home · Installation · What can you do if you have a low ceiling? Low ceilings: how to visually raise them? Using color effects

What can you do if you have a low ceiling? Low ceilings: how to visually raise them? Using color effects

Low ceilings

The optimal ceiling height in an apartment is 2.4-2.5 meters. If the height is less, the ceilings can “press” on those present. And the lower the ceilings, the stronger this effect. Unfortunately, in typical Khrushchev-era buildings, the ceilings are usually not high enough. There is only one way to really raise the ceiling - remove the plank floors on the joists and make a screed. The ceilings will become several centimeters higher, and this, of course, will be noticeable.

All other ways to raise the ceiling are based only on visual illusions. Designers have several techniques in their arsenal to eliminate the effect of ceiling “pressure” and visually enlarge it, thereby making the room visually more spacious and pleasant. What kind of techniques are these?

Low ceiling: how to visually raise it?

1. Right choice colors for the ceiling. Light, cold shades tend to visually move away from us. It seems that surfaces painted in these colors seem to move away, so the room visually increases. You can choose a cool white-gray color or a light pearl shade for the ceiling. Blue and green objects also visually move away. Therefore, a low ceiling can be painted light blue, gray-blue or cool soft green.

The effect of infinity can be achieved by turning the ceiling into the sky - that is, by covering it with wallpaper with a heavenly pattern or decorating it with appropriate painting. You can also order installation of suspended ceilings with heavenly photo print.

An effective technique suitable for children: decoration with a heavenly pattern on the wall and ceiling. At the same time, the boundary between the wall and the ceiling is blurred, and the top of the room begins to seem endless.

2. Reflective ceiling. A mirrored ceiling is the dream of many. But a real mirror ceiling is not very safe. Ideally this should be suspended ceiling With metal frame and small mirror panels attached to it. Nowadays, instead of a real mirror, mirrored polystyrene panels are more often used. Installation of such a structure will lower the ceiling by several centimeters, although this drawback is offset by the illusion of having a second floor with a transparent floor. If possible, you can choose such a solution - for example, for a living room, bathroom, hall, etc.

A safe "mirror solution" is glossy stretch ceilings. This ceiling makes the room taller, but the reflection is still blurry.

As for color, you need to choose a canvas of one of those shades mentioned above: cold grayish, pearl, bluish, barely visible green, etc.

3. Vertical wall pattern. Wallpaper with narrow vertical stripes is a classic of the genre when it comes to low rooms. It is advisable that the stripe is not too contrasting.

Do not differentiate between a plain ceiling and striped walls with a wide ceiling plinth. It would be better if it were narrow and blended with the color of the ceiling. Otherwise, being too noticeable, it will “cut off” the ceiling from the walls and thereby emphasize their small height.

An interesting technique is to cover the walls with striped wallpaper with a slight approach to the ceiling: the walls will appear higher.

The wallpaper does not have to be striped - it can be any vertical pattern, floral or geometric. In addition, wallpaper can be plain, but textured with a vertical orientation of the texture.

4. Ceiling with the illusion of volume. Above this, a coffered ceiling may appear. You can use not very large ones by gluing them transversely to the ceiling. The moldings should be lighter than the space inside the resulting squares (or diamonds). This space needs to be painted darker and preferably cool color- the ceiling seems to deepen.

5. Playing with lighting. Bulky low chandeliers absolutely not suitable. You can mount a flat lampshade chandelier on the ceiling. If it is suspended or suspended ceiling, you should give preference to spotlights.

To prevent the ceiling from pressing, the following technique is used: several lamps are mounted under the ceiling around the perimeter of the room with upwards or up and down. Their light illuminates the ceiling only along the perimeter, and the center of the ceiling remains darkened: it is not clear whether it is high or low. In any case, the “pressure” effect disappears.

Using the same principle, you can organize tabletop and floor-standing ones, the light from which will create light spots on the ceiling, but not completely illuminate it.

