the height of the opening. To increase the rigidity of the structure, the bar is secured with additional metal profiles.
  7. Installation of remaining elements. In the remaining space, vertical guides are installed in increments of 60 cm.
  8. Attaching an additional profile. If sheets of cladding material are used that are smaller than the height of the ceiling, then transverse metal sections are installed at the points of their connection with the profile. Their ends are bent at right angles.

  9. Covering the first side. One of the sides is filled mineral slabs, the canvases should fit tightly to each other. For fixation, use black self-tapping screws; the caps are deepened by a maximum of 2 mm.
  10. Installation of sound insulation. On the reverse side, sound insulation must be installed in any room, otherwise plasterboard partitions lose their advantages. The material is placed tightly between the vertical elements, and the final layer of drywall is applied on top.
  11. Door frame installation. The base for the door is screwed to the vertical guides. You need to screw it in from the side of the door frame towards the profile. The screw caps are deepened by 2 mm.

  12. Sealing seams. Use gypsum putty and cover all screw heads well.
  13. Installation of fiberglass mesh. A mesh is installed at the joints of the canvases, which is slightly recessed into the layer of putty.
  14. Applying primer. After the putty has dried, the surface is cleaned, a primer is applied to the drywall, and the putty is used again to create a smooth coating.

To divide space, for example, dining area and the dining room, it is not necessary to use the door.

How to make a partition from foam-gas concrete slabs

To create interior floors, foam aerated concrete blocks up to 10 cm thick are used.

Here's how to make a partition in a room from foam aerated concrete:

To fasten the masonry, it is recommended to use cement mortar or a special mixture for foam blocks. Sometimes used gypsum plaster, but this is not the best choice.

How to make a wooden partition

Creating a wooden interior partition is much easier than building a brick wall. Most often, wood is used to create with your own hands. decorative partitions, and it is suitable for any room. However, heavier structures made of beams are also used.

Here's how to make a reinforced partition with your own hands:

You can make a decorative carved wooden partition with your own hands. In this case, the creation of a reinforced frame is not required. The canvas is directly attached to the floor and ceiling, sometimes to a load-bearing wall.

Partition installation

Installation of a partition in a room must meet certain requirements:

Weigh the pros and cons, remember the safety of the partition: it is better to install heavy brick structures in private houses. If you are unsure about safety, consult a professional about the choice suitable option installation of an interior partition.

In a certain situation, the emerging issue of redevelopment or construction of new interior partitions requires maximum attention. Must be accepted correct solution about the nature of the partitions, the material for their manufacture, sufficient sound insulation of the resulting structure.

Interior partition: why is it installed?

The problem of constructing interior partitions has become especially relevant in Lately, since many apartments in new buildings are built according to the principle open plan. In this case, the homeowner has more options for placing partitions in the apartment with maximum comfort for yourself. The main difficulty in this case can only be right choice suitable material for partitions and competent execution of work on their construction.

Partition between the kitchen and living room in the apartment

There are two most typical points of view on the construction of interior partitions:

  • On the one hand, the owners of the premises want to preserve as much as possible usable area and erect thin partitions that would not “eat up” square meters. From this point of view, thin partitions are the ideal option.
  • On the other hand, partitions must have a certain strength to support the weight of cabinets, pictures and shelves, while also guaranteeing good sound insulation properties.
  • Photo: sliding interior partition

    What material is best to make it from?

    As building material used for interior partitions various materials- from brick to glass blocks, but the main ones include brick, foam blocks, wood and aluminum with plasterboard. The choice of a particular material should depend not only on the preferences of builders or owners, but also on the planned load on bearing structures and safety of erected partitions.


    This type of partition is considered the most durable, so such a wall will not be damaged by heavy shelves or massive paintings. As a partition, a half-brick wall is usually laid so that the total thickness of the structure is no more than 160 mm (together).

    Used for partitions the following types bricks:

    • Silicate and ceramic. Experts do not recommend laying sand-lime brick in rooms with high level humidity.
    • Full and hollow. Hollow brick is also not recommended for use in bathrooms.

    If there are no outlet bricks, you can use the following fastenings of the partition to the wall

    When laying a brick partition, you should take into account the weight of the resulting wall and the load on the supporting structures (on average it is about 300 kg per square meter of area). In addition, to construct a partition longer than 1.5 meters, it is necessary to use a special reinforcing mesh, which increases the strength of the resulting partition.

    Laying a partition made of solid sand-lime brick

    Significant disadvantage brick wall is its cost: the price of not only the material itself is high, but also the work on its installation.

    Blocks: foam blocks and aerated concrete

    Interior partitions made of foam blocks are much lighter than brick ones, and at the same time they have excellent heat-insulating and sound-absorbing properties. The total thickness of the partition, taking into account the layers of plaster, is about 130 mm.

    We outline the locations of future walls

    The blocks are easy to cut and model: in such partitions it is quite simple to install door frames or cut a figured arch. Such properties make foam block an ideal material for the construction of interior structures.

    Photo: interior partition made of aerated concrete

    Fact! Foam blocks are not as durable as brick. Therefore, experts do not recommend giving such a structure a load of more than 20 kg.

    Laying such a structure is an order of magnitude simpler than installing a brick wall, which significantly reduces the time required for the work and reduces labor costs.

    Wooden partitions

    The use of wood as interior partitions is quite rare. A wooden partition is either solid wood with the necessary soundproofing filling.

    Wooden frame

    Wooden partitions are often used to save space, when the partition itself becomes something between a wall and a piece of furniture. In addition, a special type wooden partitions allows you to use sliding systems and creatively zone the room.

    Wooden partitions have the following advantages:

    • high strength;
    • durability;
    • external attractiveness.

    We cover the sound insulation in the frame with sheets of plywood


    Most widespread in modern construction got plasterboard partitions. This interest is due to the ideal qualities of drywall: from ease of installation to the ability to obtain partitions of any shape. Most builders have sufficient knowledge to perform drywall work to a high standard.

    Advice! In rooms with high humidity, moisture-resistant material should be used to install plasterboard structures.

    They are the lightest: the weight of one square meter is no more than 50 kg, which makes such partitions extremely attractive, especially when paying attention to the load on supporting structures.

    Fact! can withstand a fairly small weight of no more than 15 kg. If such a partition will have an additional load, then it is advisable to strengthen the structure with sheets of plywood.

    When constructing such partitions, it is important to maintain the required level of sound insulation by using additional insulating materials.