6. Furniture. Furniture can also help adjust the height of the room. Tall narrow display cases, shelving, and counters will visually elongate the walls (the same principle as the vertical pattern on the walls).

Furniture should not be too bulky - it is better to give preference to neat, minimalistic items.

Against the background of tall narrow cabinets, display cases and racks, low ones will seem quite miniature coffee tables(in Japanese and) and TV stands. It will seem that they only appear so low due to the height of the room. This is a game of contrasts.

7. Decor and curtains. Choose long curtains and hang the curtain directly from the ceiling. Let them reach the floor.

Visually enhance low ceilings A vertical fold in the curtains will help. For kitchen and other rooms, you can give preference to vertical blinds.

After completion of external construction work country house, we need to get down to something difficult, but necessary process- interior decoration. Usually interior design begins with the question of how to decorate the ceiling in a private house. The proposed article will help you decide on the choice of finishing material.

Finish options

There are many worthy materials for finishing the ceiling in a private home. These are both traditional and modern materials, meeting the most demanding tastes.

The main options for finishing the ceiling in a private house:

  • whitewash;
  • coloring;
  • plaster plinths with stucco molding;
  • decorative plaster with baseboards;
  • suspended structures;
  • wood paneling;
  • stretch fabrics;
  • structures made of plasterboard sheets;
  • wallpaper.

An important role when choosing the type of ceilings in a private house is played by the need to level the rough coating. So, if you mount a suspended structure, then level rough surface not necessary. Communications and wiring will be covered with a suspended structure.

Any of the options for finishing the ceiling of a private house has its advantages and disadvantages. Which design method to choose depends on the height of the ceilings, interior style, budget, taste and preferences.

Let's take a closer look at some of the materials from which ceilings are made in a private house.


One of the most simple ways design of the ceiling space. The classic option would be to paint the surface white. But this design is unlikely to be suitable for a bedroom or living room.

The color of the paint should be taken into account. Thus, dark colors visually reduce the height of the room. But painting with light paint, on the contrary, will make the room spacious.

If you still want to use dark tones, then it is recommended to combine them with pastel colors on the walls. You can use decorative coloring compositions with various effects.

Plaster, gypsum or polystyrene foam

Easily mounted on the surface of polystyrene foam boards, or gypsum panels and baseboards with stucco molding. This coating is usually white, but after installation the panels can be painted in any shade.

A good solution would be to decorate the ceilings of a country house with decorative plaster, which can be smooth, textured, imitation marble or patterned panels. But finishing with decorative plaster requires special skills.

Suspended structures and tension fabrics

Due to the peculiar design of the ceilings of a private house, you have to think about how to cover the wiring, ventilation and various elements communications. Suitable for this purpose is a suspended plasterboard construction. Lighting fixtures can be mounted to the surface. This LED strips or spotlights.

A correctly chosen hanging structure makes it possible to visually enlarge the space and use various design solutions.

You can combine suspended structures with tension fabrics.


Can be glued to the surface decorative wallpaper in the form of stripes. You can paste wallpaper of the same color in the bedroom above your head. And for the rest of the ceiling, choose a material of a different color scheme.

To cover the surface with wallpaper, first level it work surface. The coating must be even. Photo wallpaper is suitable for a child's room.

You can add decorative stickers to the wallpaper that imitate a glowing starry sky, or beautiful plants.

Nuances when decorating the ceilings of a country house

When choosing what to make a ceiling from in a private house, you need to take into account the design features of the rough surface of country buildings.

To sheathe the ceiling in a private house from the inside, you must do the following: additional work for rough coating:

  1. install thermal insulation;
  2. lay hydro- and vapor barrier layers;
  3. you need to take care of insulation, and find quality material. Used for insulation mineral wool, expanded clay, sawdust and other materials.

After installing the necessary layers on the floors, interior finishing begins.

Which ceilings are better?

Sometimes it is difficult to make up your mind and decide which ceilings are best done in a private house. After all, a well-designed ceiling space should not only be beautiful, but warm and practical, with a long service life.

The problem of ceiling finishing exists where the rooms are not heated in winter. If in such a private house the ceilings are decorated with wood or plasterboard, then in a damp and unheated room the coating will soon become unusable and begin to deteriorate. Therefore, if the house is used only in the summer, then it is best to cover the ceiling in a private house with a suspended structure. Plastic and PVC panels and suspended beam structures are also suitable.

It is necessary to select a facing coating that can withstand temperature changes. You can cover the ceiling of a private house with a stretched vinyl film. This coating does not deform at sub-zero temperatures and will withstand exposure to heat.

If a country house is heated in cold weather, and people live there all year round, That better finish for there will be a tree. Wooden ceiling covering, with proper care behind the surface, will last a long time. In addition, this finish is safe, environmentally friendly and durable.

You can cover the ceiling of a private house with plasterboard. This coating allows you to hide almost any defects in the base surface. After installing the plasterboard sheets, additional finishing can be done. The surface can be painted, wallpapered, or decorated with plaster.

Low ceiling finishing

The ceilings of a country house are not always different great height. In many private buildings the ceiling height is low. To visually increase the height, you need to seriously consider the question of how to decorate a low ceiling in a private house.

  • when decorating the ceiling surface, choose only bright hues;
  • you can use a glossy finish if a tension fabric is installed;
  • When installing lamps in the coating, it is better to abandon bulky lighting fixtures With hanging mount. Such lamps visually reduce the area of ​​the room and take away the already small height of the ceilings;
  • in the bedroom, to visually increase the height of the room, you can make a covering that differs in color from the entire ceiling.

Furniture is of great importance for rooms with low ceilings. So, if the ceiling decoration is done correctly, but the furniture is tall and massive, then there will be no height-increasing effect.

How to finish a wooden ceiling?

To make a choice finishing materials for the ceiling of a private house made of wood, you need to take into account the features of the ceiling structure:

  • floors wooden house lightweight, and made using beams;
  • There is a space between the beams that is filled with insulating material. The insulated space is covered with finishing;
  • a wooden house shrinks, which affects the ceiling covering.

It is best to decorate a wooden ceiling in a private house with wood materials. Natural material combines with any style of a country house, will support optimal level temperature and humidity.

Important: when choosing wood for finishing ceilings, it is necessary to periodically treat the coating by special means, protecting from moisture.

If you install a wooden ceiling for the bathroom and kitchen, then there is a possibility of mold fungus. In rooms with high humidity, it is better to avoid decorating ceilings with wood. For wooden bathrooms suitable for home tension covering.

Wooden covering

Wood lining is considered the most common type of cladding due to the following properties:

  1. good noise insulating and heat insulating properties;
  2. the ability to close ceiling defects;
  3. no surface preparation required;
  4. long service life if you properly care for the ceiling. It is necessary to periodically impregnate the material with a special composition;
  5. quick installation;
  6. suitable for any interior design solutions.

The disadvantages of lining include the possibility of deformation during sudden temperature changes and flammability.

Typically, lining made of pine, linden, oak, and larch is used for ceilings.

Plasterboard finishing

Plasterboard finishing for the ceiling of a wooden house has the following advantages:

  1. allows air to pass through well, eliminating the appearance of condensation on the surface;
  2. the ability to hide defects and cover wiring with communications.

The disadvantages of plasterboard coating include the inability to attach directly to wooden ceiling. You need to pre-mount the frame. After installation, additional work will be required. The surface is puttied and painted. You can cover the surface with wallpaper.


When choosing the material and method of fixing the ceiling for a private home, you need to take into account the height of the room, the presence of unevenness and surface defects. Lighting plays an important role, which also affects the visual increase or decrease in the height of the room.

When choosing a ceiling finish, you need to adhere to moderation color scheme. Top part premises should be combined with general style country house. Ceilings should become a real interior decoration of a private home.

New trends in ceiling design in a private home

Video on the topic

The main advantage of stretch fabric is the ability to make it as suitable as possible for any interior. Such designs are of particular interest when suspended ceilings are installed in an apartment with initially low ceilings. Such a solution will achieve visual expansion space and decorate it very beautifully.

Basic selection rules

In order for your stretch ceiling to fit into the rest of the interior as successfully as possible and give it the necessary visual effect, you need to wisely choose the fabric that will be stretched and the components of the ceiling composition. To do this, you should follow just a few basic rules when choosing these positions:

  • better - it reflects everything that is underneath and gives the room additional volume
  • Several levels will help give the feeling of more space above your head and the coating should be selected taking into account this feature of the ceiling structure
  • Light colors of the canvas are better suited in this situation than dark ones, and the only exception would be a mirror-black coating, which creates the effect of a huge mirror above your head
  • The plinth or border at the junction of the covering and the wall should be made in the same shade as the canvas itself - the transition will visually add height to the walls
  • will help give additional visual volume to the room

Another point that is not directly related to ceilings is that when choosing wall decoration in a low room, try to make it bright and somewhat darker than the installed stretch ceiling. This will make the room seem much taller.

Design of the design

The volume of the composition above your head will always create the feeling of a higher ceiling height than the network actually is. Therefore, several levels will increase the space. Many may think that such a solution will, on the contrary, reduce the size of the walls, but practice has shown that the effect is exactly the opposite.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the moldings that will form the structure. They should not be too wide and voluminous. The color must match the color of the stretched fabric. It is better not to use borders on the walls - they will “steal” a little height from the walls. Much the best solution There will be installation of a special type of suspended ceilings for low rooms, on which a strip of the same color as the wall is made along the perimeter. Such a “frame” around the perimeter of the ceiling will give the entire room a feeling of greater height.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the lighting. In low rooms, you should not use voluminous chandeliers - they “eat up” a lot of space. It is better to choose “flat” models that do not take up much space. When choosing such a chandelier, you need to pay attention to the presence of a special protective screen.

Such a screen is a mirror plate that reflects heat from the surface of the stretched film. If it is heated too much, the film may simply melt and therefore, the presence similar detail in the design of a chandelier is a prerequisite. It’s even better if the lamp is equipped with LED bulbs, which heat up slightly during operation.

In some cases, you can refuse altogether pendant lamps. They can be successfully replaced by built-in illuminators. However, here you may encounter a small problem - to save space, the canvas is stretched as close as possible to the ceiling and there is simply not enough space to install some models of built-in lighting fixtures.

The solution will be the same LEDs. Lighting devices that use such lamps have a very small thickness and, in most cases, can be mounted without any problems in any ceiling composition. In addition, such lighting will help save on electricity bills - the energy consumption of diodes is much less than that of classic lamps.

A few examples

To more accurately imagine what a suspended ceiling designed for a low room might look like and what the effect of installing such a ceiling might be, you can look at several photo examples given below.

how to decorate the ceiling in a private house? This is the first question people ask after buying a home. The improvement of a private house will allow you to realize non-standard approach to interior design and make a ceiling that will match overall design. Considering fashion trends, it’s easy to turn disadvantages into advantages, hide flaws in the rough surface, expand or reduce the space of the room. In this article we will look at how to decorate ceilings in a private house and what materials to use in the work.

how to decorate the ceiling in a private house - a budget option

Inexpensive ceiling design options include painting or whitewashing, foam tiles, plaster stucco, decorative plaster, wallpaper.

An affordable way to update the surface is to paint or whitewash the ceiling in the house. Both options require pre-leveling base base, sealing seams and cracks on the ceiling surface, applying a layer of primer.

To achieve the desired shade, add a color of a suitable tone to the selected coloring composition and stir well.

Deciding on color decorative ceiling, keep in mind that light shades visually expand the space, while dark shades visually narrow the walls, lower the ceilings, and make the room smaller in size.

When choosing the type of paint, they are guided by the purpose of the room where the finishing is carried out. For example, in the bathroom it is better to use silicone or latex-based paints that are resistant to abrasion, sudden temperature changes, high humidity. In the bedroom or living room, the ceiling is painted with water-based or acrylic paints. These operations can be easily done with your own hands.

Plaster, gypsum stucco and adhesive ceilings

The photo shows decorative painting of gypsum stucco molding

Another option for decorating the ceiling in a private house is to install gypsum panels. The classic version of stucco is white, but if necessary, the slabs can be repainted.

Suitable for surface finishing and decorative plaster. Using the composition you can make the base smooth, embossed or textured. If used during registration textured plaster, it is applied in a layer 1 cm thick. After the first layer has dried, several more are applied. The result is a rich color.

Adhesive ceilings include types of decorative coatings that are attached to the base surface using special adhesive compositions. A common finishing method is polystyrene foam, the main advantage of which is its low weight, making it easier for the glue to hold the tiles.

The following types of polystyrene foam panels are chosen for finishing:

  • stamped with a simple design without clearly defined boundaries. The thickness of the tiles is 9-14 mm; if desired, the pasted ceiling is painted with water-based emulsion;
  • injection 6-8 mm thick. Clear drawing, different colors, imitation of natural natural materialsdistinctive features panels of this type;
  • extruded tiles, despite their small thickness (2.5-3.5 mm), are durable and dense. A special coating applied to the segments during manufacturing makes the panels resistant to moisture and UV radiation. The downside is that it cannot be painted.


Photo of ceiling wallpaper in the dining room

They are also considered a simple and budget-friendly finishing method. Main conditions for work – Smooth surface, no height differences on the base, high-quality glue.

To decorate the ceiling, it is better to give preference to plain canvases with simple relief and light shades. Using different textures or colors, you can divide the room into functional areas. In a children's room, photo wallpaper on the ceiling will look interesting.

Photo of a stretch ceiling in a living room with a staircase

If the differences in the floor structure are 5 cm or more, suspended or suspended ceilings will help to cope with the defect.

Installation stretch fabrics carried out very quickly. After installation, there is no need to further finish the surface, and the coating will reliably hide the flaws of the rough base. Decorative properties suspended ceilings are superior to other finishing methods:

Entrust the installation of a stretch ceiling to professional craftsmen, since the material is expensive, and self-installation there is a risk of ruining the canvas.

Suspended ceilings are available in several types. The creation of such structures begins with the installation of a frame, which is then sheathed with sheets of plasterboard, decorative slats, plastic panels, etc.

Ceilings in private houses differ from those in city apartments. If it is presented in apartments concrete slabs, then separately standing house the floor acts as a ceiling attic space. The attic is located under the roof slope and, as a rule, is not heated. Therefore, so as not to get hurt interior decoration ceiling, first pay attention to the supporting structure:

  • lay layers of hydro- and vapor barrier.

Expanded clay, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, sawdust and other materials are used as insulation.

Only after installing these layers do they begin finishing the ceiling with inside Houses.

Which ceiling is better

Deciding what the interior decoration of the ceiling of a private house will be like and what materials to buy for decoration is not easy. Coatings must be resistant to climatic conditions the room where they will be used, but at the same time be attractive.

If the house is not heated in winter, then the cladding wooden clapboard or plasterboard sheets will not retain their original appearance by summer. Changes in temperature and cold will have a detrimental effect on these materials, and the structure will have to be redone. In this case, it is better to opt for plastic panels or.

Withstands a wide range of temperatures, so it is suitable for finishing ceilings in country house, which is rarely used in winter. And here vinyl covering When the temperature drops below 0°C, it will lose its declared elasticity and begin to crack.

If the house is heated and the structure is made of wood, The best way finish the ceilings - . The material will emphasize the structure of the wood and will match the interior.

The plasterboard structure will reliably hide electrical wiring and communications located under the rough base. But provided that the height of the room allows you to install a suspended ceiling.

Thus, there are many varieties of ceiling decoration in a private house. And what to choose depends on financial capabilities, the characteristics of a particular room, the style and direction of the interior.

Designers have come up with several rules for decorating low ceilings. If you follow the recommendations, you will be able to maintain the height and visually raise the ceiling surface:

  1. choose light colors of finishing materials. For example, White color or a palette of pastel shades;
  2. If the height of the room allows, install a suspended ceiling with a glossy canvas. The ability of the material to reflect light from lighting fixtures will visually increase the volume of the room;
  3. give up bulky lamps and chandeliers that will take away some compact space, and also make the decorative structure heavier;
  4. decorate the ceiling and walls in the same color, but in different tones. Make the ceiling surface lighter than the walls, then you can visually raise the ceiling;
  5. A pattern with vertical stripes on the walls will increase the distance from the floor to the ceiling.

Maintains room height following methods finishes:

  • suspended ceilings when decorative coating mounted to a rough base or frame installed to the ceiling (lining, plastic panels, drywall, plywood, MDF panels);
  • traditional design options - whitewashing or painting, decorative plaster, wallpaper).

Wooden structure

Wood is gaining popularity not only in finishing ceilings. All more houses It is built from natural logs - an environmentally friendly and attractive material. To support the “wooden” style of the interior, it is better to choose “block house” lining or slats to decorate the ceiling surface.

Lining is a common type facing material, which has the following advantages:

  • heat and sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness, safety;
  • installation of lining is not required preliminary preparation ceiling;
  • the coating masks flaws in the base base;
  • service life at correct operation will be 10 years and above.

For ceilings, choose lining made of pine, oak or larch.

Block house slats are a relatively new invention for wooden houses, which offer the same advantages as lining. At the same time, different wood species are used to make panels. The downside is the high price.

how to decorate the ceiling in a private house - Drywall

If the house has a ceiling with visible differences in height, then a plasterboard structure will solve an unpleasant problem. With the help of gypsum plasterboard you can achieve a smooth ceiling, and choose any shade for painting.

The main advantages of drywall include:

  • ease of processing;
  • the ability to create complex multi-level structures;
  • safety.

Of the minuses note:

  • low moisture resistance;
  • the heaviness of the sheets requires an assistant to install the ceiling;
  • the need for further finishing after installation;
  • if the house shrinks, gypsum board will crack, therefore, in newly built houses it is better to choose a different method of decorating the ceiling surface.

Current trends in ceiling decoration: general ideas

Differences of a modern ceiling:

  • functionality;
  • visual openness;
  • contrasting color combination;
  • use of natural materials;
  • rejection of pretentious elements and techniques.
  • purchase materials that will reliably mask flaws in the base base and will last at least five years;
  • The real trends are eco- and ethno-motives. They are now at the peak of popularity;
  • give preference to rich shades. This doesn't mean the colors have to be loud. Choose soft, deep tones that will add originality to the ceiling;
  • when decorating ceilings in spacious rooms, include multi-level structures, smooth transitions, complex bends and shapes in the decoration;
  • The style of the ceiling surface should be combined with the direction of the interior, and not look defiant against the background of the rest of the decoration.

On construction market There are many materials for decorating ceilings, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. What to choose depends on the purpose of the room and the style of the interior that is intended to be created.

Video review of how to decorate the ceiling in a private house

Low ceilings are a common problem in many modern apartments, studios and apartments. Height 2.5 meters in typical unusual houses considered the minimum necessary for comfortable life and rest of family members, it is she who should remain after the completion of repair and finishing work.

A height of more than three meters is more of a luxury; such apartments are not available to many people. If you are going to buy a home, choose options with average ceilings - 2.6 -2.7 m.

However, if you already have an apartment, but you want to give it an aesthetically attractive and beautiful appearance, then you can use some cunning tricks. They will help you visually increase the area of ​​the room, giving the rooms an airy and spacious look.

Not all of these photographs show the height of the room below 2.4 meters. But these are the examples that clearly demonstrate how this or that technique works.

1. Selection of palette and finishing option

The magic of white

Light neutral surfaces optically enlarge any room: bedroom, guest lounge, kitchen and bathroom. If you want to achieve a similar effect in interior design– use snow-white paint, wallpaper or special panels.

Gloss school

Reflective coatings refract remarkably Sun rays and optically expand the living area. When choosing a material for painting the ceiling surface, pay close attention to the color scheme with a glossy finish.

In limbo

Tensile structures represent another wonderful way creating an illusion. For finishing, choose building materials with a shiny coating that will reflect the rays of the sun, as well as optically duplicate the decoration and double the height of the room.

Blue dreams

Don't be afraid to experiment with colors, they will help add brightness, creativity and personality to your apartment. For example, an azure shade will represent the clear surface of the sky. This technique is perfect even for a modest apartment.

The main principle when choosing the color of the ceiling, no matter what tone you choose, wall decoration should be darker. Otherwise, you can create a feeling of depression and heaviness in the room.

The optimal solution is a monochromatic color scheme for finishing wall and ceiling surfaces. As a result, you will erase the boundaries and form optical illusion space.

Try to avoid bulky items. For example, choose simple built-in light bulbs instead of a chic chandelier. Also, you should not focus on the ceiling surface with a fan and various architectural elements– elegant stucco molding and rosettes.

Use moldings and drywall boxes that frame the interior perimeter. They imitate the silhouette of a dome, which allows you to create a visual height.

2. Illumination system

Spectacular lighting

If you want to install a plasterboard box along the edges of the room, use LED strip in the center.

A wonderful solution: a matte design around the perimeter with built-in light bulbs, shiny paint inside, and LED lighting that accentuates the ceiling.

Correct light direction

Choose wisely the lamps that fill the space dream houses soft and muted radiance. Wall sconces, floor lamps and chandeliers should distribute light from top to bottom. This arrangement allows you to create a bewitching and magnetic play of shadow.

3. Selection of furniture

Low set

For tiny rooms, buy low furniture: sofas and armchairs, bedside tables, tables and cabinets. Low headset items make it possible to create the illusion of lightness and airiness.

Snow-white colors

When purchasing furniture for kitchen design pay attention to the shade of the facades. It is desirable that it matches the color of the walls. Also select models that will occupy the entire space up to the ceiling. As a result, they will visually merge with the interior and become its harmonious continuation.

4. Apartment decor

Law of Reflection

Mirror planes are a great way to optically enlarge a modest space. Choose vertical ones floor models and wall products. Reflecting the environment and furniture set, they will make any room more voluminous and spacious.

Striped ornament

Buy paper wallpaper and curtains with vertical stripes or other patterns. Try to avoid using horizontal lines in home decor . For example, do not select wallpaper, paintings and posters with such patterns, as well as a variety of wall panels dividing the interior horizontally.

Shade palette

The Ombre technique represents a smooth transition of gamma from light to dark tones. This design solution Great for transforming tiny apartments, as it makes it possible to visually raise the ceiling. You can buy special wallpaper or create this effect yourself using plaster or paint.

Vertical line

Hang the curtain rod as high as possible or hide it under a drywall box. Buy curtains or drapes from maximum length so that they reach the floor and lie on it in exquisite folds.

To decorate curtains, select material light shade, it will look great in such decoration - thin silk, organza and cambric. Country style curtains They look perfect in small rooms, and they are not able to overload the interior.

At the level

Hang framed paintings, posters and photographs above eye level. In this case, large objects will not attract close attention, and the height of the room will optically increase.

No unnecessary things

And one more tip when decorating small apartments: try to avoid clutter and maintain strict order. Items of vestments, jewelry, products, figurines and souvenirs should be hidden from prying eyes in racks.

Leave only your most valuable accessories in visible places. They can transform anyone modern design interior without overloading it.